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Wellness Course Class Material

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I am in the process of studying the Wellness Course class material for a certification.

From the class material: 

People access healthy energies... "Through optimal brain chemistry." Optimal brain chemistry then allows us to achieve access to "Healthy Frequencies".

My thoughts about class material:

Having a happy whole life requires the mix of all parts to life to be healthy. The body, mind, and soul must all be happy together as a unit.

As an example: if I were to go after a healthy diet as my only goal, my spiritual side would starve to death. If I only worked on my spiritual side, my body would fall apart from disuse - even if I feed it only good food.

So, my brain chemistry has to be ready to address all healthy frequencies available so that I can keep body, mind, and soul running in a direction that makes me happy with my overall life. And, what makes me personally happy isn't necessarily going to be identical to what makes another happy. Each body, mind, and soul is different.

You might enjoy the reading and videos that are available in the certification class material. I am finding them totally enjoyable to spend time with. 

To get to the reading material, I think that you can maybe click 'home' at the top of this page on the left. Then look at the left-side page  body information for the link that talks about the certification. 

Have a wonderful day!!! Catherine 



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