YOU! Friends of the Heart Are Luminous! YOU inspire and illuminate Being as a Loving Presence! Yesterdays memory filaments stored in DNA banks are fabric of the NEW YOU being born. Today’s moments, intuitions, sensitivities and sensibilities alchemically turn...
How to Get What You Want in 2017

How to Get What You Want in 2017

It is almost 2017 and time to start thinking about those New Year’s resolutions but the problem with New Year’s resolutions is that so few people actually achieve them. Why is this and what can you do to make sure you actually get what you want in 2017? 1....
Shine Your Light So Others May See

Shine Your Light So Others May See

Here are three motivational images I created with words that give me inspiration to do my best throughout the day. I hope that you discover some of the magic that I find in them 🙂 Shine your light so others may see and the world will be a brighter place wherever...

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