Photo by Tú Anh

Making a positive difference in the world, whether through small acts of kindness or large, is something that many people strive for. But what if there was an even more powerful way to do this? The science of healing touch can help us to understand the power of a kind touch and the therapeutic connection it can bring between two people.

What is Healing Touch?

Healing touch is a holistic, energy-based therapy that uses light, non-invasive touch to balance the energy in the body. It is based on the belief that energy flows through the body and that illness or injury can be caused by an imbalance or disruption of this energy. Healing touch is said to restore balance and harmony in the body, and promote healing and well-being.

We have used healing touch for centuries in various cultures, from ancient Greece to Native American tribes. In modern times, it is gaining popularity as a complementary therapy for a variety of conditions, from physical ailments to emotional issues.

Any touch that is kind, respectful and welcomed is Healing and therapeutic. 

The Science Behind Touch

Numerous studies have been conducted to examine the effectiveness of touch, with promising results. Studies have found that touch can reduce pain, improve sleep quality, reduce stress, and improve overall well-being. Some studies have even suggested that touch may be effective in treating certain conditions, such as fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, and cancer.

New research shows that various brain chemicals, released by the touch, or released in its absence, are responsible for these children’s failure to thrive. Premature babies who were massaged for 15 minutes three times every day gained weight 47 percent more rapidly than other infants who were left alone in their incubators – the typical practice in the past. The massaged infants also showed signals that the nerve system was starting to mature more rapidly: they became more active than other babies and more responsive to face or rattle.

A healing touch has also been found to have a positive effect on the autonomic nervous system, which is responsible for controlling the body’s involuntary functions. Studies have shown that healing touch can reduce heart rate and blood pressure, improve breathing, and increase relaxation.

The Connection Between Two People

The power of a kind touch lies not just in its physiological effects, but in the connection it can create between two people. When two people come together in a healing touch session, it can create a deep sense of trust and understanding that can be healing in itself. This connection can be especially powerful for those who are feeling isolated or alone.

Healing touch can also promote self-awareness. With the help of a trained practitioner, those who receive healing touch can learn to identify and release any negative emotions or patterns of thought that may be contributing to their physical or emotional distress.

Making a Positive Difference

The power of a kind, healing touch can be used to make a positive difference in the lives of those around us. By understanding the science and connection behind  a kind touch, we can use it to help bring comfort, healing, and peace to those who are suffering.

Whether it’s through a simple hug or a closeness with others, we can all make a positive difference in the world by offering our healing touch in a kind and compassionate way.


Author: Bliss

Dedicated to making a positive difference for people, animals, and this beautiful planet!

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