Ashley McClure is an Arizona native that is passionate about healing. From personal one on one healing to community events she strives to bridge the gap between fear and love while honoring personal perspectives.

Hello everybody…
I am feeling inspired to share something that is coming up and its about friendship and connection. There is this big wave of community and networking and connection that we are all striving towards. And I’ve found that I have come together with friends at events and gatherings trying to have conscious conversations about what we want to do in the world and what we are looking for right?

It seems like after those events I kind of sit with myself and I can see that some of those conversations are a little surfacey. We are not digging down deep into what is going on in our lives, our real emotions, our real feelings and our real fears and we are kind of pleasing people still and stepping back. And I know that’s not what we want and not what is beneficial for us and it’s not how we are going to grow or be better people.

So how do we change this?
I had a good friend tell me about cry friends. I asked her what is a ‘cry friend?’

She told me when she is really sad or going through something that it’s her friends that no matter what that she can reach out to and go to her house and cry to her. I feel like I have lots of friends that I can call when I am sad, but who are my cry friends? Who do actually reach out to? It seems like there are not many…whether it be because of fear or vulnerability. Right?

So I think that this is got to be done with and we need to reach out to each other and to somehow view each other the way we really are instead of the way that we are trying to be perceived. This social media Facebook stuff…all of it is putting out an inaccurate presentation of who we are that it’s dehumanizing our connections to each other. How close are we really…how close are you to your friends? And just because you liked a picture on Facebook doesn’t allow you to know how their New Year’s Eve really was. It is something that needs to be addressed and I’m ready for action.

Conversation came up today and I’m looking into designing some sort of event or gathering where we are real and raw and really develop friendships and really connect with each other. Where we really let those walls down because that’s the only way that we are actually going to develop something new and amazing for this world. We have to have new connections to build new things and I know it seems that we are all in agreeance that something has got to change. The world the way that it is right now is not really working…we want it different, but how? It’s opening up and being raw and vulnerable. And so the steps right now I want to put that out there is to be raw and vulnerable and whatever steps you can take today…right now…to do that…to reach out. When someone asks you ‘Hey, how are you doing?’
‘Oh, good’
Isn’t your response. Come on people…is everyone just ‘Oh, good’ or ‘Mmm good, life’s good.’
No…be real. How are you feeling? Let’s be real everybody…it’s ok, it’s safe. Let’s build a new foundation for what friendship and connection mean. I challenge you and myself to keep branching out and being real with each other.

Thanks for watching.
Any comments on who wants to be involved…who yearns for this…I want to hear it…share…share this video, share your ideas…whatever you have…share them!

I love you, I love everybody…heck yes…I love me!
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Author: Bliss

Dedicated to making a positive difference for people, animals, and this beautiful planet!

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