Kiss of the sun for pardon. Song of the birds for mirth. You’re closer to God’s heart in a garden than any place else on earth.” — Dorothy Frances Gurney
A beautiful garden enlightens both our eyes and our soul, it’s a direct way to get connected with mother nature. Who doesn’t love to see a tree in full bloom, enjoy the touch of soft grass under our feet and inhale the sweet smell of all the flowers around?
By increasing population day by day and the increase in technology products, our mother planet is in trouble. But she can be saved if we accept to embrace the healthier green life in our daily culture. If we start to reduce pollution, plant more trees, reduce the use of plastic and recycling the waste, we can make the world a better place to live. With a very small effort on our part, we can lend a hand to make green earth.
A few simple measures which we can take in making green earth are print less and save more trees, let’s say no to plastic bags and use recycled paper bags, considering electric and hybrid cars rather than choosing petrol cars, start creating our own fertilizers than using chemical pesticides which in turn destroys the soil.
From 1970, Every year on April 22, people around the world celebrate Earth Day which promotes healthy environment and to keep the earth green. But how many of we really put effort to celebrate and understand the importance of this day? if we think about the advantages of the green earth will we not enjoy celebrating this day? Greening the environment will mean more plants and trees to give shade and provide fresh sources of oxygen. We can walk with leisure, ride our bikes, and have less demand for carbon dioxide emitting vehicles that contribute the most harm to our ozone layers. The best part of all is we can save more money because “green” products cost less.
It’s better if we take the positive approach. Love our Mother Earth. It’s our home and loving it will bring more results. If we do our part out of love, then we will feel great about ourselves. With a positive outlook and actions, no doubt we will soon get a green Earth.
Please join the green revolution and decide to buy only products made from reusable resources. If we all just do our part and respect the earth we will be saving it.
Green is no longer an option. It’s the only way forward…Save the Earth.