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Organized Works United and Unified for All Providing Work, Earning, Jobs that can be either ONLINE or in other Ways

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Organized Works United and Unified for All is All about LifeDynamix and we, the members and you as the reader if you have not joined it, provides work,earning, jobs that can be either ONLINE or in other ways: The organizations that work as part of business and social welfare can have many branches as the Wisdom Tree has. We do we fail is not because we lack ability, capability or anything that determines the prerequisites of any work. We tend to believe that we have something missing.

What the successful people do?

Do they have all the abilities, no, why, because it is not the prerequisite as many people, who fail in their business happen to believe?

What is that the successful people never do that makes them never fail. Let us discuss it point wise:

1. They have a Plan:

Do you have a plan? No, what you call a plan is not a plan. It is something that you want to achieve. The fox wants to achieve something, and when it finds the prey it has a plan. The cat has a plan. All animals plan. Well, you do not believe in such points because you are superior to animals.

However, the planning is a psychological and thus the animals are the best psychologist. How they manage the jungle with so many animals, birds, plants, trees and other living things in it and we the humans cannot manage even the humans? Why do not why understand other fellow humans. We do not have any plan. We have wishes.

Now, the animals are programmed and thus have a plan of reaction and action, so we try to follow it, but fail. Why, is it of poor quality? No, the reason is that we are the philosophical animal. We need psychology for the lower mind and at higher mind, we always need philosophy.

When we go for the artificial intelligence we are making the philosophic animals a psychological animal and their behavior modifications are nothing more than the conditioning for action and reaction.

We are thus heading towards a global failure in business. Why, the simple reason is that psychology does not have visions, it fulfills the needs that are for survival and the philosophical bonds are broken and thus the human world goes worse the animal kingdom and thus the natural world.   


2. They know the Art of Problem Solving:


You see they know how to face trouble and solve it rather than presuming that there will be any trouble, and thus they can dare and take the most daring risks: You also take risks, but that is below the prerequisite that gives a sure failure.

Why a sure failure? You ensure it that you fail. How can when ensure to fail?

It is simple, we know that we are fighting for the survival and the strongest one will keep on killing or removing the weaker, and thus the end of the process ensures that even the strongest can become weak at points that are enough to create the failures and we have ensured the failures.

No one can convince that the survival factor with coexistence, the Law of Affinity, is sure way to failure at the end. Can you recall if you have a plan that you are sure to have no competitors left and you are the only one to be the best and thus, all those, who fail should contribute to your success. No, it is another failure. You have the colleagues and other staff, who are trying to survive, but their contribution is negative. Why?

They do not have any dream, vision or anything that can inspire them. Money and fear can do it to some extent, but these are also for in accordance with the plan that does not fit the philosophy and thus it ensures a failure. You do not have any plan and competition keeps on moving to the sky. What should be done?

3. They know how to Share Success:

Now, you have the idea or the organization that is the team for your success. However, all of them want to be like you to sit on your chair. You may have to think it because they are now the psychological animals, whom you believe that they should obey you and put the spirit in all that they do in the group. So, you realized that their conditioned or the artificial intelligence may not create any trouble. Why not? How can you ensure it? What grounds do you have?

How long can they be upgraded and or promoted. They can see you as the boss and know that the chair can be theirs. Why? They are qualified, aware and talented. So, you created the spiritual technology. You want to teach them all essentials of philosophy in the name of spirituality knowing that loyalty comes from faith and belief, but it is not that easy.

It is the morphine used for making them feel that if they have ego, they may not remain the philosophical animals. They know it; most of the corruption in the world is going on in the name of religion and spirituality. Why? All want to ensure that one becomes a philosopher and thus should give up all world needs and attachments. How difficult is it?

If you as the master mind cannot give up how others can give up their ego. You are making a fool of your self. You are not setting any example for them to follow and find the great people from the history books and want to train them to follow them, so that they should be loyal to you.

It is a sure way to big failure. They read and understand, but they are looking at you as the ideal as well because you are alive and their ideal leader. So, what should be done?

4. They know Personal and Professional Differences:

One may read all the books of psychology and philosophy, but the personal and the professional life never differs. What is personal life after all? You know you have heard it many times to treat others as you wanted to be treated.

It is the personal life of all those, who are in contact with you including your staff and the colleagues. They have the families and social life in which they want to have a great image.

You can give this identity with the name of your business organization. You may hire them and pay the best salary, but it has nothing to do with their personal life. Can you buy everything with money?

No, there has not been anyone, who could do it. They work for you and do not feel proud to be associated with your business organization. Have you noticed it or your secretary does not want to lose the job by telling you? Why?

They have the personal life and want to tell their family, friends and the society about how valued they are in your business organization. You know you check regularly that your kids or children get the best possible attention in the schools and the colleges. How angry do you get if they are misbehaved?

A lot, you want to replace the teachers and even the school or the principal. Why? It is your personal life. Your staff wants the same from you in their personal life. Personal, personal…personal, yaw it seems a hectic word when you have the economic crises and the workers ask to increase the salary as their expenditures are increasing. You may deal it professionally or personally.

Yaw, you try both.

However, at the end none is satisfied. Why? Your child needs to pay the fee. You can arrange, but your worker cannot do it. All need personal attention. The professional attention is what they provide to your customers.

However, they are not your customers. You tend to treat as if they are the customers. How many times have you discussed about their personal problems, any seminar, workshop, training and the similar activities. Yaw, rarely, because they need to promote the sale and the profits so all they get is the professional training. They feel sick of it and keep on changing the companies. Loss, yours, no; it is of the entire business setup at local, state, national and thus international level.

5. They Give the Personal and Professional Training:

Can you give them a philosophical way to handle all of their personal and the professional problems. No, you believe it is of no use because you seem to have lost the interest in their loyalty as they have in you. Why?

You may have to sack them and they have fear of it so they may be searching for other job for the those hard times that once you would have seen happening right with your grand pa or father, perhaps someone close as the relatives or the friends.

You do not even want to give them a referral letter of appreciation, awards, Excellency in work medals or participation and representation of your organization that may show how much you love and care for them. They can be yours for entire life.

You can do it and it is very easy, just help them in their personal life and give them attention in a very personal way that no one else can ever give. You can do it, just make it possible that they are always associated with your business organization.

I am tired.

No, efforts are not well planned and all ensure that you fail; you can still manage it even at the times of the worst economic crises that your business organization is facing or may face. Please, just do it that you win the game for your people and nation so that you may be our ideal. How? Why?

We have to think, share and thus discus about it. Who is "YOU"-it can be I, we, he, she, they and anyone, however we all need to read such issues in both way as WE and YOU and better if we may replace it with "I" for everything to make best out of it for our discussion because we want to succeed as we all deserve to enjoy the Magic. Thanks!

N.B.: These are my opinions dedicated to LifeDynamix. Thanks!



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