Educational Ecovillage’s


Bliss Planet’s future aspiration is to establish Educational Eco-villages that radiate innovation and inspiration in wellness and sustainability. These villages will stand as a shining example for the world, showcasing how to flourish in blissful harmony with humanity, animals, and our planet.

An immersive eco healing paradise where inspiration meets innovation, and the possibilities of health and happiness are endless. Together, we can create a world where we live in harmony, inspiring others to do the same!

These immersive Educational Eco-villages showcase how we can fulfill our fundamental needs for clean food, water, shelter, play, contribution, restoration, and community. Let us embark on this transformative journey together and create a world where health and happiness is within reach for all!

Learn More about a Blueprint for Thriving in harmony with people, animals, and the planet

The Power Of Meeting Our Basic Needs

Physiological and psychological needs are both essential for humans to thrive. Physiological needs are the basic needs that we must meet in order to survive, such as food, water, shelter, and sleep. Psychological needs are the needs that we must meet in order to have a healthy mental and emotional state, such as love, belonging, self-esteem, and purpose. These innovative villages address all these needs, ensuring health and happiness for its inhabitants.

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In order to bring our vision of Bliss Planet Educational Ecovillages to life and inspire positive change, we need the support of generous donors and organizations who wish to make a difference in the world. By providing tax-deductible support, individuals and institutions can actively contribute to creating sustainable communities that prioritize education, environmental harmony, and personal growth.

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Eco-Village Paradise

Together we can create a paradise for people to thrive. Let us create a paradise and show how we can thrive together in. one another’s brilliance!

A Paradise for Health and Happiness


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