by Janine Fournier | Feb 21, 2021 | Community, Amplify Goodness, Blissful Living, Goodness Messages, Inspiration, Positivity, Quotes, Self Help, Wellness
Create a self concept that has no room or availability for anything but: SuccessLoveDesireAdorationIrresistibilityExpansionWealthHealthJoyFunEaseAttraction If your concept of your self does not include you having everything you desire, it’s time to shift your...
by Bliss | Feb 4, 2021 | Featured, Amplify Goodness, Blissful Living, Inspiration, Interviews, Make A Difference, Peace, People, Positivity, Self Help, Thoughts For A Blissful Planet, What I Learned, Words of Bliss
QuestionWhat advice would you give anyone who is trying to improve the current state of his or her life? Paul Samuel DolmanFirst I would like to say thank you for taking the time to come here and set up this process. In terms of your initial question I don’t...
by Bodhi | Jan 4, 2021 | Community, Blissful Living, Fun, Peace, Solutions, Thoughts For A Blissful Planet, What I Learned, Words of Bliss
Sometimes having less means being more. Sometimes having less work means having more time for reflection and meditation; having less food means having more health; having less money to spend but more time for friends and good relationships; having less property to...
by Jamaica Makayla Carter | Dec 28, 2020 | Goodness Messages, Blissful Living, Inspiration, spirituality, Words of Bliss
It’s my Earth Day! 23 years ago I entered this physical plane again! I am so grateful for all the beautiful people, places, and experiences God/Source/The Universe has brought to my path. Thank you great creator for choosing me to remember the grace of...
by Bodhi | Dec 21, 2020 | Community, Blissful Living, Featured, Fun, Words of Bliss
This is a piece I wrote for the New Millennium. This is to celebrate the seriousness and joke of our being human. The Clown’s Creed. I believe that laughter is greater than all riches, for amongst all the earth’s treasures, none are more precious than the...
by Audrey Marlene Klingeman | Nov 21, 2020 | Featured, Blissful Living, Mental Health, Positivity
What is Happiness? Everyone wants to be happy. Everyone has experienced happiness at different times in their lives and knows what it feels like to be happy. It is an emotion to be strived for. But what is happiness? Each person’s definition of happiness is...