I was watching the news recently and there was a feature about peoples’ busy lives. The feature described busy individuals and families feeling rushed saying there was too little time in the day. Now, those of you who have been reading Good Vibes with Karen for a while or have an understanding of energy work know what this means. Yes, you got it! The people described have told the Universe there is too little time so there is too little time. From an energetic perspective, what we focus on expands. So feeling a time crunch on a regular basis can turn into a lifestyle issue of too little time.
The other issue the report described was our increasingly plugged-in world. Many people carry smart phones from work with them even when they are not working. This can turn into being “on call” and having little real time off if handled poorly. Are you tied to a smart phone? Do you put in extra time for work after hours? If this happens occasionally, that is OK. Sometimes there are times when things do need to get done. However, if this is an expectation and happens on a regular basis, I encourage you to take action.
I believe that it is important for us to live integrated lives. An integrated life means that there is time for work, for home, for play and whatever else matters to you. I avoid the term “balanced” life since that makes me think of a balancing act. All the balls are in the air. For me, it is only a matter of time until I drop one! Yes, you caught me. That is a less than stellar description of balance but that is what it means to me. I am juggling the balls that make up my life and one or more is sure to fall. As you can tell, juggling falls outside my skill set. ;~}
I would much rather have an integrated life where there is an ebb and flow amongst the parts of my life. Sometimes one part may be more dominant than the others, then it shifts. The key here is to remember and honour all the parts of your life. Demands in one area may shrink the time available in other areas. However, please keep active in all the areas even if the time is less. When we are in demanding circumstances, it is even more important to live an integrated life. We need the relief provided by the other parts of our life. We can re-energize ourselves with play, time with family, etc.
Back to being tied to work with a smart phone. Do you keep your work smart phone with you and on after hours? Now, the important question: is this an expectation of your workplace or is it something you do on your own? The answer to this question matters. If this is self-induced, i.e., you are doing it on your own, you have options. You can probably turn your smart phone off if you keep it with you. Or you can leave your smart phone at work locked in a drawer. You can free yourself from being connected to work 24/7. You then can turn your attention to the other parts of your life. If this is too radical for you, turn the smart phone off when you leave work and only check it once or twice during your off hours. Give yourself the opportunity to enjoy the other parts of your life without the demands of work hovering in your subconscious or your consciousness.
However, if having your smart phone with you and on after work hours is an expectation of your workplace, it is time to take action. Research has shown that people who live an integrated life are more productive. Studies have shown that people who work long hours beyond the usual work day become less and less productive. Your employer will get more productivity from you if you get the opportunity to live an integrated life.
The key to living an integrated life is remembering that you do get to choose. We can fall into habits and make choices by omission, i.e., just letting things happen. This can lead us into a “sleepwalking” lifestyle. We can become like hamsters on a wheel and keep the wheel spinning. Is this really what you want? Or would you rather make choices consciously whenever possible? Making conscious choices on a regular basis frees us from “sleepwalking” through our lives. You and your family have the right to make the choices that are appropriate for you. Maybe you can release some of the busyness that has built up in your life and take some time to smell the roses. The choice is yours.
Wishing you the freedom gained by choice and an integrated lifestyle,
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