I have been researching the benefits of taking hydrogen peroxide(only food grade of course) as a supplement and using it as a foot/bath soak. I am curious if anyone has tried using this before and what the benefits they experienced may have been? It appears that hydrogen peroxide helps with edema, constipation, immune disorders and several other health issues.
Use on the skin in a diluted quantity is fine... however, I would not recommend ingesting hydrogen peroxide as this can be dangerous.
I've utilized diluted hydrogen peroxide in water once a day for the last 15 years as part of my oral hygiene routine. I've found it helpful while keeping my teeth and gums clean and healthy. I rarely have it in my mouth longer than a minute as I don't wish to counteract its benefits with enamel erosion.
I also wouldn't recommend using it without dilution as it could cause damage to tooth enamel.
As some of you may know I am very big into alternative medicine and natural wellness. Hydrogen Peroxide is a wonderful thing to use for overall health. Many people may think that hydrogen peroxide is a chemical and is toxic but the opposite is actually true. Hydrogen peroxide is actually water with an extra oxygen molecule. It also naturally occurs in nature. Ozone or O3 is what the ozone layer is made of, it is also very unstable and as rain falls the extra oxygen molecule falls out with the rain turning some of the water H2O rain into hydrogen peroxide H2O2. It is also produced by the human body, in the intestines and it is present in human breast milk. 3% food grade hydrogen peroxide can be used diluted with distilled water only ( chlorine kills the oxygen) for a ridiculous amount of aliments. 1-3 ounces of 3% can be added to a gallon jug of distilled water. By adding this extra oxygen to your body your immune system will be enhanced, you will get more energy, you will be more alert, overall more healthy, and it can be a wonderful way to prevent cancer. Cancer is caused by oxygen levels dropping...this is documented in conventional medical journals, cancer can not live in an oxygen rich environment and healthy cells can turn cancerous in a low oxygen environment. My daughter has asthma and I use in in her nebulizer instead of the standard medicine that goes in. It works almost immediately to stop the wheezing and since I starting using that she hasn't had any asthma problems in almost a year. It is wonderful for pneumonia as it restores oxygen and dry the water from the lungs. With that said moderation is key if inhaled as you don't want to dry out your lungs. Healthy lungs can still benefit from this method as it can eliminate toxins and restore oxygen. It can also be used as a colon cleanse please search the dilution for this online as I personally haven't done this yet and haven't properly researched the dilution for this method of use. I know that you fast the day before and use it the following day. It works better than herbal methods of colon cleanse and restores so much oxygen to your body. Did you know that your intestines exchange 40% more oxygen to your body than your lungs. During certain medical surgeries doctor administer oxygen through your bowels instead because it can be more effective. 1-8 pints can be added to a bath for soaking and your body will absorb it. Diabetics can greatly benefit from it by using it for foot soaks to increase circulation. It can be used in childrens ears for ear infections and swimmers ear. It can also be used as a oral mouth rinse. There are also a bunch of other beneficially websites you can use. The only thing hydrogen peroxide should not be used for (and most people use it for this purpose) is wound care. Peroxide is actually toxic to new skin and damaging. Thanks for listening I hope this helps anyone who is interested.

I have heard of that before, I had psoriosis and in the begining they did say that it could be Lichen Planus. I did alot of research on it at that time. I know that cod liver oil significantly helps the skin. Look into the dosage for kids as I don't know her age or weight whatever you come up with (for children) give her a little less. Cod liver oil is wonderful for overall health it is high in Vitamin D and Vitamin A but I say reduce the amount because too much Vitamin A can result in Vitamin A toxicity. Oatmeal baths and aloe vera applied topically can help. I also know that inducing sweating can clear the skin of toxins and rashes. Maybe a short time in a heat sauna or letting her in the shower with you for the steam. If you do that Cayenne Pepper can increase your bodys reaction of expelling toxins. If she can swallow a pill of it that would be better since it's hot for kids to take. You can buy empty pills at health food stores. Also tumeric is a great anti-inflammatory that also can be taken in a pill and is great for overall health too. But of course as I posted before try hydrogen peroxide. Put some in a spray bottle, dilute it with distilled water only...put the water in first and try not to shake the bottle around alot put the water in first then the peroxide to avoid unnessasary shaking. It can cause the peroxide to lose it's extra oxygen molecule. Also use food grade...KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN ingesting too much can be very toxic and potentially fatal. Only ever buy 3% food grade to avoid accidental overdose. It is not a chemical but the body can't tolerate too much oxygen. Anyway try to get a spray bottle that is darker in color as light can deteriorate the oxygen. Let me know how it works if you use any of these things. I also looked up some herbal remedies online for you and this is what I came up with.
Some of the medicines usually used for the treatment of lichen planus are: Arogya Vardhini, Gandhak Rasayan, Nimba-Gandhak, Swayambhu Guggulu, Sukshma Triphala, Saarivadyasava, Mahamanjishthadi Qadha,and Khadirarishta. Single herbal medicines used for this disease are: Nimba (Azadirachta indica), Saariva (Hemidesmus indicus), Manjishtha (Rubia cordifolia), Karanj (Pongamia pinnata), Tulsi (Ocimum sanctum), Haridra (Curcuma longa), Daruharidra (Berberis aristata), Chirayta (Swertia chirata),Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia), Khadeer (Acacia catechu) and Vacha (Acorus calamus). These medicines have the unique property of acting on the skin and blood tissue, and also bring about the desired immunomodulation.
Medicines used for local application are: Shatadhout ghruta, honey, Neem-Karanj oil, Shodhan oil, Ropan oil, Chandan oil, Marichyadi oil and Bakuchi oil. Selection of the appropriate medicine is made according to the predominance of symptoms and the location of the lesions

I forgot to mention that if you use hydrogen peroxide in a bath it will be useless if you don't have a filter for the chlorine it will kill the oxygen.
Also Sweetkwa, putting filter on your shower or bath tub for your daughter can also help her skin condition.