by Louise Hodges | Dec 2, 2020 | Featured, Earth, environment, green, Nature, permaculture, Solutions, Sustainability, Toxic Free Living
Aphids are small, soft-bodied pests that feed on the sap of plants. There are many kinds of aphids ranging in color and appearance form small black specks to the fluffy white wooly aphids. A few common names are Green Fly, Black Fly and Plant Lice. These little bugs...
by James A. Ferrel MD, CNC | Sep 4, 2020 | Featured, Health, Mental Health, Nutrition, Toxic Free Living, Wellness
Question Could amino acid therapy be a powerful addition to other therapies? Answer In my opinion, amino acid therapy is extremely problematic. Theoretically, benefits could accrue treating deficiencies in nutritional amino acids, which manifest in specific ailments...
by James A. Ferrel MD, CNC | Sep 4, 2020 | Health, Mental Health, Nutrition, Self Help, Toxic Free Living, Wellness
Briefly, this website is committed to providing simple clarity of thought for the health-concerned consumer. We will proactively seek answers to their health concerns. We will become activists in preventative medicine attempts to protect the health of the consumer who...
by James A. Ferrel MD, CNC | Aug 20, 2020 | Featured, Health, Nutrition, Toxic Free Living, Wellness
Question: What is the Leaky Gut Syndrome (LGS) and how does it cause us harm? Answer: The Leaky Gut Syndrome may be a contributing cause of many “etiology unknown” illnesses. LGS may also explain many of the symptoms patients have that confound...
by James A. Ferrel MD, CNC | Aug 19, 2020 | Featured, Health, Toxic Free Living, Wellness
The following article was posted in 2005 on our LifeDynamix website warning about the dangers of plastic food containment. Question: Have plastic food and beverage containers been proven safe? Answer: No. During the film’s graduation party in THE...
by Bliss | Aug 19, 2020 | Featured, Health, Self Help, Toxic Free Living, Wellness
Natural Remedies For Cleansing The Body By Ron Trevor, R.P.Hom At one time in history, the human body completely cleansed itself of unwanted toxins and substances. However, with a dramatic increase in toxins added to our food, water, air, the body has become...