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Diet Sheet For Irritable Bowel Syndrome

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Diet Sheet For Irritable Bowel Syndrome
by Roger Thompson

The condition of irritable bowel syndrome is fairly common.
This chronic disorder causes its sufferers intense pain,
diarrhea and constipation. These symptoms can go on for years,
and often patients will have no idea that what they are
complaining of is a real condition. As this is a chronic
problem, people with irritable bowel syndrome need to find ways
to cope with the disorder. A diet sheet for irritable bowel
syndrome is one way to change habits that can have an impact on
this disorder. The diet for IBS works to prevent the symptoms of
irritable bowel syndrome. Foods that are irritating or
stimulating to the bowel are best avoided, while foods that help
the bowel function better should be eaten regularly.

The following foods can cause symptoms of IBS to flare-up and
should be avoided on a diet for irritable bowel syndrome:

Caffeine (found in tea, coffee and soda)
Dairy products
Red meats
Gluten (a protein found in wheat, barley and rye)
Fried foods
Citrus fruits
Artificial sweeteners (things like sorbitol and aspartame)
Any foods high in fat
Carbonated drinks (like soda)

Not everyone with IBS has problems with all of these foods. To
find out what foods cause your IBS to flare up, keep a food
diary. Whenever you have problems, make a list of what you ate
last. This will enable you to create your own diet sheets for
IBS, a personal list of what you should and should not eat. A
diet for IBS doesn't mean you can't eat foods that you like. It
just means you have to pay attention to what you eat and to what
foods trigger your condition.

Eat foods high in fiber, such as:

Fresh fruits and vegetables.
Beans like kidney beans and lima beans.
Whole-grain breads and cereals.

However, you should increase your fiber intake gradually,
otherwise too much fiber all of a sudden can cause gassiness.

Drink plenty of water. This will help prevent constipation. If
you have diarrhea, you need to drink a lot of water so you don't
become dehydrated. Try for eight glasses per day. Also important
when on a diet for IBS, is to eat smaller meals, which may
reduce or prevent bloating. Don't eat too quickly, as this may
cause you to swallow more air, which will increase gassiness. A
diet sheet for irritable bowel syndrome may include items that
should be avoided. Some ways to determine what a diet sheet for
irritable bowel syndrome would consist of for a specific
individual is for them to keep a food journal.

A food journal is a way to determine what types of foods can
cause a reaction in the gut. Certain foods can cause a reaction,
which then triggers the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome.
Log into the food journal everything that is consumed, including
beverages. It is thought that caffeine may be a trigger for many
people with irritable bowel syndrome. Through out the day record
any physical symptoms that may occur. Also, record at what time
you eat as this may have an effect on the digestive track as
well. After about a week, a patient may begin to see a pattern
emerge. Some people find that they will have to create a diet
sheet for irritable bowel syndrome that excludes dairy products,
foods high in fat and even alcohol. All of these items may be
the trigger that begins the entire process of an attack.

By learning what foods trigger symptoms a patient can learn to
adjust their diets to accommodate the source of problem foods
that then cause the bowel to respond. By creating a diet sheet
for irritable bowel syndrome, patients can take charge of their
health and stay in control of their symptoms. Not all dietary
changes will completely eliminate symptoms and the pain
associated with irritable bowel syndrome. Be sure to talk with a
physician about what you have discovered and find out if there
are any other treatment plans that they may suggest to help with
the condition. Irritable bowel syndrome is a disorder that can
be difficult to learn to live with. Being able to control the
symptoms and pain can make life a lot easier for people with the



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