How the Indian Sacred Poetry Meters, Music, Dances, and Other Classical Systems Explain and Follow the Qubit and the Quantum Systems: Gurmukhi and Gurbani as the Basics of Qubit and Quantum Systems: Be Happy Philselfologically – 108
When we discuss the Qubit and the Quantum Computers, Computing and the Sciences, we have to understand how it differs from the Classical Systems based on the Bit and the Binary Systems. We can understand it as the Indian Languages and the Grammars explain as we have the Philosophy of the Classical Systems of the World Computers and the Classical Systems present as the Mantra Theories that are based on the Indian Grammars, and other World Grammars as well. It is here we find the Ancient Wisdom of Sanskrit playing a major and the big role.
Now, when we consider the Quantum Computing and the Sciences, it is based on the Sacred Poetry as its essentials that has a different grammatical structures from the Classical Mantra Systems of Indian Civilizations. The Sacred Poetry of Indian Sacred Systems is the Quantum Systems of the Quantum Computing and Sciences.
Here we notice about the Classical Sciences as the Vedic Wisdom as written in the Sanskrit Languages, but the Quantum Sciences are written in all world languages based on the various meters of the poetry, and in it the Indian Devotional and Sacred Poetry Books and the Holy Books say the Ram Chrit Manas is the Quantum Systems and here the Vedic Knowledge and the Wisdom is the Classical Science Systems when its given as the Mantra, but when it meets the Poetry Meters and the Standards, its always the Quantum System.
The Gurbani, the Sikh Sacred Teachings in the Gurmukhi Languages and the Grammars as well all Indian and the World Systems of Poetics are the Quantum Systems.
The Quantum Systems in the Indian Poetry is the BIT System as the Laghu and the Guru Systems that are as the Pairs of the Male and Female, Yin and Yang, and the 0 and 1 Systems, but inside these have the “Poetic Dipole” that is same as we have discussed the Life Qubit Systems of (-0, 0 and “-0+0” Dipole,+0). This Life Qubit differs from the Mantra Systems in which the Sacred Balance of the Bits is as follows:
“OM Mantra NAMO”
The OM is the Zero, the Shiva Systems, and the NAMO is the Decimal, the Shakti Systems, and the Mantra is the Bit Program Script for the Classical Computing.
However, the Indian Sages, who followed the Bhagti (Bhakti), the Reincarnation Systems of Vowel Theory has all written the Quantum Qubit Systems as the “Maatra Systems say the Maatra Gorkhnath, Maatra Baba Sri Chand, and all other Indian Poets has written it”. These are always two lines that meet Indian Poetic Standards in which all Writings have the “Raga, Special Quantum Visualizations” that is though from the Sanskrit Languages, but mostly its written in the Brahmi Indian and the World Languages.
The words as the “Maatra” is Synonymous for the Quantity and the Quantum, and this is the “Essence of All World Religions and the Faiths”, and all describe the Quantum Systems that eventually produces the Bliss, Auras, Chownki, Spirits (Calling Upon Holy Spirit), and many Sacred Visualizations, and thus the sacred Visions. If the “Maatra, the Qubit” is right, one experiences the Parmananda, the Quantum Bliss, and that is all because of the Sacred Musical Writings, and not because of the Meditation and or the Focus, and that is what all Indian and the World Sages, Poets, Philosophers, Thinkers, Artists, Scientists, Researches, and other people of mysticism has been doing.
For this reason, the Quantum Qubit, the Maatra Systems do not ask for advice about the Meditation, but Doing Kirtana, Chanting, Recitations, and using Music as the Art, Science and Philosophy to realize God inside.
The Mantra Theory as the Bit Theory is well covered in the Poetry, the Maatra as the Maatra, the Meter of the Poetry is the Classical, but the “Master Compositions that Make Music Personal and Universal” gives it the “Quantum Touch”, the Sacredness of the Universe.
Thus, when we read “Raga or say Raga Bilalwala as the Heading in the Indian raga based Poetry”, its the Maatra, the Qubit, and the Quantum in the Raga Bilawala, and t make sure it keeps the “Maatra Balanced in the Bit” Systems, it uses the Indian Classical Instruments say the Sitar. The Indian and Other World Instrumental Systems are the Bit Systems, and the Classical Systems, and the Compositions in the Indian Poetics is the Quantum, the Maatra Systems is the Quantum Qubit Systems.
This Maatra, the Quantity, the Quantum is also present in the Indian Instruments and the Dances. The Indian Dances follow the Bit Systems while the Dancer follows the Qubit, the Shiva and Shakti Systems. This way, we have Everything Indian as Unity of the Bit and the Qubit that is labeled as the Classical Indian Sacred Systems.
One point just to reinstate the point is that all world languages and the grammars use it as the Bit and the Qubit in its regional compositions in any classical and the quantum systems, and if we ever think it in daily languages, the “Indian Vidya Systems are the 64 Systems of Bit” and the “Indian Kala Systems are the 16 Qubit Systems”, and the Qubit Systems is the “Theory of Vowels”.
If we learn say Maths, its the Bit, the Classical, the Vidya Systems, and if we learn use of Maths in Music, its the Qubit, the Kala Systems. This is how Vedic Civilizations has always been, and that the Bhagat’s who prefer the “Kala, the Qubit Sciences” learn it all as we say “Intuitively, the Grace, the Gurprasdi Systems and Philosophy”. The Modern Educational Diploma and the Degrees are the Bit Systems and may ignore the Sacred Math, Music, Grammar, Poetry, Philosophy, Arts, and thus the Quantum Systems in which its not the “Human Brain functions and works as from the Left Side(Vidya), but the Consciousness (Heart and the Right Brain)” works more when one learns the “Bit, the Classical, the Vidya Systems”.
The Indian and World sacred Systems use the Right Brain Creative Intelligence in which the “Heart Emotional Intelligence is the Quantum”, and this is so from ages.
In the Indian and World Poetics and the Music, the Maatra, the Qubit Computing is present for any or all learners as for designing the Modern Quantum Computers, Machines and Other Systems, and for the programming, we need the same.
We will notice in due course of time that the quantum and the nano systems are together designed, manufactured and programmed and processed as the music or the poetic composition.
Yes, the Indian and World Vowel Theories play the Role Qubit Quantum Action in Everything that is “Written Grammatically Correct”!
That is how the “Maatra is the Quantum” and that is what we know as the “Sacred Order, Hukam, Command, Verse, Stanza, Furman, and other Sacred Versions” in the World Religions and Faiths, and anyone can write it intuitively:
“Sabai Ghat Ram Bolai…” (Gurbani, Sacred Poetical Teachings of Sikhism)
That is in everything speaks nothing but the “Qubit, the Quantum Sound of the Maatra, the AA EE OO” that is what everything sings including the matter say the atom and the universe as well. This is also the “AA EE OO” as the “A, I, E, O, U”, the Sacred Vowels, and the name as “Waheguru”.
If we want understand what is Vidya and the Kala in the Modern Context, we have to understand that the Vidya can give “Gyana”, but the Kala gives the “Bhagati”. The “Gyana” is the Philosophy and Path of Knowledge that Leads to Salvation Systems in the World Religions and Faiths, and the Kala is the Path of “Bhagati” where No “Gyana” is required, but it leads to the Path that Makes One See and Meet God, the Quantum Origin of the Universe, and thus the “Bhagati” is the Philosophy and Path of Grace, the Gurprasadi. If we want to understand it otherwise, the “Gyana is the BIT Systems, the Classical Sciences, Studies, and Research, and the “Bhagati” is the “Quantum Chaos, the Memory Systems” of the Universe.
If we consider the 7th Row of Indian Periodic Table of Elements, the “Pa, Pha, Ba, Bha, and the Ma” are the “Quantum Matter Systems”, and thus the “Bha is the Quantum Particles say the Quantum Dots, the Photons and the “Gati” is the Velocity, and thus the “Bhagati means the Velocity of the Quantum Photons, the Qubit Systems”. The “Photons” are called the “Constituents of Mana, the Creative Intelligence Systems”, and thus the “Quantum Studies the Mana while using the Nama Theories”, and the “Nama is also the Light of the Vacuum that is if we consider the Bindi (Decimal Systems) and the Bindu (Zero Systems), we get two systems:
1. The Bindi (Decimal) and the Bindu (Zero) as the Mana Systems, and this is the 1 in the Quantum Qubit Systems as in the (-1,0,1)
2. The Bindu (Zero) and the Bindi (Decimal) as the Nama Systems, and this is the 0 in the Quantum Qubit Systems as in the (-1,0,1)
We take this (-1,0,1) equation to (-0, 0, +0) Levels that is having inside it the “Quantum Establishment” as (-1,-0,0,Quantum Dipole, +0,1). This Quantum Dipole runs the universes and is what we can say and call as the “Quantum God Center of the Universe”.
In the Modern Quantum Systems, the “Quantum Dot” is what the Indian Sacred Systems claim as the “Theory of the “Bindu and the Bindi”, and the Bindu exactly means “Dot”, and its Quantum Dot (Bindu) and Classical Dot (Bindi), and when we consider the Bindu, the Quantum Dot, we also consider the Nucleus, the Nabhi, the Nami, the Nama Systems according to the Indian Periodic Table of Elements expressed as the Indian Alphabet, the Gurmukh, Hindi and the Sanskrit Periodic Tables as the Sacred Elements. In the Classical Dot Systems, its the “Bindi” that matters, and it leads to the “Orbit Levels of the Atom” that is the MANA, the OM Theories while the Bindu, the Quantum Dot deals with the Quantum Systems of the Nucleus that is the NAMA, the NAMO Theories of the Indian Sacred Systems. We see it as shown below:
Image: Quantum Dot as the Bindu Philosophy with the Bindi, the Classical Dot and the Bindu, the Quantum Dot
In other words, the two theories exist as the MANA and the NAMA Theories in the Indian and the World Philosophy and the Religions, and that is the “Mana is the Study of the Photons”, and thus needs the “Huge Memory Systems”, and the “Nama Systems is the Quantum Memory, the Simarana in the World Civilizations”, and thus what we have discussed as the “Mana is the Classical Bit Systems”, and the “Nama as the Quantum Qubit Systems”, and the “Sacred Path, the Track and Trajectory of the Chaos is the Nama Systems”, and in the Nama Theory, which is also popular as the “Net and Namo Theories” gives us the “Uncertainty Principle, which is the Quantum Chaos of the Universes”, and its the “Nama Chaos and Uncertainty” that remains as the “Quantum Memory of the Universe” and is no longer defined as the chaos in the universe.
We notice the Bindi (Decimal Systems) and the Bindu (Zero Systems) as the “Vortex Systems” in the Universe. The “Bindu” as the Power of the Vortex at the Center is the “Zero Energy Center” and around it exist the “Two Points as the Bindi and the “Anti-Bindi”, the Opposite Pairs of Energy that we deal as the “Two Tricolor Systems” that is Pairs in the A, E, O and the AE, EO and the OA as these are the Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva and the Sarasvati, Laxmi and the Paravati Pairs in the Indian Bindi, the Shakti Systems, and the Center of the Vortex is always the “Bindu, the Zero Energy Point as the Power of the Bindi as the Bindu” as in the same way as the “Center of the Circle”. We can have the “Opposite Pairs at the Circumference of the Circle that work on the same center as the Center of the Vortex”, and we create the “Circle with two points that are Opposite at the same time is the Creation of the Vortex at Systems at the Circle”, and it becomes as if the “Wormhole of the Universe, the Quantum Wormhole Systems”, and it creates the Qubit Circle inside the Circle that if we make “Spherical” becomes the “Set of Two Opposite Pairs of “A, E, O, AE, EO and the OA”, and that acts as the “Quantum Computing Qubit System”. When we consider the A, E, O, these are like the single bonds, and the AE, EO and the OA is like in the “Double Bonds in the Organic Chemistry”, and we see the 3 Pairing Positions of the Two Qubits as the A, E, O, and the AE, EO and the OA as shown below:

When we create the “Charge Qubit” with Two Quantum Dots, one becomes the “Bindu and the Other the Bindi” and thus there is flow of quantum charge in the two qubits and these two quibits acquire the levels of the “A, E, O, AE, EO and the OA” Systems of Charge as one is Source (A, E, O) Qubit and the Other Charge Collector (AE, EO, OA), and thus the “Universal Qubit of Emitter and Collector Systems with Quantum Flow is established as shown below:

It goes with Bindu (0, the Qubit Emitter) and Bindi (1, the Qubit Collector) as shown below:
Thus, we have the Bindi (Quantum Collector) and the Bindu (Quantum Emitter) in the Quantum Qubit Systems that ends up as shown below:
So, we have the “Bindu (Emitter) and the Bindi (Collector) Qubit Systems that the “Physicists Build Single Atom Memory For Quantum Information”:
This is the “Secret of the Decimal (Bindi) and Zero (Bindu)” as the Scientific Model of and for Everything!
Using the above model of the Bindi and the Bindu, we can easily create Qubit in an atom while starting from the Two Dots on the Circle and then turning it into the Quantum Qubit Sphere of Quantum Coomputing:

To learn, study, research and work in the Quantum Qubit Systems, we have to take help from the Easy to Understand Ancient and the Modern World Language Structures and the Systems. The “Exact Qubit” is the “Exact Vowel Theory”.
When any world language and the grammar starts, it has the A’+A’=A Philosophy, and that is what we have put as A’=

When we add the Two Under Roots of 2, we have to add the A’+A’=2, and this the “Secret of Everything Qubit and the Quantum”. When we add 3 A’, it gives the 3/2 of the Under Root 2, and when these are 4 as the A’, we have it as the 2A’+2A’=4A’=AA in the say “All Indian Languages”. These 4 A’ Constitute the 4 Angles; all at the 45 Degrees. These are written in all sets of Indian and the World Systems as the A’, 2A’ (A), 3A’, 4A’ (AA), and its also so for the A, E, O and the AE, EO and the OA Systems. These “Pairs of A’, 2A’ and the 3A’ and the 4A’ are the “Susy and the Standard Particle Systems in the Physics Advance Model of Elementary Particles.
These 4A’ set the Base of the Pyramid and All Indian Mantra and the Yantra Systems, and when we go for study and research of any Indian, Egyptian, Chinese, Japanese, Arabian, Western; the Ancient and the Modern Systems, the 4A’ Vowel Setup is the “Quantum Qubit Systems”. All of A, E, O, and the AE Vowel Angles are always the 45 Degree Angles even in the International Phonetic Systems having Charts of the Vowel Placements in the Mouth and Throat has the same setup of 45 Degrees for these vowels and pronunciations these give. The A’ and A’ are always 45 Degree Apart when we use Quantum Qubit, Pyramid, Shri Yantra, Gaytrai Yantra, and any other systems as we have discussed in the previous parts of the series.
We notice say the Athens Theory of Everything, and I have tried to it as the All Theories in One as the Philselfological Theory of Everything using the Gurmukhi Languages, Grammars, Vowel Theories of World Languages, and thus the Vowel, and the Consonant Theories as the Theory of Everything Model:
The “A’, 2A’, 3A’ and the 4A'” Levels are treated as the 4 Pada, the Positions in the Indian and World Knowledge and Wisdom as the “Static (Tamo), Kinetic (Rajo), Dynamic (Sato) and the Turiya (Free Energy Source in the Vacuum, the Shoonaya)”, and the Indian Sacred Systems call it as the Light (A’), Sound (2A’), Energy (3A’), and Matter (4A’) Systems in the O, A, E and the AE, and it remains as the Set of Qubit Quantum System that is the “Circle and Cycle of Free Energy”. It is the “Base and the Basis of All Indian and the World Sacred Systems” say as the Pyramids, Feng Shui, Crystals, Mantra, Yantra, Tantra, and what we know as the Scientific and Quantum Products; Computers, Machines, Equipments, and all that is Nano Systems as we have discussed the CHARA Systems of the “A’, 2A’, 3A’ and the 4A'” Vibrations, and it gives all modern systems of advanced physics model a greater depth and meaning, and also gives models of everything a greater significant”, and its one of the greatest contributions by world religions and faiths in union with philosophy, science, technology, and arts, music, para sciences, and so on. The great point of concern is that is base and the basis of the music compositions and all is based on the sacred poetics and so is the Quantum Qubit and the Computing and the Computers and what to say, its the essence of the Nano Systems and the Meta-materials, the superconductors, super insulators and the super capacitors! These 4 Positions with Two Major Angles of the 45 Degrees is the “Chara+Na”, the Positions and Angles where Nano’s and the Qubits, the Photons give their results and the effects as we say:
“O God! Keep me at Your Refuge, we get all we want! – Data Rakhin Charna De Kol, Charna Di Mouj Baddi”
The First Two Angles, the 3rd and the 4th of 45 Degrees in the Vowel Setup of A’, 2A’, 3A’ and 4A’ is the 45, 90+45, 180+45 and the 270+45, and this is what creates the Twist and Rotations, and the “Count of Twist and Rotation, and the Vibrations” remain the same in everything, and its the “Euler Space Dimensional Systems and the Setup”, and its here when we deal the “E=O+A” Systems of the Vowels in the Indian and the International Systems, we understand it as the “E=Euler Systems”, and it satisfies the Conditions of Euler Geometry, Space, Dimensions, Differentiation, and so on. The general 4 Angles are as shown below:
Now, the Chemistry Structures have the same magic of A, E, O, and AE Systems with the same theory of angles and arrangements that also makes it the “Quantum Qubit Systems” as shown below:

There are Two Major Qubit Systems that have the “Layer Creator Systems and are thus the AO and OE Systems having A, O, O, E Systems inside the Square” and have a Diagonal or say the Double Bond Systems and the other is for the “Linear Bond Creators as with the A, E, O and the AE”, and these are the “Structures of the Bindi, the AO and OE as the A, O, O, E, and the Bindu, the A, E, O, AE Systems” in the “Structure Creation of Everything in the Universe”.

These create diamond crystals type structures in the universe and with various dimensions everything that has been described in the Periodic Table of Indian Table of Elements:

The Indian Alphabets are made of the Natural Element Structures with Vowels, and the Consonants, and this gives consonants, the state of solid state matter, which is having all the properties of matter explained as the “Need of Vowels as the Creation of Bonds, Structures, Crystals, and so on” with the “Theory of Diamond Structure as the Master Solid State” as Gurbani, the Sacred Teachings of Sikhism says it:
“Heerai Heera Baidhaya….” (Gurbani, the Sacred Teachings of Sikhism)
It means with known “Solid Structures, Patterns and the Crystals of the Diamond, the Heera” one can “Access and Modify, Baidhaya” the Diamond Structures of the Universe.
The reason for the above is that the “Indian Alphabets with Vowels and Consonants” have shape, sound, colors, sizes, crystal structures and all that we can know about the “Shapes, Structures, Colors and the Sounds, and thus All that is the Theory of Similarities and the Similes”. The Sikh Gurus and Other Bhagat’s in the Indian Civilizations know and educate these studies as the “Sacred Knowledge and Wisdom of Everything in the Universe and the Universe by itself”. Due to symmetry in these sacred systems, the sounds are symmetrical, and this very “symmetry is the secret of everything”, and thus is the Indian Musics, Dances, Instruments, Languages and the Grammars. For this reason the “Theory of 5 Major Elements that Indian Systems Teach and Educate” is the “Shabad, the Theory of 5 Elements as the Guru”.
All of Indian Holy Books and Scriptures are written and composed either as the Mantra (Classical Bit Theory as the OM Theory) or the Sacred Poetry (Quantum Qubit Theory as the NAMO, the NAMA Theory). In this is called the “Shabad, the 5 Elements Sounds, Shapes and the Structures as the Guru”, and that further means that the “Shabada is having the Black and White Hole Theory inside it, and thus Gu (Black Hole) and the Ru (White Hole) that makes the 5 Element Theory, the Shabada having the Guru Theory Embodied in it”, and thus the word “Guru is the Gravity and the Color Theory that is present in the 5 Elements, and thus the Indian Philosophy of Shabada, the Guru and many other world religions and faiths in the world say and claim the same as the Word as the God. The Indian Theory of Shabada as the Guru is same as we notice in the west “Word as God”. In this context of “Word as God, the Philosophy of Shabada, the 5 Element Theory as the Guru” does not differ and all world religions and the faiths teach and educate it as the “Theology, the Genesis and Sacred Educations Systems”.
There are many relevant parts on this “A’, 2A, 3A’ and the 4A'” has been discussed as the “Dimension Theory” in say the following:
Philselfology of Indian Sacred Mantra Systems: Drisha, Darshaka, Drishta, Darshana and the Theory of Dimensions: Studies of Nature and the Universe say Shri Yantra: Be Happy Philselfologically – 59
Next part of the series: How Indian Theory and Philosophy of ONKARA as Quantum Qubit and Sacred Topological Geometry of Circle and Point, the Theory of Bindi (Decimal) and Bindu (Zero) with Gurmukhi Langauges and Grammars: Be Happy Philselfologically – 109
If we do not learn these sacred systems, we remain insensitive in our entire life!!!
We will edit and add.
Be Happy Philselfologically! Kala, the Qubit of Quantum is in everyone!