How All Human Systems from Sperm and Egg to Human Glandular Systems Follow the Waheguru Systems: Sanskrit, Hindi and Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Language and Grammar Systems for Perfect DNA Programming: Be Happy Philselfologically – 91
In this part of the series, we discuss how the human organism say the glands and the systems of the human body follow the “WAHEGURU Systems in the Natural World”. In it, the Indian Seers and the Sages have written and composed the “Sacred Grammars” that deal with the “Programming of the Perfect DNA Systems in the Universe”. Before we discuss, please note the following image and what it represents as a function:
Image 11: Human Glandular Systems
As we know, the “Grammars” deal with the “Sacred Process of Genes, the Genetics” at advanced levels, and the Indian name for it is the “Viahkarna”, the “Vi+Ahnkarna” that also means “How to Materialize Thoughts, the Cells and the Eggs into Action, the Body (Ahnkarna, the Ahnkara) Scientifically (the Vi in the Vi+Ahnkarna” indicates Sciences). It thus gives what we have as the title of the topic:
How All Human Systems from Sperm and Egg to Human Glandular Systems Follow the Waheguru Systems: Sanskrit, Hindi and Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Language and Grammar Systems for Perfect DNA Programming: Be Happy Philselfologically – 91
Thus, the WAHEGURU Systems as the “JEEVAHANU” Systems give from the “Life Cells”, the following:
Force (WAHEGURU as the Life Power Systems)=q(E+v*B)
“Life Systems”=”XX+X+Y+XY” Systems=X*2+2XY+X+Y+3D-Systems=XXY or XYX or YXX or YYX and so on, and thus the life is 3 Dimensional and we all live in the 4th Dimension looking at the Life Dimensions Expanding Within and Outside as Follows:
1. XX – A Neutralized System, the WA System, the AA Systems as the “JEEVA Systems” and thus the “JEE or JI” Systems showing due respect as we address it in India: “Welcome Ji”! The “Ji or Jee” is the “Moving Soul!”
2. XX+XX or XX+YY – A Charge Introduction Systems, the HE Systems as the “WAHE” Systems, the AA and EE Systems as the “JEEVAH or the JEEVA: Systems”
3. XXX+XXY – A Physical Body Systems, the GU Systems as the “WAHEGU” Systems, the AA, EE and the U, the OO Systems as the “JEEVAHANGA Systems”
4. XXXX or XXXY – A Mental Body Systems, the RU Systems as the “WAHEGURU Systems”, the “AA, EE, U and OO” Systems or simply the “AA EE OO” or the “A I E O U” of Life Systems as the “JEEVAHANU Systems”
The additional points to the above discussion include some of the following things:
“JEEVAHANU, JEEVAHANKA, and also the JEEVAHANGA, JEEVAHA in general”, and this grammar structures make the Languages Math and Grammars work as the Mathematics:
JEE Life (JEEVA)=JEEVA (HA+ANU+ANKA+ANGA), here the “HA is same as the H:”
JEE Life=JEEVA*AN*(U+KA+GA)+H:, here the “AN” Systems are the SOUND Energies, and the “H:” is the Breathing and Movement Systems
JEE Life=JEEVA*AN*(Neutron+K*Proton+G*3 States of Matter)+H: “K is the Dimesnional State of Jeeva and the “G” is the Guna Systems say TAMO, RAJO and SATO Systems
JEE Life=JEEVA*AN*(Neutral Charge, the Main Charge Body Systems+*8 Dimensional Charge Systems, the Anka as the Bonding Systems of Any Kind (ionic or the covelant)+3-Dimensional Charge Management due to Electrons, the Anga or Physical Systems)+H:
The above scientific and the mathematical structures solve almost any problem that we can describe as follows:
Thus, we have the following conceptual equation of force:
Waheguru (Simarana) Systems= (MARA+MANA Systems)+(RAMA+NAMA Systems)
Waheguru (Simarana, the Electromagnetic System Additions)=(MARA, the Electric Field with Electrons in it, and the Electric Systems as the “F=qE”)+(RAMA, the Magnetic Field and the Electron after charging up, and perpendicular or vector product (“F=qVB” Systems) as magnetized particles rather than electrical particles)
F=qE+qVB+ANKA (3-Dimensional), and in the 3-Dimensions, this universal equation is applicable for physical, chemical and biological equations as we have described in nutshell as given below:
F=JEEVA*AN (Spindling)(Neutral Charge, the Main Charge Body Systems+*8 Dimensional Charge Systems, the Anka as the Bonding Systems of Any Kind (ionic or the covelant)+3-Dimensional Charge Management due to Electrons, the Anga or Physical Systems)+H: (DNA Systems)
It is as shown below:

It is thus the “Indian Language and Grammar say the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Language Based Picture of Human Genome”:

“The Greatest Puzzle: Each species is characterised by its unique genome – a collection of DNA sequences, following a logic that we are only just beginning to fathom, says James Randerson…
“Today we are learning the language in which God created life,” said president Bill Clinton from the White House on June 26 2000. “We are gaining ever more awe for the complexity, the beauty, the wonder of God’s most divine and sacred gift.” (With thanks from the source:… )
Thus, the above is the Charting the Human Genome Map, and otherwise, we may modify human DNA’s on just “provided relevant information from the known people and experts” leading to “Changing the DNA” without “Patient or Victims’s Personal Permissions” and thus the “DNA Cyber Crimes”!
What the “DNA and GENE” is has an in-depth personal self-defense mechanism, and when we avoid behavior modifications through it, but provide proper solution to individuals, groups, communities and world populations, we may notice that all are individuals and the evolution may not support the “same two people excelling” as its not “cloning” but the “spiritual suffering” as the Indian Theories support that the “Bio and Blood Relations have far important thing that influences the “Total DNA Self-defense Mechanism”, and its the “Theory of SANSKARA, the Proper Installations rather than the “RIGHT Installations”. Otherwise, the “DNA Degeneration and Extinctions are Inevitable!”
While we again consider the following:
JEE Life=JEEVA*AN*(Neutron+K*Proton+G*3 States of Matter)+H: “K is the Dimesnioanl State of Jeeva and the “G” is the Guna Systems say TAMO, RAJO and SATO Systems
The “Dimension Theory” is based on the “Matter and Antimatter Systems” as in it we have X, Y and Z-Axis and its Virtual Dimensions as the X’, Y’ and Z’ Axes. The 3 States of Matter also includes the “Physical, Chemical and Biological Worlds.
We have the points that we have discussed include the “Modern Advanced Physics Models” in the above equation as based on the “Advanced Physics Model” as shown below:

JEE Life=JEEVA*AN*(Neutral Charge, the Main Charge Body Systems, the Neutralized Systems+*8 Dimensional Charge Systems, the Anka as the Bonding Systems of Any Kind (ionic or the covelant)+3-Dimensional Charge Management due to Electrons, the Anga or Physical Systems)+H:
The Neutralized Systems as the “ANU in the JEEVANU or the JEEVAHANU Systems” are the “Pillars of the WAHEGURU Systems” as these run the systems for the “Neutralized Cell”, which we can consider as the “Resting Cells”, and these can be either “Active as the RAMA Cells” or be a medium for infection, the clones and the carriers for any given infection, and thus the “MARA Cells and Systems”, and we need to take care of both the “RAMA and the MARA Systems”:

Thus, the Immune Systems are the “Balanced WAHEGURU Systems!”
When we consider the “Susy and Standard Particles”, the “Virus, Infection and Allergy” in the “Human Standard Mechanism” is naturally there, and we with no known theory may prevent it, but help the “Susy and the Standard Particles” coexist. In this context, we need to use the Indian Philosophy of Sacred Languages and the Grammars, which use the “Systems of HALA and the LAHA”, and it means a human need not work too hard as if the “HALA, the Plough”, but use the Sacred Skills of Human Languages, Arts and Sciences to get the “LAHA, the Ease in Ploughing, the Health and Wellness, and the LAHA, the Profit in anything”. The “HALA” Systems are due to the “SUSY” Particles, and the “Standard Particles” give the “LAHA”. Thus, the Philosophy of Easy Life is to Manage the HALA and the LAHA, the SUSY and the Standard Systems in Life.
Now, with the “AN” as the “Light to Sound or the Sound to Light Conversions” as say the 528 Hz cure systems for the DNA, we have the “Anka Systems” decide what kind of “Bonds, the Dimensions in the X, Y and Z Axis, the OORA, AARA and the EERI Systems” we have in any given atom, cell or a given system:

We notice that the “OORA AARA and EERI Systems for the SASA, HAHA and the SAHA to HASA Systems” give the “WAHEGURU Systems of the Sacred DNA”:

Thus, we have in the following equation, the “H: Systems”, which we have as the “SAHA and the HASA Systems” that determines say the Mother and Daughter DNA Systems:
JEE Life=JEEVA*AN*(Neutral Charge, the Main Charge Body Systems+*8 Dimensional Charge Systems, the Anka as the Bonding Systems of Any Kind (ionic or the covelant)+3-Dimensional Charge Management due to Electrons, the Anga or Physical Systems)+H:
The “H:” is what creates pairs as “H and the H: Systems” from the SAHA and the HASA Systems. The “JEEVA” remains the “Conscious Cell, the Living Systems in the Universe”.
In the “Single Equation for Everything”, we can keep expanding it by adding more factors and the derivatives, and thus we have the “SAHA Explanation for the DNA, the H: Systems”. The “H: Systems are the Envelopes in the Universe in the same way as the Universe is an Egg”, and this “Envelope Theory of the Universe is called the Garbha, the Womb Systems”. When we study the “GARABHA Systems”, we can use the “Sacred Scales of Indian Grammars” in which we can have the “GA: RABHA and the BHARA”, in it, the “GA” is the Pivot or the Axis, and in the Opposite Directions Spin Two Words: “RABHA” and “BHARA”. The “BH” is the “Balance of Atomic Systems” and we have the “RA+BHA” Balancing of Atomic Structures from Inside the “RA”, and the “BHA+RA” is the “Envelope or Medium of Atoms, and the Atomic Structures”. All Indian Words Spin Around Various “Concentric Circles”, and its the “Secret of Universe”, and we can well understand any structure of the universe as I have described the “WAHEGURU Systems” using these scales as with “W’, H’, G’, R'” to “W, H, G, R” with “A, E, O (U), OO (U)”, the WAHEGURU as the “Sound and Light Energy”. The Indian Classical Systems use these “Sacred Spins to Make Noise, the Susy Ku-Music, the Standardization of Music with the RAGA Systems” as we notice it in the “RASHBA Spin-Orbit Anisotropy and Electric Field Control Magnetism”:

Image: The RASHBA Effects as the EERI UP and DOWN Systems (Z-Axis)=OORA Systems (Y Axis)+AARA Systems (X-Axis)
So, when we talk and discuss about the “Garbha, the Womb Systems, we have it at all levels, and for this very reason the Susy, the Shakti or Force (the Weak and Strong Forces in the Susy Systems) makes all Indian Holy Scriptures call the SUSY Systems as the “Mother or Mata’s Systems”, and thus whoever lives in it is labelled as “Living in the Garbha, the Womb Jooni, the Form”.
In this context, the Susy Garbha, the Womb Systems need that one should take birth as well, and thus its also called the “Born Again Philosophy in World Religions and Faiths”. This “Garbha, the Womb” Theory and the Sacred Philosophy is based on the “Language and the Grammar Systems in the World and the Universes”. In it the only thing that helps in the “Born Again Concepts” is the “Sacred Vowel of “A”, the AARA Systems” as when we add it to say: “W’+A=W”, it goes as the “Liberated W Systems”, and this “Liberated W” can be anything in the universe from a letter to nucleus, and from human to the universe, and its the “Essence of All World Religions and Faiths”, and its called the “Vishnu Systems”, and the “Lord Vishnu is the “Husband to Laxmi”, and thus the “W’ Marries A and become W” and its called “Making Kulaxmi, Susy, the W’ Laxmi, the W”. The “Kulaxmi” simply means the “Laxmi with “K” but without Liberated Form with “A”, and it attains the “Kulaxmi+A=Laxmi” Systems, the Sanskara, the Indian Systems call it the “Marriage Sanskara, and thus the Name of Grammars as the Viah’karna”, and that “W’+A=W” is the “Marriage” and thus the name of “Grammars” from the “Groom”. It helps all “JEEVA” Live Well, and starts to create the “4-Dimensional Universe or its 4-Dimensional Expansions” as shown below:

When we discussing about the “Universe as an Egg, the Brahmanda”, we have it in the 5 Khanda’s, the Sacred Divisions as described by Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji in the Jap Ji Sahib, and these 5 Sacred Divisions, the Khanda’s have the 7 Envelopes that depict the 7 Dimensions of the Universe. In it, the Nucleus is the “Center of the Charge”, and its always a “Neutralized System with No Electric and Magnetic Charges”, and Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji calls it as the “Sachkhanda, the Neutralized System”, and next to it is the “Envelope of the Magnetic Charge, which we have called the “AARA, the A Systems”, and when this “AARA, the A” Meets the “SUSY, the Shakti Dimensions, the 3rd Envelope, it goes through the “SAHA” Systems”, and the “Grammatical Marriage” occurs, and we have the “W'(SUSY Particles)+A (AARA, the Proton and the Protonic Particles=W, the Pure Electric Charges in the Universe and in the same way as in a given cell, the egg systems. It has then children, offspring’s that from the “SUSY Particles”, the Magnetic Systems of Gravity based particles and the products, and the “Standard Particles”, the Pure Electric Systems, and the Systems that follow the flows, the Shakti Dimensions, and particles based on it.
Then when these “Neutralized Cell, the Egg Systems have the Magnetic Systems, Electric Systems of Gravity, and Electric Systems of Electron Movement based and may not really depend on the “Gravity Systems”. It produces the “Visible (Physical World) and the Invisible Matter (Gupta, the Black Matter), and thus Plato’s Inner and the Outer Worlds.” After having these “Envelopes”, we have the next larger and visible envelopes as we know it the “Color Envelopes, the Children of Standard, the Aditi (Mother of Light, the NAMA Theory) Particles” and the “Sound Envelopes, the Children of Susy, the Diti (Mother of Matter, the MANA Theory) Particles”. When this “Envelope Systems of Sound and Light Energies” are ready, we have the new world, which can rotate on its own axis as the “OJASA Envelope”. The next envelopes are the “VATA (Static), KAPHA (Kinetic) and the PITA (Dynamic) Envelopes”, and we have it as the “Sacred DNA Envelope Systems, the JEEVA Systems following the WAHEGURU Systems”. The “4th Dimension of I, the Consciousness” runs it with 4 Additional Dimensions of “I and We Systems, the “ATAMA, the RAMA Systems” and the “JEEVA-ATAMA, the MARA Systems”, and thus the “8th Dimension” of Life gives us the following envelope systems of the universe as the “Envelope, the Egg Systems” as shown below:

For the “Diti and the Aditi Systems”, please read the following:
“Aditi has correspondences in many ancient mythology: the highest Sephirah in the Zohar; the Gnostic Sophia-Achamoth; Rhea, mother of the original 6 Greek Olympians (Hestia, Poseidon, Hades, Demeter, Hera, and Zeus) who was married to Cronus, and later banished to the Underworld, in Tartarus; Bythos or the great Deep; Amba; Surarani; Chaos; Waters of Space; Primordial Light; and the source of the Egyptian seven heavens. Sometimes she is linked with the Greek Gaia, goddess of earth, to denote dual nature or the mother of both the spiritual and physical: Aditi, cosmic expanse or space being the mother of all things; and Gaia, mother of earth and, on the larger scale, of all objective nature…” (With thanks from the source: )
Thus, the “JEEVA” starts life from the “A, E, O, U” in which the “Standard Systems remain the “A AA E EE O OO, the AA EE OO, the WAHEGURU”, and here we also find the twist as according to say Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Language Systems and other World Grammars that we have the “I or E as the EE Systems” going as we have the “JA”, the Neutralized Systems first have the “EE” as the “JEE or the JI Systems” as the “JA” by itself has the following configuration:
JA Systems=J+A+S+H=Cell+Neutral Charge+Atomic System+Breathing Life in it
When we analyse what is the “SUSY Particles” from this Sacred Configuration in say the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi and Other Indian Language Systems, we have the “SUSY Particles” described as below:
SUSY Particles=Sound+S+H+A Systems, and the Standard Particles are as follows:
STANDARD Particles=A+S+H+A
Here the “Sound in the Susy Particles is the “Sound without A, the Protons”, and thus it can have the “OORA, the Y-Axis, the Dimensions and the EERI, the Z-Axis, the Dimensions”, but can lack the “X-Axis, Dimensions”. On the other hand, the standard particles have the “A” added to these, which we have as the “Force of Friction, the Force to Utter the Words and Sounds”. The “Force of Friction helps in Converting the HALA, the Sounds have the Natural Flow of Sound-Light Conversions, and we have it as the Sacred Vowel Systems”. The “HALA”, the AKHARA, the Consonant Type or the SUSY Particles go into the “VARA, the Vowel” Type, and we have it as the Standard Sounds or the Letters.
Thus, the Susy Parrticles and the “HALA, the Consonants” without “A Sound” in makes it nothing but the Cluster of Consonants, and this “Noise” creates the “Matter, the 3-Guna, which we know as the “Shakti””, and the “SUSY” here thus means the “Aadi Shakti” that creates matter, the “Mrit Jagat Janani”, the “Mother of Matter, the Material World”. The word “Mrit” goes to the “MARA Systems”.
The only difference between the “Standard and the Susy” Particles is that one follows the “WAHEGURU Systems” and the other does not follow it”, and if we simply put it as follows, we can understand how the “HIV and AIDS” function:
WAHEGURU Systems as the “JEEVAHANU” Systems when have the following one step missing as when there is “No WA” Systems, we have the following as a result:
“AHEGURU Systems”, which have no command from the “WA Systems”, the “Neutralized Body Systems”. Thus, the “Virus, Infection and Allergy” has the following common configuration:
“A cell, which does not have central neutralized cell system, the WA”, but has the “Divisional Property”, the Viral Property of Virus of the Non-neutralized Cells, the “HE” Systems, and creates two sets as the products, the “GU”, the Matter or the Morbid Product”, and the “RU”, the “Light and Sound Conversion Systems”, which instead of helping the “WA”, the Central or the Federal Systems as the “RU” supports and promotes the “HE”, the Divisional Systems, the Mutations that occur in all incurable diseases like the caner and the aids” as shown below:

So, we again focus on the sacred equation of “Shakti” and the “Shaktiman, the Shiva”:
SUSY, the Diti Particles=Sound+S+H+A Systems, the Shakti, and the Standard Particles are as follows:
STANDARD, the Aditi Particles=A+S+H+A Systems, the Shaktiman or the Shiva or Power Dimensions
This Sacred Configuration is true for all Letters, World and Sounds in the Indian Grammars, and other systems including the “Living, the Cell Systems”. So, it promotes and supports the “Virus Cure” as by adding a “Power Dimension to the Virus”, which may convert the “Virus into a Healthy Cell Systems”. It is thus possible to use the “Susy into Standard Particles” by introduction of “W+A Systems”, the “Neutralized Cells with the Excess of Protons in it”. According to this “Susy and Standard Particle Theory” and the “Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Language Systems”, we end up at what can cure all “Virus and the Viral Problems” as the “Pumpkins and the Lotus Stem and the Capillary Based Natural Products can do and thus Heal”, and we have the “Carbon Nano Systems” ready to do so:

Now, we need to consider that any Carbon or Nano Structure need to meet the following requirements:
SUSY Particles=Sound+S+H+A Systems
For it, we use the elaborated standard equation that we have hypothetically pt as follows:
JEE Life=JEEVA*AN*(Neutral Charge, the Main Charge Body Systems, the Neutralized Systems+*8 Dimensional Charge Systems, the Anka as the Bonding Systems of Any Kind (ionic or the covelant)+3-Dimensional Charge Management due to Electrons, the Anga or Physical Systems)+H:, which with the “ASHA” Sound and Light Systems gives us the following:
JEE Life=JEEVA*(Sound+S+H+A Systems, the AN)*(Neutral Charge, the Main Charge Body Systems, the Neutralized Systems+*8 Dimensional Charge Systems, the Anka as the Bonding Systems of Any Kind (ionic or the covelant)+3-Dimensional Charge Management due to Electrons, the Anga or Physical Systems)+H:
The “Sound or Particle Energy” can fully damage human life and all kinds of life on the earth systems as when it lacks the “Carbon Nano Tube Systems”, the “Rainbow Systems in Waves”, as when the “Rainbow is Broken, we have Susy Particle”, and we in the modern world face it as the most grave threat to health and living system as the “Ozone Layer Depletion”:

It has the “Ultra Similar Susy Action as the Virus has on the Healthy Systems”, and according to the “Be Happy Philselfologically, the BHP Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Language Systems”, while we understand that Light and Heat cannot support “Susy Get Healthy” as she needs respect and honor, and she gets it on the “Peepal Tree when the Laxmi Visits Her”, and its when the “Trees and Plants Generate “More Oxygen” rather than just Planting More Trees”, and when we respect trees we sit close to them and start “Inhaling and Exhaling”, and thus the “Trees and Plants need living and biological things breathing near them”, and it helps in human health care and in return, the biological ones are less “Violent, the Susy Driven”. The reason that the Indians and many other people burn a lamp or candle near trees is based on this very scientific truth.
When we use the “Susy and Light Concepts, the Quality of Standard Particles (the NAMA Theory) as an Alternative to Susy Sound Systems (the MANA Theory)”, we need to understand how Sound Energy can be put to Light Energy. It seems, we still have to learn how to use “Light as Twisted and Spindling Product” as burning a bulb differs from burning a lamp due to “Sacred Spectrum System using the Entire Heat and Light Energy with Spectrum in it”, and it uses almost spindling of light through lamp cotton as the fiber and optics in the simplest possible way as it supports while resonating with the “Inner Light Spindling”:

The “Inner Light Spindling” is not a joke of the day, but the “GURU System” of the “WAHEGURU Systems”. We have advanced enough in the modern world that we need to give up the “Spy Methods Using the Susy Particle Systems”. In most of the brain control systems including the “Nano Brain Control Systems”, the “Standard Particles are mostly converted into the Susy Particles”, and it remains a “Switching Between the Susy and Standard Systems and Behaviors, which can be controlled”, and its using the “Susy as the Rider” in which one can have “Masked Identity in any country and that people or group may be put to serious virus and the viral diseases like AIDS, TB, CANCER, and ARTHRITIS, and so on. This “Rider Spy System in the Name of Defense and Security” has been the reason for the “Black Magic and Tantrk Vidya” as it fully belongs to the “Susy, the Shakti Dimensions and thus External Control of Living Ones” while externally they may always remain the “Standard and thus Known People” in the vicinity and so on. Thus, during the “Frog’s Electromagnetic Experiments by Mesmer”, the “Most of the World Population” was put to the “Susy Particle” levels where one can be “Reactive and Responding to the Stimulants”, and it should have been ended with the End of Imperialism, but as we support the “Theory of Fission, the Materialism”, most of us feel helpless and thus support the “Fission Theory of Materialism” rather than the “Spiritualism, the Theory of Fusion”.
The “Theory of Fusion supports Sense of Equality”, and we seem to advance with the “Theory and Law of Fission and thus the Law of Attraction rather than the Law of Affinity, Coexistence, the Fusion”. The “Susy Control Systems” are re traceable and when the “Disease Ends the Control Ends”, and what remains there as the Side Effects of Susy, the Shakti Systems” is the “Bad Effects of Stimulus and Response Theories”, and it can be cured well and fully with the “Sanskara Theory” in which one follows the good examples set in the human life rather than the “Effects the People or Media can cause for a given temporary time period, the cause of self-identity weakness as one follows the “Effects as the Stimulus” and feels forced to “Respond” as all respond, and thus the “Reactive Brains” and thus the “Brains as Robots or the Nano Brains”, and we can always manage it with the “Knowledge about the Susy, the Shakti Dimensions” rather than “Trying to Control it as it controls in return!” When Susy controls, its called the “MAYA”, the Dark Age of Science and Technology and when we coexist it according to law of affinity, we know it as the Laxmi, the Bright Age of Science and Technology.
Thus, we can manage the following equation into the higher dimensions:
JEE Life=JEEVA*(Sound+S+H+A Systems, the AN)*(Neutral Charge, the Main Charge Body Systems, the Neutralized Systems+*8 Dimensional Charge Systems, the Anka as the Bonding Systems of Any Kind (ionic or the covelant)+3-Dimensional Charge Management due to Electrons, the Anga or Physical Systems)+H:
WAHEGURU Systems+JEE Life=JEEVA*(Sound+S+H+A Systems, the AN)*(Neutral Charge, the Main Charge Body Systems, the Neutralized Systems+*8 Dimensional Charge Systems, the Anka as the Bonding Systems of Any Kind (ionic or the covelant)+3-Dimensional Charge Management due to Electrons, the Anga or Physical Systems)+H:+WAHEGURU System
In this context, we have to put the words say “WAHE” or the “GURU” as the “Divisional and the Dimensional Setups” as with the “W without A, the Proton as W'”, and “W with A, the Proton as W”, and that according to Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Language Systems, the “W’ has weight and the W does not have weight as the “Addition of A” lifts weight, and thus makes the “Akhara, the W’ have “Halant, the Plough” work freely but still against the “Gravity, the Susy, the Shri Systems”:
1. W’, the Susy Systems (WAHE Systems)
2. W, the Standard Systems (WAHE Systems)
3. W’A, the Downward Force (GURU Systems)
4. WA, the Upward Force (GURU Systems)
These 4 Sacred Systems have the associated Systems of the “ASHA”, the “Sound+S+H+A Systems, the AN” Systems, and thus the “Susy, the Shakti and the Standard, the Power Dimensions” have the following associations that have the “Forces of Susy as the Sound+S+H+A Systems, the AN, and the Powers of Standard Systems as the A (Light-Sound)+S+H+A Systems, the AN, and thus we end up having it as given below:
1. W’, the Susy Systems (WAHE Systems)+Sound+S+H+A Systems, the Power Dimensions of Susy, the Shakti Systems
2. W, the Standard Systems (WAHE Systems)+A (Light-Sound)+S+H+A Systems, the Power Dimensions of Standard, the Shiva Dimensions
3. W’A, the Downward Force (GURU Systems)+Sound+S+H+A Systems, the Power Dimensions of Gravitational Forces
4. WA, the Upward Force (GURU Systems)+A (Light-Sound)+S+H+A Systems, the Power Dimensions of Anti-gravity, the Force of Friction
Thus, the “W’ and the W Systems” as the “WAHE Systems” keep the following forces:
1. Sound (Light as Particle, the MANA Particles)+S+H+A Systems=4 Downward Forces, the MANA Forces
and as the GURU Systems have next 4 forces,
2. Sound and Light (Light as Wave, the NAMA Particles)+S+H+A Systems=4 Upward Forces, the NAMA Forces

Thus, these 8 Forces give us the following Graviton Spectrum:

We can have many “Sacred Dimensions Using the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Language and Grammar Systems” for all “Susy and Standard Particle Systems” say the “W’, H’, G’, R'” (Susy-WAHEGURU Systems, which we know as the SHRI or the SRI WAHEGURU Systems), and the “W, H, G, R” (Standard of Simply WAHEGURU Systems and it the SHRI or SRI is always included).
The Universal Systems that are based on the “Sacred Sounds” have been running the “WAHEGURU both as “W’H’G’R'”, the “Shri Systems” and the “WHGR”, the GOD Systems, and we have it as the “A, E, U, OO” or the “A, I, E, O, U” or simply the “AA EE OO” Systems. We mostly avoid splitting the “A, E, O, OO” Systems, but for very good reasons, we can do it as follows:
Say “A” as “A” System=Sound+S+H+A Systems (Equation A)
Now, the “A” is also present as follows:
“A” as “A” System=Sound and Light(AN Systems)+S+H+A Systems (Equation B)
In the Equation A and B, we have two things common:
1. A as the “Universal Proton” that is the “X-Axis” in which everything is “Linear in the Universe” that we see in the “3-Dimensions, and Human is the 4th Dimension”. Thus, the “First Point in the Indian Languages and Grammars” is the “Addition of Linear Dimensions” as some scientists call it, the “Flat Universes”!
2. Sound Energy is the “Product of the Linear or the X-Dimensions” as it splits it into 3-Dimensions, the “Sound and Light Dimensions”. The “Sound Dimensions is the “Y-Axis”, and the “Light Even Faster than itself moves in the Z-Direction”.
Thus, we always have 1 D as the 2-D and the 3-D, which means:
1. The 1D=2D+3D, the Spatial, the 1-D Representation of the Universe (Equation C). In Indian Ancient Sciences, it is studied as the TAMO GUNA, the Study of Matter as Static Systems.
2. The 1D=Sound Energy+3D, the 2-D Representation of the Universe (Equation D). In Indian Ancient Sciences, it is studied as the RAJO GUNA, the Study of Matter as Kinetic Systems.
3. The 1D=Sound Energy+Light Energy, the 3-D Representation of the Universe (Equation E). In Indian Ancient Sciences, it is studied as the SATO GUNA, the Study of Matter as Dynamic Systems.
4. The Fourth Dimension is always the “I, the Conscious” Dimension, and its the “TURIYA State of Matter in the Indian Ancient Scriptures of Sacred Education Systems.
It leads to one and single source of “Physics Model” as we have the 3-D Systems present as explained in the following universal equation:
1D (Force or Power Dimension)=Electric Dimensions (2-D)+Magnetic Dimensions (3-D) (Equation F)
1 D (Force Dimensions)=Electric Dimensions+Magnetic Dimensions+Sound Energy (Macro Particle Systems, the Susy Particle Systems) (Equation G)
1 D (Power Dimensions)=Electric Dimensions+UP and Down Magnetic Dimensions+Light Energy (Micro Particle Systems, the Standard Particle Systems) (Equation H)
We can put it as the “New Black Hole Paradigm” according to the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Language and Grammar Systems in the Universe as it, the Word (the Susy and the Standard Particles rising from X-Axis, the Spatial to 2-D and 3-D Keep Recycling) thus creates the Universes like this:

In this context, we can assume the 3-Dimensional Systems in Space moving as in the X, Y or XY and YX, and XYZ, XZY, YXZ, YZX, ZXY and the ZYX Systems and accordingly, we see the same thing as 1-D, 2-D and the 3-D, and this is the “CHIRAL Activity as the PRISM Activity, the Spectrum and the Spectral Activity”, and thus the “Universe as the Chiral or PARA, the PRISM Systems” look like this as we notice the Equation A and B with X, Y and D-Dimensions as follows:
“When the “X-Axis”, the “A” Particle meets the Prism, the Given Environment of say Solid, Gas, Liquid, Sound and Light, it is either reflected or transmitted as we notice the “Sound of “A”, the AARA” goes through the Susy, the Shakti Dimensions and we have it reflected as its added as “W’+A=W”, the Scalar Product and its also transmitted through the same as the “W+A=WA”, the Vector Product, and we have it as “WA=A(W’+W)=W’*A+W.A”, and thus the “W’*A” as the “Y-Axis, the Direction and the Dimension , and the “W.A” as in the Z-Axis, the Direction and the Dimension”, and that the “Y-Axis” is the “Sound Dimension”, and the “Z-Axis” is the “Light Dimension”, and both together follow the following:
WA (X-Axis, the Linear)=W’.A (qV Systems, the Y-Axis)+W.A (qvB Systems), the Z-Dimensions, which is same as follows:
Force (Newton’s Laws)=qE (Quantum Theory)+qVB (Field Theory)+Sound and Light (Theory of Relativity, the Time and Space Element as the Time, Area and Quantity or the Quality Systems) “AN” Variables as the 4th Dimension (the DNA Dimensions)
When we consider Newton’s Law of Inertia, “The Philosophy of Force, the Shakti Dimensions” we have Science in our palms and hands as the “Shakti Dimensions” at the 4th Dimensions, the “I, the Conscience Dimensions” naturally becomes the “Power Dimension”, and thus the “Shakti, the Force Dimensions and the Shiva, the Power Dimensions coexist”, and we cannot eliminate it, and thus arrive at the “Modern Model of Universes and Sciences” with the “Theory of Everything” as shown below:

The “Image of Brahma, the Universe with I, the Consciousness” with Punjabi, the Gurmukhi, the Indian Language and Grammar Systems
In the Simple Indian Sacred Systems, the above Universal Equation is as follows:
Brahma as the I, the Conscious Dimensions=(MANA, Matter in MARA, the Medium Dimensions)+(NAMA, Sound and Light Systems in the RAMA, the Space, Time and Light Dimensions)+DNA Dimensions (the 4th Dimension)
It is thus the “OORA, AARA and the EERI Systems”, which when we use the “Susy and the Standard Particle Systems” has the following most simplified system of the universe as described by Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji as the “ONAM Systems” described in the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Language and Grammar Systems explained to the South Indians during his times:
Dimensions of Universe as the South Indian Version=O (of ONAM) (Y-Axis, the Neutralized Systems, the OORA Systems)+N (of ONAM) (Sound Energy Systems in the X-Axis, the AARA Systems)+M (of ONAM) (Light Energy Systems in the Z-Axis, the EERI Systems)
Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji while he very strongly opposed the worshiping of the Sun as most of the western and modern people need to look if our books of Astronomy help us to understand the universe using the Sun as the Frame of Reference while actually its usually the Earth as Frame of Reference and its axis meeting the static seemed North Polaris and rest of the universe moving around as if doing the Aarti, the Worship of God as the Founder of Sikhism, yes Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji at the Great Hindu Temple, the Jagan Nath Puri said and sung the scientific verses, and looks like what is shown in the video below, and that he, the Guru Ji was reminding all Hindus, who practiced the Karma Kanda, the Action Theory that Followers the Consonants as we have discussed as the audio-video brain recordings that one follows, and thus he advised to remember what Vedas teach all for say How Vedas teach and guide the Astronomy and the Space Sciences in the simplest possible manner as the Gurbani is Pure and Applied Sciences:
The above “Systems of ONAM, the ONAMA” are known as the DAKHANI OANKARA Systems, the South Indian Systems of OANKARA as described by Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji, the Founder of Sikhism and it is in the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Language System as we are discussing in this series on Be Happy Philselfologically. He, the Guru Ji says that the “ONAM, the ONAMA” is the “Essence of Micro 3 Worlds”, and we now study and research on it as the “Matter (Aristotle’s Models and so on), Macro Particle (Newton’s Models) and the Micro, the Modern Physics Model Systems”.
Thus, the “OORA, AARI and EERI Systems” describe the “ONAM Systems” as the “Neutrons as the O, the Proton as the N, and the Electrons as the M”, and thus the “3 Dimensional Studies of Akhara, the Susy-Shakti Pericles and Dimensions” as it says that the “Akhara as the Susy Particles, the Consonants without “A”, the X-Dimensions are the Secrets and the Essentials of the Material World the Tri-bhavana, the 3-Dimensional World”.
In the “ONAM, the ONAMA”, we have in the Y-Direction, the “3-Dimensional Light Systems” as the “Flat Systems of the Universe”, and expand into the “Sound Dimensions” as “N, the Sound in the X-Axis”, and the “M, the Light Energy in the Y-Axis”, and it always have the “4th Dimension of DNA, the Atama the Consciousness, the I, as its origin”.
Thus, the above “Equation of Force” is well depicted as shown below as well:

As we have discussed it as given below:
F=qE+qVB+ANKA (3-Dimensional), and in the 3-Dimensions, this universal equation is applicable for physical, chemical and biological equations as we have described in nutshell as given below:
F=JEEVA*AN (Spindling)(Neutral Charge, the Main Charge Body Systems+*8 Dimensional Charge Systems, the Anka as the Bonding Systems of Any Kind (ionic or the covelant)+3-Dimensional Charge Management due to Electrons, the Anga or Physical Systems)+H: (DNA Systems)
It is thus the “Indian Language and Grammar say the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Language Based Picture of Human Genome”:

Thus, we arrive at the following universal systems:
When the “JA Systems” get the “EE” Systems, we have the “Living Cell Systems”, and thus follows the steps as made easy below:
JA+EE Systems=J+A+S+H+EE=Cell+Neutral Charge+Atomic System+Breathing Life+Physical Movement in it (the 4th Dimension as the Bindu, the Origin, the Frame of Reference as the Only Movement and Displacement Systems, and thus the Theory of Evolution)
When we look at the Modern Physics Models from the 4th Dimension, we see it as in the “TURIYA, the Neutralized Systems, the OJASA, the DNA Dimensions”, and see the 1-D (TAMO, the Static Systems), 2-D (RAJO, the Kinetic Systems), and the 3-D (SATO, the Dynamic Systems) as shown below as the Chiral Systems of the Universe:

Thus as we have been discussing that the “JEE”, the DNA Dimension of Life is one of the most important term in the Indian Language Systems, and we have it as “JIO, JIA, and all to end up in the JEEVANAHA, the Life”.
Thus, from the starting of life from a sperm and the cell, the egg following the “WAHEGURU Systems”, we have merely the expansions of “WAHEGURU Systems as the subsystems only” and we know it as the “Glandular Systems”, and as we have noticed in the Image 11, we notice that it is also the “WAHEGURU System” in the same as any other system in universe, and thus have it as already shown, and below again:

Image 11: Human Glandular Systems
Its same as the “WAHEGURU System of the “JI or the JEE Cell”:

Image: The WAHEGURU, the JEE Powered Egg: The Living Bipole and the Dipole System
The Thyroid Systems are same say as the Endocrine Systems:

When we consider the “Brain (WA, the Brain in the Image 12), Nervous System (HE, the EA Stimuli), the Muscles (GU, the Organs) and the Nerves (RU, the Spinal Chord): All Together” we have it as the “WAHEGURU System” and its so easy to understand that a child using mobile game can play it as a “Brain, the WAHEGURU Systems”:

Image 12: WAHEGURU Systems for the Brain and the Nervous Systems
The following system according to the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Language and Grammar Systems in the “Sympathetic Chain Ganglia” is also the “WAHEGURU Systems” in which the “RU” has two branches as it has the Muscles and Nerves both in it and thus the “R” for the Physical Particle Particle Part related to muscles, the Medium as the Carrier of Sensations, the Sound or Wave Particle Side of the Light, the Messaging from the Nerves and the Nervous System”, and the “U as the OO” deals with the “Nerves taking the Messages, the Light Waves”:

When we consider the Neuromuscular Systems of any kind, we have it always in the two parts:
1. The Medium Part, which in the WAHEGURU Systems is the “Letters of the W, H, G and R”: It mainly deals with the Upper and Lower Systems as its the Physical Part which function as the “OO Systems” in the “JEEVA, the Nervous Systems as Medium” as according to the Indian Language and the Grammar Systems, and is the Brain and Body Systems.
The Junction in it goes as the HE+GU=HIG or the GIVA Systems, which remain the GREEVA Systems as the “KANTHA, the Memory Bank, the Tongue” as the GREEVA, the GAVA Systems remain the Basic Systems of the Human Body as Lord Krishna showed the “WAHEGURU Systems in the Mouth”!
2. The Message Part, which in the WAHEGURU Systems is the “Sounds with the Letters, the Syllables say the A, E, U (as O) and the U (as OO)”: It deals mainly with the “Left and Right Brain Systems”, and thus deals with the “AARA and the EERI Systems in the Nervous Systems as the Media of the Medium” as according to the Indian Language and the Grammar Systems, and its the YIN and YANG Systems.
When we use this WAHEGURU Systems as the Medium and the Media Systems, we notice it as shown below for the “NERVOUS Systems in the JEEVA Systems” as with the HAVA, the HAVANA, the “HIGU, the GUHA, the Secret or the Hidden System” Systems we have it as shown below:

The “WAHEGURU Linguistic Systems for Human Body are put as follows:
1. The “AARA Sounds start from the Abdomen Systems”, and the most neutralized systems that it supports in the “WAHEGURU Mechanism” is the |Balanced pH” in which the Digestive Systems” have the “Balance of Acid and Alkali Systems”. When we have the “More Acid in the Abdomen Systems”, we have the “H+” and the “Proton Sound of AARA”, and it gives the reactions that influences the Human Body as if we have spread the “X or Y Systems” in the Breathing Systems, Digestion, Circulatory and all other systems”, and we say we have enhanced the “Right Nostril Activity, and thus the Solar or the YANG Activity”.
On the other hand, when we have Alkali Systems active, we promote the “Left Nostril, Lunar or YIN Systems”, and thus create the linguistic combinations.
With “AARA, the A Systems, we can have either the A or E” or even the “O” Systems. It gives human systems different tracks to follow:
1. A+A=AA Systems, the Tracks that go towards the Right Side of the Human Body
2. A+E=AEY Systems, which expand in more than one directions below the “Throat Regions”
3. A+O=AOU Systems, which go beyond the heart systems in expansions
For easy to understand way or in general we can simply add directions from the human stomach and the abdomen as given below:
1. The “A” Sound is the Right Side as in the X-Axis and the Direction
2. The “E” Sound is the Left Side as in the Z-Axis and the Direction
3. The “O” Sound is the Upward Direction, the Y-Axis and the Direction
The creation of any sound and light energy in the Stomach, the Digestive Systems in the Abdomen as indicated by the “pH” Levels.
2. The “EERI” Sounds start from the “Heart Centers”, and it has the “Spindling and Twisting Going On” as here we see a great twist in the Indian World Languages say in the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Languages. We have the “OORA AARI and EERI Systems”, but no child says it in this sequence as we notice the child says it as follows:
(1) OORA from Mouth
(2) EERI from Heart Centers
(3) AARA from the Abdomen
The reason is that the “Sequences of Indian Languages” are written as these should be, but in practical we notice the “Spindling Activity”, and this makes “MAYA AMAR VARTAYA…”, the “Vector Products as the Addition of Light as the Light” rather than particle occurs in very age of life.
Thus, we notice that the “Heart and Pulse” help in understanding the “EERI Systems.
3. The OORA Systems function from the Throat, and we notice the “Spindling” also goes here but its the “Energy Conversions of Sound Energy into Light” and the “Throat Centers, the Tongue” gives the “Brain Functions” do the “OORA” Systems a way, and we have “Homeopathy” play its part when we ask the “Dreams” one sees.
4. The “OORA as the OO Systems”: These occur when we have the “5 Senses Controlled by Our Own Brain”, and thus the “Brain Command as the Brain Control”. We ask people “how they feel” rather than judging it by machines, and its thus the “Point of Common Sense”.
Now as we have the “OORA AARA and EERI Systems” going like this, the Indian Spirituals found that the Chanting of “AA in the Abdomen, EE in heart zones, O as “U” in the “Throat as the Twisting” and the “OO” in the Mouth or Forehead can heal and cure us, and thus all Indian and World Systems use it from ages as we teach our children to say the same as follows:
“A AA E EE O OO”, the Sacred Sound of “WAHEGURU”.
The modern researches have found the “EE” as the “Shakti of Spindling and Twisting for All Diseases” as the “EE” is the “Sacred DNA Cure Systems” at the 528 Hz. It has added an honor to already existing systems of “O OO” as the “OAM”.
The other point that Shri Guru Gobind Singh Ji strongly proposed and recommended is using the “Therapies of AARA, the AA as in the NAMO Systems”, and thus the JAAP Sahib Chanting that Supports the AARA, the AA as the NAMAH, and the NAMO Systems all the way from start to end of the Path, the Recitations and the Chanting. Thus, again we end up as with the “AA EE OO” as the following system of the universe:
“Neutron (Electron) Proton” Philosophy of the Universes.
The Grammar and the Language Systems advise never to fail in the following universal equation:
“a e o eay (a+e=eay)” if one fails in it, one may degenerate the human body.
It is same as follows:

Thus, with the “V as if the Twisting and Spindling, and the Cladding Factor and the Vector as well”, we have the MANA=E, and NAMA=Vector B, and thus is the Lorentz Force Equation for Fiber and Optical Sciences, Maths, Technology and the Modern Systems for it that we have called the “WAHEGURU Systems” as shown below:

This “WAHEGURU System of MANA and NAMA” goes well in the “Plant Life”:

In future, this “WAHEGURU, the MANA and NAMA Systems” may replace almost all nuclear weapons with the “Peace, Security and Defense Mechanisms of the Waheguru Electromagnetic Systems of NAMA and MANA” as shown below:

Image: “Peace, Security and Defense Mechanisms of the Waheguru Electromagnetic Systems of NAMA and MANA, the Future of Fiber and Optics for Peace”
We also notice that in the Thomson Scattering Based Systems also use the “WAHEGURU” as the “MANA” as the “Dot Systems, the Addition of Scalars or the Vector Dot System” and “NAMA” as the Vector Product Systems, the Light Systems which multiply what MANA Systems add as the Sound Energy. Thus, we have it as shown below:

Thus, the “Waheguru: The NAMA and the MANA Systems” give us the “LASER Systems”:

The word “AMRIT” has it, the “A as the Protons with Single Focusing, the “M” of Light, the “R” with “Electronic, the I or E” use, we have the it all ending in the “T”, the “TATA THATHA DADA DHADHA NANA”, and thus the “Less than N Product”, and thus whatever can balance the “The Singling and the Scattering” and thus the “T” as the 4th Column in the 6th Row of the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Systems, and we have thus LASER Systems as the “AMRIT” Systems. The 6th Row deals with the Fire, and Light as Fire, the Radiations according to our Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Language Systems and the Scientific Hypothesis.
Now, the “MANA” is the 1-D System, the “NAMA” is the 2-D System, and when we project it as the “3-D” System, we have something as shown below as the “WAHEGURU: The MANA, NAMA and AMRIT Systems”, and “Nothing Dies in the Z-Direction, and its the Amrit, the Law of Quantum Fiber, Optics and the Light Dynamics, and to say the Super-dynamics as the “SIMARAN”, the Right Method (S) way to “MARA Systems” and thus the “SI’MARANA”:

The “Si, Sa, and words with “S” are the Symbol for “Sum of All” that follows the letter and the word of “S” as the “Prefix” in the Punjabi, Hindi and the Sanskrit Language Systems”, and thus we have the same as mostly in the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Language Systems that the “SIMARANA” has the following meaning:
SIMARANA=SUM (MARA+RAMA) with N-times as there is “N” at the end making it all a plural thing.
Thus, we have as most of the Modern Science and Math Equations:
SIMARANA=SUM (MARA, the Electric and the Sound Systems)+ (RAMA, the Magnetic and the Light Systems)
Thus, accordingly, we have it in the modern systems as the following with “S” as the “Sign of Integration”, and vector without dot on it as the “r”, which we call the position vector is same as the “mara systems of medium, which work as if the divergence theories in the mana, the sound energies”, and the “r” with dot on it, which we say “rama systems” as only it has the “use of theory of relativity, time, universe, light, vector quantities, and the similar rules that apply to to the light theories that we have called the nama theories, the divergence and the beyond light speed as in the z-direction, the vector product systems”. Thus, we have the following conceptual equation of force:
Waheguru (Simarana) Systems= (MARA+MANA Systems)+(RAMA+NAMA Systems)
Waheguru (Simarana, the Electromagnetic System Additions)=(MARA, the Electric Field with Electrons in it, and the Electric Systems as the “F=qE”)+(RAMA, the Magnetic Field and the Electron after charging up, and perpendicular or vector product (“F=qVB” Systems) as magnetized particles rather than electrical particles)
Thus, the following image of the above is as shown:

We can always add the “Constant to RAMA, MARA and the NAMA and MANA Systems”, and that is the “Silence, the Conductor of Simarana”, and without it nothing is possible, and we have the “Eddy Currents, the Parent to Bio-rhythmic Clocks, and the Divine Secret of the Universe” explaining it all:

In the Computer Education and Research, Fiber, Optics, Genetic Sciences, Advance Maths, and “Simple Maths”, we have the “Waheguru: MANA, NAMA, and the SI’MARANA, the RAMA (Optics as Medium) and the MARA (Sound as Medium) Systems” helping to resolve almost all parameter and metric problems in the Modern Computer Systems:

In 1989-90, I wrote to the Scientists, Technologists and Global Planers in USA, UK, Australia, Iran and India that world needs what I writing now from the same world ecological and the electromagnetic systems about which I also delivered a seminar on the “Physics: Need to Unify Electromagnetic Systems” in 1990 in the University of Adelaide, South Australia. However, I was rather forced to leave my studies after passing First Year of B.Sc. (Math). Whatever I write as a research report is from my “Ecological and Electromagnetic Systems for Earth Systems”, which I prepared with my younger sister Noni Kaur, and it was my first proposal at Middle School during early 1980’s. From my “Letters to Big Nations”, I always quote, and there is a quoted thing that we have to align factories, buildings and systems according to the direction of earth systems as the “North and South Poles of Earth”:
All of it, the “Electromagnetic Directions and the Dimensions” influences the Solar Systems, and one example includes the following for the further researches by aligning the “Direction of Equipment’s in the N-S Direction and also using the Magnets for the same in say the “Charging and Recharging” say anything on the earth system, our planet, as in the following and I never have been given any credit for any of my studies, researches and proposals, but rather was kicked away from Australian Boundaries by personal alleging that I may be a terrorist, a Sikh Terrorist always putting me to shame and has ruined our family, and my personal life by almost all possible means, but anyway, we notice from the same research reports what is the “WAHEGURU Systems”:

In the “New Electricity Model” in which we use the “H2O” as the “HHO”, the “H+-HO” System, the WAHEGURU System”, and it uses the “WAHEGURU: NAMA, MANA and RAMA, MARA with the Simarana as the Electrolyte Concentrations, which give the “Anode”, the Positive Charge and the Cathode, the Negative Charge Systems as the “Electric and Magnetic Mediums” for the “Flow that is Charged Systems for as the Electric and Magnetic MARA and the RAMA Systems:

It goes all the way as “NASA”s Ion Thruster” saying “WAHEGURU”:

At the same time an alternatives like the following are the future of the modern world:
Our brains works as the “Dipoles” do, but when these creative the “Creative Intelligence, the Genius into the World”, it may seem schizophrenia kind of diseases, and more medicines, we use, more “genius plasma”, we get, but as its “origin brain systems, the neutron stars” never leave it origins, we may help people do the research works to give the “brain plasma” in the practical way rather than technically stealing or using it by the computer aided systems. Any brain may produce the “Sacred Plasma” as this “Diode Experiment” shows:

The Sacred Indian Scriptures call this “Sacred Plasma” as called the “Amrit in the Kalasha” as the “Plasma in the Dipole as the Kalasha” for which there always has been wars in the world as in every civilization, it comes as a result of human meditation, thinking, self-indulgence and whatever can give humans a pleasure, the bliss and “one gives more sacred plasma”, and thus we seem to have ruined the “original beauty of sciences and technology” and want to save it as if petroleum product of the brain, the sacred plasma, and thus “fake depression and bliss” as the “bipolar disease for the dipolar advancements” seem to put the human civilizations to a serious shame, which most of us may say is a duty for any given state or a nations, and thus further researches and a serious decline in the ethics and morals, which manage this personal property, which is more important than the “personal copyrights of the intellectual properties”.
The “WAHEGURU” Systems deal with the “W” as the medium, and its the medium in which we have the “positive charges active”, and thus the “AARA Systems” first, and the “AARA Systems” go to the “Right Side of the Human Body”, and is thus the “First Person” in the Hindi and the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Language Systems. It then unites the “AA Systems” with the “EE, the EERI Systems” as its the “Left Side of the “Human Body, the Lunar Systems”, and at the end it gives the “GURU”, the “O, the OO as the DATABASE Systems in the name of the GURU” as the “GU” is the “YIN” and the “RU”, the YANG, and thus the “YIN-YANG” Systems, which we have as the “Derivatives of the “Brahmi, the Shakti” and thus Martial or Action based theories, and the reason that we have prominence of the “Karma Yoga” by Lord Krishna and the “Kirt Karna” by Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji, the Founder of Sikhism. The Vedas have not worshiped the the “Shakti, Force and thus the Brahmi Systems” in their initial stages, and thus may not use names say “RAMA”, but the “MARA, the MERA”.
In this context, most of the modern psychiatry problems are based on the “MARA Systems”, which is “How One Possess Anything and or Everything”, and its the problem in which one proves right based on the “Databases of Audios and Videos” fed to human brains and the computers, and thus one may call it the “Personal Philosophy” based on the “Personal Experiences”, which anyone can influence and direct in any direction, and thus we have a world without philosophy, and we find “opinions run and move or remove everything from the tables or even the tables”. So, we all are after more data, information and knowledge about partners, neighbors, friends and the relatives believing that “more we know, more we can manage”, but “humans know things by just being humans and in it every kind of knowledge gives definite direction, but human life is a chaos, the unplanned wins at the end” as “philosophers remain unplanned” and the “psychiatrists always planned”, and we have about 1% world population philosophers and the rest may be restless, and when the philosophical see others restless become restless: “Please be seated!” as “we’ll attend you after an hour, we know you’ve come in a plane while saving 99% of your travel time, but it is our philosophy”. “Thanks!”

We notice that the “Sanskrit” is the “Language of the Databases”, and most of us use it as the “Personal Language”, and thus we have so much knowledge that if we open modern human brain even a supercomputers may never manage a modern person, who gathers information and knowledge all the times. Thus, the “Languages of Databases, say the Sanskrit Languages” always has been the languages of the “practitioners”, and they were called the “Brahmans”, the “People of External World, who know the Inside”, and thus were the philosophers, but now most of us want to be philosophers!”
We all are philosophers say till the Age of 12, and the Saturn, who is called the Lord of Philosophy does not harm anyone below 12, and we seem to be doing the opposite. The “Philosophers are like children, who never forget and lose their childhood, the innocence”, and thus use the “Left Brains, the Audios, and the Right Brains, the Videos”, but the “Databases remains unaffected and unaltered”, and thus we need to learn from children below say 12 or even 5-7 years of age. A Child below say 5 years “Knows God and Meets Him Daily!”
We have discussed it as the “A, I, E, O, U”, the “AA EE OO”, and thus our children need it:
The Sikh Gurus and the Philosophers support and promote the “WAHEGURU Systems” with the patterns of the “SOHUN and HANSA Systems” for the “Sacred Evolution of the Universe”.
We need to use the “Language, the Grammars for the Modern Physics Model”, and we notice, we have the following:
1. Sounds of Vowels, the Music, and its called what we know the “Satyuga”, the Morning Time
2. Sounds of Consonants, the Standard Particles, the “Treta”, the Afternoon Time
3. Math of Grammars, the Punctuation, the Role of Dimensions and Forces, the Dwapra, the Evening Time
4. Sounds with Weak Forces, the Susy Particles, which create “Noise” rather than the “music”, and its called the “Koorah, the Kooraha” in the Gurbani, the Teachings of Sikhism, and its also the “Cluster of Consonants”. In the “Age of Machines”, we have the “Force, the Fire” moving the systems and when the “Noise of Sounds, the Words that we do not feel inside, but speak” run our life, and thus we face the “Evils of Machines”.
To face and overcome the “Evils of Machines”, we need the “NAMA Theory”, which means the “Conversion of Sounds, the Particle Waves, the ‘NA’ into the Light Waves, the ‘MA’, and thus the ‘NAMA Theories'”
The “NAMA” Theories has brought the “Fiber and Optics” as an alternative to machines and we can expect better future. We simply need to add the “MARA” Theories to it, and its nothing but use of “Light Waves into the Particle Waves”. It works well at night as when we now use the “Broadband Systems”, the “Use of Kooraha, the Susy Particles in the Broadband’s”, and more we improve it, less “Kooraha, the Sound Pollution” we have today. It needs the “Fusions and the Lunar Energies”:

For less “Koora, the Susy Particles”: Based on the “Theory of MANA”
The word of “KOORA” is from the “KARA”, the “Kiran, the Plural of Kira, which means the “Medium as the Particle, the Sound Energies” as in the 3rd Row of the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Language Systems. It has solutions as the “Kooraha” when we have the “KARA (sound obstacles), KHARA (Alkali), GARA (matter opposing movement), GHARA (inert things like homes), and the YINYIAN (the Black Bodies and so on, the sounds which blocks breathing systems before we say words). The “KARA” has the “RAKA, ROKA, REIKI, RUKA, and so on”, and mainly “Blocking”. How it follows such things is based on say: “KAYEE” and “EEAK”, which means “One Ray as Many, “Kayee” and the Many as One, “IAK or EEAK”, and its the Material Medium for Light and Sounds, and gives good information about the said topics.
In other words, the “KA” as the particle wave goes through the “RA”, the Light as the Medium or say the Light Waves of the “Given Materials”, and thus we have called it etymologically the “KARA”, the “Susy Particles going into the Light Particles”, the Process that Needs More Research.
When the Light goes through the “K, the Susy Particles”, it should go into particle waves if I am not wrong!
Meanwhile, we will edit and add!
Thanks for your time, and Be Happy Philselfologically, while doing the Swaadhaya, the Self-study and Learning as the Personal Researching!