by Poppy Cheeks | Mar 14, 2021 | Community, Goodness Messages, Inspiration, Positivity, Self Help, What I Learned
You are not alone. This is a reminder for myself more than anything, but also for everyone that feels alone in their daily struggles. This message just came through straight form Source in the shower and I felt super inspired to share it with you. Nobody has their...
by William T Batten | Mar 7, 2021 | Featured, Amplify Goodness, Blissful Living, Health, Inspiration, Mental Health, Positivity, Self Help, Thoughts For A Blissful Planet, Wellness, Words of Bliss
An undisputed fact in positive psychology is the ‘happiness set-point’. The idea is how happy you are depends more on you and less on your circumstances. They researched folks who went through life-changing situations – some good, like receiving a...
by Goodness Steve | Mar 6, 2021 | Featured, Amplify Goodness, Blissful Living, Goodness Messages, Inspiration, Positivity, Quotes, Self Help, Thoughts For A Blissful Planet, Words of Bliss
The following was given to me from a kind stranger in the form of a note I was handed. May the words she gifted me marinate in your daily breaths. Love is Abundant! You are Amazing! Energy is Everything, Claiming focus on “You” will broaden your site to...
by Bliss | Mar 5, 2021 | Featured, Blissful Living, Positivity, Self Help, spirituality, Words of Bliss
Orgasmic Living The Journey, is a fresh look at what has been written about since the 1930’s, but very rarely talked about. With so much information out there on manifestation & personal empowerment , Michelle LLC always felt like something was missing. She...
by Zoe Routh | Feb 23, 2021 | Featured, Amplify Goodness, Blissful Living, Inspiration, Make A Difference, Peace, People, Positivity, Self Help, Thoughts For A Blissful Planet, Words of Bliss, World
There are no easy days in leadership. Every day asks for our best. Every day we sit poised to uplift and deliver, or stumble and sink. To show up every day is a call for courage, an exercise in persistence. In our Amplifiers leadership group, we’re reading...
by Bliss | Feb 22, 2021 | Featured, Inspiration, Positivity, Quotes
Yep… Inside each and every one of us is one true authentic swing… Somethin’ we was born with… Somethin’ that’s ours and ours alone… Somethin’ that can’t be taught to ya or learned… Somethin’ that got to...