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Reader Views welcome Michelle D. Starr, author of the new spiritual/fantasy fiction novel "Inoculation Eternity," the first installment in the Epic Trilogy on Life Before Mankind and Beyond series. Michelle is talking with Juanita Watson, Assistant Editor of Reader Views.

Juanita: Thanks for taking time to talk with us today Michelle. We are very intrigued to hear more about your innovative new novel, "Inoculation Eternity." Would you tell us about the storyline?

Michelle: I would be honored Juanita. This story is about a place called Eternity. It is my imagination about what life might have been like before humankind ever existed. We all have this hope that when we die we go to a perfect place called Heaven. In this book I paint a picture of a similar place where there is no time, sickness or war. Its essence beholds perfection and pure happiness. It is mainly about the life of Archangel Lucifer, who is the Master of Ceremony for the Gathering. The Gathering could be likened to a church service, but far greater. Its purpose is to recharge everyone's spirit in what I reference in the book as life's resurgence. Everything was perfect until something happens at the latest Gathering service. This something has to do with Lucifer. It begins a wind of change that rocks the core of Eternity and everyone's existence. You will witness how Lucifer's unleashed emotions assimilate negative potential.

As the story progresses, readers will witness how many of Eternity's inhabitants who are witnessing the changes, become determined to understand what is happening. Amongst them evolves a certain sect of creatures who begin to enjoy the newfound knowledge. Different sensations are experienced as new emotions surface, which were hidden from them since the beginning of their existence. Gabriel who is another principal character is one determined to understand what is happening. Prior to these dysphonic eruptions everything was all good. Now another realm appears on the horizon. His concern for Lucifer and scientific interests beckon him to go in search of a remedy.

Ancient of Days' is my version of God. He is the center of all moral consciousness and the animator for life. It seems that He really doesn't try to explain what is happening. Some begin to wonder why. He expresses his love for His creation by standing back to allow them freedom to choose their destiny. It is His desire that they figure out what is going on while he lends them support and intervenes only when it is absolutely necessary. With an infinite space ahead of them, He is in no hurry to stop what appears to be a disaster.

Juanita: This is the first book in a trilogy. Would you explain your trilogy and where future books will take the theme/storyline?

Michelle: This trilogy is similar to a series of immunization shots that take place throughout certain intervals. I have broken it down into three periods, or ages. The first book is the age before humankind. The second book is the Archeozoic age. It pertains to the earliest phases of life on Earth including the birth of humankind and development of its civilization. The last of the three is A.D. It pertains to the age of Jesus Christ's birth through the age of modernization and beyond our present Earth.

Juanita: What inspired you to write "Inoculation Eternity"?

Michelle: After enduring a lifetime of trials, abuse, cruelty, witnessing my mother's suicide and diseases here as a human, I found inspiration to write this story after I attained certain triumphs and found solace. This story captures the spirit of my ability to maintain a steadfast faith even during times of extreme trouble.

Juanita: Who are the principal characters in your book?

Michelle: Lucifer, Gabriel, Apollyon, Michael, Andronicus & Ancient of Days

Juanita: Would you elaborate a little on who they are, and their contribution to the story?

Michelle: Lucifer is an archangel, shape shifter and the most beautiful of all beings in Eternity. His residence is located in the milky way galaxy on a planet called Venus. Most of Eternities musicians and artists dwell there. He is the Master of Ceremony for the Gathering Service. It becomes apparent that his entity is located at the epicenter of the dysphonic eruptions that start all the troubles for the commonwealth.

Gabriel, also an archangel is not as beautiful or majestic as some of the others. His field is in science and weaponry. His dwelling place is in a place called Labyrinth. He has the exclusive ability to communicate with Ancient of Days through telepathy. His purpose is to oversee the well being of all in Eternity. It becomes his vision quest to find the answers that will help Lucifer and all the others who become infected with a strange outbreak of emotions.

Apollyon is Gabriel's assistant. He is also an archangel and dwells in Labyrinth. Though he studies in the fields of science and weaponry, his main interest is in the developmental stages of the planets. In this story he discovers a new planet forming in the Milky Way Galaxy and notices that it is different than any of the others. His obsession becomes a problem when he misses some of the Gathering services. His scientific knowledge will assist Gabriel in forming a prognosis for the outbreak.

Archangel Michael is the captain of the Serenity Army. He is the fastest traveler in all of Eternity. His purpose is to secure and protect the City of The Holy of Holies. Very much like Ancient of Days, he is a swift deliverer of justice with love, compassion and zeal for the commonwealth of all in Eternity.

Andronicus is known to all as The Oracle. He dwells in the Ivory Mansion with the other 23 members of the Elder Counsel. He is the voice of Ancient of Days who instructs those in the commonwealth of Eternity and delivers the laws that govern them. He presides as the head of the Elder Counsel. His character plays a major role when it comes to the early development of the government bodies in Eternity. After the dysphonic eruptions take place, new laws and orders become necessary to maintain the peace & safety for the society. As more situations occur as never before, he must address them to the commonwealth and deliver the Ancient Ones answers.

As mentioned above, Ancient of Days is my version of God. He is the center of all moral consciousness and the animator for life. He expresses his love for His creation by standing back to allow them freedom to choose their destiny. It is His desire that they figure out what is going on while he lends them support and intervenes only when it is absolutely necessary.

Juanita: What is the significance of Lucifer in "Inoculation Eternity"? And, as you stated earlier, what does "Archangel Lucifer's unleashed emotions assimilated negative potential," mean?

Michelle: Well, there lies the mystery.and I can't give it all away! However as I said above, his entity is located at the epicenter of the dysphonic eruptions that start all the troubles. Part of the problem for what is happening has to do with unleashed emotions that never existed before. The story evolves around the search for the root of the cause and effect. Lucifer's entity holds the key to unlock the answers. You will have to read the book to fully understand what that statement means.

Juanita: Would you give us a little background into your spirituality, and the choice you've made to write your books with a religious theme?

Michelle: I was always an inquisitive thinker. As a child it was necessary for me to understand why I should be obedient to my parents or any authority figures. I always asked, 'who, what, where, when, why and how?' These questions started my journey of discovery into the spiritual realm. My father claimed Christianity as his faith and my mother believed she was a Jew. Neither one was able to present me with any evidence of such a claim. It was all hypocrisy to me. I would not have claimed either faith for myself and be judged as a hypocrite. I grew to hate people like that. I'd respect you no matter what your issue was if you could just admit it. I have been able to forgive some of my abusers when they admitted their wrongdoing and sought help.

I hate the word religion. It has been the cause for so much turmoil, deception and wars since the very beginning of time as we know it. My personal spirituality was not matured for quite some time. Knowing that I was just a sinner, and a pretty bad one at that, prevented me from entering into any type of religion. I did search for the simple truth amongst the many complicated mindsets of politics, economics and especially religion.

The theme for these books comes from knowledge I have accepted as truth. It is not a religion to me. It is a core belief or foundation in which I began the building process of my spiritual house. This book is just a manifestation of my life's journey from severe trauma to a certain peace that surpasses any man's understanding.

Juanita: How will readers learn about the Bible through your book? What particular aspects are you trying to convey?

Michelle: An imagination can be a beautiful thing; however an unbridled one can wreak havoc. I have put my imagination into accountability to the scriptures located in the old and new testaments of the Bible. I have listed all the scriptures that inspired this story in the back of my book as a reference point. It is my hope that people will read them and understand where my imagination came from.

Juanita: What do you think the purpose is for humankind as conveyed in "Inoculation Eternity"?

Michelle: Their purpose and being contains all the elements for life, plus the cure for evilŅ

Juanita: Michelle, you certainly have a very creative writing style. Would you comment on the imaginative nature of "Inoculation Eternity" and the influence it will have on readers?

Michelle: First of all, I would like to make you aware of the fact that I am really not a writer. I know that sounds strange, but I never aspired to write. I don't even like to read. I hope that is not insulting to those of you who do, please forgive me. I must thank-you for the compliment regarding my creativity. I do value your professional opinion and education. It is important that my work be affirmed by people like yourself. Words do not flow easily for me; it takes me a lot of time to write down a thought. I would be lost without a dictionary. I do dread live interviews out of fear I would be at a loss for words. You see, my scholastic education was interrupted by my mother's death on the first day of my sophomore year in high school. Therefore, I must credit Inoculation Eternity's imaginative nature to my studies of the Bible in which I forced myself to read. Those reading this novel should be influenced in a similar way.

Juanita: What audience are you trying to reach with your book?

Michelle: The young, old, strong, weak, lost, saved, confused, and convinced. This book is for anyone who has a desire to read it.

Juanita: Michelle, you delve deeply into the scriptures through your storyline. How did the creative process unfold with such in-depth references to these themes?

Michelle: My answer to this question is basically the same as referenced above, where you asked what my spiritual background is. The process all began through my quest to find simple truth. It began with a book on the Five Great Religions; I thought that to be a good place to start. Since I don't like to read it did not take me long through the process of elimination to find some simple truth in the teachings of Christ. The creative process really started to unfold in 1987 as I began a personal study of the scriptures. My belief in the simple laws of physics and gravity also helped me through the process. 16 years later I picked up a pen and started to write this story.

Juanita: What is the underlying message of "Inoculation Eternity"?

Michelle: The title Inoculation refers to immunization. Eternity means forever. Therefore, the underlying message in this trilogy is that all sentient creatures can obtain immunity from evil. But first they must be willing to persevere through the process and accept the remedy when it is revealed.

< o:p>

Juanita: Looking at the cover of your book, and then discovering your website, it seems that you stand on the cutting edge of much of the religion-based literary work these days.

You mix rock music, computerized graphics, and a fantasy Sci-Fi element to your work. Would you give us a little more insight into your eclectic nature?

Michelle: Thank you for that observation Juanita. As a successful entrepreneur, I believe there are no problems, only solutions. I have learned what works and what doesn't work through the process of elimination. Amongst the diversity in this sight and sound generation, we are exhausting our resources for relevant entertainment with a positive message. As an artist, I find it necessary to draw from all the best elements of each medium to create a product second to none. As I said earlier, my formula for living is to ask, 'Who, what, where, when, why and how?' Once I think I have the answer to those questions, I proceed with caution. It is my purpose to remain uneasily moved by my emotions.

Juanita: It has been fascinating hearing more about your book Michelle. "Inoculation Eternity" will certainly satisfy readers with your exhilarating take on the beginning of mankind. Do you have any final thoughts today?

Michelle: It is my hope this interview will help everyone understand the heart and spirit of what I have tried to convey through this story. Religion can be a very unfulfilling experience. I wrote this series to provide readers a channel to escape from the everyday barrage of bad news. It will provide a healthy entertainment experience that may enlighten them with knowledge and help them endure life's injustices.

Juanita, thank you for taking an interest in my work. Giving me this opportunity to answer these thought-provoking questions has certainly been a challenge. I never even considered making an account with this many details for this story until right now. I am grateful that it was you who was the first to interview me. I have learned so much through this whole process to preparing me for what I anticipate will be many more interviews in the future. I am currently working on the second book of the series titled "Inoculation Eternity: The Archeozoic Age." 

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