How the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Language Systems Explains the Einstein’s Theory of Relativity, Mirror Theory, Modern Physics Beyond the Standard Model, Baryon Particles, Black Matter, Super Symmetry, String Theory, Dimensions of Orbitals of S, P, D, and F as Bonds: Be Happy Philselfologically – 86
We have the “OORA, AARA, EERI, SASA and the HAHA” as the Scale that discusses what we know the Sacred Frequency of 528 Hz as it beats the Signal of “EAK” at the 528 Hz, and we have the Sounds of “E… A… K”, which pauses as the “SA” and ends up at the “HA”, and that just before the beats of “EE”, it has the “Spindling and Twisting Graphs and Charts” of the Modern Physics Model of say 2012. It gives All of the Possible Known and Unknown Theories have a Sacred Platform at the “E, the EE Sacred Sounds” at the 528 Hz. We can manually perform this experiment as we open our mouth saying, “OO”, and “Create the Clouded Charge which is Neutral in Our Mouth, while saying, “AA”, and have force or push it out from the mouth perpendicularly (OO) and horizontally (AA), and thus Spread the “EE Sounds”, which match the 528 Hz sounds of “EE” very well. The sounds of “SS” goes balancing the 3 Dimensional “OO, AA, and EE”, the “Y, X and Z-Axis in the Mouth”, and in the Scientific Diagrams of 3-D’s, and we say the “HH”, the Charged Breathe Out, and it makes our “Sacred Mouth Be the Mouth of Wisdom that says what the Vedas says as the Theory of Bidnu, the Zero, the Shoonaya”, and when we close our mouth saying the “SS and HH” downwards, it goes as the “SH” Sounds that goes towards the Abdomen, the “SH” Center with “REE or the RI, the Light Receiver, the Chakra at the Heart and the Solar Plexus Chakra”, and thus terminates the “Sacred 528 Hz have its Sacred Circle and Cycle Start, Run and Phase Out Well”
As we notice the “AARA” gives the “Holding in the Throat and we say or utter any word, the sound that makes the “A, AA, the AARA” have the Special Place among all 35 Vowels and the Consonants in the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi and all other world languages, and thus the “A, AA, the AARA, the AARAHA” is the Sacred Phonetic Spindle, the Twisting of the Auditory Systems, and nothing can happen without this Sacred Twisting the Spindling with the “A, the AA” as it Hold, Spindles and Gives Position to All Sounds in the Universe. We notice it in the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi as in the image below:
We have discussed how the 0, Bidnu and the AARAHA work together as addition, subtraction and the multiplication, but it is lot far more than it as the Indian Grammars say in the Punjabi and the Hindi say, and its almost more than a miracle, and in it we have the SASA, SAHA and HASA getting all degrees and the dimensions by simply giving it the following Sacred Indian Measurements:
1. The AARA, the AA, the Basic X-Axis or the Primal Measurement, which is Horizontal, the X-Axis and Line in this context, the way we write the AARA or the AA say in the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Script, and in all world languages, we have the “A” of “A, E, I, O, U”, the “AA EE OO”
2. The OORA, the OO, the Basic Y-Axis or the Primal Measurement, which is the Vertical, the Y-Axis, the Line in this context, the wey we write the OORA or the OO say in the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Script and in all world languages, we have the “O” of “A, E, I, O, U”, the “AA EE OO”
3. The EERI, the Basic Z-Axis or the Primal Measurement, which is the Perpendicular to Horizontal X-Axis and the Vertical, the Y-Axis, and thus the Line in this context, the way we write the EERI or the EE say in the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Script, and in all world languages, we have the “E” of “A, E, I, O, U”, the “AA EE OO”
4. Next all of the Dimensional Measurements are the additions of the “AA EE OO”, and we can have say:
A+E=AEY, A+O=AOU, E+O=EOU, and say the O+AOU=AOAU, and the O+EOU=OOUU, and so on, and its applicable to all Hindi, Punjabi and the Sanskrit based languages as well as the English and all other world languages, the grammars with linguistics play a great role for the Sacred Maths in the Universe.
The “A+O”, “AA+OO” is possible, and say the “OO+EE” is not possible as we can add the X to Y and Y to X-Axis, but when the additions occur, these naturally result in the Z-Axis, the Direction which gives the Spindle Act on All Additions and Result in the Resonance that makes the X-Axis, the “AA” have the Protons, the Positive Charge unite, and add to the “O”, the Neutral Charge, the Neutrons, and we have the “Proton+Neutron”, which gives extra protons produced in the Natural World that travel at the Speed of Light, and thus are the “Free Electrons, Charges, and thus the Semiconducting Process”, and its as the Z-Axis is always perpendicular to the X-Axis and the Y-Axis, and we say: “A+O=E” in the Direction Based Dimensions in the Fission and the Fusion Theories!
In the following image, we see how the neutrons and protons make the “X and Y Axis” give what we have in the universe:

The Neutrons, “O, OO” the Y-Axis, and the Protons, the “A, AA”, the X-Axis can have the following results in the Z-Axis, the Direction that gives all protons and neutrons with their energies work and produce the electrical charges with the following output:
1. E: A Little Strong Negative Charge, the YIN with YAN (The YIN and YANG Theory), and its the W & Z Bosons Particles in the Image 5.0. It has a Dimension which acts as bond, and its perpendicular to the Electric and Magnetic Dimensions of X, the AARA, and Y-Axis, the OORA. This Sacred Dimension is like the S1 Bond.
2. EE: A Strong Negative Charge: YIN (The YIN and YANG Theory), and its the Gravitation, the Pure YIN Particles in the Image 5.0. It is the Sacred Dimension, which is like the Double Bond say the S2 or P2 Bonds, it can also embrace the p-orbitals, and acts as the Dimensional Bond.
3. EAY: A Little Strong Charge with Positive Charge in it: YAN with YIN (The YIN and the YANG Theory, and its the Photon Particles in the Image 5.0 ). It is the Sacred Bond of Triple Bond of say p-orbitals, and can touch the d-orbitals and the sacred bonds it can give us.
4. EAIY: A Strong Charge with Positive Charge in it: YAN (The YIN and YANG Theory, and its the Strong, the Glucon, the Pure YAN Particles in the Image 5.0), and its the Full YIN and YANG Theory as shown below with Time and Decay Processes in Nature even for electrons and the quarks, the life spans, which embraces the 4 bonds of say sp3, the f-orbital bonds and so on, and thus gives us the Sacred Dimensional Bonds of 4 Dimensions.
Thus, I propose to the Scientists to support the Be Happy Philselfologically Model of Future Science, Physics, Maths and Matter with the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Language, which will help all languages, linguistics, grammars and thus the teachers and students of all subjects to learn, study and research in the Solid Physics, Black Matter and Future of Our Modern World, and thus have the “OORA AARA EERI Model of Science, Math and Grammars as the Classical Arts in the Modern Sciences, Maths and Computer Systems”. It has the additional points in it as simply follows:
“The 3-Dimensional Charts of Atom, Orbital Models need to have the Electrons shown not just in the s, p, d and f orbitals, but that in the 3-D views, we have the Neutrons as the OORA start the Atom, the Y-Axis, and Protons run in and with it as the AARA which is associated with every single electron shown but in the Z-Direction of EERI, and all of it glows well in the “SASA” the 4th Dimensions as in it, we have the Electrons (EERI, the Z-Axis, which is the Rajo Guni Kinetic and thus the Kapha Systems, and the Moon or the Lunar Systems, which supports life on the earth systems), Neutrons (AARA, the X-Axis, which is the Neutrons and the Static Energy, which we can also assume Dynamic if in any Physics Model, we consider the “Neutrons as the Origin” of Fission’s, and thus the Sun Systems), and we have the Protons (OORA, the Y-Axis, and its the Protons, the Dynamic, the Dynamics of Fusions,and thus the Earth Systems forming life, which at the Center of the Universe is the Magnetic Field around the Center of the Universe) and electrons giving Beyond the Future have the Light Dimensions of “HAHA”, which deals with all Hadrons in the Dimensions as shown below:
We can put all of the electrons, protons and neutrons with hadrons have the Sacred Dimension Theories, which I have described in this series embracing the India, Egyptian, Chinese, Japanese, Native, Aboriginal and Other World Civilizations, and all of it as the Bindu of “OORA AARA and EERI”, the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Language Systems. It can make One Single Model of All Sciences and Maths in the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Format, which is same in all world languages!”
It gives the Advanced Physics Model A Shape which we can see as the beautiful particles as the “Sacred Orbitals”, which make the “Three Generation Model of Physics” have some pause and relax! The “Black Matter” also smiles at it!
Now, as usual, we always have limitations in a given model, and when we have the “OORA, AARA and ERRI Model of Sciences”, we have almost no limitation, but the way we want its relevancy as when we the following:
The “OORA”, “AARA”, and the “EERI” is symbolically the Constituents of the Universe, and as the “OORA, we have the “Center of the Universe, but without Charge”, and thus the “Sacred Neutrons”, and the “First Thing that occurs at the “Center of the Universe” is the Creation of the “Magnetic Charges, and the Charge Clouds”, which surround it by the Magnetic Fields, which may have no solid matters as to say in context to charges, and the Magnetic Charge Clouds that surrounds the “Charge-less Neutrons” is the “Sacred Protons”, which have the “Positive Charge”. It makes the Center of the Universe look like this, and all the hats together write the “OORA” of the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi, which is same as the Center of the Universe or “Charges Anywhere in the Universe
Thus, when we have the “Neutrons from the Nucleus of the Universe, which have the Protons as the Positive and Magnetic Charge Around it, and it simply creates the “Negative Charge Clouds outside and around it, and it looks like the “AARA” of the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Language Systems, and we have the Photon Bubble Oscillations making the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Systems help us learn the universe while the Neuron Star has the “Charge Tail, the Accretion Disk as we write the EERI in the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Language Systems”, which at the Proton and Photon levels look like as shown below:
And thus, we have the Family of Electrons, and thus the Negative Charge Clouds at the Center of the Universe”, and all of this process spreads the “SASA”, the Complete Systems of Charge as Neutralized, the Neutrons, Positive the Protons and the Electrons as Negative with Hadrons, which as the Family, the Daughter to Nucleus Mother gives our universe a balance, and we have the two balancing forces:
1. SASA: Power of Balance: The Aadi or the Primitive Form of Shakti, which is neither the Para nor the Apara, but as One!
We see the “SASA” in Action as the “Black Hole Theory”, which Balances the Black Matter and the Light and the Particles. Thus, the “SASA” as written in the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Language Systems gives our universe in its shape and work the following systems:
2. SAHA: Force and the Shakti, which binds the Neutrons and the Protons. It is thus the “Para Shakti” as it creates the limited wavelengths and frequencies, which we can see and notice. In it, we have the Black Matter, which we can see and explain to school going students.
Now, the “SASA” can have “HAHA”, the “SA” and the “HA” with “SAHA”, the Entangled and the “HASA”, which creation of Two Entangled Systems that Bind the Universe together as the “Nearest One” is the “SAHA” and the “Furthest Most” is the “HASA”, and we write the “SAHA” in Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Language Systems, we have the “Circle Closed or Nearest One”, and the “HASA” as the “Furthest and the Second Closed Circe”, and thus the Entangled Two Circles, which crate the “Living Cells” a “Daughter Cell” as we have already discussed, and its same in the “Sacred DNA Mother and Daughter Systems in the Sacred Universe”, and we see it as the “SAHA” and the “HASA” as shown below:
3. HASA: Force, and the Shakti, which binds the Nucleus Family of the Neutrons and Protons with the Electrons and the Hadrons. It is thus the Apara Shakti as its wavelengths reach creating far unseen particles as the “Hadens”. It is thus the Unseen, the Black Matter of Modern Physics Model, which we can explain to students before going to the Primary Schools.
The kids always play the twin games in which we have the “Real Outer World with the Ideal Inner World”, and in it everyone of us enjoys the “Life as an Atom, the Universe or a Living Cell does”, and we have the “Most Profound and Super Symmetric Spins of the SAHA and the HASA, which is initially the Black Hole, the SASA, which we notice as the Yin-Yang Symmetry of Chi, and First “SA” as the “Foreground Obstruction”, and the Second “SA” as the “Prograde Rotation”, and together with the Initial Energy Black Hole, the “SA”, we have the second “SA” after 360 Degree as we move from the “First SA through the entire Sacred the 35 Sacred Sounds of the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi World Languages” and thus we have the “SASA”, as the “One Big Black Hole”, while its Sacred Spindling Divisions with Sound Energies as the “SA”, and the “SA” in Two Most Sacred Spins of the Same the “SA” and the “SA”, and thus, we have the following tow images of black body, and sound energies acting on it as “Be Happy Philselfological’ly Model of Sciences and Arts” based on the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Language Systems:
Image the “SASA” as the “SAHA” and the “HASA”
And, the “SASA” as the “SA” and “SA” is as follows:
The point of great concern in the “SASA” in the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Language Systems is that its the “Distance and the Displacement that the “A” Covers from “S” to “S”, and thus its the “S-S-A”, and this “Thumb Rule Applies to all vowels, consonants, words and the sounds in the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Language Systems. In the “S-S-A”, the “SASA” System of the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Language Systems:
1. The “S-S” is the 360 Degrees and its the Circle and also Atomic Structure of An Atom with name and number of “S” in which we have the “A-S-H-A” always attached root or base of every Letter of the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Langues, and thus the “S” by itself is the “S-A-S-H-A”, and the “A in it is the “Protons”, the “S” is the “Length of the Breathe that it needs to say the “S”, and thus its the “Orbital of the Nucleus of the Atom of say S”, and the “Neutrons in it is the Opening of Our Mouth and say, “O”, and say it say: “O-S-A-S-H-A” to say the “-S-A-S-H-A”, and the “H” in it is the “Charge Cloud of Electrons of Hadrons in the Modern Model of Physics, the Matter”, and the way this very “H” ends with the “A-” is called the “Halant”, the “Hala, the Plough, and this Hala when spoken as the ALAHA, and in the Chinese its also the LOH at the center of the universe” of say “S”, which works as its “Halant, say “A” in the “S or the SA”. The “S” as the “Sound, the Swara and the Hala of “S” as the Hadron Charge Carrier has the “Tail Ending with Protons say the “A” in this case”, and thus one letter the “S” as the “O-S-A-S-H-A” is the “Most Symmetric Form of the Indian Languages” and also any world languages that meets the linguistic standards of Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Grammars.
2. The “S-S-A” is the 360 Degree of Circle that completes the Circle and the Cycle of the “A”, the Protons, and we can have it as what we have outside the “Nucleus of S as the “O-S-A-S-H-A” that has outside it the Protons around it as the “A”, and thus the “SA” is the Atom with “No Electron on it, but the positive charge, and is thus the “H+”, the Positive Ion of Hydrogen”, which is having the “SASA” Bonding, the “S” (Ready for Bonding State as the Neutralized State of the Atom) , “SA” (Covelant Bonds between say the “S” the Nucleus and the “A” Charges around it), and the “SSA” (the Ionic Bonds) in the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Grammars.
We have the “S” as the Hydrogen and the “SAHA” gives the Natural Fission’s of the Hydrogen and the Helium with the Fusions as we have the “HAHA”, the “HA” as the Helium Gas. The “HAHA” in Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Language Systems is the “Lightest of All Sounds in the Vowels”, and the next sound is the “RARAHA”, which uses the lots of force of friction, and we will discuss it in the next editing and the additions not the auditions though! In it, we have the fission and fusion:
SASA (Hydrogen)+Heat Energy (Needs More Exothermic)—> HAHA (Helium)+Energy of Fission
HAHA (Helium)+Heat Energy (Needs More Endothermic) —> SASA (Hydrogen)+Energy of Fusion
Just exothermic and endothermic with fission and fusion energies say please wait as someone wants me to work online to check the exam results!
(a) Well, when we exhale our breathe saying: “SAHA…” on the back of our palm, it produces “Heat, the Thermal Energy”, and its the “S-SA”, which uses the “Proton” and we have with the “protons, the AARA lots of energy released”, and its what fission or fusion!”
(b) At the same time, when we exhale our breathe saying: “HASA…”, it gives cool waves, and lowers the temperature that we raised using “SAHA”, and as its the “H-SA”, we have the Helium giving Hydrogen and releasing the cold energy of “A, the AARA, the Proton”, and thus what is it; the fusion or the fission”
Please check online what happens in the Fission and the Fusions, and why we need Sacred Models of Sciences to Conduct Experiments as Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Language Systems have wonderful grammatical, linguistic and numeral systems to help in it!
The Energy so produced travels in the direction of where we target the “SA”, the Energy of the Proton, the Primal of Matter as the “OO is the Neutron, AA, the Proton and the EE as the Electron”, and the “First Sound in the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi is for the SA, the Atom of Hydrogen”, which gives all forms that the Energy Wave Functions that we can have the “AA EE OO”, which acquires all shapes in the X, Y and the Z Directions:
And at the same time in the “Mouth that Says “SA” releases this sacred energy into the universe as if inviting the “S”-Atomic Energy, and the Indian Grammars call it calling the “S” as the “SA!” as we say:”RAMA!” and when we inhale after saying “SA”, we get the “S” Energies into our body, which is how the Indian mantras and the Pranayama works as in any world languages. The “Big Bang Theory” is this context of “SASA”, the Breathing is the “Theory of Birth, Expansion, and Crunching of the Universe” as the “S” takes birth from the Mouth of Space, and we have the “Clouds of Charges of OO, the Neutrons AA, the Protons and the EE, the Electrons, which change into the Hadrons, and we have the White and the Black Matter” creating the universe, and in our human bodies it almost fully resembles White and the Grey Matter in our human brains, which has the “Neutrons as the Neurons”, which constitutes our nervous systems. The “Neurons and thus the Neural Networks” create the human bodies, and we have the “Protons that constitute the Positive Charges, the Magnetic Systems in our body in say the Bones as if the Magnets and the Muscles that needs the Electric Currents”, and lo, we have the “Electric and the Electronic Systems from the Nerves providing the Electric and Electronic Charge” to our human body, which is same as the universe in which we all live. In this context, the brain can be thus easily understood as the “OORA as the Cerebellar Neural Network, AARA as the Motor Output and the EERI as the Sensory Output Systems” and thus as is the Universe or any given Atom”:
“By treating the brain as a “geometrical object” and assuming that (1) neuronal network activity is vectorial and (2) that the networks themselves are organized tensorially, brain function could be quantified and described simply as a network of tensors.
Sensory input = covariant tensor
Motor output = contravariant tensor
Cerebellar neuronal network = metric tensor that transforms the sensory input into the motor output” (With thanks from the source: )
So, we have the Neuron Hub, the Nervous Systems and the Neurons as the “OORA” having the “Shape of OORA of Punjabi, the Gurmukhi as in the Nucleus and the Universe”, and the “Motor and the Muscle Systems” as the “AARA” having the “Shape of AARA in Punjabi, the Gurmukhi”, and the “Senses and Sensory Nerves” as the “EERI” having the “Shape of EERI in Punjabi, the Gurmukhi”. Its same as the Vata, Kapha and the Pita System with the same as the Static, Kinetic and Dynamic Systems of anything that we want to study. This “BHP Biological System” of brain with “OORA, AARA and EERI” is compatible with the “Hadron Systems and the Modern Physics Model, and thus the Future of Science and Technology”!
When we consider the “Modern Physics Problems”, we notice that Color and Spectrum Mapping gives the “OORA, AARA, EERI and SASA with HAHA” Shapes in almost the way we write these letters in the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi, which describes the same from the “Center of the Universe as the Neutrons (OORA), Protons (AARA), Electrons (EERI) and what balances all of it as the Black Holes (SASA) and the Entangled Energies (HAHA) as also the same in the image below for the Envisioning the N-th Order Tensors”
We thus have the “OORA” as the Closed Systems in the Universe, the “AARA” as the “Flat Systems” that can also move, and the “EERI” as the “Open Systems” for the “Neutrons as Closed”, the “Protons as Flat”, and the “EERI” as the Electrons as Open Systems” and subjected to conventional similarities to these as the “OORA, AARA and EERI” for further works on the same, we have the thus the “Geometry of the Universe” based on the “Modern Physics Models”:
Thus, with the “OORA, AARA and EERI Systems”, we have the following image explained:
In the above image, we have,
1. Horizontal Shear: The “OORA”, the Neutrons in an atom
2. Vertical Shear: The “AARA”, the Protons in an atom
3. Flexural-dilatational: The “EERI”, the Electrons in an atom
4. Flexural: The “SASA”, the Energy Balance and Management in an atom
Now, we have the above creating the “HAHA”, the “Charge Clouds”, which balance and rearrange according to the “SASA”, which has already created two opposite pairs of charge as the Yin and Yang, which constitute the 1-D, 2-D and the 3-D as follows:
5. SAHA: The Electromagnetic Simulations in any “Charge Created as the OORA, AARI, EERI, SASA and the HAHA, the Balanced Charge”, and as the “SASA” is the 1-D, the HAHA is the 2-D, and we can have the SAHA=SASA (1-D)+HAHA (2-D) as shown below:
6. HASA: The “HASA” is the Electromagnetic Simulations in any “Charge Created as the OORA, AARI, EERI, SASA and the HAHA, the “Two Balanced Charge, but Opposite Pairs as the Yin and the Yang”, and as the “SASA”, 1-D, and as the 3-D its the HASA, and we can have the HASA=SASA(1-D)+HAHA(2-D)+SAHA(3-D)as shown below:
Now, in the mental health care, we have the 1-D, the Yin and the 2-D, Yang, which needs to acquire the Yong Levels that says that one does not have the Bipolar Mental Health Problems, and it follows the same tracks as the “OORA to HAHA with SAHA and the HASA” as described below:
1. The Yin as the Electron Path, the EERI Systems
2. The Yang as the Proton Pathway, the AARA Systems
3. The Yong as the Neutron, the Nervous System, OORA Systems
4. The SASA System has the Balance of both Yin and the Ying, and we have Clouded Charge which has the 3-Dimensional Cloud not interpreted yet, and we can assume it as the “YONG Projections as seen by our brain interpreters”
5. HAHA has what we know as the “Frequency Divisions that our brain read, and its same as the “Computer System, which displays 1-D, 2-D, and the 3-D data, which is the Yin, Yang and the Yang displayed
6. SAHA Systems read 1-D and the 2-D, and we have the say the Formation of Hydrogen Atom Isotopes and the Orbitals as its the System that helps the “Formation of the Neutrons (OORA), Protons (AARA) and Electrons (EERI) that creates the Human Body Environment as Center of the Universe does in the creation of the Stars, Earths and the Moons in the Space around the Center of the Universe”. The interesting thing in it is that we have say the “S” and the “SA”, and thus “A” as the “Charge Management” in the body as the grammar management in the languages. This very thing is the “Sacred Ploughing” in which the “AA EE OO” are what run the “Yin Yang and the Yong Energies”, and its the “Hala, and the Halant System in the Sanskrit, Hindi and the Punjabi Languages”. Thus, the body gets action force when we have the circulation of “sounds, the letters occurring naturally”. The “Word with AA” is 1-D, the Yin and the “Word with AA” is the 2-D”, the Yang.
7. HASA: When we want to see the “3-D” of “YIN and YANG”, we have it all going lot faster as naturally in the “HASA” state of brain functions as the sound energy is slow as in the “1-D, the Touch and the 2-D, the Sound”, and when we see the “3-D”, we may not feel the touch and the sound as it processes lot slower than “Seeing the 3-D”, and its not a disease or mental sickness, but “Art of Sacred Visualizations as we know it Seeing the Dreams and Visions”. We simply have to respect this 4th Dimension in which one seems absent minded or lost: “Are you there!” “Ha ha ha”, and thus the “HASA”, the laughter is the only answer o it! The Indians touch the feet of individuals in the state in men or bless the heads of women, and both lead a happy life otherwise psychiatry staff touches their feet: “Please take care of yourself!”
The things always sound better when we have the next part of the series:
Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Systems, 3-Dimensions of Matter and 4th Dimension of Atama, the Creator of Matter with Sound, Light Energy Conversions: Ayurveda and Single Model of Science and Health in the Universe: Be Happy Philselfologically – 87
The Vortex Theory remains the Rearrangements of the Various Columns of the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi, the Brahmi Languages, the reason that people see dreams, visions and relate to natural world.
Meanwhile, we will edit and add!
Thanks for your time, and Be Happy Philselfologically, while doing the Swaadhaya, the Self-study and Learning as the Personal Researching!