by Ammon Hardin | Jul 21, 2018 | Amplify Goodness, Featured, Goodness Messages, Inspiration, Positivity
Hello, everyone, my name is Ammon Hardin. I moved out here to San Diego a couple days ago. The Goodness Message that I would have to share is what I’ve learned on my journey. I’ve been in some dark places and scrapped along on the bottom for a lot of years and I’ve...
by Bliss | Jul 11, 2018 | Adventure, Animal Welfare, Animals, Earth, Featured, Fun, Goodness Messages, Health, Inspiration, People
This month’s features include: How to Foil Big Oil’s Planet-Wrecking Scheme, The Invitation, Turn Stress Into Bliss, Does Violence on TV Affect You?, Activism For Animals along with Goodness Messages from Apollo Poetry, Nafsika Antypas, Sean Robertson,...
by Bliss | Jun 8, 2018 | Animals, Earth, Events, Featured, Fun, Goodness Messages, Health, Inspiration, People
This month’s features include: 3 Reasons to Take Your Shoes Off and Begin Earthing Today, Is Blood thicker than Water? LOVE covers them both! How to Become an Animal Advocate in Five Easy Steps, Ask and You Shall Receive, A Talk with Mary DeMocker, author of The...
by Bliss | Jun 3, 2018 | Featured, Inspiration
The following are quotes from author J.M. Barrie through his character Peter Pan. “JUST THINK HAPPY THOUGHTS AND YOU’LL FLY.” “Second star to the right and straight on ’til morning. ” “Dreams do come true, if only we wish hard enough. You can have...
by Bliss | May 30, 2018 | Featured, Inspiration
When asked what surprised him most about HUMANITY, the Dalai Lama answered, ” We sacrifice our HEALTH in order to make Wealth, then we sacrifice our WEALTH in order to get back our HEALTH.” We’re so anxious about what will happen in the future, that...
by Bliss | May 17, 2018 | Amplify Goodness, Featured, Goodness Messages, Inspiration, Positivity, Self Help
I’m going to talk with you about some things that I’ve learned on my journey. Most from experience, some of them I’ve heard in passing. Many of them I’m still practicing, but all of them I do believe are true. LIFE Life is not...