How 35 Gurmukhi Quantum Phonetic Sounds Correlates SAMPROSA for Quantum English Alphabet, SAMPA and X-SAMPA: Sanskrit, Hindi, Gurmukhi with 44-45-52 Phonemes and Schwa: R&D; for Quantum Linguistics, Gurmukhi and Be Happy Philselfologically 165

We notice that most of the Classical Alphabets may not be based on the Order of Phonemes, the Phonetic Systems of Human Sounds, and it thus may not help us in gaining the Sacred Knowledge of Universe, Consciousness, Light, 5 Basic Elements, and all that we seem to miss say from last 5000 years. We seem to have developed the classical systems too much while ignoring the Quantum Bases, Basics and Essentials of the Phonetics, the Linguistics of Languages.

We usually give credits to Sanskrit and Hindi for its Classical Contributions in the Alphabets, but at the same time, the Quantum Side of the Alphabets never change with time, space, and or other constraints that we put on the languages and its studies. If we closely look at what the Sanskrit, Hindi and Gurmukhi has contributed to the humanity, its the Phonetic and the Phonemes based Alphabets, which may have almost no significant differences in Sanskrit, Hindi, Gurmukhi and almost all of the Indian Languages and the Sacred, the Quantum Alphabets in it.

For example, all Indian Alphabets having the same Phonemes (Sounds) and the Phonetic System may differ only in the Writing Style of Letters and the Scripting, which we call the Indian Languages to be a Layperson’s Philosophy and Single Theory and Model of Everything.

The Indian Alphabets say Gurmukhi follows the Sound Shifts which give us the Theory of Elements and Dimensions well explained as through the Sound Shift say from KA to KHA or K to GA, and its symmetrically present in all 35 Letters and the Setup of the 16 Vowels, and it cannot be otherwise and thus the Indian Languages create the Quantum Qubit Made Easy with Linguistics, Phonetics and the Philology say as Philselfology in which we have discussed the Model of A, E, O, AE as the Dipole Systems of the Universe:

“In phonology, a chain shift is a phenomenon in which several sounds move stepwise along a phonetic scale. The sounds involved in a chain shift can be ordered into a “chain” in such a way that, after the change is complete, each phoneme ends up sounding like what the phoneme before it in the chain sounded like before the change. The rules making up a chain shift are said to be in counterfeeding order.

For example, if in some language the three vowel phonemes /æ ɛ e/ undergo a change so they became respectively /ɛ e i/, those three changes would constitute a chain shift and could be summarized as

æ → ɛ → e → i

(Please read more about it from the sources with thanks: , ,… )

Superstring Theory and the Quantum Alphabets:We can consider our discussions on the Indian Vowels and Consonants, which are same as in the English Phonetic Alphabets:

“In the Indian Alphabets say the Gurmukhi Structures, the focus remains on how the Longitudinal and Transverse Waves as the Vortex Atomism explains and educates us all about the universe and life in it. As we have discussed that the First Row in the Indian Alphabets say again the Gurmukhi Alphabet, all that is Transverse Waves seems as the first row in the first glance, but its the “Quantum System of the Atom” and the Second Row happens to be the Classical and the Longitudinal Waves as when we look at the Indian Alphabets as the “Quantum Studies of the Atom, the Vortex Atomism”. The 25 Letters that are present as the Consonant are simply the “Mediums as the 5 Elements of Space, Air, Water, Fire and Solid”, and thus is simply replication as if the RNA of the Primal DNA Structured Sounds of Vowels that “Create, Compose, Contain, Crush and Cremate the Universe and Everything in it”.

One of the Previous Parts of the Series: How Theories of Vowels and Consonants Explain Universe as Vortex, the Anda or Envelope and Ionization, Atomism and 5 Elements as Medium: Gurmukhi Alphabet as Homotopy Type Theory of Mathematics: Be Happy Philselfologically – 121

We notice the Gurmukhi and Other Indian Alphabets express in almost same way as the International Phonetic Vowels and the Consonants in the image below:

If we consider the Sacred, the Quantum Alphabets of International Phonetic Alphabets, we can arrange its Vowels and Consonants in the same or the similar way to the Indian Alphabets say the Gurmukhi in our Hypothesis of Philselfology, and it then easily can always have the 2 Rows of Vowels and 25 Rows of the Alphabets, and thus we can consider the Superstring Theory, and the Sounds of the 44-45 Phonemes is same in every language, and the Symbols and or the Letters used in the Phonetic, the Quantum Charts may make it seem bit difficult, but if we use very simplified versions with A, E, O, AE, OE, OA, and expressions that show the 2-3 letters (say A, AE, OEA, etc.), we can very easily learn the Single Model and Theory of Everything from International Phonetic Alphabet Charts very easily :

One of the Previous Parts of the Series: How Superstring Theory and Sacred Indian and World Alphabets Describe the Classical Superstring, Quantum Superstring and 25 Classical Quantum Strings: Gurmukhi Contribution by Sikh Gurus: Be Happy Philselfologically – 127

One of the other major point is that we now have the Recognition of Shapes from its Sounds, and with thanks to Achim Kempf, we can also notice that when we talk and discuss the Dimensions in the String and the Superstring Theories, its all Geometric Dimensions, which we carry to recognize the shapes is well aligned with the 44-45 Phonemes of the English, Gurmukhi and International Phonetic Alphabets and its Shapes and thus in near future, we may notice the International Phonetic Sounds, Shapes and Dimensions, and this is what the Research Work of Philselfology is all about:

“Here, we regularize and break up spectral geometry into small, finite-dimensional and therefore manageable steps. We constructively demonstrate that this strategy works at least in two dimensions. We can now calculate the shapes of two-dimensional objects from their vibrational spectra.” (With thanks from the source:… )

Thus, what the Hypothesis of Sound from the Canadian Mathematician and Quantum Scientist Achim Kempf says is right and it can restore all sounds of the universe as according to our Hypothesis of Philselfology as when we also integrate it with the String and the Superstring Theory, and we can rediscover how the Indian and World Sacred Systems found the Alphabets as well the 35 Quantum Sounds. I have been able to put the Indian Quantum Sounds and the Alphabets say the Gurmukhi into the Single Model and Theory of Everything, and happen to discuss it as it has been thankfully well discussed at the Listen to Universe, and thus all as the SAHA, the Spacetime, the Two Points as Fast and Slow, describing the Quantum Time, Dimensions and the Gravity, and I personally thank Achim Kempf for his research as it seem to be one of the great milestone in the foundations of Math, Science, Music and Sacred Education Systems and thus the World Peace, and we can offer him Doctoral of Sacred Systems from Life Dynamix – Wings for All as we also hope to setup the “Chair on the Quantum and Sacred Systems of the Universe in Every University and or College in the World” as for the studies and research in the Invariant Math, Quantum Linguistics, Sacred Math and Geometry, Sacred Universe, Consciousness, Quantum Qubit Math and Computing, Homotopy Type Theory and almost all that the Global Paradigm Shift of 2012 and the Modern Quantum Systems have to offer to the world community: “Listen to Spacetime”! .”

Please read more from the blog post: One of the Previous Parts of the Series: How 35 Gurmukhi Quantum Sounds Explain Languages, Sacred Grammars, Linguistics, Consciousness, 5 Basic Elements, Light, Religions, Faiths, Spiritualism, Yoga, Meditation, Universe and Achim Kempf Quantum Systems: Be Happy Philselfologically 156

While researching in and on the International Phonetic Alphabets, we notice that there may not be any significant difference in many Asian and Western Phonetic Systems, and if we carefully examine it, we also find that Phonetics and the Phonemes differ only in the Language of Scripting, and if there is other difference even in the phonetics and the phonemes, its human work, labor and research with great innovation to understand the natural world where we happen to have sounds of animals, birds, and other living systems differ a little and thus add up the Phonemes. However, the Phonemes in our world for every language keep the human awareness of sounds as the Science of Sounds and Languages which we know as the Linguistics.

As the Linguistics has now emerged into Homotopy Type Theory, Invariant Math, Computer Programming, Quantum Systems, and lot more, we notice that it needs to be Science Subject along with Math and Sciences as it always has been in the Ancient Human Civilizations. For instance, its role in the Computational Linguistics is one of the major part of our modern civilizations:

“Computational linguistics is an interdisciplinary field concerned with the statistical or rule-based modeling of natural language from a computational perspective.

Traditionally, computational linguistics was usually performed by computer scientists who had specialized in the application of computers to the processing of a natural language. Computational linguists often work as members of interdisciplinary teams, including linguists (specifically trained in linguistics), language experts (persons with some level of ability in the languages relevant to a given project), and computer scientists. In general, computational linguistics draws upon the involvement of linguists, computer scientists, experts in artificial intelligence, mathematicians, logicians, philosophers, cognitive scientists, cognitive psychologists, psycholinguists, anthropologists and neuroscientists, among others.” (With thanks from the source:… )

For this reason, I have been discussing the Sanskrit and Hindi as the Parental Languages, and at the same time, we notice the Phonetic and the Phonemes based languages has been well known as the Brahmi, the Quantum Languages, which existed prior to the Recorded Languages may it Sanskrit, Hebrew, Chinese or any other world language.

One the Previous Parts of the Series: How Sacred Wisdom of Mouth, Languages, Linguistics and Phonetics with Hindi and Punjabi as Parental and Mother Languages: Philselfology of Glossolalia and Golden Times of India and Modern Quantum Age: Gurmukhi and Be Happy Philselfologically 50

One the Previous Parts of the Series: How Punjabi, Hindi, English and Other World Languages are Sacred and Quantum Set of 36 Phonemes and Vibrations, Drugless Therapies of Electromagnetic Brain Healing: Machine Free Brain Surgery – Gurmukhi and Be Happy Philselfologically 79

When we consider the Gurmuhki, Hindi and the Western Languages as the Brahmi, the Quantum Languages, these are based the Phonetics and Phonemes of Natural World, and its recordings vary based on the needs of the people, and that these not at all violate the Rules and Regulations of Linguistics, but we happen to have internet and searching engines that help us to know and research that all of the world languages when considered on the Quantum Systems of Languages, the Phonemes and Phonetics are one, and if we study it in this context, we can have one world language based on the International Phonetic Alphabets. We need to educate ourselves and others about it.

When we have discussed the 0, A, E, O, AE, and say the 0, A’, 2A’, 3A’, 4A’, and also the 0, A’, A, 2A, it has been my Quantum Research Work for the Quantum Linguistics, which I have done to explore the world languages, grammars and the linguistic systems to create the Single Model and Theory of Everything, which almost fully simplifies the Existing Classical Linguistics in our modern world of the classical systems. So, instead of writing the very complex symbols and letters of Classical Linguistics, I have been well able to create, design and formulate the Quantum Linguistic System, which embraces all subjects of the Sacred Quantum Systems of Math, Languages, Grammars, Linguistics, Music, Sacred Geometry, Quantum Computing, and thus a Scared Conversion of Classical Systems into the Sacred Quantum Systems that also meets the needs of the Nano Sciences and Technologies, Metamaterials and Superconducting Systems. Here, I should also appeal that it needs proper attention so that we are able to achieve maximum goals of Quantum Systems of Quantum Linguistics, Languages and the Grammars.

One of the Previous Parts of the Series: How Be Happy Philselfologically Can Help in Sacred Paradigm in Modern World of Science, Math, Geometry, Grammar, Music, Creative Arts, Mantras, Painting, and Space Sciences and Holistic Management of Knowledge and Wisdom with Sounds – 55

Meanwhile, it seems that we need to arrive at an agreeable view about the International Phonetic Alphabets that it remains same in the count, and it seems that Gurmukhi, Hindi and Sanskrit give very good and sound basis for it. In case of Computer Systems, we have already achieved the SAMPA (Speech Assessment Methods Phonetic Alphabet):

“The Speech Assessment Methods Phonetic Alphabet (SAMPA) is a computer-readable phonetic script using 7-bit printable ASCII characters, based on the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA).

It was originally developed in the late 1980s for six European languages by the EEC ESPRIT information technology research and development program.

SAMPA was developed in the late 1980s in the European Commission-funded ESPRIT project 2589 “Speech Assessment Methods” (SAM)—hence “SAM Phonetic Alphabet”—in order to facilitate email data exchange and computational processing of transcriptions in phonetics and speech technology.” (With thanks from the source:… )

SAMPA for Indian Languages: “SAMPA (Speech Assessment Methods Phonetic Alphabet) is a machine readable phonetic alphabet and hence facilitates easy processing of data for many applications in speech technology. It has been developed for many languages particularly European languages and some Asian languages. The present paper discusses the development of SAMPA code set for Indian languages Hindi and Punjabi. The methodology adopted is to cover all distinct sounds of both the languages and propose a notation in ASCII range for representing each sound.

Methodology for SAMPA for Hindi and Punjabi: The acoustic properties of sounds were analyzed by observing the spectral properties of the recorded sounds. The word selection was done with the help of linguists and phoneticians using the textual corpus ‘GyanNidhi’. Sentences were fetched using in-house developed text analysis tool ‘Vishleshika’.” (With thanks from the source:… )

“The Extended Speech Assessment Methods Phonetic Alphabet (X-SAMPA) is a variant of SAMPA developed in 1995 by John C. WellsWells, professor of phonetics at the University of London. It is designed to unify the individual language SAMPA alphabets, and extend SAMPA to cover the entire range of characters in the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA). The result is a SAMPA-inspired remapping of the IPA into 7-bit ASCII.

SAMPA was devised as a hack to work around the inability of text encodings to represent IPA symbols.” (With thanks from the source: )

We still have to reach a point where we have all world languages giving us the same SAMPA Systems with what we know say as the X-SAMPA and the SAMPROSA, and for this reason as thus part of Life Dynamix Research and Development, the R&D; for the Life Dynamix or Life Dynamix R&D;, we have to quote a little more from what other, the international researches and the developments during these presents years, which we discuss in the Series of Be Happy Philselfologically, the Life Dynamix R&D; have expressed in the past, very near past and nowadays:

“X-SAMPA is a computer-compatible version of the International Phonetics Alphabet, including all diacritics, and symbols for prosody and intonation. It is well established in the phonetics and speech technology fields for the transcription and annotation of phoneme-sized segments. However, one of the main weaknesses of the IPA, and by extension also of its computer-compatible equivalent, is the provision for the transcription of prosody and intonation.

It is therefore necessary to have a computer-compatible alphabet for prosodic annotation which attempts to cover the breadth of the field.

An attempt to meet this need is SAMPROSA, which was designed for application in multi-tier transcription systems. SAMPROSA requires that intonational annotations be transcribed on an independent tier from other transcriptions or representations of the signal. It is argued that symbolic representations on different tiers may be related in two different ways. They may be related through association between prosodic and segmental units such as those on a phone, syllabic or orthographic tier.” (Please read more from the source with thanks:… )

When we consider the 35 Quantum Sounds with 45 Phonemes in Gurmukhi, British and American English, we can have it say as the International Quantum Phonetic Systems, and when there are less or more in any language, it can all go to as the Comparative Quantum Alphabets of Phonemes and the Phonetics.

As I have been researching on the Gurmukhi as the Quantum Source of Everything in its companionship with Sanskrit and Hindi, I have noticed that Gurmukhi Language gives many advantages to the learners, students, teachers, educators, scholars and the researchers as it offers almost no need to use the Half Letters and all letters used in it are Full. If there is use of Half Letters, its for the Conjuncts only, and if there is any other noticeable options that we find difficult in Hindi and Sanskrit are almost fully made easier in the Gurmukhi, the Punjabi Language:

“Three consonants are used in Punjabi as conjuncts. These are half haha – ਹ੍ as in ਨ੍ਹ = ਨ+ਹ੍; half rara – ਰ੍ as in ਪ੍ਰ = ਪ+ਰ੍; and half vava – ਵ੍ as in ਸ੍ਵ = ਸ+ਵ੍. They are used only as inferior conjugates in the conjugal pair of consonants. The principal use of such conjuncts is in the words borrowed from other languages like Sanskrit, English etc. Here are some examples of the use of conjugate haha” (With thanks from the source:… )

In my opinion, the Gurmukhi, the Punjabi Language stands as the Blending Language of All Eastern and Western Languages, and as a very young language, it has the Quantum Systems of the Universe, Consciousness, Light, 5 Basic Elements, and the Paradigm Shift with its almost all topics discussed in Gurmukhi based Holy Shri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, the Sacred Quantum Systems of All Indian Bhagat’s and that of the Sikh Gurus in almost all Indian Languages in its own scripts. The Sikh Gurus, Philosophers, Language Experts, Linguistical People and the Grammarians have greatly contributed to preserve the Indian Sacred Languages, but now we face a big crises for many languages, which are the Quantum Languages:

“Human diversity is measured, in part, by the languages we speak. And the number of different languages spoken across the world has been in steady decline since 1950. Thus, despite modern advances in many domains, our world is shrinking in the area of linguistic and cultural variety and distinction.

Of the more that 6,000 languages spoken across the planet, over 43% are considered endangered and more than half of all languages will become extinct in the next 100 years at current rates.

UNESCO measures language vitality in six measures of health: Safe; Vulnerable; Definitely Endangered; Severely Endangered; Critically Endangered; and Extinct. Currently 577 languages are Critically Endangered- on the verge of extinction.

After global warming, language loss is the Earth’s most acute crisis.” (With thanks from the source:… )

How and why we need Quantum Alphabets of English or even that of many other languages is well expressed here:

“Modern linguists approach with a scientific perspective and methods what used to be thought of as a purely cultural academic disicpline in the humanities. Contrary to previous belief, linguistics is multidisciplinary. It overlaps each of the human sciences including psychology, neurology, anthropology, and sociology. Linguists conduct formal studies of sound structure, grammar and meaning; investigate the history of language families; and research language acquisition. And as other scientists, they formulate hypotheses, catalog observations, and work to support explanatory theories.

The resources on this page offer some perspectives on the science and applied science of linguistics.

Below are a series of FAQ pamphlets which offer particular insights into language from a scientific perspective.

Language Acquisition
Does the Language I Speak Influence the Way I Think?
Why Can’t Computers Use English?

Over the last three or four decades, advances in syntactic theory have given us a much better understanding of grammatical constructions — in English and many other languages — than we ever had before. These breakthroughs have made it possible for the first time for computers to use ‘natural’ human language, at least in some limited ways — for example, to translate documents from one language to another. But even the simplest use of language requires a vast amount of linguistic knowledge to be programmed into the computer, as the reed/red problem shows” (With thanks from the sources:… and… )

The Gurmukhi Language also finds its well rooted link to Arabian Civilizations apart from Hindi and Sanskrit.

In my Research of Philselfology, the Quantum Philology and Phonetic, I have also discovered that the Gurmukhi goes almost same count of letters, phonemes and phonetic systems as in the English Language.

Here, we also discuss the Sacred Set of 35 and 45 Phonemes as the Sacred Quantum treasure of Universe for Everything and thus the Single Model and Theory of Everything Projects.

While learning Classical English, German, French, Italian or Foreign Languages which do not follow the 35 or 45 Phonemes based Quantum Alphabets, we notice almost full extinction of love, care and respect for the native languages say most of the Indians including Punjabi’s neither may know the English 45 Phonemes nor the 45 Phonemes based Letters in the Gurmukhi, and we may say we seem to head towards the global illiteracy where we seem to have least possible knowledge about the 35 and 45 Phonemes in the Asians and Other World languages, which we also call the sacred and the Quantum Languages of the world particularly the Indian Languages including the Gurmukhi 35 and 45 Phonemes Sounds and Alphabet Letters, which are same in Quantum English Alphabet of 45 Phonemes Based Alphabets.

Alas, we happen to know a very little about it even if we are graduated in many fields, that is, even a well educated person in Asia may not say quite well about it, the 45 Quantum Phonemes Alphabets of Gurmukhi, Hindi and English! 


In any case, we notice the great role of 45 Phonemes, the Quantum Sounds of the Universe, which without the 10 Digraphs goes to 35 Quantum Sounds is the Easiest Pathway to Sacred and the Quantum Systems of All World Civilizations, both the Ancient and Modern World Civilizations. When we have it in our knowledge of Languages, Linguistics, Grammars and Phonological Awareness that we need for the world community, we do not seem to educate anywhere in the world particularly where the compulsory western languages with 26 Classical Letters and thus the Classical Alphabet may fail the students while learning the English and the Other Modern and Western Languages. So, in simple way, we can notice we can educate world communities with one single language of 45 Phonemes, the Phonetic Systems, which never differs in any Sacred World Language and what it gives as the Sacred and Quantum Systems.

“The Phonological Awareness for Literacy (PAL) Program (Burrows, Allison, Barnett, and Savina, 2007) is a commercial literacy therapy program for use by speech therapists designed to improve phonological awareness skills required for literacy in children aged 8 – 12. It aims to create/strengthen awareness of the relationship between phonological awareness skills to reading and writing.

Therapy should be delivered by a suitably qualified speech therapist.” (With thanks from the source:… )

So, why do we need the Phonemes based Quantum Alphabets of 45 Sounds, the 35 Quantum Sounds in simplified way is one of the highest level of health and wellness of children and even the grown ups and as well as to support the Extinction and Deficit of Quantum Sacred Languages of the Human Civilizations:

“The phonological deficit hypothesis is a prevalent cognitive-level explanation for the cause of reading difficulties and dyslexia. It stems from evidence that individuals with dyslexia tend to do poorly on tests which measure their ability to decode nonsense words using conventional phonetic rules, and that there is a high correlation between difficulties in connecting the sounds of language to letters and reading delays or failure in children.<1>

The basic hypothesis is that reading failure or dyslexia stems from a functional or structural deficit in left hemispheric brain areas associated with processing the sounds of language. Some researchers have studied the structure and function of neural pathways in the language areas of the brain. Others have focused on the perception of short or rapidly varying sounds of language, positing that the core deficit is one of timing rather than of overall function.<2>” (With thanks from the source: )

If we consider the Synthetic or the Blend Phonics, we notice it goes very close to the Indian Alphabets of 35 Sound and 16 Vowels and of course the 10 Primal Digraph Sounds:

Learning the Letter Sounds

In Jolly Phonics the 42 main sounds of English are taught, not just the alphabet. The sounds are in seven groups. In synthetic phonics some sounds are written with two letters, such as ee and or. These are called digraphs. Note that oo and th can make two different sounds, as in book and moon, that and three. To distinguish between the two sounds, these digraphs are represented in two forms. This is shown below.” (With thanks from the source:… )

We also notice the Role of 35 Quantum Sound and the 16 Vowel Combinations, which we can expand to 32, 48, 64 Vowel Sound and Combinations in the Indian Sacred Systems, which we find well expressed in the International Synthetic and International Phonetic Alphabets:

So, in our approach towards world languages, linguistics and the grammars in the Series of Be Happy Philselfologically goes to openly support the Whole Language Systems that state it well about the Count of Letters say in Gurmukhi, Hindi, Sanskrit and English, German, French and or other languages:

“Whole language is an educational philosophy that is complex to describe, particularly because it is informed by multiple research fields including but not limited to education, linguistics, psychology, sociology, and anthropology (see also Language Experience Approach:… ).” (Please read more from the source: )

Please view these videos:





5. For kids:

So, when we consider the Role of Gurmukhi 35 Sounds, 16 Vowel Combination Sounds, and other combinations of vowels and consonants, we notice the need of updating modern world languages:

“There has been much debate in recent years about just how children should be taught to read. The phonic approach, whereby children are shown that letter sounds are a guide to the pronunciation of words, has a long history, starting to develop in the nineteenth century (Morris, 1984). In this approach, the sounds of the letters of the alphabet are taught, and children learn the correspondences between letters and groups of letters and their pronunciations (Adams, 1990).” (With thanks from the source:… )

We have to take care of future generations as the language highly influences the brain, mind and the thus the mental health, we have been in crises due to lesser number of vowels and consonants in the modern languages say English:

“The English language has 44 sounds and only 26 letters to represent them, resulting in an opaque orthography. Therefore students need to be taught more complex units which correspond to phonemes (Dehaene, 2009), such as ough, as well as the sounds for A-Z. The human brain develops neurological pathways for this information by encoding spelling units as large as four letters which map onto speech sounds (Dehaene, 2009).” (With thanks from the source:… please also read:… )

Now, if we have Theory and Philosophy of 35 Quantum Sounds, we may not notice any difference in its approach in English, and that too with 25 Consonants in Gurmukhi go almost near to 24 Consonants in English with 10 Vowels that are almost same in English as we can notice in the Phonetic Based English:

“If not counting “Diphthongs” as individual sounds then English would have around 24 consonant sounds & 7 (short vowel) + 5 (long vowel) = 12 vowel sounds, bringing the total to around 24 + 11 = 35 sounds.” (From the question as “English/Foreign language Sounds & Phonetics ???” in the source with thanks:… )

Reading Made Easy with Blend Phonics

Nationwide Educational Reform Campaign

Sponsored by Donald L. Potter


The purpose of this website is to promote Hazel Logan Loring’s 1980 Reading_Made_Easy_With_Blend_Phonics for First Grade as the definitive solution to the problem of illiteracy in The United States and other English speaking countries.

Program Description

The program features a highly effective, easy-to-teach, single-letter phonics technique for teaching reading to students of any age. It will prevent the development of reading problems in beginning students and remediate its presence in older student.


Participation is entirely voluntary. Everyone is welcome to download Loring’s Blend Phonics Pamphlet and teach the program. Feel free to share it with fellow teachers, tutors, parents, professors, researchers, tutors, and administrators. Perhaps concerned business men will want to make copies to give to teachers, schools, and even to entire school districts.

Homeschool parents will find it an inexpensive alternative or useful adjunct to commercially available phonics programs.

I am not in favor of requiring teachers to teach Blend Phonics, but I am 100% in favor of allowing ALL teachers to use Blend Phonics, simply because it will assure success with all their students. Motivation to use a superior program, not coercion to follow a district mandate, is what is going to take Blend Phonics to a nationwide level.

(Please read and know more from the source with thanks: )

We can make a petition for our children to have 35, 44-45 Phonetic and Phonemes and Alphabets educated to them in this manner as its very basic and natural rhythm of natural world in which we live. It helps a lot when we notice something like this:

What is Artificially Induced Whole-Word Dyslexia?

It is a form of dyslexia in which people misread words because they have a been taught to view them as wholes (configurations/outlines), without regard to the letters or the sound they represent. It is caused by whole-word memorization of sight-words coupled with instruction that encourages guessing from the context. Blend Phonics taught FIRST can prevent its development, and Blend Phonics taught LATER can cure it.” (With thanks from the source: )

“Blend Phonics is an easy, single-letter phonics technique for teaching reading to student of any age which will prevent the development of whole-word dyslexia in beginning students and remediate whole-word dyslexia in older students.

In 1999, I read the following stirring recommendation for Hazel Loring’s 1980 Reading Made Easy with Blend Phonics for First Grade by Robert W. Sweet, Jr. Cofounder and Former President of The National Right to Read Foundation in his 1997 article, “The Century of Miseducation of American Teachers:”

“An effective answer to illiteracy … Let me offer a less costly, and more effective answer. I have here a twenty-five page booklet called Blend Phonics written by Hazel Loring, a master teacher born in 1902, who taught under both the “whole word” and phonics systems. The legacy she has left us is powerful. Within the pages of this little booklet is the cure of illiteracy as we begin the twenty-first century. … If every pre-service reading teacher, every reading supervisor, every kindergarten, first- and second-grade teacher in America had the information contained in Hazel Loring’s 25-page booklet and taught it this fall, there would be such a dramatic decrease in illiteracy in this country that the national media would be forced to take note.”

In 2007 I received this unsolicited letter from Dr. Eugene Roth, Jr. of Phoenix, Arizona, concerning the effectiveness of Blend Phonics and the companion program, Word Master. For the insights of a professional with years experience working with children struggling with learning difficulties, please read this Letter from Dr. Roth.”. (With thanks from the source:… )

Thus, if we learn to hear the 35, 44-45 and 52 Phonetic and Phonemes Sounds, it helps:






6. For kids:

7. For kids:

In the Information Universe, the Classical Alphabets seem to correspond to the Classical Universe while the Quantum Alphabets seem to correspond to the Quantum Universe, and thus together they create the Body of Information, the Blend of Vidya and Kala, and what keeps both the Classical and the Quantum Systems is the Schwa as with the S, H and A Systems of the Breath, the SAHA, the Spacetime.

We will edit and add.

The Previous Part of the Series: How 35 Quantum Phonetic Sounds Constitute Quantum English Alphabet for Classical Alphabet of 26 Letters: Gurmukhi 45 Letters with Digraphs Give 44-45-52 Phonemes: Phonemic, Phonological Awareness with Gurmukhi and Be Happy Philselfologically 164

The Next Part of the Series: How Quantum Schwa Explains Origin of World Languages, Linguistics, Grammars, Quantum Systems and as Essence of Art in Logic and Rationalism: Schwa (Shwa), Modern Philosophies of Positivism, Gurmukhi and Be Happy Philselfologically 166

Thanks for your time!

Dr. Harmander Singh
Author: Dr. Harmander Singh

Be Happy Philselfologically: The Research on Free and Renewable Energy as Quantum, Classical and Sacred Systems! 🙂

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