How 0 and Higher Spin Theory Explains String Theory, Astronomy, Astrology, Cosmos, Universe, Mythology, Sacred Math, Music, Languages, Space Sciences, and Free Energy Systems of World: Gurmukhi and Be Happy Philselfologically 135

In this part of the series, we discuss about how and why the Indian Spin Systems of 0, 1/2, 1/3, and 1/4 with Philosophy of Decimal and Zero Systems of N and M, O, A, E, AE are used in the Indian Astronomical and Astrological Calculations, Homotopy Type Math, Transitions of Everything in the Universe and its Effects on our Earth Systems as well as on the Sacred Universe in which we all live, and its called the Gochar and Falit Systems, Prediction Systems, Mythological, Cosmic, and constitutes the Base and Basics of Indian and All Other Sacred Systems of the Astronomy, Astrology, Cosmos, Universe, Mythology, Sacred Maths, Languages, Linguistics, Music, Grammars, Arts, Crafts, Space Sciences, All Kinds of Technologies including Nano and Metamaterial Systems, UFO’s, Anti-gravity Systems, Free Energy Systems, Renewable Energy Systems, and so on.

We notice that the Indian Sacred Systems when think and talk of the 4 Positions, the Pada (From the Pa, Ta, Tha, Da, Dha, and Na of Solid Structures, which is the Indian Dimension of Visible Dipoles), we may also notice that the “A, O, E, AE” is always the “A, O, E, (AE, OA, EO)”, and the great wonder in it is that it has been associated with the First Constellation and the Sign (the Indian Astrological Rasi, the Sign System with the Constellations as the Nakshatra) has the Primal Vowels of A, E, O and AE, and it goes to “AO, OE, VA, VE, VOO” into the Second Sign (Rasi) and the Constellation where we notice that Sacred Bridge of the Universe as the “A, E, O, AE”-“AO, OE, VA” as the Bridge between the First and the Second Rasi (Sign) and Nakshtra (Constellation) of the Indian Astrology and the Sacred Systems.

Here the Indian Dipoles of “A, E, O and AE” has the 4 Dimensions, 8 Dimensions, 12 Dimensions (Rasi’s, the Signs), 16 Dimensions, and the 27th and the 28th Dimensions. The 16 Dimensions in it all are the Spintronics of the Universe that gives Cosmic Rhythm, Bio-clock, and Durations of the Universe as the 16 Vowels, the Spins of the Indian Sacred Systems. Almost all Indian Mythological Calculations, Mathematics and Science of Astronomy and Astrology are well studied and researched with these 16 Spins.

The Mythological Time, Duration and Space Systems of Universe in the Indian Sacred Systems use the 0-Spin Dimension as the Observer’s, the Human Dimension. It then goes to the First Dimension of the Universe and that is the A’, and this First Spin, Dimension with its Spacetime (SAHA, the Base and the Basics of Indian Astrology, Ayurveda, and Other Sacred Indian Systems). When this very First Spin of the Universe is introduced, the First Sign and Constellation emerge as the A’ and A Systems, and it’s called the First Pada, the PA (Solid Structures) and DA (Force of Friction, the Fire) Systems.

Thus, if the “Spin is there, we have the Force of Friction (Fire) that it creates, and thus its Position in the Dipole of the Universe as the A, E, O, AE”. How it runs all systems as if suspended in the universe is well shown in the diagram below:

How and why we may not imagine or understand it well at times is because we have not been educated about the “Parallel Universes”, and that is to say all dipoles of same dimension add up and creates the Earths, Moons, Suns, Neutron Stars, Galaxies, and the Centers of the Universe, but all as the “Parallel to All Dipoles in the Universe”. We happen to think and assume that the Suns, Stars and the Galaxies have created us, and that is where we lack the “Philosophy, Science and Math of Parallel Systems and thus our taking part in creation of New Earths, Moons, Suns, Stars, Galaxies and the Universe” as whatever we do, it goes back to either strengthening the previously existing Solid Systems say earths, moons and the suns or it starts to create something very new.

If we can create something new in the universe or outside it seems questionable to most of the minds and brains we have thinking about it. For it, we have to consider that human consciousness is independent of the solid, physical or the 3-D universe because what we call the “Parallel Universe of 4th Dimension is the Universe of Consciousness that exists even if our physical death occurs”. The Modern Quantum Sciences have started to take interest in it about how after physical death, we all enter into the Quantum Universe of Consciousness, the “AE, OA and EO”, which takes us to the “Gates of the Universe, the First and the Second Constellations of the Universe”, and this “Gate of the Universe takes us into the Center of the Universe”, which has its own existence and does not depend on the earth’s, moons, suns, stars, galaxies and big physical bodies in the universe as these all revolve around the center of the universe following the classical and or the quantum gravity systems.

The Indian Sacred Systems have been studying the “Sacred Center of the Universe as the 0-Spin Systems”. When we think coming out of this systems, we start to have Quantum Spin, and it starts with the 1st Spin of the Universe, which the Indian Sacred Systems describe as the A’ that goes around the 0 Spin, and thus as the 0-A’, and it’s as if the 4-D Superfluid Systems as it has the “Mukta, the A’” Levels and as soon as it aligns with the A’ of the Physical Universe, it leaves its “Free Spin of 0 Level” and goes as follows:

1. The 0-0 Spin as the Center of the Universe

2. 0-A’ as the Free Spin Systems of the Universe, which is not attached to the “Gateway of 28 Constellations of the Universe”

From here starts the journey of Modern Theory of Super-symmetry as it says Supersymmetry breaking, and that is true as the 0-Spin and the 0-A’ Break from the A’-A’ Spins of the Physical Universe. Please read more from this link:…

3. 0-A’-A’ is as if the “0, the Center of Universe”-“0-Spin, the A’ Free Spin”-A’-A’ (Gateway of the Universe, the Krittika Nakshatra, the First Constellation and Sign of Aries that also spins with the A’ around the center of the universe)

4. A’-A’=A is the First 1/2 Spin Pair with 1/2 , 0, -1/2 in which we have the following structures:

The 0-Spin of Center of Universe (Magnet), 1/2 Spin of the Center of Universe (Spins around the Center of the Universe) say as if Electric, and the -1/2 Spins of the Physical Universe of North Polaris, Stars, Suns, Moons and the Earth Systems. The 1/2 and –1/2 are as if the Anti-pair or Two Spins around the Center of the Universe in the same way as the Two Spins of Electrons with the Pauli Exclusion Principle around the Nucleus of the Atom.

Thus, the Atom and the Universe do not seem to differ in both we have the 0 Spin of the Nucleus, 1/2 and -1/2 Spins of the Inside and Outside Charge Systems of any given atom. In general, the two electron systems with 1/2 and -1/2 Spins give the Master Quantum Model of Universe as if all atomic charges of 1/2 and -1/2 collect at the “Center of the Universe”. Similarly, all charges of various ranges add and deposit at the earth, moon, sun, star, galaxies, and that is how say the “Neutron Stars” exist. The wonder is that the center of the universe collects the 0-Spins only, and rest of charges go to the other parts of the universe.

This very Concept, Theory and Philosophy of 0-Spin is the “Base and Basics of Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model”, and it gives greater insight into the Fermions and S-fermions, Quarks and S-quarks, Leptons and S-leptons, and please read more about it from this Wikipedia of Science:… )

The Indian Sacred Systems study and research these Spin and the Charge Systems of 0, 1/2, 1/3, and 1/4 as the Dipole Systems of the Universe, which contribute to the various parts of the universe, and thus the “Worshiping Methods” in the Indian, Israeli, Arabian, and other World Sacred Systems.

Well, the 0, 1/2, 1/3, and 1/4 Sacred Spins go as follows:

1. The 0-Spin as the 0/0 and 0-0 Spin Systems, which give sounds of infinities as the N and M, and thus create the S-Super particles of the universe (N-M)

2. The 1/2- Spin as the 1/2 , 2/2 (A-AA)

3. The 1/3-Spin as the 1/3, 2/3, 3/3 (E-EE)

4. The 1/4-Spin as the 1/4, 2/4, 3/4, 4/4 (EA-EEAA)

Now, as we are habitual of studying the Spins as the Numbers, Integers and Other mathematical functions, but the Indian Sacred Systems assign a special “letter” to every “Division, Ratio of Spin”, and what we study as the Spintronics is something that the Indian and Other Sacred Systems has studied as the “Sacred Math and Geometry with Languages, Linguistics and Grammars”, and these functions go mostly into the Right, the Creative Brain.

So, we have the 1/1, 1/2, 1/3 and 1/4 written as O, A, E, and EA in the Indian Sacred Systems. The Indian mantras and other Sacred Verses have been written and that is the “Foundation of Invariant Mathematics with the Homotopy Type Theory of Math”. In last few centuries, the Modern Math and Education Systems seem to have excluded it as may not have been well understood by the modern educationists and the mathematicians, who focused more on the numbers while paid a very little attention to the Homotopy, Topology and Invariant Math.

Thus, these spins of 0/0, 0-0 as N, M, and 1/1, 1/2, 1/3 and 1/4 gives spin systems of Earths, Moons,Planets, Suns Stars, Galaxies, Universes in the Time Duration Systems of both the Classical Time, Duration and Space Systems, the Spacetime Systems, the N and M Infinities, and so on with the Quantum Sacred Systems of E’EK, the Chronon that is we have discussed as the Shri Guru Nanak Dev Equation of Quantum Time, the Chronon.

Now, we can also consider how the Indian and the World Sacred Systems give us the Philosophy of 0, the Zero Spins and the Origin of Light and Wave according to the Spin which when have the “-1/2, 0, 1/2” Wave-front , which we now consider according to the Shri Guru Nanak Dev Quantum Time Equation of Chronon. In his Superstring Proposals as what we know the Moolmantra, he gives the Time Dimension of Ishat Kala Systems as the E’EK A-KAALA Systems, which means the Chronon Time as in the Time Dimenion of E’EK follows the Vibration Theory of A’-A’-KAAL, that is, the (A’-A’)-(KAAL), and that is the “Time Duration, the KAAL, the KAALA as the Spin Theory, Dipole Theory, Vibration Theory of the “A’-A’” Systems of 1-Dimensional Setup of Spins, which are present as the “-1/2, 0, 1/2”, which we have as the “A’-A’ Extended with its Sacred Duration in the Quantum 0-Spin”, and thus the 0-Spin Time Duration Systems as the A’-A’-Kaala, and that is if calculated as A’-A’ is the BIT Theory and if calculated with the 0-Spin and thus as the “A’-0-A’” is the A-Kaal, the A-Kaala, and that is how Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji has put the Philosophy of E’EK, the Quantum Time and its Infinite Kind of Duration as the “A’-0-A’” is the A-Kaal, the A-Kaala, and thus the E’EK Akaal Purakh Philosophy as the Quantum Time Philosophy with what we know as the Quantum Qubit math and Computing and thus as the ““A’-0-A’” Systems and thus the A-Kaal, the A-Kaala, which is also the Purusa (Puras) of Classical Systems as in the Space Element in the Indian Element and Dimension Theories, and thus the Purukh for the Purusa, and that is the E’EK Akaal Purukh as the Quantum Time (E’EK A-kaal) Frame of Reference, the Observer(Purukh) as in the Japji Sahib, the Quantum Genesis. It can also put as follows for say the “-1/2, 0, 1/2” Spinors:

“This is, up to a similarity transformation, the (1/2,0) ⊕ (0,1/2) Dirac spinor representation of so(3,1). It acts on the 4-component elements (ΨL, ΨR) of (VL ⊕ VR), called bispinors, by matrix multiplication. The representation may be obtained in a more general and basis independent way using Clifford algebras.

Spinors: It is the SO(3)-invariant subspaces subspaces of the irreducible representations that determine whether a representation has spin. From the above paragraph, it is seen that the (m, n) representation has spin if m + n is half-integral. The simplest are ( 1/2, 0) and (0,  1/2), the Weyl-spinors of dimension 2.” (With thanks from the source:… )

It’s all used to calculate everything in the universe with merely the spins of 0, 1/1, 1/2, 1/3 and 1/4, and it has created the Veda Knowledge and Wisdom with Ayurveda and All Sacred Systems of Indian, Arabian, Egyptian, Chinese, and the Western Astronomical and Astrological Systems, Sacred Invariant Mathematics and Sciences, and thus as the topic title says with Base and Basics of Indian and All Other Sacred Systems of the Astronomy, Astrology, Cosmos, Universe, Mythology, Sacred Maths, Languages, Linguistics, Music, Grammars, Arts, Crafts, Space Sciences, All Kinds of Technologies including Nano and Metamaterial Systems, UFO’s, Anti-gravity Systems, Free Energy Systems, Renewable Energy Systems, and so on.

Now, if we use these 1/1, 1/2, 1/3 and 1/4 Sacred Indian and World Systems of Spins and the Mathematical and Computing, the Computer Calculations that it gives is all about the Classical BIT Systems of say “1/2, -1/2” and high and low voltages give the “BIT Computing Technology”, but when we do use the 0, 1/1, 1/2, 1/3 and 1/4, and thus the “-1/2, 0, 1/2” or “1/2, 0, -1/2”, its the Modern Foundations of Quantum Qubit Computing Systems with the Spintronics give everything as the 0-Spin of Quantum Systems as in the “-1/2, 0, 1/2” or “1/2, 0, -1/2”, and we can use the Electrons (1/3 Spin), Protons (1/2 Spins), Neutrons (1/1 Spins) and even the Quantum Atomic Spins of 1/4 in these newly emerging models and theories of Quantum Spintronics. This is how it, the Indian and the World Sacred Systems in our Modern Quantum Age! 


These Quantum States of “0, 1/1, 1/2, 1/3 and 1/4” are summarized as below:

“Mathematically, quantum mechanical spin states are described by vector-like objects known as spinors. There are subtle differences between the behavior of spinors and vectors under coordinate rotations. For example, rotating a spin-1/2 particle by 360 degrees does not bring it back to the same quantum state, but to the state with the opposite quantum phase; this is detectable, in principle, with interference experiments. To return the particle to its exact original state, one needs a 720 degree rotation. A spin-zero particle can only have a single quantum state, even after torque is applied. Rotating a spin-2 particle 180 degrees can bring it back to the same quantum state and a spin-4 particle should be rotated 90 degrees to bring it back to the same quantum state. The spin 2 particle can be analogous to a straight stick that looks the same even after it is rotated 180 degrees and a spin 0 particle can be imagined as sphere which looks the same after whatever angle it is turned through.” (With thanks from the source: )

We also note that the modern developments with the Torsion and Spacetime give great insight in the Quantum Sciences.

When we consider the 0-Spin, we can write it as the 0’-0’ in the same way as the A’-A’, and that is how the Indian Theory of Infinities seem to put the 0’-Spin as going “IN” from the “Frame of Reference” and the other pair of the 0’ as the “OUT” going 0-Spin from the “Frame of Reference”, and we think of the Quanta, the Quantum Systems of the 0’-0’ as the IN and OUT Quantum Spins, these are denoted as the N and M in the Indian Sacred Systems, and is popular as the Bindi, the N and the Bindu, the M of the Infinite Quantum 0-Spins.

However, as we notice that the SAHA, the SA (Light) and HA (Sound Energy, the Duration, the Dipole Systems”, the SAHA is also expression of the N and M Systems as follows:

0’-0’ Spin Pair gives the N and M as the “IN and OUT Infinities, and we hear these sounds as the N and M Quantum Sounds” that according to the Gurbani, the Quantum Sacred Veda Systems is well “Tapped” by the Spacetime in all universes, and that is we have the S as going with the 0’-Spin Systems:

0’-Spin has the S, the Infinite Spin Systems as “Tapped” by the S as the

0’-Spin and thus:

0’-Spin=S and

0’-Spin=H but as:


In one of the way, it also follows:


And H-0’

That is put that if “S” say the “Velocity of Light, the c in E=m*c*c” goes with OUT Spin, which we see as light goes as the Light as Spin but as to say 0’-S, that is almost same as 0’-C (C is the Velocity of Light), and we see it as the “White Hole”.

On the other hand, the H-0’ in which the 0-Infinte Spin Systems seem to go away from us gives light as if the black holes that vibrate as if the “Sound Energy” to mature our hypothesis of NAMA and SAHA.

So, we may ask: Where is Torsion in it because the 0-Spins of Light Waves 0′-S and Particle Type Waves as H-0′ have the different speeds and create pressure!

The Black and White Holes as the H-0’ and S-0’ always follows the Torsion and the Torque as the “IN and OUT Systems”, and it gives us the 4 Quarters of the Quantum Spacetime in which Two Parts of Infinities are the N and M, and the Two parts that “Tap” it is the Black and White Holes that appear to be as if Black and White Holes going “IN (Black) and OUT (White) with 0-SPINS going UP (0’) and DOWN (0’)”. This 4-Ponited Quantum Vector of Quantum Spacetime is the Torsion of Spacetime, and the 4-Vector Space Systems. It too follows the Infinity and the thus the Infinite 0’-0’ Spins. The Quantum Doctrine of Gurbani says and claims that this 0′-0′ Spin as Spins of Infinities, the N and M, the NAMA keeps the universe running its all systems in the universe, and everything in it is stable because of this infinite 0-spins as the 0′-0′, and that on universe thus can exist without it, the 0′-0′ Spins.

How the Indian Sacred Systems put is very simple.

Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji gives this “Sacred Theory as the Satinama”, which has the “Sacred Torsion with 0’-Spins in it”. The Satinama is the “SAHA+I+NAMA”, and when the “Spin, the Torsion is there we see the SAHA as the Quantum Matter, and that is why the Indian Sacred Systems call it the SAT, the SATA, and as Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji has described the Vedas as the Quantum Vedas as well, this is the Hypothesis of Quantum Systems as described in the Moolmantra by the Sikh Gurus with the Philosophy of E’EK, the Spintronics in Space.

Thus, the SAHA, E’E and NAMA if added give us the Quantum Spacetime as the SATINAMA (SATINAMU as the 1-D Systems), which we due to E’E gives Spacetime as the “Curved Spacetime”, and notice we said things about it as follows:

“In theoretical physics, the Einstein–Cartan theory, also known as the Einstein–Cartan–Sciama–Kibble theory, is a classical theory of gravitation similar to general relativity but relaxing the assumption that the affine connection has vanishing antisymmetric part (torsion tensor), so that the torsion can be coupled to the intrinsic angular momentum (spin) of matter, much in the same way in which the curvature is coupled to the energy and momentum of matter. In fact, the spin of matter in curved spacetime requires that torsion is not constrained to be zero but is a variable in the principle of stationary action.” (With thanks from the source:… )

Now, when we consider the most Ancient Indian Sacred Systems with the Most Modern Sacred Indian Quantum Interpretations of the Ancient Systems, we come to find the Zero Spin, Vibration and Philosophy as the “Bases and Basis of Indian and the World sacred Systems”. It’s thus addressed as the SH(N), which most popular term say as the SH(OO)(N), the Zero Systems and thus the Shoonaya, and the Gateway Philosophy to the Indian Philosophy of Zero Systems is called the Darshana, which is looking and going into the Dar+0 Spin, Vibration and the Ethereal Systems, which are discussed as the Primal Essentials of Indian Spin, Vibration Systems that create the Theory of Elements and Dimensions and thus the Indian Alphabets say the Gurmukhi.

The Philosophy of Shoonaya, the “SH and NA” exists in the Infinite Space that we know as the Vacuum, and if we consider it as the 4th Dimension for the 0-Spin System as say with the N, M (0′-0′ Spin Pair) and the S, H (S-0′ and 0′-H Spins), we have the Quantum Discussions and Discourses on it as the SAT, SATA as well arranged with the Para Systems and thus giving us the PARA+SAT, which gives the SAT and PARA as the Parsad, the Parsaad. If it, the Para as the Vacuum creates anything, its called the “Parsadi or Parsaadi” Systems. Here, we have very popular systems of the Guru-Parsadi as the Quantum Gravity Based Vacuum in the Indian Sacred System. To understand it well, one needs to study the Indian Sacred Theory of Elements and Dimensions, the Indian Tattva Darshana and the Basics of Indian Alphabets otherwise one may not understand it very well.

So, what Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji Quantum Sacred Philosophy starts with E’EK also ends with the E’ Systems, and that is Gurparsad+E’, the Gurparsade’, the Gurparsadi, which we can interpret as the Quantum Gravity Based Vacuum as the Para+SAT, the Para-Light and Sound Systems, which has emerged as the Quantum Vacuum Fluctuations (Gurparsadi) Model, and Shri Guru Nanak Model of E’EK, SATINAMA and A-Kaal Time Dimensions solve most of the problems in the Vacuum Fluctuation Model:

Video: Quantum Vacuum Fluctuations, the Gurparsadi Model

Now, the major point is that what we call the “Virtual” is what the Indian and the World Sacred Systems call the “Maya, the Ma’e’a Systems”, and we notice the Quantum Gravity (Guru Systems) as with the Para’Sati, the Parasadi, the Vacuum (Para)-Sadi (Quantum Fluctuations as with the E’ as the Cause of Quantum Spins), and that how we find it in our modern quantum systems:

“Matter is built on flaky foundations. Physicists have now confirmed that the apparently substantial stuff is actually no more than fluctuations in the quantum vacuum.

Theory says it is created by the force that binds quarks together, called the strong nuclear force. In quantum terms, the strong force is carried by a field of virtual particles called gluons, randomly popping into existence and disappearing again. The energy of these vacuum fluctuations has to be included in the total mass of the proton and neutron.

The Higgs field is also thought to make a small contribution, giving mass to individual quarks as well as to electrons and some other particles. The Higgs field creates mass out of the quantum vacuum too, in the form of virtual Higgs bosons. So if the LHC confirms that the Higgs exists, it will mean all reality is virtual.” (With thanks from the source:… )

We will edit and add.

The Previous Part of the Series: How Indian Sacred Homotopy Type Theory and Invariant Math Explain Gateway to Center of Universe, Supersymmetry Breaking Theory and Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model: Gurmukhi and 0 Spin Theory: Be Happy Philselfologically 134

The Next Part of the Series: How 0′-0-0′ Spin Systems Explain All Ancient and Modern Sacred Systems and Civilizations Forming Base and Basis of Quantum Spin, Vibrations and Fluctuation, Qubit Math and Computing: Gurmukhi and Be Happy Philselfologically 136

Well, thanks for your time!

Be Happy Philselfologically and Play the Quantum Qubit Music Everyday, and its good at 528 Hz! 

Dr. Harmander Singh
Author: Dr. Harmander Singh

Be Happy Philselfologically: The Research on Free and Renewable Energy as Quantum, Classical and Sacred Systems! 🙂

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