Philselfology of Sacred Electron, Nucleus, Atom, Earth Systems and 3-D Theories of Universe: Sikhism, Khanda Qubit Theory and Sacred Structures of Electromagnetic Symbols, Emblems, and Systems in Universe – Gurmukhi and Be Happy Philselfologically – 56
When we discuss the sacred theories of an electron, nucleus, atom, and earth, moon, sun and the solar systems in context to the theories of the universe, we have everything as very simple as the Sikh Emblem or Symbol of Double Edged Sword that supports all modern theories of the Universe and also that of the past means that of the ancient times as I discovered during my submitted theories on the Possibilities of Life in the Universe in my first year of B.Sc. (Math) at the University of Adelaide in 1990 in the South Australia and thus I have published a lot as subject matter of Philselfology, and as general as the Be Happy Philselfologically.
Earlier as a student of primary school, I have had learned some sacred and divine subjects and the things related to it, which included yoga and meditation as my father, Prof. Harnek Singh and elder sister Kuldeep Kaur are great teachers of it since even before my sister Noni Kaur and I was born. In the Primary School, my sister Noni Kaur and I were in the same class but different sections. She also learned it and remained the State Yoga Champion in “Girls/Women Category” and participant at the National Yoga Championships. Our elder sister Kuldeep Kaur in her age group remained the State Yoga Champion and Third at the National Yoga Championships.
The part of the series that discuss it is here: “How to Be Happy Philselfologically and Violent Strike in School in 1976-77 gave me start to think and work about Practical or Applied Philosophy as the Sacredness of Knowledge and Wisdom – 26”

Kids and children naturally draw plants, trees and leafs and the Ayurveda gives base to the Sacred and Divine Botanical World as Botany leads to Ayurveda and Biology to Allopathy. The involvement of any biological torturing and suffering is mostly not considered sacred and divine and one remains in this state of mind as long as one is a child of say up to 5-7 years.
Thus, the other thing that was sacred was my hobby of sacred designing and of course painting. In competitions and otherwise, it was so good that I was usually not allowed to take any painting or design home as it were kept at school for any visitors. Even at the middle school, I was not given any painting and design.

From these sacred and divine topics emerged the sacred poetry in Punjabi with some divine touch of auto-flow. I had auto-flow writing in almost all genres of Gurmukhi (Punjabi), Hindi and English about the social evils and problems. My first poem read in class/grade 6th-7th during 1981-82 as:
“O Famous Romancers, what great have you done, you left nothing behind, but
idle-ism and thus unemployment, and who follows you blindly remains hungry,
Teen and youth doesn’t work at home, and helps none, feels doing things none
You will never come back to see what you have done, and what you have done,
O Famous Romancers, what great have you done, you left nothing behind, but
idle-ism and thus unemployment, and who follows you blindly remains hungry”
It was an epic on the youth and the teen, who want to romance only, and I recited it to my father, and he said:
“Even Napoleon Bonaparte couldn’t dared saying such things, and I can ensure you that it is the best, but throw it away,”
“Why, anything wrong in it, say style, grammar, and words or what, why should I throw it away!”
“Its against the social trends and people never like hearing such things so as to stop romancing and work, all right keep or hide it or keep it safe,”
“Oh… ha ha ha… I never knew it, ha ha ha”
My father was proud of my poetry and poems, and called it sacred and pious, and so good that people may not like it.
However, I kept putting bits into scraps and shapes, and discovered many things.
From the symbols and emblems, I discovered that all world religions and faiths use sacred things to show mystic laws and principles of nature that are eternal.
During my studies in Australia in 1989-91, I studied it a lot, and when I came back, I had almost all topics finished, but needed a curriculum and syllabus to self-educate the people about sacred math, grammar, music, and many other subjects as its so simple that even kids can learn it. So, I worked on the Sacred and Divine Brain Theory of Circle, and named it Philselfology, which was based on the Double Edged Sword as its the brain structure, and in 1996-97, Dr. Mahesh Parikh of Mumbai told me that my theory is right and can be put to practice. So educated many people. It has only one great thing that everyday something new happens!
I educated my nephew Champion Singh about it, and there are numerous others, but among them has been Sushil Silyan of Sheesh Mahal, Moti Bagh, Patiala as he really understand these things and theories to great heights and depths.
What I have been self-educating includes many things of sacred math, geometry and electromagnetic systems as it was to Mr. Sushil Kumar Silyan since 2001-2002, and that he is a very great scholar of Holy Gita, and worships Lord Krishna and Lord Vishnu. He is also a scholar of Sanskrit, Urdu, and of Hindi, Punjabi and English. I have given lessons and classes to him at our home as well as at his home and to his family and that of his brother since we first met during our TV Serial shooting of Kissa Puran Bhagat at the Sheesh Mahal of Patiala during 2001-2002 where he has been a senior level government employ. Teaching him how English numerals are derivative of count of 100, and other grammatical works of English and world languages and as is in Sanskrit has been a great joy as well as many other things related to these topics.
We had something that is very great; we visit and rest at one another’s home as if our own!

According to the Hypothesis of Philselfology, the electromagnetic spheres in human body act as if the double edged sword, and its same as the earth is at the center for us, who live on it. The word for the double edged sword is the Khanda means two parts as the supporting image of the khanda shows as the Khanda is the plural of khand, the parts and when these are “two parts” in Sanskrit, we call it the Khanda, the Claymore as if the North and South Poles of earth to say.

When we notice the moon around the earth, we say its the heart center, the chakra or the heart zone as the moon moving in orbit around earth, and is well surrounded by the EM of a circle, and then the third level is the two swords on the both sides of the Khanda, the NS Poles, and as earth and the moon together move around the sun elliptically, so and thus is how the Double Edged Sword, the Khanda, a universal symbol and emblem in all world religions and faiths moves as shown below:
We thus this Khanda Theory of the Sacred Universe and whatever exists in it having what we have discussed as the “Twisted or Spindle Alignments” that goes as the Khanda Theory of Atoms, Earth, Moon, Sun, North Polaris and the Sachkhanda Systems:
“How Sacred Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Script and Numbers Describe the Science and Math of Sacred Spindle Positioning Oriented Asymmetric Cell Division during Metazoan Development – Indian Languages for Science, Math and Computer Education: Be Happy Philselfologically – 84”
This metaphysical expression of Khanda as the Spindle as well is same at every center of the human body, animals, birds, trees and plants and from the universe to the electronic levels in atoms such that we know as the Chakra is the metallic band around the centers and is thus the moon as we discuss, and we notice that the electric currents and magnetic waves have affinity to coexist as this EM at the Heart Zone, the Chakra expresses looking for the sun:

The metaphysical expression that we can verify in the human brain, and thus is the EM mapping of how human nervous system works in the electromagnetic system with 3 dimensions of EM as held by the brain at the medulla:
1. The First Major Dimension is the Double Edged Sword, and that is how both brains are connected, and its discussed as the Dimensions of Shakti (Prathma Khanda Saajkai), the Force
2. The Circular part is how the electromagnetic systems in 2 Dimension works in the human brain, and its discussed as the Dimensions of Power
3. The Two swords surrounding the head is how third dimension operates it by operating on the left and right sides while these all are held on how we use 1st, 2nd, and the 3rd dimensions for and the ease of use, and this is also studied as the Sacred Dimensions of Mann, the Creative Intelligence that drives it, and discussed in the following part of the Series on and of Be Happy Philselfologically:
How Indian Sacred Theories of Pure DNA, the Vedas and Sacred DNA, the Purana are the Incarnation and Reincarnation of Pure and Sacred Worlds of DNA: Sacred Sikh Moolmantra and Be Happy Philselfologically – 68
The earth, moon and sun is a double edged system as a unit moving around the North Polaris, which again makes sun as the smallest unit no matter how big and important its for us. For example, for us the sun is the 3-dimensional unit while for the center of the universe its the either 2-D or 1-Dimensional as if we consider it around the North Polaris, its just a moon to North Polaris, which takes it and moves around the center of the universe as a unit, and thus its a 2-Dimensional if viewed from the North Polaris, and from our earth its the 3-Dimensional.
In the Sacred Physics, which happen to be Divine Physics as its also Natural Philosophy as initially named, and we forget one thing that the universe is dynamic and not static, and thus life that seems to us as DNA-RNA also exists in the rest of the universe, so in the Indian Theories of the Universe as also proposed by the Sikh Gurus, the Sut or Soot, the Suttar Theory of Universe is right for the same, the Double Edged Sword Theory as universe seems as below in this very context:

When we consider the center of the universe, its round same as our sun, and everything around it seem to move elliptically and we sit in it as the 1-D objects, and our sun as the 1-D as well, and North Polaris is our leader as the 2-Dimensional that looks at the center of the universe as we look at the sun with moon moving around the earth. Thus, we get the electromagnetic field of Double Edged Sword in the following manner around the center of the universe:
In all cases, it follows the Double Edged Sword Theory, and for example when sun slips or flips, its just that its in relation to the North Polaris and the Center of the Universe, and not our earth and moon. So, how it looks here:

Its compatible with the theory of the universe as shown below:

Its, the image above is from the Doughnut Theory of Universe, and is one of the best theory as at the end of this discussion, we find its same as the Pyramid Theory and Feng Shui of the universe as:…
A very video on this theory of the universe as well shaped double edged sword in the center, then metallic circle/band, and then two swords sustaining both of the sides of the universe as proposed by the Tenth Sikh Guru, Shri Guru Gobind Singh Ji, the Founder of the Khalsa Panth, and he is the one, who proposed this theory of the universe as the ultimate theory of the universes and gave this symbol as the symbol of the universe as we see this video, and the Sikhs using Nihang Singh or Blue Cloths use it as yellow, the orange shade at the top of head wearing, the Farla, popular as the Turla among the Nihang Sikhs and many others, and then the blue color of the sky, and rest is surrounded martial arts wearing, and is a symbolic dress of the universe:
Again, the most theories that the earth, moon, sun and rest of the universe work in perfect alignment follows the same as Shri Guru Gobind Singh Ji has described in his theory of the universe as this image shows the same as the video above, and one can easily notice the center of the vortex as the double edged sword:

And its with thanks from the source:…
The complete motion of double edged sword symbol of the universe followed well by what happens when person happen make any movement or the natural rhythm goes as:

It also shows how evolution of life takes places:

And its, the above image is with thanks from the source as Modeling of unisonal evolution mechanism:…
“What led me more or less directly to the special theory of relativity was the conviction that the electromotive force acting on a body in motion in a magnetic field was nothing else but an electric field.” – Albert Einstein, and is depicted as:

The The Earth’s magnetic field, which is a magnetic dipole seem to exactly follow the same double edged sword theory: The Earth’s magnetic field,
which is a magnetic dipole:

The Avalanche Models of Magnetospheric Sub-storms has almost exactly the same double edged structure of earth systems as is of the universe, see if one holds the Khalsa Double Edged Systems of Symbols it goes as same as this as if a Nihang Singh is dressed in blue with yellow at the top of the head as the Farla, the Turla:
The reason that is there in the electromagnetic spheres of earth and sun as yellowish at the top of double edge shape is same as the sunrise, and the sun set with yellowish cum reddish tone is there as sun in the sky and earth goes hotter in the evening and is yellowish in the morning that is not very hot, and who can forget the ozone, the O*3 of the morning giving best health.
Thus, these topics, we discuss here fall into the category of sacred physics:
The Plant Physiology has the same follow ups as the Double Edged Sword Movements:
The same double edged sword structures are present in the say in Multiple developmental pathways for flowering say in Arabidopsis:
And its, the image above is with thanks from the main source:…
The electrons, atoms, and the periodic table follows the same Double Edged Sword Theory and as the name suggested Khanda, the Divisions as we in it: Spheroidal vortex -a vortical corpuscle of subatomic matter:

With some efforts, the home work, one can notice and see how the periodic table follows the Double Edged Sword Model as presented by Shri Guru Gobind Singh Ji, the Founder of Khalsa Panth:

The following view which is usually 3-Dimesnional and we usually view either spatial or 2-Dimesnioanal and may miss at times, the Double Edged Sword Structure in the Cell Divisions as it says:
With more details at…
Similarly, the stem as the double edged, the branches to it as the circular metallic band, and leafs as the on the both sides to the stem of a plant has the structure synonymous to the Double Edged Sword, and thus the Botanical World:…
Even a single leaf has it:…
And a simple expression for many things: “Philselfology of Natural World of Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesha: Be Happy Philselfologically – 37”:…
The Sikh Religious Symbol with Double Edged Sword in the Center of Flag is the Symbol of Theory of the Universe that we now understand in the modern world as the Doughnut Theory of the Universe:

And this universal symbol of Double Edged Sword as the Theory of the Universe, the Brahmanda, which means that as the Hen gives not Circular or Round, but the Elliptical Eggs, so is the shape of the universe. The eggs are never round as notice, and represent the structural systems of the earth, moon and the sun trinity, and at the same time, the electromagnetic systems of the universe as the Doughnut Theory say and it is far better as the Egg Theory as per shape and system as the universe does not open as the Doughnut Theory say. The Aristotle Biological Egg Theory and the Indian Theory of the Egg of Universe as the Outer Egg, the Brahmanda is a classic theory of the universe that we may not change very easily.

It was thus mainly given the Sixth Sikh Guru, Shri Guru Hargobind Sahib Ji, and dressed as the Electromagnetic System of the Universe on Earth appears and thus in the following image, he appears at the top of the image in which the Doughnut’s Theory uses. This theory says:
“The doughnut theory of the universe is an informal description of the theory that the shape of the universe is a three-dimensional torus. The name comes from the shape of a doughnut, whose surface has the topology of a two-dimensional torus.” (With thanks from the source:… )
While doing Be Happy Philselfologically, it seemed that without 3-Dimensions as first being the Double Edged view that has two poles in a magnetic in case its same as for electron to have it as if a magnetic and if a learner can grasp it, all of it comes 2-Dimensional, and then 2-Dimensional view as the magnetic effects and thus the magnetic as on an electron and its magnetic effects, and finally, the 3-Dimensional view of electromagnetic spheres produced by the electron in an atom gives the 3-D movements of EM that we need to consider as it says: ““Vincent’s model is valid for all atomic particles as long as one realizes they must be viewed as three dimensional vortices; that’s how they interact with the spatial Aether, but that’s another story.” – David Levi Wing”
When we talk about the 3-Dimensional Structures, we notice its same as the X-Axis, Y-Axis and Z-Axis and we have it for everything in this context as shown below as its always the 3-D that gives the Sacred Visualizations:

Art of Sacred Visualization, the Darshan – Human as a Visualizer and Contributor
That is one of the major reasons for Sikh Dress, the Costumes that Sikhs wears showing the Universal Dress of Electromagnetic Systems as the Theories we have discussed represent and thus the following:

The Divine and Sacred kids aim as always the sacred theories understood:
The following is the image of all conclusions of the Double Edged Khalsa Theory of Universe of Sikhism as the videos above show with thanks to the Nihang Singh Ji:

(A photo with thanks to all rights reserved by Charanjit Singh Khalsa)
Thus, all of the theories that we have discussed above, I found most the structures of it from the Swastika Structures, the Be Happy Philselfological Swastika Charts, which is the 2-Dimensional representation of OM, while Ikomnkar is the 3-D representation of OM as Omnkar.
“At the beginning are always intuitive messages or visions. Sensitive people perceive certain natural powers. This will be noticed in leylines. In the teachings of Feng Shui the streams of the earth energy and air energy are fixed. People use this power to build their cities and temples on these lines.”
And thus Feng Shui gives the same Doughnut Theory of Universe as gives the Double Edged Sword, and the following is an image with thanks from the source of
And all of it helps not just theoretically, but in the real life:

There are many other theories of metaphysics, mysticism and other studies of comparative world religions and faiths that we study in our daily life that have the same bases as the double edged sword theory, and it includes:
1. The Trishula, the two ends never meet as the two swords as the prikarama around the shiva places not allowed
2. The Shivalingama, the theory that says never complete the circle around the shivalingama as two swords never meet together
3. The Trinity Theories in any form, the Holy Spirit is a symbol with the Spirit and never join lest creation ends
and above all is
4. The Swastika Theories and the two life lines of male and female never meet lest all that it runs ends
5. Ik Onmkara Theory in which one, the ik is the sword, and the open mouth sword, the shakti of the omnkara, the kara and the other sword of one, the oneness of everything never meets lest life goes invisible as the OM itself!
Now, one may assume very easily that if we have to follow the 3-D Models in Self-study and Learning, Swaadhaya, which I named as the Philselfology, we have to be Sacred Thinkers, who Think in 3-D and thus see and experience the what we call the visions. Well, call the sacred visualization as sacred vision, and one need to learn it in the 3 Dimensions rather than 3 Dimensional Views and Visions that anyone can see with little practice as we say the Ridhi-Sidhi, the Skills of and in Learning or in 3-D to be sacred as it can be a serious ego problem of assuming one as sacred, which causes serious problems in personal life, which is pious by as it is rather than any dimensions as if a child saying “aa ee oo” that corresponds to the 1st, 2nd and 3rd dimensions as aa is the first, ee the second and oo as the third dimension. A child first speaks of 3-D and utters “oo oo oo”, the mental levels, and then while understanding things in 2-D says “ee ee ee”, the emotional levels and finally when goes physical at the abdomen while moving the legs trying to move utters and thus says: “aa aa aa”, and so on based on the biological, psychological and spiritual age differences present within the same child as we have been and manage it for the rest of our life saying 3 divine and sacred uttering’s of sounds rhythmically and saying the fourth as the blank, the joy of sacredness. This is the “Sacred Theory of Khanda as the Quantum Qubit Theory”.
It may seem self-praise, but while I started to teach and counsel yoga while a primary school student where our team brought 2 medals that my younger sister Noni Kaur won the State Level Gold Medal, I received the Bronze Medal and our Troop Leader won the Gold Medal, the First Positions along with Noni Kaur, and Kuldeep Kaur became the Best Yoga Teacher of District Patiala and I won this very kind of credit of sacred teaching and self-education when I won the Best Scout Master of District Patiala in 1996.
In the photo Kuldeep Kaur at left, in center Noni Kaur and right side stands Kuldeep Kaur’s only son, Mr. Champion Singh, my nephew and our grandchild!
It were popular as Kuldeep Ji Sacred Classes of Yoga, and I was just Be Happy Philselfologically Yoga Student of her!
I have thus done the teachings of sacred lessons of Be Happy Philselfologically from say 1977, when I was a student of the Government Multipurpose Schools of Patiala and our family has served here since then, and we have been very successful as always by God’s Grace!
We always offer thanks to Dr. Devinder Singh Ji Virk as he managed, organized and conducted almost all state level yoga championships!
We at our family all that we are and we have to our mother, Mrs. Gian Kaur Ji and father, Prof. Harnek Singh, who has led a selfless and noble life.
We have discussed this very thing of dimensions at the following part of the series:
“Sacred Organic Chemistry, Meditations, and 3-D Darshana Systems The Philselfology of Naam Japna, the Reminding our Mind of the State of Cycle and the Circle as Click Away from any point on the Circle: Be Happy Philselfologically: 30”
Please read about the Khanda Qubit Theory here: “How Indian Theory and Philosophy of ONKARA as Quantum Qubit and Sacred Topological Geometry of Circle and Point, the Theory of Bindi (Decimal) and Bindu (Zero) with Gurmukhi Languages and Grammars: Be Happy Philselfologically – 109”
One of relevant reading is here: “Modern Fiber and Optical Sciences and Technology: How Waheguru, the Quantum Qubit created the 3 Charges of OAM, Matter YIN and Antimatter YAN: Quantum Philosophy of Waheguru in Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Language and Numeral Systems: Be Happy Philselfologically – 89”
We will discuss about it as we will edit it too!
Be Happy Philselfologically!
Thanks for your time!