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"Why do we kill people who are killing people, to show that killing people is wrong?"

Peter Pan 11/10/2021 3:05 am


We do that to show we are better them but prove we are not different after committing the same act of killing by killing them... In the end, we are all guilty of the most inhuman acts.

2 Answers

I completely agree. By the execution of a serial killer, we try to indicate that killing is a bad habit, but people cannot refrain from that! That's very annoying, indeed. Some countries have already solved this problem by aborting laws to allow somebody's execution in any condition, even if the guilt performed genocide. We have seen this at the Justice Council in Lahey when they did not decide to execute Milosevic. Instead, they chose going to the court and reveal all facts which only a few people had known before then.

Saddam Hossain was not a good ruler, however this does not require he be executed. Much better solutions would have been applied if the United States had imposed some directives on Iraqis not to want his death all of a sudden. However, the US chose the wrong way and Saddam's frames along the path to death were amateurly recorded and televised, which is disgusting.

From now on, I would like to forget all those moments of execution and see more sincere attitudes from officials. Execution is what only evil does, not humans!


And how many times have we killed the wrong person? Way too many times - thanks to the poor and ill-equipped justice system in many countries. 



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