Media Interviews with Goodness Steve

Goodness Steve Inspiration

Below are conversations with Bliss Planet founder Steven Ferrel (also known as) Goodness Steve 

Goodness Steve

From an interview with 

What sort of legacy are you hoping to build?

As I embark on my journey, I am inspired to do my best to make a positive impact. It is not just a goal, but a mission: to plant as many seeds of positivity as I can, in hopes they may blossom into a legacy that will continue to help others long after my time in this body is over.

Creating educational eco-villages, a future dedication of Bliss Planet drives me. I envision the creation of educational eco-villages as shining examples for the world to see and learn from. These villages will be templates that exhibit how we can put an end to homelessness, starvation, and the despair that leads to suffering. Teaching the world that we can flourish in harmony with one another, animals and nature, showing we can coexist and thrive in one another’s brilliance.

My aspiration is to inspire others to live their best life. I want to spark a fire within humanity, helping them discover the beauty of life and providing them with the tools to feel and function their best. I want to empower people to embrace their wellness journey with a love for all the magic life offers. I hope to show up from time to time on their travels as a source of guidance and inspiration.

I want the impact of my efforts to transcend generations. I yearn to co-create a world where humanity can feel safe, happy, and flourish decades into the future because of the steps I have taken today. I want them to inherit a world where prosperity reigns supreme, where everyone feels connected and peaceful. It is a lofty aim, but one that fuels my every action.

I believe in the power of unity, in the strength of a community that works together towards a common goal. I know the road ahead will be adventurous, filled with its share of challenges and triumphs. I look forward to the adventures ahead and the magic that propels its growth.

So I plant my seeds of positivity, nurturing them with care and determination. I commit myself to leaving behind a legacy that inspires change, a legacy that will reverberate through time. It is not just my duty, my obligation, but a calling to inspire the creation of a better world, a world where compassion, love, and harmony prevail. And together, hand in hand, we shall build a future that reflects the very essence of a heaven on earth. An oasis where all life on this planet thrives in harmony.

What do you think people will say about you after you are gone?

I think most will feel I was a healthy influence on this amazing adventure called life, who was determined to embrace all the magic life offers while doing his best to infuse as much positivity as he could into the world.

What do you hope to be remembered for?

I hope that the way I lived my life will inspire others to shine their light so others may see, as the world is brighter when we all shine.

How did the Bliss Planet Charity come to be?

I faced a health challenge in my mid 20s called spasmodic torticollis that was very painful. However, it was through this that I birthed a passion to help myself and others feel their best. Determined to feel better, I delved into various holistic practices and researched innovative ways to enhance brain chemistry.

This journey of self-discovery ultimately led me to develop a unique wellness system with the help of my father, who is a retired physician. It aims to enhance brain chemistry so that we function and feel our best. Through combining elements of healthy nutrition, mental mastery, fitness, limiting exposure to toxins, we created a program and course that empowers individuals to take control of their health and happiness.

The inception of the Bliss Planet foundation has paved the way for us to offer this life enhancement course without a financial burden. Our mission is clear: empower as many individuals as possible with this transformative system. By engaging in its practice, they will enhance their own well-being and ignite a powerful chain reaction of positivity affecting those around them.

We have everything conveniently online to view or become certified as a wellness specialist.

Our future vision includes the establishment of educational ecovillages that will serve as beacons of innovation and inspiration in the field of wellness. These ecovillages will not only teach us how to thrive in harmony with our environment, but also demonstrate how we can fulfill our fundamental needs for clean food and water, shelter, play, contribution, and community. Let us embark on this transformative journey together and create a world where health and happiness is within reach for all!

What’s a lesson you had to unlearn and what’s the backstory?

I learned that this life is not all about Me…it’s about We.

I used to think that life was all about me. I was focused on my own desires, dreams, and aspirations. But as I’ve gotten older and gained more life experience, I’ve come to realize that this mindset is limiting and ultimately unfulfilling. Life is not meant to be lived in isolation; it’s about the connections we make with others and the impact we have on their lives.

When we shift our perspective from me to we, a whole new world of possibilities opens up. We begin to see the interconnectedness of all things and recognize the power of collective action. It’s in supporting each other, working together towards common goals, and lifting one another up that we truly find purpose and meaning.

Not only does focusing on we enrich our own lives, but it also has the potential to create a ripple effect that reaches far beyond ourselves. By prioritizing collaboration over competition, empathy over indifference, and unity over division, we can contribute to building a more compassionate and harmonious society. So let us remember that this life is not just about me – it’s about all of us coming together for the greater good.


Next Media Interview


From an interview with 

How did you find your purpose?

A delightful desire to shine my light in the world and create something beautiful that will benefit others long after my time in this body is complete ignited my purpose. I believe as human beings, we all possess an innate desire to contribute and be a beneficial part of the community. We thirst to make a positive impact on the world. It’s not just about achieving personal success; it’s about leaving behind a legacy that sparks inspiration and ignites purpose in others. Each of us holds a unique light within, a light that has the power to brighten the lives of those around us and leave a lasting impression on the world.

I’m just being a normal inspired human, doing my best to shine my light to help others see while making a positive impact for the greater good.

When we embrace this desire to shine, we unlock our true potential and unearth the deeper meaning of our existence. It’s about finding purpose in every action, every word spoken, and every interaction with others. By acknowledging this yearning to leave something behind that resonates with our soul’s purpose, we connect with the greater tapestry of humanity and contribute to a collective narrative of hope, love, and empowerment.

By embracing this longing to illuminate the world with our unique essence, we become beacons of inspiration for future generations. We leave behind footprints of resilience, compassion, and wisdom that guide others towards their own path of fulfillment and purpose. Our light becomes a timeless beacon that continues to shine long after we’re gone, reminding others that they too have the power to make an enduring impact on the world!

Please tell our readers about what you do, what you feel is most exciting or special about it, as well as anything else you’d like folks to know about your brand/art/etc. If relevant, please also tell our readers about anything new (events, product/service launches, expansion, etc)

I am thrilled to embark on a journey dedicated to spreading positivity and wellbeing. I believe that by helping people feel their best is the key to making a positive difference in the world. The Bliss Planet Foundation allows me to share with others innovative concepts that helped me on my wellness adventure. Our wellness course helps empower individuals to feel their best, both mentally and physically. Through an innovative combination of wellness strategies, we aim to create optimal brain chemistry and inspire a profound sense of health and positivity.

Besides the Wellness Certification Course, we have an online community, magazine, and video channel. Our next commitment is to build educational eco-villages that teach the world how to thrive in harmony.

I envision the future impact of the Bliss Planet foundation extending far beyond individual transformation; rippling out into the world, creating a wave of positivity that touches the lives of people across the world. By equipping people with the tools to cultivate joy and fulfillment within themselves, we are sowing seeds of optimism that have the potential to flourish into a global movement. Together, let’s embrace this opportunity to be agents of change in building communities that thrive on the energy of positivity.

Looking back, what do you think were the three qualities, skills, or areas of knowledge that were most impactful in your journey? What advice do you have for folks who are early in their journey in terms of how they can best develop or improve on these?

We are all given our own unique tools, but it is up to us what we decide to build and how magnificent it will be. A positive mental attitude, play, and creativity are three of my favorite tools for beautiful creations that help me function and feel my best.

I highly recommend making positive self talk a daily habit. By asking yourself better questions, you can shift your mindset and set yourself up for success. Your mind will always search for whatever you ask it to look for, so why not use that to your advantage? Instead of constantly feeding yourself negative thoughts and doubts, start asking yourself questions that are conducive for wellness and growth. For example, instead of asking “Why does this always happen to me?” try asking “What can I learn from this situation?” or “How can I overcome this challenge?” By doing so, you are actively programming your mind to seek solutions and opportunities, rather than focusing on problems and limitations.

This simple shift in thinking can have a profound impact on your mental and emotional well-being. It’s time to have your mind work for you, not against you. By training your mind to look for the good and the positive, you are creating a powerful tool that will help you navigate through life’s obstacles and setbacks. So, take control of your inner dialogue, and start asking yourself better questions. Your mind is a powerful ally, and with the right direction, it can lead you to greater confidence, resilience, and success.

Play is vital for my overall wellbeing, and I regularly carve out time for it in my life. Whether it’s a daily walk, an event with friends, scooter play, exploring nature, hiking, or simply letting loose with some creative activities, I prioritize play because I understand its immense benefits. When I allow my inner child out to play, I feel a surge of happiness and excitement that uplifts my spirits. This not only improves my mental health, but also has a positive impact on my physical health. The simple act of playing brings me joy and allows me to de-stress in a way that few other activities can.

My advice for everyone is to let your inner child out every day, even if it’s just for short periods. Play boosts my creativity as I am enhancing my brain chemistry and allowing myself to think outside the box. As a result, I am more productive and innovative in other areas of my life. The energy and passion that comes from play feed into my creativity, allowing me to approach challenges with a fresh perspective. It’s amazing how something as simple as taking time to play can have such a profound impact on overall well-being. So, I encourage everyone to embrace the concept of play and make it a priority in their lives. Not only does it bring happiness and joy, but it also nourishes creativity and enhances overall health.

Are you looking for partners to collaborate with?

We are all co-creators with the power to shape the world around us. I realize that the ambitious goal of creating Educational Eco-Villages to inspire and teach the world how to thrive in harmony with people, animals, and the planet to cannot be achieved alone. I call on all visionaries, creatives, philanthropists, builders, and volunteers who share in this magnificent vision to join me in making it a reality. Together, we can bring this dream to life by combining our diverse skills, perspectives, and expertise. Each of us is a vital piece of the puzzle, contributing a unique and valuable piece to the overall picture. It is through our collective efforts that we can build a sustainable and nurturing environment for health, happiness, learning, and growth.

This page shares this vision:

Our shared passion and dedication will propel us forward, and our collaboration will lead to the creation of something truly extraordinary. Let us come together to harness our collective strengths and work towards a common goal. Together, we can inspire positive change and make a lasting impact on the world. This is a call to everyone who believes in the power of collaboration and the potential of collective action. I invite you to be part of this journey, to stand alongside me and contribute to the realization of this vision. Together, we can build Educational Eco-Villages that will shape the future of sustainability and wellness. Let’s teach the world that we can thrive, not just survive!

Those who wish to co-create can contact me through the following url:

May the Bliss Be with you!

Your ally in Goodness,



Next Media Interview


Goodness Steve

From a Talk with

What is your Story?

My story…my trajectory…what propelled me into a delicious world of heightened positivity, health, and charity started with a personal wellness journey.

Has it been a smooth road? If not, what were some of the struggles along the way?

My personal wellness journey…the most challenging part of my life is also what propelled the most growth. In my mid twenties I began experiencing neck pain from a health condition called spasmodic torticollis. The pain and spasms became intense most of the day and interfered with restful sleep. I was prescribed medicine that led me to experience severe depression. After almost a decade of extreme pain and suffering, I developed a wellness system with the help of my father, an innovative retired physician and nutritionist. That system focuses on creating optimal brain chemistry through mental techniques, healthy nutrition, exercise, limiting toxins, bioenergetics, and regular doses of positivity and eventually transformed into a wellness course. This course benefited me greatly to where the pain and spasms I experienced at such a high level for a decade became much less severe.

I would not have been able to appreciate and enjoy my life at the level I do now if I had never went through the extreme pain I experienced throughout those years. It’s helped me live a much happier life. My personal wellness journey is never ending, and the growth I achieve through its magic looks like a beautiful ride ahead.

Please tell us more about your business or organization

I am the founder of a public charity called Bliss Planet. The system that helped me I wish to gift to the world for when people feel their best, they are happier and better able to contribute to the well-being of others, animals, and this beautiful earth. I am excited that the better off people will be who access the concepts of the course. My passion is to spread its principles throughout the world as I feel the world is better off with this knowledge. Our online community at Bliss Planet shares that wellness certification course along with a digital magazine, videos, and other resources geared toward creating a paradise on earth. Future goals include building educational eco cities to teach and showcase blissful living practices and to help this world thrive.

I am grateful and honored to be among a vast group of charities with yummy ingredients for helping people, animals, and the planet. I am unaware of any organizations with a similar delicious recipe.

What is one of your favorite childhood memories?

One of my favorite childhood memories was riding my small dirt motorcycle on the forest trails near my grandfathers cabin in Mormon Lake, Arizona. I’ve always enjoyed exploring nature while motorcycle play in the forest amplified the fun. 


Next Media Interview


Goodness Steve featured in ShoutoutAZ



Meet Goodness Steve | Bliss Planet Founder

From a talk with Shout Out Arizona

We had the good fortune of connecting with Goodness Steve and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Steve, can you talk to us a bit about the social impact of your business?

Bliss Planet is committed to helping people feel their best. When people feel great, they are generally kinder and have a greater sense of connection to all life and the planet. Every happy person has the potential to positively influence countless others. We contribute to the world by providing an innovative wellness course and other educational services and tools for optimal wellness all at no cost, along with a platform for compassionate, wellness-minded individuals to unite.

Alright, so let’s move onto what keeps you busy professionally?

I’m excited for this grand adventure called life and to leave a legacy to help others with Bliss Planet.

I found it a challenge to be in a good state physically, mentally and spiritually for years as I suffered daily from a painful condition called Spasmodic Torticollis. I would experience painful neck spasms much of the day. I implemented positivity and wellness to a level where the pain I encounter is minor and wear comfortable neck support much of the time. My experience with pain led me to understand how precious this grand adventure called life truly is. It motivated me with the help of my father, a retired medical doctor and nutritionist, to create an innovative wellness course to help people feel their best. Bliss Planet, the wellness course and my level of zest for life would not exist today if not for the pain I endured along my wellness journey.

If you had a friend visiting you, what are some of the local spots you’d want to take them around to?

If I was to co-create a yummy week here are some of the ingredients for my Delicious Day Recipes:

Electric scooter play around Tempe Town lake. I feel it’s important to let the inner child out to play every day and scooter fun is one of my favorite ways to do that.

Incorporating nature play is a regular activity for me as I find it healthy and enjoyable. Camping in Prescott, Flagstaff, and Sedona are a few of my favorite places to embrace nature in Arizona. Planet Fitness facilities are in the area for a quick workout, shower, and hydro massage while allowing a guest to enjoy their facilities as well. I enjoy the food, drinks, and atmosphere at Chocolatree, a plant-based restaurant, and community in Sedona, on most Sedona visits.

First Friday Play at downtown Phoenix starting with a free visit to the Phoenix Art Museum. I take my scooter and use the bike lane to explore the streets of entertainment. A drum circle, art, music, and food and craft trucks are scattered throughout the streets. There is also Spin scooters to rent with their app scattered around if you don’t have a scooter or bike. Plenty of parking is at the main central library downtown which is just a short walk to the First Friday fun. And after scooter play on Roosevelt street, I enjoy The Pemberton which is an outdoor entertainment collective in downtown Phoenix.

I would include an outdoor movie adventure at Westwind Drive-In that includes enjoying a double feature from the comfort of my van’s full-sized bed with the doors open.

A sunset ride on electric scooters along the Hayden Greenbelt is a must.

Sunday mornings I enjoy drum play at Drum Church with Andrew Ecker and Monica Patton of Drumming Sounds at Roadrunner Park. This park also has a Farmers Market on the weekends along with a nice pond to watch happy ducks.

My favorite restaurants are generally plant-based such as The Giving Tree Cafe, Green, and The Loving Hut, but also find many dishes I appreciate at Pei Wei, Flower Child, Pita Jungle, and Scrumptious in Scottsdale.

Who else deserves some credit and recognition?

My parents have been very supportive and I’m grateful to have many wonderful friends that feed my inspiration.

I found an interview I had with Wayne Dyer delightfully inspiring and transformational. He was my favorite author, and I would enjoy listening to his CDs in the car regularly. I found myself in a deep state of peace just moments into the interview as if his calm energy benefited me. Ever since… I desire to be in a blissful state energetically around others to benefit them as Wayne Dyer was to me.


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