How 35 Gurmukhi Quantum Sounds Explain Languages, Sacred Grammars, Linguistics, Consciousness, 5 Basic Elements, Light, Religions, Faiths, Spiritualism, Yoga, Meditation, Universe and Achim Kempf Quantum Systems: Be Happy Philselfologically 156
When I started to understand the world languages, grammars, linguistics, maths, geometry, music, and the sacred subjects as one platform of everything in early 1980’s, I realized the underlying need of the single language of computers and the computer programming as when the computers came in mid 80’s into our schools as the SUPW (Socially Useful and Productive Works) Vocational Subject , and I was able to do programming and programmed a quiz and started the “English Grammars Simplified”. I also noticed that none of the modern or ancient sacred subject, which now we know as the “quantum subjects” has been present in say the Indian Schools, Colleges, Universities and the Modern Education Systems all over the world from thousands of years and in all Sacred Civilizations of World, and what I mean to say is that ancient sacred educations have been the quantum education systems from thousands of year and perhaps as back as we can trace the humanity, the human civilizations in the world .
I also noticed and felt that everyone claims Sacred Alphabets or the National or even the Modern Alphabets as the best simply not because one is born with certain region, culture, religion or beliefs, but everything in the universe follows the sacred symmetry and thus the sacred languages, grammars and the linguistic systems.
I thus found the Indian, Arabian and the Israeli Language Systems as the Sacred Systems, and on further research it was also found that the Indian Languages express one of the core thing of the universe, and that is the 35 Quantum Sounds composed, written, arranged and expressed as the 35 Dimensions of Light and Sound Systems, and thus as the Waves (Transverse) and the Particle Waves (Longitudinal), the 5 Basic Elements of Universe say the Space, Air, Water, Fire and Solid, and that is what I later discovered as the 36 Dimensions of Modern Superstring Theory.
The Indian and the World Languages and its alphabets and the scripts represent the same vowel theories, the consonant theories, the theories of grammars and thus the linguistic systems, but the Indian Seers, Sages and the Researchers have mainly worked and functioned on the “Quantum Sounds and Sacred Symmetry of Universe, Consciousness and Light”, and its expressed in all Indian Languages, and when we notice the word “Sanskrit”, we start thinking about something very special, but every Indian Language has almost the same alphabet, and that the Indian World Religions, Faiths, Yoga, Meditation, Spiritualism, and all that is either Sacred Indian Systems or talk and discuss the Sacred India, its all the works and descriptions of the 35 Quantum Sounds. If there exists and controversy or dispute regarding the Indian Sacred Systems, it may be related to the religious or spiritual organizations or what is popular as the sects, but it has nothing to do with the “Single Model and Theory of 35 Quantum Sounds and Spacetime of SAHA, and thus the 36 Sacred Elements of Indian Sacred Civilizations”.
Here, when we consider the “Two Points of SA and HA in the SAHA” are the Dirac Delta Function where SA is merely the fast moving, but at the same time something that is negative or positive value systems as is the HA as the slowly moving zero value systems, and thus to say the SAHA represents the Zero Value Systems of Dirac Delta Functions which as the SA and HA are as if the SA+iHA or HA+iSA Systems that when we go to zero, the center, the origin go as the Infinite, the Bindu and the Bindi, the Dot or the Quantum Dot Functions to say, and thus the Bindu Theory with the Bindi also depicts the Dirac Delta Functions as shown below, and we put the Dirac Systems as the SA+iHA Systems:
The following image shows the SA+iHA as when we expand the Bindi, the Quantum Dot Systems:
The SA+iHA simply means that we always have the 0-A’, the Primal Imaginary Vibration Theory of the Universe with the A’-A’ as the Primal Real Vibration Theory, and that both make and constitute the A’+(A’+0)-A’, and that it gives us the A’-iA’ or the A’+iA, where we have the “A’+0” Systems as the i, and that is to say we have the Primal Vibrations of the Universe as the A’+0 or the 0+A’=i, and thus what the SAHA as the Dirac Delta Function is that we can put as the SA+(0+A’)HA, and that is the i=0+A’ is the Primary Vibration that goes to “Infinity” in the Dirac Delta Functions, but if its a function and follows limit theory, we have it as A’ going to limit 0, and that is to say when the function tends to 0, the zero, we have the A’ Vibrations, and the “Ocean of Vibrations and Waves”, and that is where we have the Bindu as 0 and the Bindi as the A’, and thus the Bindu-Bindi as the 0-A’, the Zero and the Decimal Theory of the Indian and the World Civilizations.
In this case, we arrive at the “Kronecker delta δij”, which is the quantity defined by:
for all integers i, j. This function then satisfies the following analog of the sifting property: if is any doubly infinite sequence, then:
Similarly, for any real or complex valued continuous function f on R, the Dirac delta satisfies the sifting property
This exhibits the Kronecker delta function as a discrete analog of the Dirac delta function:
(Images and references from the sources with thanks: and )
In the context to the Greensfunction, and the Dirac Delta Functions, we can put that the (SA, HA) is the Limit at the X-Axis, and the (MA, NA) is the Limit and the function at the Y-Axis, and if we project it at the Z-Axis, we have the O, A, E and AE as the Cartesian Graph, which has its “Nuclear, the Origin Dirac Delta Functions of (SA, HA) and (MA, NA), which can simply write as say (S, H), the X-X’ Axis, and the (M, N) as the Y-Y’ Axis, and the O, A, E and AE are the results from the Dirac Delta and or the Greensfunction of “S, H, N, M”, and if we put it as the Shri Guru Nanak Dev Equation of Quantum Systems, its simply the SATINAMA as the “S, T, N, M”, and the T=O, A, E, the Trinity of X, Y, Z-Axis, and that is how we focus and visualize and see the light glowing and hear the sounds inside when do the focusing. The “S, H, N, M” are the sounds, which we hear inside with our breathing, and naturally exists outside, and we happen to create the basic vowel sounds from it, and thus the “O, A and E”, which is the T, the Tri-sound systems in the Indian Sacred Systems, and Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji has used it as the Secret of 35 Quantum Sounds. This Sacred Sound Systems of “S, H, N, M” produces the Transverse, the Classical Sound Waves of O, A, E, S and H, and thus the First Vowel say in the Gurmukhi, the Indian Alphabets, and the Longitudinal, the Quantum Sound Waves of Y, R, L, V, RAH, the Second Vowel Row in the Gurmukhi, and the 25 Consonants are what we hear as the combinations of transverse and longitudinal waves, and this is the Simplified Version of Indian String and Superstring Theory of Classical, Quantum and Matter (25 Consonant) Waves and Vibrations.
The other special feature in the Indian Sacred Systems is that of the CHA, the Air, DA (TA, THA, DA, DHA and YAN-H-NA) as the Water Element in Space that creates the Sounds of CHA(N)DI in the Space Elements and thus the Chandika, and she is one of the creative energy of sounds as the Matrika, the Strings of 3 Primal Elements of Space, Air and Water and thus the name CHA, DA, KA, and the Chandika she unifies all A-vowels of A’-A’ to the N and M, the 5th and the 6th Row of Indian Alphabets and thus She, the Kinetic Energy of A’-A’ is 5 Consonant System Primal Sound Energy. She is also addressed as the Cha(m)unda, and its same as Cha(n)dika and Cha(m)unda:
“Chamunda is included in the Saptamatrika (seven Matrikas or mothers) lists in the Hindu texts like Mahabharata (Chapter ‘Vana-parva’), Devi Purana and Vishnudharmottara Purana. She is often depicted in the Saptamatrika group in sculptures, examples of which are Ellora and Elephanta caves. Though she is always portrayed last (rightmost) in the group, she is sometimes referred to as the leader of the group.<15> While other Matrikas are considered as Shaktis (powers) of male divinities and resemble them in their appearance, Chamunda is the only Matrika who is a Shakti of the great Goddess Devi rather than a male god. She is also the only Matrika who enjoys independent worship of her own; all other Matrikas are always worshipped together.” (With thanks from the source: )
When we thus associate the sounds of the alphabets most of world civilizations invite corresponding spirits say the Indians call the Goddesses Kali, Durga, Sarasvati, and other, and the Africans do the same, and it has alphabetical sound systems:
“Completing the SankalpaMaa Durga is invited which is known as Aawahan. During this Awahan a mantra is chanted with flowers in hand and then the flowers are offered to the Devi. The mantra chanted during this time is; AagachhaTvamMahadevi!” (With thanks from the source: )
“A shaman uses various ways of making sounds to which different purposes are ascribed. Of particular importance are the shaman’s song and shaman’s drumming. Recently in Siberia, music groups drawing on a knowledge of shamanic culture have emerged. In the West shamanism has served as an imagined background to musics meant to alter a listener’s state of mind. Korea and Tibet are two cultures where the music of shamanic ritual has interacted closely with other traditions.” (With thanks from the source: )
The Consciousness is the 6th Element after the Space, Air, Water, Fire and Solid Elements as the 5 Basic Quantum Elements of the Universe, and its as if the Black Dot that illuminates with the 7th Element of Light, and thus we notice that Black, the 6th and White, the 7th Elements of the Universe are what the Indian Sacred Systems call the Shiva (White Dot) and Shakti (Black Dot) and as its the 3-Dimensional Quantum Play of LA, the 3rd Quantum Vowel, we have the name of Leela, the L-Ila, and the ILA is the Shakti that plays in Quantum Light, the LA, the Shiva Systems, and thus the name of LEELA, the L-ILA is the Quantum Light (Consciousness) in the Classical Light, and thus named as the LEELA, the L-ILA. The other word and term of Leela-pati is important and it has the LEELA, the Quantum Play of Black and White Hole and Light Systems, and the Pati, and that is “to which the said thing dissolves” as say the “Black and White Light” goes back as to the 8th Dimension, and that is the Level of Creator, the Karta who creates both the 6th and the 7th Dimensions, and remains present in both as the One Light, the Purusa, the Purakha, and thus the 9th Dimension “sees” all dimensions as the Karta Purasa, the Karta Purakhu, and it too is the Dual Dimension the Karta as the 8th Dimension and the Purakhu as the 9th Dimension. Here the Karta is the K+R+T that is the Space+Quantization+3 Dimensions, and thus all quantizations in space that are 3 Dimensional, and the Purakh is the P+R+KH that is the Solid 4th Dimension+Quantizations+Space, and its thus the opposite pair to the Karta, and thus the Karta at the 4th Dimension goes as the Purkha, and if we go the 10th Dimension, its as ONE Systems of Karta and Purkha, which is ONE SIVA and SAKATI, the 4th Dimensional Systems, and its same as the “Nucleus and the Nuclear Systems in the Atoms and Molecules”, the “Bindu Systems”, which produces the SHIVA and SHAKTI, which is same as the “Electrons, Orbits and the Spintronics, the E’EK Systems”, the Bindi Systems as its Avtara’s in the 3-Dimensional World and the Universe, so the Indian Sacred Systems always explain the Vacuum, Energy, Nucleus, Atoms and Universe as the “Vortex Atomism”. Thus, the Indian Vowels and Consonants as the Theory of Elements and Dimensions explain the Universe!
The Indian Sacred Systems thus go to describe the Atom as the Atama, and with the Nucleus as the Atama, the Electrons Play as the Consciousness as with its Spintronics Boundary around the Nucleus, the Atama of the Atom, and that is the Jeeva Atama, the Quantum Atomic Systems, which Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji writes as the E’EK Systems with ONKARA as the Nucleus and thus the E’EK (IK)-Onkara Philosophy with M as the Nuclear Systems and the N as the Electronic and the Spintronics, and thus the MANA, which creates the Charge Systems of -1, 0, 1, and are names as the Budhi, Chita and Ahankara, which act to create the Virtual Matter and the Universe, and thus the Ahankara, and the Maha-ahankara (Super Universe Theory of Virtual Matter). The Budhi is called the Intellect, Chita is our Visualizing Systems, and we keep modifying everything atomic using the Budhi (Intellect), Chit (Chi Energy) and the Ahankara, the A’-A’ with H, the Plack’s World with Spintronics and thus “A’-A’-H-N and its Kara”. Its one of the easiest way to study atom as the “Vortex Atom”, and thus Spintronics (Vortex with MANA, Budhi, Chit and Ahankara) and Atom as the NAMA, and that is also an ease to put it as say the MANA-NAMA, the OM-NAMO Systems, where MANA is OM, the NAMA is Spintronics and the Chiral Systems it creates is simply the -1, 0, 1 as the Budhi, Chit and Ahankara in the Indian Sacred Systems of Vortex Atomism, the Jeeva (Vortex)and Atama (Atom) Systems.
Thus, it goes as follows:
OM Mantra NAMO=(OM, the Light with No Charge, the Left Brain Theory)-(Mantra, the 3 Charges, the Central Nervous Systems)-(4th Charge, the Ionization, the Right Brain Theory)=Pulsar-Chirals-Spiral=Left, Central and Right Quantum Brain Theory
Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji has put it as E’EK-Onkar Satigur Parsadi, which is the Quantum Version of OM-Mantra-NAMO (The Left (OM), Central (Mantra) and Right Brain as Right Brain Systems), and thus the Indian Sacred Systems of the Pulsar, Chirals and the Spiral Systems in the Indian Sacred Systems with its sacred sound configurations of SAHA, NAMA and “A, E, O, AE”. The Indian Sacred Systems may differ at times as right, left and central brain theories may have priorities in certain Indian Sacred Systems.
In my opinion, the violation of the “Single Thought, Knowledge and Wisdom of Universes that has “Sounds as Vibrations” seems “violence” as all of it is helping us touch, taste, smell, hear and see and thus experience the universe and everything in it as through the 5 Dimensions as the Space, Air, Water, Fire and Solid, and the 6th Dimension is the Consciousness, the I that “Observes” everything as through vibrations, the akhara, shabada and thus the World Classical and Quantum Sacred Systems”.
The reason that I had to say to the extent that if one “violates to create violence and thus insults” is based on the major point instead of imparting this Sacred and Quantum Systems, the Big Corporates of Imperialism removed it from the World and the Global Education Systems, and that now we seem to know almost nothing about these Sacred 35 Quantum Sounds, and most of the degree holders in the modern world may see and observe it all as if “something religious, native, aboriginal, rural, outdated, may be psychiatry problem or something strange, and when it happens, it seems the real insult as say most of the educated and degree holders in Asia may pay almost no serious attention to these research works as simply preaching religions and faiths earns lot of money, reputation and political status along with social, civilian and otherwise benefits of merely being a “religious”, and that seem to have put most of the most Asians and rest of the world know almost a very little about if religion is science, math or philosophy”, and that is what gives it a level of “shame” as it lacks “feelings of reverence”. In this context, the quantum systems invite a serious attention if philosophy and quantum systems should come to play its role together rather than the classical systems and psychology, which without quantum systems and the philosophy may not help individuals to think, feel and act with self-respect, dignity and respect as we notice that modern people in say Asia may call philosophers, thinkers and researchers mad and insane kind of crazy people, and I personally regret about it as I notice modern Indian youth deviating from “religious life” as if “something against personal freedom” as we have not been educated “religions as quantum math, science, philosophy, music and art” from last say 300 years.
The Sikh Gurus formulated the Quantum Sanskrit and used the O, A and E integrated with the Quantum Vowels and thus the OO-RA, AA-RA, EE-RI, which is the “Sacred Combination of Classical and Quantum Vowels” as primarily the O, A and E are the “Most Basic, Primal and Qubit Operators in the Quantum Systems” as according to our research works of Philselfology. The Sikh Gurus have put the Quantum Vowels, the Sound as the Longitudinal Waves as the R-AM Systems (The RA is the Quantum Vowel), and that these Quantum Systems are the O-AM Systems in the Classical Vowels, the Sound as the Transverse Waves, and thus the O-AM goes as the R-AM in the Vowel Theory, and basically these two Sacred Quantum Systems are one and do not differ. It is also studied as the Sarguna Rama (R-AM) and Nirguna Rama (O-AM) and thus the Quantum and Classical God Sacred Systems in the Indian Sacred Systems and in the vowel theories otherwise in the Other Sacred Systems in the world, and its the Essential Part of Invariant Math, Science and Arts and differs only in “scripting” and thus at the classical levels as the religion, karma and technology systems.
The point that we need to understand and comprehend is that the Indian Sacred Systems either believe in the O-AM and or the R-AM, and these are the bases and basics of the Indian Sacred Philosophies of Theism (R-AM) and Atheism (O-AM), by simply saying one does not believe in God does not make any great sense or significance as the Indian Sacred Systems call it the “A-gyana Systems” (A as the A’-A’ is the Theory of Waves and Vibrations that works well on the Stimulus and Response Theory and thus is called the Bhoga Theory, and the A-gyana users as the Bhogi, who may not bother about the Universe, God, Consciousness and Cosmology, and thus also follows the eat and enjoy Theories, and it is not bad but says its Gyana about the A’-A’, and thus the A-gyana), and now when one does not understand the God Philosophies of the Universe, and thus we may regret to say its the “Global A-gyana Systems” even though its also approved in the Indian Sacred Systems in this context as one need to know either Quantum God Systems (Theism) or the Classical God Systems (Atheism), and this what modern quantum systems also seem to explain. We notice most of us may not know the Indian Kala, Vidya, Theism and the Atheism (Astika and Nastika Systems), and may try to clone our next generations by not educating them about these sacred classical and the quantum Indian Civilizations while being Indians or living in India. Its also so in almost all world sacred systems as its the Sacred Theory of Classical (O-AM, the Gyana, the Light, the First Vowel Row in Gurmukhi) and Quantum (R-AM, the Vi-gyana, the Consciousness the Second Vowel Row in Gurmukhi) Universes while General Vibration Theories go as the A-gyana, and it deals Matter, the 25 Consonants in the Gurmukhi, and thus in all Indian Alphabets, and creates the Foundations of Superstring Theory according to Indian Sacred Systems as in the Hypothesis of Philselfology.
In his Sacred Doctrines of Quantum Systems, Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji has described the “Observer of Strings as the Karta Purakhu”, and here the Karta is the Space Dimensions of Elements, the Strings as the Ka go through Quantization’s say as the O, A, E and AE, and this the Longitudinal Wave Creations say as the RA, and thus the KARA, which in the 3-Dimensional Creation of Sounds, Vibrations and Waves gives us the TA, and thus the Karta as the Observer, the Purakhu, and this Observer, the Purakhu creates the Quantum Universe, and gives individuals to play the same string, and that is our playing with the Karta, the Creator, and it simply creates the Shiva-Shakti Systems, and that is the Static and Kinetic Systems with the help of Nama, the N and M as the Two Points that retrace the already created universes, and keeps modifying the existing universes, and in it the NAMA is the Dynamics of the String Theory, while the Karta is the Human Consciousness, which is considered the Source of 8 Cases of Act, Action and Activity, and that is Doer, Cause and Effect” Theories as in the grammars, which we notice as the “Secrets of Quantum Systems”, and this Karta Level is the 4th Dimension when its called the “Turiya, the Nirvana Level”, and we, the humans fit into is well said here:
“Quantum gravity is the theory supposed to bridge the dimensional scales of quantum mechanics and general relativity, i.e. the human observer scales. I can see no reason, why the common chemistry and biology couldn’t fall into subject of quantum gravity as well.
The space-time that we live in isn’t just a classical geometric object. There are fields living on it that are quantized, and the quantization of the fluctuations of the geometry themselves are what physicists are trying to develop under the name of quantum gravity. It is a peculiar, but well established, property of the quantum vacuum that what happens at one point is not entirely independent from what happens at another point because the quantum vacuum is a spatially entangled state. In other words, the quantum vacuum has correlations.” (With thanks from the source:… )
Moreover, the Quantum Dimensions, as we notice in the Gurbani, claims the following:
“Shiv Shakti Uppayekai Karta Aape Hukam Vartaye…” (Gurbani)
“The Quantum Consciousness, the Karta creates the Static and Kinetic Dimensional Systems of Shiva and Shakti, and the makes it obey the Law of Dimensions as with O+A=E and thus all as E=O+iA, and that is O-E-A of M-W-N of Cobordism, and thus as a subject and object of say the E and the EA in which God as the Single Consciousness play with every single consciousness in the universe as the N Points of String with God Systems as the M, the Single String, and that is also the Superstring Theory of Everything” (An interpretation according to Gurbani)
“As the universe expands, it is continually subjected to energy shifts, or “quantum fluctuations,” that send out little pulses of “sound” into the fabric of spacetime. In fact, the universe is thought to have sprung from just such an energy shift.
To unify general relativity and quantum theory is hard in part because they are formulated in two very different mathematical languages, differential geometry and functional analysis. A natural candidate for bridging this language gap, at least in the case of the Euclidean signature, is the discipline of spectral geometry.” (With thanks from the source:… )
In the above research report, the following comment and the remark is worth reading, researching and taking into consideration as it says:
“….for me any analogy using Sounds in outer space is a distraction… ..knowing that space is a vacuum and that there are no actual sounds as we know it.
According to NASA transcripts of the Apollo moon missions, several of the astronauts reported hearing “music” when orbiting the Moon.
As I said, there is no “official” explanation to this one, but in the context of the sound in space, even here the sounds were only heard inside the lander where there was air to propagate the sound.” (With thanks from the source:… )
The answer to the above hypothesis is that its not exactly the “sounds” that we say the “35 Quantum Sounds”, but these has been proposed as the “35 Akhara Theory, the Quantum Vibrations of Universe as the Shabada” by say Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji, and the Akhara is the Vibration of A’-A’ (A) in the 2-Dimensional Space (KH) and the results come from the RA, the Quantized 2-Dimensional Systems of Vibration as the Longitudinal Wave Systems, and thus “Music on Moon”. Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji who compiled the 35 Sounds of Quantum Universe and described it as the Akhara Universe, the Information Universe says that these Akhara, the Information Systems of the Universe work and function as the Black and White Body, Sound and Akhara of N and M, the Bindi and the Bindu as thus its the O-N-M, the ONAMA Systems:
“Onam Akhar Tribhavan Saar…” (Gurbani)
The Indian Sacred Systems use the “Bases and Basics Akhara, the Vibration, the Sounds as in the Indian Classical Musics, Dances, Instruments, and all other sacred systems”, and that when the Primal Sounds of Universe as the N and M are studied and researched, we have the Quantized M Sounds as the Shiva, the Static Force and Energy Systems, and the Quantized N Sounds as the Shakti, the Kinetic Force and Energy Systems, and that the “Dynamic Force, Energy and Power Systems of Universe is the NAMA Systems, in which we discover all about the N, the Kinetic and M, the Static Energy Systems of the Universe”. This play of NAMA as N and M gives the Dynamics of Universe as the Static, Kinetic and Dynamic System, which goes as the 4th Dimension and thus the 4 Vector Philosophy of SAHA, the Spacetime. The SAHA and NAMA is the Essence of 35 Quantum Sounds of the Universe, and in it, we all have the “O, A, E, AE” as the “Vibration Dipoles”, which we may know by various names, say in the Indian Civilizations, its the Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesha, and Durga, while in the Arabian, Israeli, Egyptian and many other world civilizations, its the Merkaba.
Everything Quantum is the OORA, AARA and EERI as the “OO AA EE” Qubit with the AEAE Quantum Body of Everything that We can Think: Secrets of Quantum Computing and Computers: Be Happy Philselfologically – 106
The Indian Theory of 35 Quantum Sounds, Elements, Dimensions, Light, Consciousness, Force, Energy and Power Systems constitute the “Foundations to the Invariant Math as the Linguistic Math that describes All Single Models and Theories of All Possible Subjects as through the Languages and the Grammars, and the Vedas, Gurbani, Indian Architect, Music, Arts, Dances, Instruments, Astrology, Mysticism, Yoga, and all that we know in the world civilizations as the “Omniscience, Omnipresence and Omnipotent is the 1+2 Dimensional Studies of O and A as say the OA or the AO that describes everything through the O+A=E and the rest in the ONKARA Theories, the IK-Onkara and the Ekonkara Theories, and thus where we differ in the world is only the way we write our scripts, the vowels and the consonants, and certainly not otherwise as we all share the 36 Dimensions of 35 Quantum Sounds with its Two Points of SAHA, the Spacetime, and its the Essence of Indian Arts, Philosophy, Science, Religion, Math, Music, and all that we nowadays know as the Sacred or the Quantum Systems, and this is Hypothesis of Philselfology for All World Civilizations as all have no differences regarding the Bases and Basics of the Sacred, the Quantum Systems of the Universe, which are simply the Quantized Systems of O, A, E and AE for the String of S-H, the SAHA giving all sounds of N and M, and thus the NAMA Theory”.
Thus, what the Hypothesis of Sound from the Canadian Mathematician and Quantum Scientist Achim Kempf says is right and it can restore all sounds of the universe as according to our Hypothesis of Philselfology as when we also integrate it with the String and the Superstring Theory, and we can rediscover how the Indian and World Sacred Systems found the Alphabets as well the 35 Quantum Sounds. I have been able to put the Indian Quantum Sounds and the Alphabets say the Gurmukhi into the Single Model and Theory of Everything, and happen to discuss it as it has been thankfully well discussed at the Listen to Universe, and thus all as the SAHA, the Spacetime, the Two Points as Fast and Slow, describing the Quantum Time, Dimensions and the Gravity, and I personally thank Achim Kempf for his research as it seem to be one of the great milestone in the foundations of Math, Science, Music and Sacred Education Systems and thus the World Peace, and we can offer him Doctoral of Sacred Systems from Life Dynamix – Wings for All as we also hope to setup the “Chair on the Quantum and Sacred Systems of the Universe in Every University and or College in the World” as for the studies and research in the Invariant Math, Quantum Linguistics, Sacred Math and Geometry, Sacred Universe, Consciousness, Quantum Qubit Math and Computing, Homotopy Type Theory and almost all that the Global Paradigm Shift of 2012 and the Modern Quantum Systems have to offer to the world community: “Listen to Spacetime”! :
One the Relevant Parts of the Series: How 35 Quantum Phonetic Sounds Constitute Quantum English Alphabet for Classical Alphabet of 26 Letters: Gurmukhi 45 Letters with Digraphs Give 44-45-52 Phonemes: Phonemic, Phonological Awareness with Gurmukhi and Be Happy Philselfologically 164
“The correlations of the quantum vacuum are encoded in the Greensfunction which is a function of pairs of points, and the correlations that this function measures are weaker the further away two points are. Thus, we expect the Greensfunction for all pairs in a set of points on space-time to carry information about the geometry.” (With thanks from the source:… )
If we take a string and fix it at the ends, its the SA and HA according to how we use it, if use the SA as the First Point that we vibrate, its the SA, and otherwise, the other end if we use is the SA, which otherwise is HA, and when we vibrate it, we quantize it by Single Vibration that may go as with multiple nodes and vibrations, and in it, we have the multiple nodes as the N, the Shakti Nodes, and the First Single Node is the Shiva Node, and from its released sounds, we can recognize the instruments and its shape, size, and many other things about how the musician is playing it. Thus, the SAHA of Instrument produces the NAMA, which otherwise remains hidden inside it with the infinite dimensions. The “Nodes in Strings give the O, A, E and AE” as the Quantization of Sounds of N and M as the Longitudinal, Transverse, and it goes up to the Quantized Sounds of Ragas, and the Sacred Music through the Sacred Quantization, which we can also put as the 1, 2, 3, and 4 Poles of the Sacred Musical or Vibration Dipoles of the Universe.
In the following image, we notice that all nodes are the N-Points on the Single String Point of M, and that has the SAHA as the Spacetime between the two points, which we vibrate, and its thus produces the NAMA, the Dynamics of Music as from the Single M and the Multiple Nodes, the N, and it beats the music with the O, A, E and AE Dipole Systems, and the anti-nodes support with OO, AA, EE and AAEE, which differ by the Pi/8, Pi/6, Pi/4, Pi/2, and other dimensional and the quantum angles that actually create the harmonics and the ragas in the universe. The Indian Alphabets give the Transverse Waves as the First Vowel Row and the Longitudinal Waves as the Second Vowel Row, and in between we have the nodes and the anti-nodes, which give the 25 Consonant Sounds creating music from noise is managing the nodes and anti-nodes.
Thus, the SAHA, NAMA and the O, A, E and AE constitute what we know as the String Theory:
What Is String Theory?: In the 1960s, string theory proposed that the universe is composed of tiny filaments or “strings” and membranes that vibrate in different ways to create the objects we see around us. Strings may have open ends or may be closed into loops at various times as they vibrate. These strings attach at one or both ends to membranes to create the world of matter that we know. In the 1970s, string theory proposed that all matter is composed of fermions and bosons connected by a supersymmetry which corrects for some mathematical inconsistencies of the formulae.” (With thanks from the source:… )
Well, in it all, we have the Two Points, the Hilbert Space of N and M as from the SAHA between these two points giving us the following sacred systems of vibration, and when we say sacred, we simply mean if we disturb, we distort it:
We have discussed the Spectral Triples as the “S, H, A” Systems while explaining the Planck and Dirac Equations of Energy, and the Quantum Energy and the Quantum Gravity Systems in which the S, H and A follow the Pi and 2 Pi Systems in the Quantum Systems in which the Quantum Circle gives the Quantum Atomic Systems of the Universe with the following preliminary claim as we discussed in the previous part of the series with i, i^2 and i^4 for the A’, A^2(=A) and A^4(=AA=2A), these “i and A'” are also the Derivatives and the laplaican Operators that Newton has expressed as shown below:
In other words, we have the AA, A and A’ as the Double or Triple Derivatives of the Given String Theory or Differential Calculus:
“The Laplace operator is a second order differential operator in the n-dimensional Euclidean space, defined as the divergence (∇·) of the gradient (∇ƒ). Thus if ƒ is a twice-differentiable real-valued function, then the Laplacian of ƒ is defined by:
where the latter notations derive from formally writing
. Equivalently, the Laplacian of ƒ is the sum of all the unmixed second partial derivatives in the Cartesian coordinates x_i :
(Images and references from this source with thanks: )
In other words, we have the AA, A and A’, which go as say AA=2A, A’-A’, and A as shown below for further researching if one wants to do or carry it:
We can conduct most of the derivations on the second differentiable functions of AA and A that results into the A’, 2A’, 3A’ and 4A’ differentials and the functions that also describe the O, A, E and AE as the Dimensions in the Derivatives”.
Thus, its all the “Basic Operators of the Quantum Math and Science”:
The Previous Part of the Series: How Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji Explain Quantum Brain, Cobordism, NAMA, Bindi as Information Superuniverses of Parbrahma with Parmeshwara and Parmatama: Secrets of Sanskrit, Indian and World Languages: Be Happy Philselfologically 155
“…for a complex number z = x + iy, |z|2 = z z∗ = x2 + y2Where η runs over the range 0 to π/2, and ξ1 and ξ2 can take any values between 0 and 2π. Every value of η, except 0 and π/2 which specify circles, specifies a separate flat torus in the 3-sphere, and one round trip (0 to 2π) of either ξ1 or ξ2 causes you to make one full circle of both limbs of the torus.
“Classically, the manifolds which these encode are the unit circle, CP^1 and CP^2, each discretized by the eigenvalues of the matrix operators in the algebra of functions over the finite geometry F.
Indeed the paper appears to describe techniques dual to those used by Connes in his noncommutative geometrical studies of the standard model and gravity. The two approaches are related through the fact that the Dirac operator can be thought of as the square-root of the Laplacian. Kempf prefers to use the Laplacian while Connes uses the Dirac operator in his spectral triples (A,H,D) to encode the spectral geometry. In Connes spectral triple, A is the operator algebra of functions over the given manifold, H is the Hilbert space on which it acts on and D is the Dirac operator whose spectrum is used to recover the structure of the manifold, much like Kempf uses the spectrum of the Laplacian to recover the “shape” of the manifold.” (With thanks from the source:… )
“The Quantum Sounds and the Vibrations of N and M give us the O+A, the 1-Dimensional and the 2-Dimensional System additions and thus the (O+A)*NM, the ONM, the ONAMA, and this Vibration Theory that every vibration works as O+A with O-A’-A’ is essence of the Information, the Akhara Universe” (Interpretation according to Gurbani, the Sacred Doctrine of Quantum Sounds as Vibrations, the Akhara)
According to the research work of Philselfology, I have not noticed that Indian Sacred Education Systems teach, educate or specifically work on the 36 Sacred Elements, the Quantum Sounds of the Indian and the World Civilizations. So, most of the Indians may not know what we discus here at Life Dynamix – Wings for All in the series of Be Happy Philselfologically or otherwise. It is a deep regret about the Modern India, the Indian Civilizations and we are not discussing what the education systems or the governing bodies do, but the modern education systems all over the world may not have given any recognition to this ancient treasures of the human knowledge and wisdom. One may know the elephant but not by its tail, legs or the teeth, so what seems appropriate is that UNO and other world organizations need to take initiatives towards these sacred things.
Its all the Sacred Quantum Sounds and its lot more than simply the alphabets.
“Kempf brings these theories a little closer together through new mathematics. To understand the researcher’s methods, consider tapping a vase with a spoon. This will make a sound that depends on the vase’s shape. Tapping a cube will make a different sound and a tapping a sphere makes still a different sound. The new mathematical methods allow one to calculate in many circumstances the shape of an object from just its sound.
These new mathematical methods, Kempf says, can be very useful for unifying the two fundamental theories, general relativity and quantum theory, by allowing scientists to describe the shape of the fabric of spacetime in a quantum way.” (With thanks from the source:… )
In the series of the Be Happy Philselfologically, we discuss the following Sound System Based Math, the Sacred Invariant Math:
“Scientists will be able to use powerful new mathematical tools developed at the University of Waterloo to bring them closer to an understanding of the origin of the universe, says Achim Kempf, an applied mathematics professor.
Kempf, the Canada Research Chair in the Physics of Information, says the new tools he developed with a team of researchers should help to unify the two fundamental theories of nature – general relativity and quantum theory.
In principle, by picking up the sound of this crackling and popping of the quantum fluctuations, he adds, scientists will be able to begin to describe spacetime in a quantum way. Theoretically, then, scientists can use Kempf’s new tools to determine the shape of spacetime from the sound of its perpetual ringing caused by quantum fluctuations.
“This could sort of marry these two theories, that have lived side by side for so many years, together, ” he says.” (With thanks from the source:… )
We have discussed in this series that every sound is quantized and that the Sound is the SAHA, the Spacetime, which is easily quantized with the O, A, E and AE Systems, and create the Sacred Geometrical Systems, the Mantras and say the Feynman Diagrams, which explain the universe, and it is popular as the Greenfunction, which is function between two Akhara, the Points of Greenfunction as described here:
“The correlations of the quantum vacuum are encoded in the Greensfunction which is a function of pairs of points, and the correlations that this function measures are weaker the further away two points are. Thus, we expect the Greensfunction for all pairs in a set of points on space-time to carry information about the geometry.
In his paper, Achim suggests that to study whether the reconstruction can be achieved one may use a perturbative approach in which one makes small changes to the geometry and then tries to recover these small changes in the change of correlators. Look how nicely the physicists’ approach interlocks with thorny mathematical problems.
What does this have to do with quantum gravity? It is a way to rewrite an old problem. Instead of trying to quantize space-time, one could discretize it by sprinkling the points and encode its properties in the eigenvalues of the Greensfunctions. And once one can describe the curvature of space-time by these eigenvalues, which are invariant properties of space-time, one is in a promising new starting position for quantizing space-time.” (With thanks from the source:… )
So, we can listen to the SAHA, the Spacetime: “Listen to Spacetime”!
One point that draws our attention is that most of the languages in the West say English, French, German, Italian and the Eastern Languages say Chinese, Japanese, and the similar languages are the “Technical Languages when it do not use the 35 Quantum Sounds and even more the Sacred Symmetry of Sounds as in the Indian, Israeli and Arabian Languages, and that all languages otherwise use the Sacred Sounds in the Symmetric and Systematic Way”, but it puts a question mark on if it can suffice any world systems of the ancient and the modern systems, but when we consider the Brahmi, the 35 Quantum Sounds of the Universe, these differ even from the Sanskrit and the Hebrew Languages, which we notice as the “Languages of Light, the Inner, the Kundalini Systems”, and thus support the Yoga, Sacred Knowledge of Meditation, Focusing, and all that we can subject to the “Inner Human Sacred Systems”, but the Brahmi Languages say Gurmukhi and even the Hindi goes for the languages of the birds, animals, and the consciousness oriented systems.
Thus, when the western countries and the civilizations of say China and Japan excel that all goes on the “Industrial and Technological Progress, Developments and Evolution”, and thus it does not deal with the “Quantum Systems, the Language of Birds, Animals and Humans who learn from nature”. Thus, in a way the Quantum Languages go for what we have experienced in last 300 years and say even the last 500 years of Modern Civilizations with the Grand Theory of Aryans of 5000 Years.
So, when we do any work on the Quantum Languages, the Classical Languages including say the Sanskrit and Hebrew may not give it any recognition, and that is where the UNO, Governing Bodies, and the Religious and World Sacred Classical Languages and people related and involved in it all still have to play the significant role as otherwise we face the extinction of it all in the emerged quantum age as the Gurmukhi and Other Brahmi Languages may not support the Classical, but the Quantum Systems.
Everything Quantum is the OORA, AARA and EERI as the “OO AA EE” Qubit with the AEAE Quantum Body of Everything that We can Think: Secrets of Quantum Computing and Computers: Be Happy Philselfologically – 106
Philselfology of Sacred Electron, Nucleus, Atom, Earth Systems and 3-D Theories of Universe: Sikhism, the Khanda Qubit Theory and Sacred Structures of Electromagnetic Symbols, Emblems, and Systems in Atom and Universe – Be Happy Philselfologically – 56
The RAMA, the Ishwara, the Quantum Sounds and Languages say as the Bases and Basics of Gurmukhi: The birds and animals all use the “AA EE OO” sounds and we all can communicate with them as they too can communicate with us, the humans when we know and learn how a bird or an animal asks for food while saying “AA AA” from the abdomen, saying “EE EE” from the heart centers, the chest while feeling the compassion, happiness and joys of life, and saying “OO OO” from the Mouth Upward while thinking as the humans do as the Tigers, Foxes, Dogs and Cats utter “OO OO” from their mouths as the children and the grown up humans do. At one point when a human has not learned any languages, all the animals, birds and humans especially the children, the kids say only the Sacred Vowels: “AA EE OO”, and its variations and this is the Language of the Universe that develops and our DNA Evolutions take place. All Saints and the Sadhus, the Spirituals and the Artists and anyone experiencing the humanly feelings simply says: “AA EE OO” and its variations expressing the humanly feelings as the animals and the birds do as the native people and the aboriginals all over the world do.” (Please read more from the link below)
Philselfological Single Model of Sign Language of Universe and Global Need, and Role of Sacred and Special Education for All Humans, Animals, Birds, Deaf, Dumb and Blind: Be Happy Philselfologically – 52
While studying the Narada Puran, I found the following Quantum Systems of Indian Music:
“Origin of the 7 swaras in Indian classical music: The seven ‘swaras’ in the Hindustani Music were conceived from the sounds of the nature. The seven swaras as we all know are- Sa, Re, Ga, Ma, Pa, Dha, Ni. An interesting thing that is noted in the swaras is Sa, Ma and Pa are sounds made by birds whereas Re, Ga, Dha and Ni are sounds made by animals. If we get into too deep into these swaras then these swaras further have 7 divisions. Often people seem to get bewildered when they hear the word “RAGA”.” (Please read more from the source:… )
In such researches the classical oriented hold the highest funds, political power and influential people, who use it to bock the quantum studies, research education by expressing the fears of social upsets, terrorism, and something that goes to upset the established systems, but most of it has almost fully failed the natural world systems and the natural resources and most of the economy seem to have shifted to the classical systems in last 300 years, and thus most of world power play and economy systems seem to have gone to put the world sacred systems of quantum, the bramhi nature to almost extinction that includes the Aboriginal, Native, Rural, Villagers, Birds, Animals, Natural Living Systems to great risk as the classical systems neither think that the animals, birds and plants have any consciousness (Ishawra Systems) nor it practices anything that invites special attention to this Consciousness (Ishara) Based Living Systems, but rather seem to support the animal sacrifices and global suffering of living systems as natural, and it follows any religious and faith of Ishwara, the Consciousness by which the majority of people do the Pooja (Worship, the PA+JA, the Physical (PA)+Consciousness (JA), and thus how to study the phsyical world of consciousness is the Pooja, the Worshiping Skills, which by times may become mere rituals, we may not want to learn), and thus the Pooja, the Physical Learning, Study and Research of Animals, Birds, Rivers, Trees, Mountains and all other consciousness systems, and thus the world classical systems seem to have put it all as the uneducated and backward people and communities of the world.
Thus modern people of say even India may show almost no concern in these issues of suffering of consciousness, the Ishwara, the Living God Systems, the Living Cells, while fully using it, and it seems a matter of big shame. When we say so, its not an official discussion but on observations of modern education systems that may not educate any religion, philosophy, sacred math and geometry, music, architect, and thus what we know as the subjects and concerns of Paradigm Shift of 2012 and the Global Need of Quantum Subjects. The modern education systems do not also teach or educate the subjects that cover say consciousness, universe, quantum sounds, life and its philosophy and the similar that can educate people to understand and comprehend the consciousness, the Ishwara, the Jeeva Systems so that the modern people start respecting and loving the animals, birds, trees, plants and the living things while it may bring an end to the global suffering to the living systems, we have less pollution, suffering and corruption in the modern world.
One major point that we need to note about the Gurmukhi, Hindi and Sanskrit is that we are not saying or claiming that it differs as in the “Sacred Indian Alphabet Systems, which create, compose and construct the Superstring Theory with the Indian Light (First Vowel Row), Consciousness (Last Vowel Row) and the 25 Basic Elements as the 25 Consonants, and thus the Sacred Structure of the Indian Alphabets”, but the grammars that differ a lot as say Sanskrit and Gurmukhi, and Sanskrit and Hindi and the Gurmukhi and Hindi. The maximum contributions by the sages, seers and the researchers is in the “Grammars” as no one can change the Set of 35 Quantum Elements, the Sacred Sounds of the Universe. So, we say nothing at all about any world language as from the alphabets but always the grammars. The Sanskrit uses the Classical Sacred Compositions while the Hindi and Gurmukhi use the Quantum Sacred Systems. So, we thank Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji for the Quantum Grammar of Gurmukhi, and the Quantum Changes in the Indian Alphabets and its pronunciations accordingly, and thus the Sikh Gurus wrote the Gurbani, the Sacred Quantum Systems of the Universe, Light, Consciousness, 25 Elements, and the Dimensions of Life and Universe.
When one says the Indian Languages are extincting, it may be a big folly because its the “Script” not the “Language” that may extinct lacking practice and the Indian “Language of 35 Sounds” cannot extinct, and we need to work for the “Scripts”, and most of Punjabi’s may not write and speak the 35 Letters of Gurmukhi even if one is graduate or post graduate student, and that makes Punjabi, the Gurmukhi the Poorest Language in place or origin, the Punjab, and we are not talking about how may people have passed the Indian Languages, but how many can write and speak the alphabets has become a big challenge while most of Indians say Punjabi’s can write or speak the “Foreign Alphabets”, and that is the real “extinction” of any world language!
The reason why I have done research of Philselfology using the Theory of Elements, Dimensions, Light, Consciousness, Basic 5 and 25 Element Theories with Languages, Grammars and the Linguistics has been based on the “Unification Theory of All World Languages for the Single Model and Theory of Everything” as other every worships the religious or the native languages as the best or the Languages of Gods, Angles, and lot more, and if we know the Indian Theory of Elements, Dimensions and thus the Tattva Darshana, the Philosophy of Quantum Sounds, we can put as the Superstring Theory of 36 Systems of the Universe with 5 Dimensions of Light, 25 Dimensions of Matter and 5 Dimensions of Quantum Systems of Light as Particle Wave, and thus with SAHA, the Spacetime gives us the 36 Dimensions of Superstring Theory, and leads it to the Unification Theories and the Grand Unification Theories, the Single Models and Theories of Everything. It discusses the “Elements and Dimensions of Universe” that the 35 Quantum Sounds never change anywhere in the universe, and needs that we make the computer programming systems based on it in any world language, script and the grammar with linguistics, and thus we can get better results for all world languages as the following discussions goes well as a reference:
“Claim 1: … I know three Dravidian languages, Sanskrit and Hindi. from my knowledge i have building a translator or a compiler for processing natural languages like Sanskrit would be twice the pain in the arse than any of the Dravidian languages or Hindi or any European languages.
Claim 2: The wide claim that Sanskrit is a complete and scientific language and it is most suitable for Natural Language Processing of computers is a myth and hoax.
Those who argue Sanskrit as most scientific language suitable for computers always refer to Paninian grammer. The main argument hinges on the fact that the Paninian grammer defines verb roots (Dhatu) and specifies the rules to change/modify them to obtain various required forms. If one comes out of Panian influence and scrutinize independenetly , it will be clear that the Sanskrit is not a scientific or ordered language as boasted. Those who glorify Sanskrit repeat the features which are in their favour and hide the adverse facts.” (With thanks from the source:… )
The points that discusses the Indian Languages may not mention why and how the Indian Letters and Alphabets has been composed, and what are these and what these represent, and that is what makes the Indian Alphabets unique in the world as it never changes in any world language, and the linguistic systems, and that the first row of Indian Vowels is the “Physical Elementary Particles, the Dimensions, and lot more”, and the next 5 rows represent the Space, Air, Water, Fire and Solid, and the last as the 7th row represents the sounds that the sound as longitudinal systems give, and it has not been well exposed as the “technologists” of the human history and civilizations have been keeping it a “secret”. Moreover, Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji, and the Other Sikh Gurus who has explained the Tat Darshan, the Philosophy of Elements says as in the Gurbani:
“Simirati Sastar Punn Paap Vicharde Tatai Saar Na Jaani…” (Gurbani)
“The Ancient Indian Sacred Systems have devoted more time on the Good and Bad, Right and Wrong, and thus the Classical Dualism, and have paid a little attention to the Theory of Elements (Tat Sara, the Tattva Darshana, the Philosophy of Elements)” (Gurbani)
The reason for the above seem to be deep rooted in the “Importance of Light Dimensions” while paying little attention to the “Consciousness, the Jeeva, the Shakti, the Primal Kinetic Force, and thus the Force and Energy Systems” in the Indian Classical Sacred Systems. The Sikh Gurus have formulated what seems the First Indian Quantum Civilization Systems as written in the Gurbani and the Gurmukhi, but it says that all in it is the “Theory of Elements” (Tat Vichar, the Philosophy of Quantum Systems):
“Tat Vichar Kahai Jan Sacha…” (Gurbani)
“The People of Sacred Knowledge and Wisdom discuss the Theory of Elements, the Philosophy of Quantum Systems, and the Sacha is the Light (SA) and 3-Dimensions of Consciousness (CHA) and thus the Sacha.” (Gurbani)
We can also read it in the Hinduism as Kashmir Shaivism, the 36 Tattvas.
The Sanskrit in this context as all other Indian Languages is the Sacred Collection of 35 Quantum Sounds, which is same in almost all world languages, and thus it should not be subjected to any religion, nation or community as in the beginning, we may have one country that changes in to modern many countries in the same way as the Adam as the father and all humans his children. So, may it be any language that is the property of Single God Systems, which we discuss as the Quantum Universe, and it has nothing to do with any religion, but people of religions have used this art of universe in the world civilizations, which also comprise many modern countries, and thus it should be properly dealt as the property of world civilizations where if the individual nationalists may rebuke goes as if fundamentalism and the ethics of research say the Philselfology.
Here we have to mention that the Sanskrit is a script of 35 Sounds, and it remains same in all world languages even though the grammars differ, and that we are NOT doing any religious discussion here at Life Dynamix – Wings for All, but purely the 35 Quantum Sounds of Universe that can be Sanskrit, Hindi, Gurmukhi, Tamil, English or any other world languages.
We will edit and add.
P.S.: Just to request it again that all of these works are based on the Gurmukhi as described in last 300 years of imperialism and in 600 years of compilation of Gurmukhi, the Quantum Sacred Systems of the Gurbani (11th Century-17th Century), and differs from the Sanskrit Language in many cases, more research works are required to established as the most compatible systems with the Quantum Systems, the Siva as written in the Raga Compositions of the Gurbani on this format, we hope for the best results in this regard.
The Previous Part of the Series: How Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji Explain Quantum Brain, Cobordism, NAMA, Bindi as Information Superuniverses of Parbrahma with Parmeshwara and Parmatama: Secrets of Sanskrit, Indian and World Languages: Be Happy Philselfologically 155
The Next Part of the Series: How Akhara as Creator of 35 Gurmukhi Quantum Sounds Explains Indian Vigyana (Sacred Science) of Vacuum, Classical and Quantum Universe: OM, NAMO and A’ as Theory of Aspirated Sounds, Akhara and Universe: Be Happy Philselfologically 157
Thanks for your time!
Be Happy Philselfologically while listening to Good Quality Music Everyday!