What would world peace look like?

What would world peace look like?

  Photo by S. Hermann / F. Richter I don’t think we can be optimistic about the state of world peace yet, but I do believe that we can create a more peaceful society. At the moment, our planet is in a very tense state—everywhere you look there’s...
Drum Church Celebration – Functional Communication

Drum Church Celebration – Functional Communication

So grateful and feel so much joy right now for being in community and having this opportunity to celebrate this holiday. I really think it’s super fun. Halloween’s always been one that I like the idea of getting together and acting silly for a little...


For those who need it today. Unity. It’s souls that need souls. We need each other to grow. We can grow in positive encounters, energy, events and experiences but we also (and perhaps more) grow in the negative and often painful. Sometimes it’s hard to...

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