
Psoriatic Arthritis
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Psoriatic Arthritis

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 I read your Leaky Gut Syndrome article and I would very much like to set up a time to talk to you on the phone to get your help and advice. I am currently in Paris, France, but normally reside in Washington, DC, which is why I am unable to try to meet you in person. I would be more than happy to pay for your time. I have made huge strides with my arthritis in the last week through at-home therapeutic fasting, but I would very much like to talk to a professional for nutritional guidance as I delve into the world of a gluten free vegan diet in an attempt to mend my intestinal track and regain health.

I was diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis nine years ago and have been taking NSAID's off and on for the past 7-8 years. I am an "otherwise" very healthy 33 year old male (i.e. in shape, exercise regularly, not overweight, married, father of 2 young children).

 I have never liked taking prescription drugs, but without them, my joints swell and I have been in pain. I have long wanted to try natural remedies, and finally came across some literature which has helped me. I have just about finished a 5-day juice fast, which has worked wonders on my condition. I am slowly going to reintroduce foods, testing for food sensitivities, tomorrow. I am a very persistent, dedicated person, so I am pledging to myself to begin a gluten free vegan diet for the next 3-5 months, year, or more, depending on my improvements and continued need.

Through Barbara Alan's book Conquering Arthritis, I have walked myself through the juice fast and have learned about Leaky Gut Syndrome. I have also done some further reading online about Celiac Disease, which I think I have because I have Dermatitis Herpetiformus. I desperately want to talk to a professional familiar with all of the above, which I gather you are based on your article that I read.
Would you be willing to help me? If so, please let me know how to best contact you (and pay you for your time).

Thank you very much for your time and consideration.

1 Answer
It sounds like you are planning some beneficial changes in your diet. Be aggressive and do not procrastinate.
An intelligent Vegan diet is smart and healthy; especially in your case. Do it now. The following link you may find helpful:
My book Neogenesis is now up on the community here to read and I think you would benefit from reading it. It is free to read for all members:

I do only pro bono and volunteer work and am now limiting my doctoring until I work the kinks out of the book. I like the ancient grains such as quinoa as a substitute for gluten which is in almost all bread grains.

I also like Flora oils that have GLA as anti-inflammatory oils for your situation.
Good health is a complex, multifaceted achievement that requires diligence
and determination.
It sounds like you are prepared to SEEK it.



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