Healthy habits are really important when it comes to mental wellness, and especially important if you're struggling with a psychiatric disorder.
For me, the following has helped tremendously:
1. Adhering to a routine. This is imperative for my mental wellbeing and helps me a LOT when it comes to psychiatric symptoms. I get up around the same time, make my bed, start my day the same way, and I end my day at the same time and in the same way nightly. It helps a lot.
2. Eating well and portioning my snacks. Healthy, whole foods help with brain function and help you feel good.
3. I take vitamins daily (these help a lot!).
4. Light exercise each day. I do a small workout in the mornings and go for daily walks.
5. Socialization! I spend time virtually with my best friends almost every day, and spend quality time with my partner daily.
What are some healthy habits you've formed for your mental health?