How An Indian Student of Gurmukhi and Foreign Student Discuss Quantum Photon, Spin, Dimension, Fermions, Bosons, Hyperspace, Universes, Sacred Math, Geometry, Dipoles, Life Dimensions, Hindi, and Gurmukhi: Be Happy Philselfologically 141

When we consider the 0-Spins, we can also note that the 0-Spin is also the prime dimension, which can go up to the infinity levels. In the popular 0-Spin Philosophy, we can put it as the Quantum Spin, which represents it with the Physics Elementary Particles and Tricolor Theories that function behind the “Spin Philosophy”. The Electron Spin has been well modified when we notice that the Electron is a “Tricolor Setup, the Triplet”, which exists not as a spin, but as the Tricolor System, and it also exists as the Atomic Vortex System. As a vortex system, the electron uses the 3 Dimensions, and it’s also attached to the 4th Dimension.

K’+S+H+A’=0’ (Spin of Space Element)+0’-0’+1/2 Spin of A’ (Basic Equation)

In anything that exists in the universe, we have the Light as Wave, Particle and the Triplet, the Tricolor System. When we consider light as particle it gives rise to the Quantum Systems in which we also have the classical systems of light converted into quantum dimensions.

Now, it may seem something very difficult to accept that classical system of atom can give 0-Spin with great clarity, so the modern quantization that we have discussed in this Philselfological Model and Theory of Everything. In it, we take the classical model and theory and simply add the following:

1. The 0-Spin (First Quantization)

2. The 0’-0’ Spin (Second Quantization)

The addition of 0-Spin is the First Step as considering the Photon as the major point that is also the “Beginning of Spintronics”. Then, the Second Quantization is the 0’-0’, which has the 0-Spin as the Light (Wave) and Particle (Matter) wave creation in the given situation for the quantum calculations of the classical systems.

When we consider the 0’-0’, we have the Left 0-Spin as the First Point of the Photon Systems, and the Right 0-Spin is the Second Point in which Photon starts to create the Spin and the Quantum Foam.

It may make a seriously thinking student think and feel that if the Left and Right 0-Spins are there, where is the Photon in the 0’-0’ Spin Systems.

Well, in this case, the quantum student is right. So, we have to present the 0-Spin Philosophy of Classical Spins as follows:

1. The 0-Spin (First Quantization)

2. The 0’-0 Spin (Left 0-Spin in the Second Quantization)

3. The 0-0’ Spin (Right 0-Spin in the Second Quantization)

Now, the quantum student is very happy that at least there are the 3 major things, the photon, and the left and right 0-spins.

If the quantum student happens to be an Indian student, the situation seems easy for the double calculations, and one says o look, the 0-Spin is O, the 0’ Left Spin is A, and the 0’ Right Spin is the E.

The Indian and the Foreign Quantum student meet and discuss about the 0, 0’-0 and the 0-0’ Spins as the O, A and E.

Suddenly, they feel, something is missing, and that is the 4th Dimension.

“I could have named it AE,” says the Indian quantum student.

Well, they discuss it well, and draw, sketch, and write the following:

If photon 0-spin is there, we have 0’-0 left spin, and the 0-0’ right spin, and if we draw the 4th Dimension, which is perpendicular to it gives us the 0’-0-0’ as the base for it, and that is it.

They come to realize that the 0’-0-0’ seems the 3-Dimensional System, but it’s the 4th Dimension. (Please read more about it from the Wikipedia:… )

Now, they do not understand how and why the 3-Digits can give the 4the Dimension as well, and then the put it all into parts as follows:

1. 0

2. 0’-0

3. 0-0’

4. 0’-0-0’

It helps them to understand the “Role of 0-Spin”, which is present in all quantum spins as the dimensions, and thus the 3-D Systems giving the 4 Dimensions.

They come to conclude that the O, A, E and AE are in the same way 3-Dimensional Setup of the 4th Dimension.

However, this charm does not last for very long as we want to have the 4-Digit as the 4th Dimension, and they think about the following:

“0’-0’-0’-0’”, and it gives them the highest level of charm, and for them it was the “Charm and Joy Dipole”.

So, they put all equations as follows:

1. 0

2. 0’-0

3. 0-0’

4. 0’-0-0’

5. 0’-0’-0’-0’

Well, the 4 Dimensions in 5 Steps seem something a little odd.

So, they rearrange everything with the single global or the universal statement that when there is the photon, the 0-Spin present, we can create the 4 Dimensions from this 0-Dimension, and thus we have the following:

1. 0’-0

2. 0-0’

3. 0’-0-0’

4. 0’-0’-0’-0’

So, the next trouble was that when they explained to others that we can have 4 Dimensions with the 0-Dimension, one would ask about the 4 Steps and the 5 Dimensions.

So, they feel little upset, but write everything as follows:

0. 0 (0 Dimension)

1. 0’-0 (1st Dimension)

2. 0-0’ (2nd Dimension)

3. 0’-0-0’ (3rd Dimension)

4. 0’-0’-0’-0’ (4th Dimension)

Now, when they show it to anyone, all feel happy about the 0-Dimension as after all 0 has its own identity and the dimension.

After researching, they also found that these 4 Dimensions are also the 4-Poles of the Dipoles, and that when we create the 0’-0, it’s the First, the Monopole, yes the Mono Pole and it was so pleasing that they wrote the following:

1 0’-0 (1st Pole of the Dipole as 1-D Systems)

2 0-0’ (2nd Pole, the Bi-pole of the Dipole as 2-D Systems)

3 0’-0-0’ (3rd Pole, the Tri-pole of the Dipole as 3-D Systems)

4 0’-0’-0’-0’ (4th Pole, the Dipole of the Dipole 4-D Systems)

The Indian Quantum student explained that the 0-4 Dimensions as the 5-Dimensions also represent the Space, Air, Water, Fire and the Solid Elements, the 5 Basic Elements.

The discussed it a lot, and then concluded that the Photon is the Space Element, and when we reach at the 0’-0’-0’-0’, the Dipole Systems, things become just solid, the earth element.

The story says that they also concluded that these also constitute the s, p, d and f bonds, and “the single, double and triple bonds”, and the dipole bonds also follow this hypothesis, and when they found the spins of 1/1, 1/2, 1/3 and the 1/4 from it, they went to discover the Quantum Qubit Programming of the Quantum Qubit Computers.

One day, they were researching on the Sacred Geometry of the Universe, and they joined all poles with 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, and the end product was that they have had the 0-1, 1-2, 2-3, 3-4, 4-0, and as the 5 Points were gathered on the chart with one fixed point, they created the 6th Side of the Hexagonal Systems of the Universe and its Sacred Geometry.

Then they wrote their claim that two photons are required to create the universe and its sacred geometry, and claim had the following assumptions:

0. 0 (0 Dimension)

1. 0’-0 (1st Dimension)

2. 0-0’ (2nd Dimension)

3. 0’-0-0’ (3rd Dimension)

4. 0’-0’-0’-0’ (4th Dimension)

5. 0-0 (Anti-pair of 0-Dimension)

It also included that the 0 and the 0-0 are the Micro and the Macro Dimensions even though both are the 0-Dimensions, and they created the following Macro Dimensions:

1. 0-0

2. 0’-0-0

3. 0-0’-0

4. 0-0-0’

The Indian student told that these 4 Macro Dimensions are the OO, AA, EE, and the AAEE, and it was thus concluded that the O-OO, A-AA, E-EE and the AE-AAEE are the 4-4 Dimensions of the Micro and the Macro Universes or it can be nay system, and that it also goes close to the Fermions and Bosons in the universe.

The major point that evolved from the 2 or more photons needed that when we consider the “Philosophy of Superuniverses say the 7 Universes”, we happen to have it all with the Macro Unions of the Boson Combinations and Permutations of the Big Groups of Photons that under great heat, temperature and pressure can give us the 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 or say the 7 BIG Photon Systems, which can create different universes, Superuniverses, and even say the Parallel, Multiverse and the Multiple Superuniverses. The Indian Quantum Student then explained how the Indians and people in other Sacred Civilizations have been studying the Universes and the Superuniverses with the Photon 1 and the Photon 2 as the N and M, the Two Primal Infinities of the Infinite Space in which there may be countless universes and the Superuniverses.

The Indian Sacred Systems explain about how the Universes and the Superuniverses “Tap the Infinity”, and represent it as the N, the “IN” Infinity and the “M” as the “OUT” Infinity, which has the N (A) and the M(A) Infinite Ethereal and Other Space Systems that seem to exist in the Infinite Systems of the Universes and the Superuniverses. At times, we find that we interpret the N and at times the N(A), the Vibrations that the A, E, O and AE Systems that “TAP the Infinity that in N is “IN” and in N(A) “OUT”, and in the ordinary way the N is any point that is not at the origin of the graph, and thus when it moves it goes as the N(A), and when we ordinarily hear its sound that can also be N(A, E, O, AE), and for home work, we have the “M” as the origin of the graphical systems and it also moves but acts as if the “Point of Superuniverse”, and when we deal it, we notice the Philosophy of Displacement, and the N with the N(A) Systems are the “Distance Covered” that really does not count in the “Total Systems of the Universes and the Superuniverses”, and that the Indian Quantum Student said if we are confused with N and M and the way it moves as the N(A) and the M(A), and look the “IN and OUT” Systems, we can also design our own unique model of universes and the Superuniverses, but all terms and conditions need to stated as if the parameters and constraints of the given graph. They also discussed the Superuniverses from the source about it:…

“Eight photon entanglement is in a way incremental progress; previous experiments have measured six photon entanglement, and this particular setup is sufficiently more complex to beg the question of scalability. However, the system is also powerful enough that it is a step forward in terms of optical quantum computation. The authors suggest that their setup may enable quantum simulations to tackle more complicated problems in condensed matter physics than have been possible so far. By exploiting other aspects of the photons’ states besides polarization, additional aspects of entanglement may be explored and used for future quantum computing applications.” (With thanks from the source:… )

Then the Indian quantum student told about how the Indian Aesthetic Sacred Systems work and function as the O-OO, A-AA, E-EE and the AE-AAEE are the 4 (Shiva)-4 (Shakti) Dimensions, which give the 8 Indian Aesthetic Sacred Systems in which the keyword is the RASA, the RA is Quantum Systems that get conversion into the SA, the Light Systems, which gives the Light that Glows Systems, and one feels an intense feeling of joy and bliss due to this sacred conversion, and thus named RASA, and its essence is the SARA, which means if one knows how convert the SA, the Light that Glows into the Quantum Systems, one knows the SARA of Aesthetic or any Sacred System:

“The concept of rasa is fundamental to many forms of Indian art including dance, music, musical theatre, cinema and literature, the treatment, interpretation, usage and actual performance of a particular rasa differs greatly between different styles and schools of abhinaya, and the huge regional differences even within one style.

Bharata Muni enunciated the eight Rasas in the Nātyasāstra, an ancient work of dramatic theory. Each rasa, according to Nātyasāstra, has a presiding deity and a specific colour. There are 4 pairs of rasas.” (With thanks from the source: )

The foreign quantum student consoled the Indian quantum student that many Indians may not know these RASA-SARA Philosophy, they may say one is mad or insane who says such quantum words, and they have had a regret about modern Indian Media, but hoped that slowly they will learn it.

Then they discussed about the SHANTA, the SAHA RASA as the SA/HA gives the SH, and the SHANTA means the Infinite N (IN Infinity Systems) in the 3 Worlds as the SHA(N)A Rasa, and thus is its SARA, the Essence. The Indian quantum student explained how this explanation was based on the Indian Theory of Alphabets, Elements and Dimensions, which is now a “Lost Art and Civilization of India”, and one may frown eyes for working hard to explain it all and get insulted among the modern Indian Civilization that may work hard to imitate Western or Modern Systems without any serious respect for the Quantum Sacred Systems of the Indian and Other World Civilizations. However, they both were so happy that the western people and civilizations has revived and restored all of these “Sacred Systems as the Modern Quantum Sacred Systems”.

They found that the SA-HA as the 0’-0’ Spins, and as the Quantized Spins with 0’-0-0’ uses the “Quantum Infinity” of these systems that gives the Micro Infinity, which the Indian quantum student told is the “N” as if the IN Infinity, and the Macro Infinity goes as the M, the OUT Systems that goes to the other universes in the space.

They also researched and realized that the universes with the micro and the macro dimensions coexist as the Hyperspace Universes in the vast space in which we all.

They also feel and work on the following if S=Planck’s Constant and the H=Dirac Constant:

“In applications where it is natural to use the angular frequency (i.e. where the frequency is expressed in terms of radians per second instead of rotations per second or Hertz) it is often useful to absorb a factor of 2π into the Planck constant. The resulting constant is called the reduced Planck constant or Dirac constant. It is equal to the Planck constant divided by 2π, and is denoted ħ (pronounced “h-bar”) (With thanks from the source: ):

They say that when we consider 0-Spins as the Infinity Spins, we have the S=Planck’s Constant, and H=Dirac Constant and happen to even write:

S-0-H=(Planck’s Constant)-(Infinite Quantum 0-Spins)-(Dirac Constant) (To be verified)=A’-0-A’

It surely seems that the above equation of S-0-H as say the A’-0-A’ is right, and it is one of the great wonder that it seems almost 100% right in the analysis! 


“The reason why ℏ is more often found in quantum field theory and h is more often found in simpler discussions of quantum mechanics is that h is associated with frequency f which is the quantity chosen by physics beginners while the advanced physicists usually consider the angular frequency ω=2πf to be more natural, and that’s why they also talk about ℏ.” (With thanks from the source:… )

One day, they discussed a lot about how the 0’/0’ can exist or coexist and that was a discussion about the “Light” as wave and particle ratio, and found that these 0’/0’ ratios give the Indian Alphabets, the Quantum Sounds in the Universe, and that it gives the Gurmukhi Sounds as well.

The foreign student could not understand how and why the Hindi and Gurmukhi Alphabets differ in the pronunciation as the Hindi says “K’, and the Gurmukhi says “K’-Ka”.

The Indian quantum student told that the Hindi goes with the 0’/0’ as the Ratio Systems of Sound of Letters as the Transverse over Longitudinal that gives all sounds as say K’ in Hindi, and the Gurmukhi Language uses the Transverse + Longitudinal, and thus the K’+KA, and the K’-KA.

The foreigner student was still confused about how and why the K’-KA was written as the K’-H-KA when we notice it online and see the websites of the Gurmukhi, the Punjabi Scripts, Alphabets and the Languages.

The Indian student explained that the K’-H is the Aspirated Consonant Theory, and needs the H added to K’, and that it gives the “Transverse Wave” if we use the K’-H as it’s same as the S-H, the SAHA Systems, and the Longitudinal Part is always the KA, and when we add the Transverse and the Longitudinal Sounds, we have the K’-H-KA.

Then they discussed about how the Gurmukhi, the Punjabi does not use the half letters, and that was due to presence of the longitudinal a or the A’-A systems at the end of letters, vowels, and the consonants as the H removes the Aspirated Half sound making it the transverse systems for getting the longitudinal part, and thus the K’-H-KA.

They went to the Hindi and Sanskrit experts, and found that the Indian Alphabets were originally written as the “Sound ratios and sub-ratios”, which gives half letters and K’+S’, and many other system in which even the ratios are added.

Then, they with the specialists of Indian Languages, Linguistics and the Grammar Experts noticed that the Gurmukhi due its Structure is the Quantum Language, while many Indian Brahmi Languages go close to it, and if we want to study the Gurbani as the Quantum Philosophy, Science and Math, we need to study the Basics of Gurmukhi, the Punjabi Alphabet, and how it represents the Indian Theory of Quantum Elements, Micro, 0 and the Macro Dimensions.

The Indian quantum student explained how Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji on his going to school for the time gave all descriptions of universe to the Pandit Ji, the Hindu School Teacher, and to the Maulvi Ji, the Muslim Teacher at Guru Ji’s time. He explains how the Guru Ji as a Quantum Pinnacle of Sacred Wisdom of Indian and Arabian Civilizations at the age of about 5-6 years knew the O, A, and E Quantum Philosophy.

Then they discussed about how the O, A and E has great affinity and association with the Indian Quantum Row of Vowels, the YA, RA, LA, VA, RAHRA, and Guru Ji made the Blend of Classical Row of O, A, E, S and H with it gave the OORA, AARA and the EERI as the Classical and Quantum Blend of the Indian Vowels, with which he explained the Sacred and the Secret Knowledge and Wisdom of Universe at the age of say 5 year. Later he explained it to the Himalayan Yogis in the “Sidh Goshti” and to the South Indians and Other Indians in the “Dakhani Onkara”, which are now the Sikh Prayers describing the Sacred Quantum Systems of the Indian Civilizations, and that later the Guru Ji went to the Arabian Countries and explained the same, which he explained to the Arabian Teacher, the Maulvi Ji at the age of only about 5 years.

In the Series of Be Happy Philselfologically, we have tried our best to explain 5 year old child named Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s Philosophy of Quantum Universe with just 3 Vowels of O, A and E that function in the 4th Dimension as with AE. Later he wrote everything in the Indian Ragas, the Musical Compositions that are based on the Indian Sacred Quantum Theory of 36 Quantum Sounds, Alphabets, Dimensions, and all it led to the Sacred Gurmuhki and Sikh Architect Systems, Language, Grammars, Linguistic Math, Music, and the Sacred Compositions that heal diseases in the Raga Systems. He has been one of the most revered personality of not only Sikhs, but the Hindus and Muslims. In this series, we have noticed that the Classical and the Quantum Blend of O, A and E with the RAHRA, the Quantum H of SAHA gives the OORA, AARA and EERI, the O, A and E, which well explains the Superstring Theories, and is the Base and the Basics of the Hypothesis of Philselfology in which we have used the O, A, E and the AE with Aspirated Consonant Theory of K’+S+H+A.

The Gurmukhi Sacred Systems in the advance level use K’+S+H+A with the A as the A+RAHRA=AARA, and that is why we have been able to explain great many things of Quantum Modern and the Ancient Sacred Systems, which seems to be the great wonder of 5 year old Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji, and later it also became the Language of Gurmukhi, with the Quantum Script of S+H+A (AARA) for the K’+S+H+A=K, the Philosophy, Language, Grammar, Linguistic and Philselfology (Philology) of Aspirated Sound Systems.

Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji explains in the Dakhani Onkara that the “Sacred Essence of the Universe is the OU, the AUM, or simply the AO, the A-O or the OA as the 2-Dimensional System of AARA (A) and the OORA (O), which constitute the root, the etymological bases and the basics of AO, the AUMKARA or the ONKARA Systems, and this goes well quantum continuum progression as with the KARA, the Space Element (K) going Quantum (RA), and thus 2-Dimensional Progressions of the Universe, which we have the Holographic Principle:

“The holographic principle is a property of string theories and a supposed property of quantum gravity that states that the description of a volume of space can be thought of as encoded on a boundary to the region—preferably a light-like boundary like a gravitational horizon.” (With thanks from the source: )

The Indian and the Foreign Quantum Students thus study and research about how the 2-Dimensional Systems of O, the 1-D and the A, the 2-D propagate as the 3-D Systems that we see as the O (1-D)+A (2-D)=E (3-D):

When we represent the O (1-D)+A (2-D)=E (3-D), we have the O at 90 Degree to the A, and while E is at the 45 Degrees as we see in the graph even though its always 90 Degrees, and thus we have it all as the “X, Y, Z” Cartesian, the 3-D Systems, and it gives us the “Theory and Philosophy of Photon Entanglement” as shown below:

We then also notice that the Two Photons when entangle happen to have the Quantum Entanglement, which in the Philselfological Hypothesis goes as the K-Dimension, the AE Dimension to the X, Y, Z or the A, O, E Cartesian Systems, and we have the Two Photons Entanglement giving the Quantum Entanglement as perpendicular to it all, and we thus see it as shown below, but in general the A, E, O and AE or the X, Y, Z and K Axis and Dimensions:

“In a larger sense, the theory suggests that the entire universe can be seen as a two-dimensional information structure “painted” on the cosmological horizon, such that the three dimensions we observe are an effective description only at macroscopic scales and at low energies.” (With thanks from the source: )

So, the foreign student showed the following image of 4 Photons, and wanted to have the explanation of the 2 Photons to create the Pair and we have the 4 Photons:

The Indian Quantum Student explained that the First Photon is like the SA, and the Second Photon as the HA, and the Quantum Entanglement that results is like the SAHA-HASA, the 3rd Photon and the 4th Photon, and when we notice it in the Indian Sacred Systems, its all that seems the SOHUN and HANSA, the Quantum 3 and 4 Photons. In other words, we have it as follows:

SA-(SAHA-HASA)-HA=Photon 1+(Photon 3+Photon 4)+Photon 2

Then they discussed what Eisenstein had thought about it:

“Because the collapse happens instantly, Albert Einstein dubbed the effect “spooky action at a distance.” It doesn’t violate relativity, though: It’s impossible to control the outcome of the measurement of the first photon, so the quantum link can’t be used to send a message faster than light.

Zeilinger says the result might have other unexpected uses: “This sort of thing opens up people’s minds and suddenly somebody has an idea to use it in quantum computing or something.” ” (With thanks from the source:… )

The Indian and the Foreign Quantum Students then discuss about the possibilities of the O, A, E and the AE as the 1, 2, 3, and 4 Loop Spin Networks and the Loop Quantum Gravity, and they may seem a little crazy at times while enjoying, laughing, and then suddenly getting serious about the “Young Future of the Quantum World, who is just newly born child”:

Image: It says: “Loop quantum gravity is based first of all on the idea to take seriously the insight of general relativity that spacetime is a dynamical field and therefore is a quantum object. The second idea is that the quantum discreteness that determines the particle-like behavior of other field theories (for instance, the photons of the electromagnetic field) also affects the structure of space. (Please read more from the source: )

Then, one day before they said Good Night, they discovered that the Supergravity and the SAHA Systems as the 11th Dimension are almost same as the gravity that is present in it comes from the wave and particle waves and when two photons behave as the SAHA, and its the 11th Dimension to the 25 Strings of Indian Alphabets say the Gurmukhi, and that all Indian Food and Meal Recipes are also called the Vyanjana, the Consonants, the 25 Strings and its Preparation as the Home Science and Cooking, and all while learning the Superstring Theory:

“True effective field theories of string theories, rather than truncations, are rarely available. Due to string dualities, the conjectured 11-dimensional M-theory is required to have 11-dimensional supergravity as a “low energy limit”.” (With thanks from the source: )

Now, the Foreign and the Indian Quantum students study the Homotopy Type Theory, Invariant Math, Sacred Universes, Quantum Qubit Computing, and lot many other things of the Sacred Educations Systems of the Global Paradigm Shift subjects using the Indian Languages while specializing the Gurmukhi Language as the Indian Quantum Language of 36 Sounds, which helps to do research in the Gurbani as the Basics of Quantum Sciences.

The story says many good things about the quantum systems, which will discuss some other time!

It goes as we edit and add.

The Previous Part of the Series: How Aspirated Consonant K’ with A’ and A Explains Philselfology, Languages, Linguistics, Grammars, Quantum and Sacred Systems: Gurmukhi, Aspirated Sounds as Basics of Philselfological Theory of Everything: Be Happy Philselfologically 140

The Next Part of the Series: How Gurmukhi Sacred Languages Discuss and Describe Pi, Phi, Euler, and Quantum Systems of Paradigm Shift: Gurmukhi, Philosophy of Shiva, Siva and Mahashiva for North and South Indian Civilizations: Be happy Philselfologically 142

Thanks for your time!

Be Happy Philselfologically while listening to Good Quality Music Everyday! 

Dr. Harmander Singh
Author: Dr. Harmander Singh

Be Happy Philselfologically: The Research on Free and Renewable Energy as Quantum, Classical and Sacred Systems! 🙂

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