please tell me what your point of view on the small changes individuals make in their daily lives to improve animal welfare
These are 3 things I've been doing lately to do my part for this:
1. I've reduced or eliminated certain meat and dairy products
Even reducing meat consumption by participating in Meatless Mondays or opting for plant-based alternatives can lower the demand for factory farming, which is a major source of animal cruelty. And less meat is also good for our health in general so it's a win-win.
2. I avoid places that exploit animals for profit
I am saying no to zoos with poor conditions, marine parks with captive dolphins, and elephant rides. I like supporting ethical wildlife sanctuaries and conservation programs that prioritize the well-being of animals.
3. I try to help local wildlife
This can be done by setting up bird feeders, planting native plants, trees, and also by avoiding using harmful pesticides, etc.