When an animal gets sick it can be traumatic for both the owner and the pet. The owner hasn’t the foggiest as to what’s happening, and their poor pet can’t tell them what’s wrong. Our pets depend on us to look after them, and an essential part of that responsibility is to learn about animal health.
As pet owners, we owe it to our beloved pets to familiarise ourselves with the most common pet diseases so that in the case that something goes wrong we can recognize the signs immediately. For example, is your usually ravenous pet barely touching their food or perhaps their coat looks dull and dry? Learning signals such as these can make a big difference when it comes to catching diseases early and treating them effectively.
Another key responsibility of pet owners is to take certain preventative measures which will keep our cats and dogs happy and healthy in the long-run. For example, daily exercise and a balanced diet can be key in staving off arthritis and an annual blood and urine test is a good way to catch kidney disease in its early, more treatable stages.
To that end, the guys at Greyhounds as Pets have put together a very informative infographic about the most common pet diseases and how to prevent them. It offers practical advice on how to recognize these diseases as well as some information about treatments.
Read the infographic below to find out more and be a better pet-owner today.

Courtesy: Greyhounds as Pets