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How do we help the world be more peaceful?

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How do we help the world be more peaceful?


World Peace, Love, Kindness, Compassion, Unity, Oneness

5 Answers

As the world grows ever more chaotic and divided, it can be hard to imagine a way to bring peace. But if we look around, we can find that peace already exists in small, everyday moments – when a stranger smiles, when a mother hugs her daughter, when two people respectfully disagree. These moments of love, respect, and compassion are the building blocks of peace, and when we share them with each other, we can create a world of harmony. With each kind act, with each gentle word, we can transform our world into one of peace and understanding. Let us all work together to bring this peace to life and create a better tomorrow!

Health - Happiness - Peace - Compassion - Unity!

Zena Love

Catherine Topic starter 06/03/2023 5:16 am

@zena Thank you Zena


We have all longed for a better world, one with peace and harmony. Yet, achieving this is often easier said than done. That's why it's time to think outside the box and consider the power of love in building a more unified society.

Cultivating love is the answer to world peace because it allows us to connect to our deeper selves and create an atmosphere of oneness. When we can recognize our shared humanity, we can come together as equals in compassion and respect - two essential components of any harmonious future.

From individuals to global communities, each person has a role to play in creating a better world through love. Only by embracing this kind of mindset can we hope for lasting change that will benefit everyone involved now and far into the future.

Cultivating Love For A Peaceful Planet


How do we help the world be more peaceful? It's a question that has been asked time and time again, yet remains just as relevant today as it did centuries ago. The answer to this question lies in our ability to cultivate compassion within ourselves and extend it outwards towards all living beings.
One way we can do this is by adopting a plant-based lifestyle. By choosing to live off of fruits, vegetables, grains, and legumes instead of consuming animal products, we are making a compassionate choice for ourselves and the planet. Not only does a plant-based diet reduce our ecological footprint, but it also helps us develop empathy towards animals who are often subjected to mistreatment in the food industry.

Furthermore, we must remember that at our core - regardless of race or creed - we are all human beings with shared experiences and emotions.


Close your eyes and imagine a world where every living creature, great and small, is living in perfect harmony. The birds are singing a peaceful tune, the trees are swaying gently in the breeze, and the oceans are calm and serene. This is the world we all dream of, a world where there is no violence, no hatred, no fear. Research shows that prayer and meditation with intention can help us achieve this world peace. When we focus our thoughts and energies on the betterment of all life, we are all connected in a powerful way. Our intentions and actions ripple out and benefit all life on earth, bringing us one step closer to peace on earth.

It is through the power of love that we can make this dream a reality. When we pray and meditate with intention, we are sending out positive vibrations that can transform the world around us. We are all connected, and when we come together with the intention of bringing peace to the world, we can create miracles. Let us join together in love and light, and focus our energies on bringing peace to all corners of the earth. Together, we can make a difference and create a world where all beings can thrive and live in harmony. Let us hold this vision in our hearts and minds, and let our thoughts and actions be guided by the power of love.

Candice Johnson 21/03/2023 10:32 pm

@heather1 - Love - Love - Love - I can feel the imagery!


Be Kind!!!!



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