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Photo by Robin Higgins


In life, we all have problems. And yet, it is often hard to accept ourselves as we are. For example, if you’re feeling insecure about your body or appearance, it might seem easier to hide from the problem rather than face it head on. Or maybe you feel like a failure because you don’t have enough money in the bank—but instead of getting more income so that you can be financially stable; you choose to sit back and do nothing about it.

Life only moves in one direction—forward. We’re all constantly growing and changing, but unfortunately we’re not always growing in the ways we want to. Sometimes we’re growing more anxious or angry or afraid. Sometimes we’re growing more hateful or resentful or defensive.

Life is constantly changing, and so are we. Sometimes we’re growing more anxious or angry or afraid. Sometimes we’re growing more hateful or resentful or defensive. If you don’t like who you are right now, then accept it so that you can move forward and be the person that you want to be in the future.

Life only moves in one direction—forward. We’re all constantly growing and changing, but unfortunately we’re not always growing in the ways we want to.

When the growth is not good, it is often difficult to accept yourself as you are. However, the first step needed to create positive change is self-acceptance. Accepting yourself as you are requires a certain form of courage—because it means you have to embrace your flaws, uncertainties and mistakes.

The first step needed to create positive change is self-acceptance. Accepting yourself as you are requires a certain form of courage—because it means you have to embrace your flaws, uncertainties and mistakes. When the growth is not good, it is often difficult to accept yourself as you are. 

It seems easier to ask for help if you’re not ashamed of your inadequacies and imperfections. But if you hide your problems and pretend that everything is okay, you actually ask for trouble because it will become harder for you to get back on track should you veer off course.

Accepting your imperfections is not a sign of weakness. It’s an important part of growing up and feeling comfortable in your own skin. We all have flaws, but it’s important to recognize that it doesn’t mean we should stop trying to improve ourselves or our lives. In fact, accepting our imperfections can make us stronger people because it makes us appreciate the things we do well more than if we had no flaws at all.

You don’t always need help from others, but sometimes it can be good to seek help when you need it. Sometimes life throws unexpected challenges our way and with those challenges come feelings such as anger and frustration – feelings that are too difficult for someone on their own to deal with on a regular basis without some assistance from others who care about them (or even just strangers who care enough not to turn away from their problems). 

No one should feel like they have failed themselves by needing some form of assistance during difficult times; rather this should be seen as normal when faced with extraordinary circumstances that would otherwise overwhelm most people without outside assistance available at the time needed most urgently in order for them personally get back on track again once more quickly possible so they can continue living normally again within their daily lives instead being derailed indefinitely due lack any kind support system whatsoever which could’ve possibly prevented further setbacks occurring altogether besides having support around us all along throughout life’s journey.

So, instead of pretending that nothing is wrong or hiding from them permanently, seek solutions through personal growth and self-reflection with the help of others.

  • Make a list of the things you want to change about yourself.
  • Write down the reasons why.
  • Think about how you can change these things.
  • Be honest with yourself and others about what you need, and don’t be afraid to ask for help in finding it! If one person doesn’t work out, find another resource or person—there are many available! There is no shame in asking for assistance when you need it most, but there may be shame in waiting too long because of fear or pride.

The bottom line is that this journey isn’t easy, but if you stay true to who YOU want to BE (not what other people want), then success will follow soon after as long as progress happens consistently over time without skipping steps along the way; there’s no magic cure here — just hard work and dedication!

If you don’t like who you are right now then accept that so that you can move forward

Sometimes, accepting yourself as you are is the first step to positive change.

Accepting your flaws, uncertainties and mistakes is difficult but necessary. If you hide your problems from yourself or others, then it will have a harder time getting back on track.


Remember that life is a journey, and the best way to travel it is in a state of self-acceptance. It’s okay to be imperfect!

Visit this page for more about self – acceptance and its relation to well-being.

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