
some things on my m...
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some things on my mind

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What is past tring to tell us ? How did we get where we are ? Are you sure our belief system is the way intended. I feel God has something to say. Through many studies and documentaries. I began to realize a few things.

I was born into Roman Catholic Church August the 8Th, 1964. By the time I was 12, 1976, I started feeling there was something wrong with the church and thinking of Mary Magdalene. I don't recall how I first herd that name but I knew she was important. Later on in years I lost interest in church, I lost faith in the "Church". I didn't lose faith in God just the church. So I searched for my faith. I eventually followed a path to Wicca. Where I was able to worship God the way I feel, God was meant to be worshiped. I also had the feminine entity feelings to Mary. So worshiping a Goddess as well as God was not a problem.

Following the path of Wicca had its moments of mysticism. Still even though Wicca had positive effect, I felt something missing. Through experience I can tell you once you recognize the power or force of nature, then start to understand it. Miraculous things do occur. Here you have a system that you can actually fell good about yourself as well as you don't have the feeling of being condemned from the moment of birth. Well may not at the moment of birth. But as soon as you realize right from wrong. You will also feel connected with the Mother Earth. Still, I felt half full. It was time to walk that path of truth and fulfillment.

I ended up at the doors of the Seventh Day Adventist. They were the nicest people that I have ever known. I did connect to God through them. They have a strong faith and belief system. I too wanted to be saved. I wanted to learn as much as I could from them. As with Wicca, mysticism had it's moments in Seventh Day Adventist. I had thought I was on the path I was so looking for. So I studied with them and learned from them. Learning the Bible, it was a great experience, learning about this man named Jesus. Having different thoughts of Jesus,though.I felt the true meaning and teachings of Jesus were being disoriented. Through study, I find that there was actually old scrolls, Gospels, and text written in stone, all about the things that were popping in my head, that I thought were just my thoughts. I was amazed to find my thoughts in old texts and written in stone.

     I now, with all this knowledge, I came to realize that no one is right and no one is wrong. There is no doubt in my mind we all come from one source and we are made from intelligent design. No matter what name you put on your beliefs or you God we are all from the same source. I do think time is coming to an end, of the way we know it. We humans have become materialist. Moving away from the spiritualist. Some are finding there way back to the spirit. They are the ones that will move on.

     Then there are those on the spiritual path for themselves not a care of there surroundings and feel this will save them. Sorry to say they are only half there. Then you have the ones that think that pushing there religious beliefs on others will save them. They are only half right.

      It is my belief that we must be in touch with our spirituality take care of our Earth. Stop raping, polluting and destroying the Earth. We need to take out the fear of most religions and replace it with Love and caring. Care about the things that really matter. If you think about it for a second wars are started because of religious beliefs or greed of our leaders for power and money.

       We have been warned of things to come from the Ancients and we are being warned from Mother Earth. What happens to us depends on what we do. Earth will be here in the end the question is will we.

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Bingo Eddie - That's exactly my findings. Nobody is right or wrong.

Today there are people from all global religions and non-religions feeling the same inner callings; it is time to take the words of our elders seriously. For those of us experiencing these feelings, it isn't always easy to explain them to those who have no clue what we are talking about. But, they're there - and there in people all over the planet.

It's simply our time to promote peace while we still have the option to do so. And, there are a lot of us. This can happen.

Have a wonderful day! Catherine



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