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Well, I am heading soon to Cali and well.....

I leave sometime on Friday the 13th (a lucky day for me) and get to LAX. I will be attending the Conscious Life Expo and staying with a couchurfer in the area. Then it is heading on down to San Diego where I will be through at least March 7th.
If you will be at the Conscious Life Expo or know people who are it would be awesome to make this world a bit smaller and get together!! I will be helping out and hanging out at the Vision Magazine area so πŸ˜€

The Achieving Lifeo exp will be taking place preferably at the Scottish Rite Center, but it will take part somewhere, on or about March 7th. Still have a lot of work to do and help needed for the project.
From there it is likely a trip to Phoenix or a flight to FL and drive to OH/IL, or a flight to OH/IL -- time will tell just what will be happening.

My friend Gregg from CC/USF mentioned I must be incredibly brave or foolish for doing all this. I replied that I am likely foolish and well bravery - I am searching for someone to buy the sword I have for about $500 (with goals of buying it back later this year). The thing is it comes down to taking the risk and having faith. It is not easy as I will not have a vehicle but I fully believe it can and will work out.

I do need help, support, accountability partners, sponsors, vendors, speakers, friendship, challengers, and more from my friends, strangers, businesses, and more. Some is easy some is hard, a lot is learning to state, ask, and be open to receiving.

If anyone in the Tampa Bay area wants a massage (donation but minnimum of $10) please let me know. I must get some more $$ together before I leave. It also would be fantastic to meet my myspace friends as I do travel -so if you are between LA and San Diego and would like to meet please do not hesitate to call me --- mind you there is a great probability that you will need to transport me or come to me.

Thank you so much to my friends, family, strangers, and all those who have impacted me along the way. I am not sure exactly how often I will be able to do updates, blogs, or get online - I will be working to ensure it is ofen. Thanks to my friend Kevan my laptop thatΒ hasn'tΒ worked since 2007 is up and going again with wireless so as long as I have a connection to use then πŸ˜€ I do still need to find an old copy of dreamweaver to put on because I cant find mine and it is important and very helpful to do the updates.

Please help me by checking out and telling others about all the feedback and help I can get is greatly appreciated and I will find a way to return the favor(s).

Debra J. Macking



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