by Linzy Granger | Sep 29, 2021 | Featured, Fitness, Health, Inspiration, Nutrition, Self Help, Vegan & Vegetarian decided to go vegan on April fools day of 2018 which was also Easter. I have a twin sister and went to her house where there was nothing but meat there so I brought my own food. I was made fun of...
by Ada Porat | Sep 24, 2021 | Featured, Blissful Living, Relationships, Self Help
There are three common ways we tend to deal with difficulties in life: we may attack, or distract ourselves, or deny the reality of the situation. Attack is especially popular in modern society. We use attack as a form of defense. We may jump to our individual...
by Richard Brody | Aug 19, 2021 | Featured, Inspiration, Mental Health, Positivity, Self Help
It’s a matter of mind, over matter. If, you don’t have a mind, it doesn’t matter! Several individuals, have been credited, with, this statement, and, it has, usually, been used, in a comedic way! However, the reality is, how we use, and make –...
by Dr. Harmander Singh | May 4, 2021 | Community, Self Help
It’s no secret that career success often depends on the quality of the relationships you develop with your managers and co-workers. Although office personalities vary considerably, there are certain rules that always apply because we are all human. Here are 9 to keep...
by Amy Ouzoonian | Apr 10, 2021 | Community, Featured, Goodness Messages, Inspiration, Positivity, Self Help, What I Learned
This was me when I was 13. I came across this picture recently and the awful truth was I looked at this picture and was so grateful that I didn’t have that terrible haircut anymore, that I wasn’t an awkward weird high-schooler who had no friends, and the...
by Tasmika Jnany Tran | Apr 6, 2021 | Community, Amplify Goodness, Goodness Messages, Positivity, Self Help, Thoughts For A Blissful Planet
Everyday changes without your control and that includes the environment, people, your body/mind/mood/spirit. Don’t fret, instead just ease into your center and allow changes to arrive and depart. Don’t build a fortress for anything to stay permanent. Live...