How Punjabi, Hindi, English and Other World Languages are Sacred and Quantum Set of 36 Phonemes and Vibrations, Drugless Therapies of Electromagnetic Brain Healing: Machine Free Brain Surgery – Gurmukhi and Be Happy Philselfologically 79
The Punjabi and Hindi Sacred Grammars, Languages, Linguistics use the 36 Sounds as the Sounds of Nama (Sacred Vowels, the Gurmukh means directed towards the light energy or the electromagnetic systems as the Nervous) and the Sounds of Mana (Sacred Consonants, the Mannmukh means directed towards the sound energy as either electric or the magnetic as in the Longitudinal Waves, and thus the Motor Nervous), and all join together in the Nervous System as the Gurmukhi, the Brahmi, the Brahmi means what comes from the Motor Nervous to the Nervous System through the Nerves. The English languages and any other world languages use these waves, vibrations, and thus electromagnetic brahmic, the external to internal operating systems. When we say the English Language in India, we mean any western language as most of the Indians know the English, but not the other world languages that way due to school education systems.
The Indian World Civilizations when came to realize that its not time to get trapped or use the Kundalini, Semiconducting Functioning of human systems, Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji, the Founder of Sikhism proposed the Best Possible Relief and Cure of the Semiconducting Theory based Faults, Errors and thus the Aberrted Functioning as the Yogis say that one’s most precious essences should not fall in the Sun, the Pita Systems, and thus gave the One of the Best Possible Solutions to the Sounds that creates cure for the Unnecessary Waves and Vibrations, the Electromagnetic Degeneration due to Wrong Dissipation of EM Waves and Vibrations, and thus added “Ra” to “AA EE OO”, and thus made it “AARA EERI OORA”!
According to the Gurbani, and thus the Sikhism with the Punjabi, the Brahmi Gurmukhi Languages, the human brains run with Philosophy as follows:
1. Aagama Theory, which we have as the Holy Scriptures of World Religions and Faiths simply guiding what ought to be done:
The popular words in the Hindi, Punjabi and Sanskrit have it as the “Game, Gamaya, the Gama”, and also its upward energies and powers, and thus the “Agama” as the “A+gama” and its same as the Mara and the Rama with Mara having the Amara, which means the “Rama” as “Rama” and “Mara” has the “Arama” and the “Amara” as the Pivot is the “A”, and around it is the Spinning of Two Directional Energies of Two Electrons, the “Rama” and the “Mara”, and thus the “Arama” and the “Amara”, which can be easy to understand language in this context and thus the “Agama” is the “Amaga”, and the “Maga” and the “Gama” as Two Electrons Spinning in the Opposite Directions. Thus, the “A+gama” is what describes the “Gama, the Game”, and the “Maga, the Megh, the Water of Life”, and thus the “Agama” is what runs and rotates the “Play, the game or the gama of life”, and thus the Theory of Aagama. It is same as when the “Electron Pairs” simply do its job to maintain the balance of the nucleus, the “Ni’gama”:

We have discussed the “Atama” as the “Atom”, and the “A” is the Symbol of Atom in this context:
“How Sacred Indian Geometry Makes All World of Sciences Sacred Ease of Learning with Atomic Orbitals: The Sacred 8 and 10-Dimensions of the Universe, Holy Spirit and God, its Sacred Visualization, 14-D and 16-D’s: Be Happy Philselfologically – 61”
2. Nigama Theory, which describes the “Gama, the Game or the Action Theories in the Human Civilization, the World in which we live”, and as its the action based the “Ni+gama”, we have the movement of “Revolving of Two Electrons Moving in the Opposite Directions” but around the “A”, the “Agama’s Pivot, the Base”!
The “Ni’gama” as the “Nucleus” has its own qualities and the action theory as shown below for the entire setup of the the orbitals, the s, p, d, and the f as for example, the “Iron” as a metal works and functions as follows with the “Nigama”, the “Game of the Nucleus”:
The Aaagama and the Nigama Theories are mathematical equations as we have any given equation, which can be any type and say as follows:
In it, we can have any value of x, y, and the z-dimensions, and thus the X as the Static Dimension, Y as the Kinetic and the Z as the Dynamic, and the user of it as the Turiya, the Mathematician or the student of it. Knowing any theorem, formula or the mathematical equation one can balance both sides of the equation say as the left and the right side of the equation, which is the Left and the Right Sides of any Kundalini, the Sacred Semiconducting Activity, which is always mathematical, which we can assume, the sacred Process of Mithy, the Mithiya and thus the Sacred Maths of the Mythology. The results that we get by putting the values to the equations give us the Scalar Quantities, say (3, 5, 7), and this is the “Anaka”, which gives how the Central Systems of the Kundalini, the Semiconducting in any system works
The “Anka” and the “Akhara” with “Swara” works well in all kinds of mathematical equations of coordinate geometry as for example we can have the following equation:
f(x,y,z)=3x+5y+7z+C (the Consonant)
In it the 3, 5 and 7 are the “Anka”, the x,y,z as the AA EE OO, the “Swara, the Sacred Vowels, which an have any value which we can change as the vowels change and thus differ from the Permanent Frames of References, the Akhara”, and the “C as the Frame of Reference is the Akhara, and it can be 0 as the Origin when the x, y, z are at the Center and thus the AA EE OO, the Primal Sound, which when have any value of C, the Constant create the New Frame of Reference, which we call the the Creation of Akhara and the Akara (Ankara, the Om’n’kara), the Frame of Reference.” So, we can have anything put to math and science, and that thus we always have the following:
f(x,y,z)=3x+5y+7z+C (the Consonant)=Science=Grammar=Music=Sacred Education Systems
As is anything placed in front of the camera as the viewer, we have every letter and word of say the Punjabi, Hindi and the Sanskrit languages, we have each letter with x, y, and z dimensions that has the value systems of the vowels as the coordination maths and geometry. The “AA” or the “AARA” gives the X-Axis, the “EE” gives the Y-Axis, and the “OO” gives the Z-Axis and thus we have the “AA EE OO” and other 10 Sacred Vowels as the 10 Dimensions of each of the Letter or word or even the sentence, and its in the Coordination Geometry and Math is the “Mantra”, and we have it as we have the 3-D Geometry and the Dimensions as the 3-D with viewer as the 9th and the 10th Dimension. The following image shows it in the 8 (as the 2-D in the Image showing the 8 Shakti Laws of “Object and the Objects” for All Business and the Marketing, the Dealing as the “Distance or Progress, the Growth Theory of Business and Marketing, the Revolutions in and of the Market, the Trade and business of any kind in the world”) and the 10 (as the 3-D in the same Image showing the 2 Power, the Bala Dimensions of Shakti of the “Subject and the Subjects” with Sacred Direction that is the Quality and the Quantity checks as the Originality and the International Patent Laws for the Original Product, the Right use of Power and Technology to say, and the Duplicate as the Quantity of the Original or whole duplicate products as the images produced by permission from the photographers, and thus its the “Displacement, the Development and the Evolution Theory of Business and Marketing”, the Evolutions in and of the Market, Trade and the Business of any kind) and thus the 10 Sacred Dimensions:

When we say the same in the Philosophy, “What ought to be done, and what not ought to be done”, we have:
1. What Ought To Be Done as the “Natural Laws and principles”, and thus the Vedas, World Religions and Faiths discussing it all
2. What Not Ought To Be Done as the “Practical Results that has been given and proposed by all thinkers and philosophers, who has lived it, and thus “Witness” the “Natural Laws and Principles”
These both aspects have no meeting place without the Self-study and Learning (SSL), and thus the Swaadhaya, the Philselfology. So, the Swaadhaya is the Key that Opens the Treasures of Knowledge and Wisdom, and we have the complete world knowledge in the “Theory of Induction and Deduction”.
Please read more about it here: “How the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Language Systems Explain the Chiral Systems in the Sound, Light, and Various Other Mediums of Universe: Sanskrit as the Origin of Omniscience and the Basics of Nano Technological Sciences: Be Happy Philselfologically – 95”
So, I worked and researched on the Teaching Systems of Punjabi, Hindi and English with any other world languages, and named it the Philselfology, and thus the Be Happy Philselfologically, the Wonderful Theory of Sanskara. It is based on the “Theme: Philosophy, the Darshana (Central Nervous System, the Pure Light Theory) is the Bridge Between Science (Right Brain, the Nama Theory, the Applied Form of Light) and Religion (Left Brain for Karma Kanda, the Mana Theory, the Action Form of Light)”, and thus its name the Philosophy (Phil)+Self (Selfo)+Science (Logy).
“Scientology, Sanskara and the Vedas: Be Happy Philselfologically Part 16 “
It deals with Sacred Installation of the Sanskara, the Wonderful Word Theories without Teaching Anything, but the Sacred Essentials of All World Education Systems, and thus what we know as the Sacred Education Systems in the World from the Ancient Times when the First Sacred DNA Family, the “Sankar Da, the Shiva’s Family as Indians say and thus the Sac’r’ed” seem to have surely recorded that the Water, Sunlight and thus the Earth Systems are great for all, and this the First DNA Family as the Parents, the Pitama of the Natural Health Sciences, the Sacred Vedas and above all the Sacred Ayurveda as when human life on earth started!
It differs from one of its major supplement and complimentary theory based on the original non-brahmic languages, and that system is the Sacred System of Scientology, which traces the errors called the aberrated, the faults in the nervous systems in the human body, and this system which I named Philselfology deals with feeding the right thing in the human brain and is given by the Indian Sages, Seers and Gurus, and the Hindi, Punjabi and the English Languages based on the Sacred Systems of Brahmi, the Gurmukhi. We notice that in the west the Psychologists and the Psychiatrists seem to have rejected the Scientology and the Eastern Countries say the Indian Medical Teams, say the Indian Psychologist and the Psychiatrists may call the “Theory of Sanskara” as the Religious Mania, Religion based Schizophrenia and rest of the health and wellness problems as caused by the similar, but the World Sacred Education Systems and thus the Ayurveda and Homeopathy, and other Alternative Medical Therapies do not endorse it for until at least the Allopath as any other officer, doctor, public servant is familiar with the Sacred Education which world now knows as the Single Platform for Complete World Knowledge and the Wisdom, and it included the Ayurveda, Homeopathy, Alternative Medicines, Yoga, Meditation and thus the Natural Functioning of the Brain as Physical (Vata), Biological (Kapha), Chemical (Pita), and the Complete Semi-conduction as the Ojasa, the DNA and The Sacred Kundalini Theory. Thus are the Sacred Vowel Theory (Ayurveda, the Brahmi Languages) and the Consonant Theory (Scientology, the Sanskrit Languages)!
I intensively studied and researched in the Scientology in 1990, and was offered counselor’s job and the permanent residence in Australia by the Scientology Center in Adelaide in the same year, which was my a kind of PhD in the Scientology, but I told Jeff, who was my friend and at the Scientology Office that I wanted to develop the Sanskara Theory, which makes all theories one, and thus refused the job and the free of cost green card, and then came back to India where I completed my Research Works on the Sacred Vowel Theories based on the Punjabi and the Gurbani with very good help from the Hindi and Sanskrit languages and knowledge in it, and thus prepared courses for it in 1995-96, which after lots of other additions have been well put on the Life Dynamix – Wings for All. Even though the Philselfology is Brahmi Gurmukhi based, the Scientology is one of the best contribution from the western thinkers say the Ron Hubbard, the Founder of Scientology, and we have both Sacred Vowels and the Consonants working as the wonders in all education systems in the world as the theories of the conscious (Pita, the Dynamic, subconscious (Kapha, the Kinetic Systems) and the unconscious (Vata, the Static) minds, and in the body the nervous goes inverted as the unconscious body is the Vata, the Heart, the Flows are the Kinetic and thus the Kapha Systems, and the nervous system is the Dynamic Systems, and this Sacred Inversion occurs at the Command Chakra, the Medulla Oblongata. The Scientology focuses on the Subconscious, the Reactive Mind, and thus the Sacred Flows, the Kapha Systems in the body, and Charaka, the Ayurveda focuses on the Static Body, and thus the Vata Systems, and the Sanskara as the Sacred Vowel and Consonant Theory follows the Nervous System as in the Kundalini, where its Pita in body as the Vata in the Head, the Brain, and its functioning in the human body as the Kapha, the Kinetic Theory of Semiconducting Processes in any possible living and the nonliving thing in the universe! Thus, the “Sanskara”, the Sacred Patterns is the Bridging Between the Left and Right Brains using the Central Nervous System!
When we want to live life fully, we know our “Self-talk” is the best remedy, and when world learns that all artists and media of any kind are people of caliber with great “Sanskara, the Sacred Symmetry and Patterns as the Physical, Biological, Chemical, and the Light Patterns, the Sacred Symmetry and Skills”, we will give up listening any brain talk shows no matter how original and the best as the Artificial Telepathy as otherwise we will never be able to live it, and thus the “brain talk audio, video and shows” has brought the worst kind of downfall that world may have ever seen, and we need to avoid it, and support all kinds of artists and media in this context, and just learn to “respect and love thyself, and do the same unto others, so that all have everything; the resonance in life as be with them and again avoid brain talk recordings as it worth’s nothing as one while living is as we all are! Thanks! We all love you very much as what the sacred vowels say and sing: “aa ee oo”! Amen!” The best thing in the world about the Brain Talks that we hear can never the innovation as any innovation is the “brain auto-flow” in which one never talks, and thus the “Silence”, and we all have it, and that this silence can never be put to knowledge and wisdom without the Sacred Dimensions and thus we need a very little knowledge!
It, the “Bindu, the Sacred, Kundalini and DNA based Education, yes the Sacred Dimensions” is not merely knowledge but the complete management of all possible data, information and knowledge and wisdom, which one can ever have, and for the entire human race, its one of the most needed single subject without which no possible global research, development and welfare is ever possible, and earlier say until 1990’s, we did not have it that much, and now its one of the best solution for personal, professional and spiritual life as the Sacred Systems stand as the best alternative to what governing bodies and the public sectors cannot provide unless offer it as the compulsory subject of all communication skills and that GK, Entrance Exams and all where we need knowledge and wisdom that never gets old or outdated, and has always been the future of all possible world civilizations without any possible exemptions. It always makes life corruption free due to its ease!
How and why it works and does not work: Will it work in the future, and will it be a success and other questions that boost it all are the global scams and we may check if such schemes and the scams can fool the customers and the clients for long, and thus may ignore what is right, which is always right! On the other hand, the Initial Problems that anything which is right everywhere may need only the overcoming of the Force of Friction, the ignorance that others and we have regarding what is right everywhere, all the times and for everyone as Philselfology, the Swaadadhaya deals with physical, biological and chemical world simultaneously among all living and the nonliving ones.

“Art of Sacred Visualization, the Darshan – Carol Roach as a Visualizer and Contributor: Part 2”
The First 5 Sacred Vowels in the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi are for the Motor Nervous to the Nerves as the next 5 Sacred Vowels as the “Sacred Connections of Semiconducting Elements, the Metals”, and thus the 20 Sacred Consonants have 5 Sacred Vowels at the end of each 5 Sacred Consonants, and these are 4+1 and our Spinal Chord represents:
When for example, we move our arms, we have the sound of “EE”, with legs the “AA”, with body up and down, the “OO”, and other sounds with movements of body parts are the Sacred 4+1 Vowels at the End of Consonant Rows, which differ from the Natural 10 Sacred Vowels conventionally in the educational institutions. Thus, the 4+1 Sacred Vowels are based on when the movement of body begins and or end, and in between lies the Set of Sacred 30, 31, 32, 33 Systems Vowels and the Consonants, which is considered a Very Sacred Number for Rosary in many world religions for poised meditations say in the Jewish based World Religions. The Indian Hindu Religion based Systems use the 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, and ratios of both 15 and 16 are considered as the best say 27, 54, 108, and the 100, 102, 104, and so on, and thus all are based on the Sacred Vowel Systems. When one knows the count rightly say why 30, 33, 99, or the 27, 54, 108, one knows that it imparts the rotational energies, all going upward, and add up as the “Electromagnetic Storage of Living Ones as same as in the Computer Systems as if all Sacred Symmetry and Patterns, the Sacred Shakti, the Energy Dimensions Fused together in a Single Dot, Bindu as the Vacuum, the Sacred Power Dimensions inside us all, which is as the Origin of As we are and what and who we all are individual”, and the reason that all people using the Sacred Rosary change its path on it competitions at say 30, 33, 99, and or the 27, 54, 108, and so on, and its the Law of Direct Current in which the Inversions Keeps the Currents Direct, and thus the Law of Resonance, which one does while using the rosary, and its same as the Sacred DNA Replications, the Kundalini, and the Living Body Rhythms and the body currents in general.
Thus, the Homeopathy and Ayurveda are very spiritual and the most religious systems of making the Medicines on the Sacred Rosary Rotation Systems of India as the video shows, and we all practice it in our all DC Systems:
The wonders are always at hand, and every Inversion of the Rosary is the same as the Creation of the Potency in the Homeopathy and the Puti in the Ayurveda, and this is reason for the Sacred Counts of Doing the say 6*108=648 as One Puti, the Potency in the Indian Systems and there are many other various combinations and permutations in all world civilizations subjected to further research work on and about it.

Thus, these special ascending and or descending systems of 4+1 Sacred Vowels at the end of every row of consonants is what travels through the Back Bone Systems, and is the Skeleton functionality that has the same number of vertebra as the sacred vowels and the consonants based on the movements of the backbone, and the 5 sacred vowels as the sounds at the end of each alphabet row has a bigger role in the sacred sounds, and thus take all the other sacred vowels and the consonants to the nervous systems and either ascend or descend in the Kundalini, the Semiconducting Channel in the Backbone, and according the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Theory of “AARA EERI and OORA”, we cannot have 36 Sacred Divisional Dimensions as the “AARA” cannot have OO and EE with it, the OORA cannot have EE with it, and EERI cannot have the OO with it, and thus this sacred count of Backbone Vertebral Systems remain the 32, 33 or say 34 at most if not abnormal”, and all that we have stored in the Human Brain Audio, Video and thus the Programming with inclusive of the physical body is the “AARA EERI OORA”, and in which we have the “RARA as the RARAH”! The “AARAH is the Complete Right Side of the Human Body, and the EERIH is the left, and the Central Part of the Human Body functions with the OORAH Systems”
We have discussed how the Hindi, Punjabi and Sanskrit are the Parental Languages as according to the Theory of Quantum Alphabets based on the Phonetics, Phonemes and thus the International Phonetic Alphabet Systems:
How 35 Gurmukhi Quantum Phonetic Sounds Constitute Quantum Similes for Quantum English Alphabet: Sanskrit, Hindi and Gurmukhi and Phonetic 44-45-52 Phonemes: Phonemic, Phonological Awareness with Gurmukhi and Be Happy Philselfologically 164
Meanwhile, we will edit and add!
Thanks for your time, and Be Happy Philselfologically, while doing the Swaadhaya, the Self-study and Learning as the Personal Researching!