How and Why Spiritually Sacred Lineage of Sant Ishar Singh, Baba Kishan Singh and Baba Teja Singh Ji seems at Risk: Be Happy Philselfologically – 24
When we talk about the spiritual lineage, the Philselfology of guru-shish prampara or the teacher-taught tradition, we have many problems that we have faced in the human civilization. If we do not deal with this problem in practical way, we may loss many great people and thus may have correct generations who will keep harming the world spiritually.
The Spiritual Lineage of Kung Fu: “The Dynasties of Kung Fu are also Spiritual Lineage that in the movie of “Kids from Shaolin” need attention from the world culture and heritage, my sister Noni Kaur and I translated this movie from English to Hindi, and in reality it was from Chinese (almost everything) to Hindi and Punjabi (both are same as we happen to be Punjabi by birth) with full synchronization, the sync, and its one of the most difficult work, but nothing more than this joy on earth seems possible as we really enjoyed it for many days and till today as if in and with the famines of kids from the Shaolin! We treated it as same as the Sholay movie of India in Hindi. As this movie teaches world culture and heritage with theme of spiritual lineage; it is one of the most recommended movies! Thanks!”
For it, the Spiritual Lineage, we take any spiritual lineage say a spiritual tradition. Suppose a University of Sikhism called Rara Sahib is having started by Sant Baba Ishar Singh Ji.
He has his brother in Spiritual Lineage namely Sant Baba Kishan Singh Ji.
Now, spiritually they are the brothers running the same institution, the taksal or the university. Now, they get many students and finally one leaves to his abode means passes away. In this case, Sant Ishar Singh Ji going to have his successor. We have Sant Baba Mahindar Singh Ji as his successor.
Now, the tradition of spiritual lineage creates a crises because Sant Baba Kishan Singh Ji is having another branch out that works spiritually to run the same Taksal. Now, Sant Baba Mahnidar Singh and Sant Baba Kishan Ji who are Guru Bhai, the same teacher guru students are brothers as they share the same tradition and the spiritual property.
Now, after passing away of Sant Baba Kishan Singh Ji, Sant Baba Teja Singh Ji takes over the Tradition of Guru-Student, the Guru-Shish Spiritual Lineage. Sant Baba Mahnidar Singh Ji and Sant Baba Teja Singh Ji are now brothers in the Spiritual Lineage.
Then Baba Mahindar Singh Ji passes away. His spiritual successor is Sant Baba Bhupinder Singh Ji.
He, Baba Bhupinder Singh is having Sant Baba Teja Singh Ji as his brother in the spiritual lineage. At the same time, Sant Baba Mahindar Singh Ji is in the second generation level to Sant Baba Ishar Singh Ji.
The spiritual lineage problem is that Sant Baba Bhupinder Singh Ji son of Sant Baba Ishar Singh Ji and as the successor of and to Sant Baba Mahindar Singh Ji, he is also their son. Someone who comes and joins Baba Bhupinder Singh Ji may not know anyone before and it does not matter, but someone who believed and followed Sant Baba Ishar Singh Ji and Sant Baba Mahnidar Singh Ji may be having problems as for Baba Ishar Singh Ji, Baba Bhupinder Singh on the Third Generation Levels as if his spiritual grandson.
The person of past may face many troubles regarding what Sant Baba Ishar Singh Ji says and what his next two spiritual generations say.
A rare video of 1971 when India and Pakistan (the Bangladesh War of 1971) were at War!
Another video of Sant Baba Isher Singh
(Note: Its preview does not express any violence as its Sikh Culture and Heritage. Thanks! However, the video can be removed if preview matters!)
So, the solution to such genetic system of spiritual life is philselfological of spiritual lineage.
When someone following Sant Baba Ishar Singh Ji talks to Baba Bhupinder Singh Ji will also talk about Sant Baba Mahindar Singh his successor and thus son, whose (Sant Baba Ishar Singh’s) son and thus the grandson is Baba Bhupinder Singh need to address all problems and the solutions as per generation that applies to the spiritual family tree. These are thus called the spiritual lineage families.
Each one of the abobe generation is as if a village that follow one another and thus are usually called the pura, poor and poora or the sanagt, the congregation of one saint, sadhu, mahatma, spiritual and whatever designation one has for the lineage based on the given criteria.
So, it is helpful when for example one celebrates birth anniversary of say Sant Baba Ishar Ji on the 5th of August every year. There come the congregations of three generations as his grandchildren, brothers and sisters, sons and daughters and vice versa. They share this festival as a unique approach to get together.
Now, if one follows Sant Baba Mahindar Singh meditates on his lotus feet or teachings, one may not do the same that at times focuses on Sant Baba Ishar Singh Ji and (or his spiritual brothers) or Baba Bhupinder Singh (or his spiritual fathers, mothers and or the brothers)as it may never help. In such cases one is considered to break the ethics, morals, values, discipline and thus the system of spiritual lineage. Such people may ruin their lives gaining nothing but a poor focus and thus poor or negative results, the fruits while blaming the spiritual masters, the teachers.
If one does not understand it, one need to understood the chart or graph of spiritual lineage one follows to know exactly to whom one is following and this very little mistake may have drastic results. Most of the people in the world seem to be in this problem. Someone giving great picture of Sant Baba Isher Singh may have never met him, while promoting him outside the spiritual lineage and may be giving poor quality of meditation, art of focusing. In such cases, someone from that lineage may help.
Some of Indian Saints and Sadhu’s seem to have been given the status of heroes and ideals, while in their spiritual successor lineage, they are suffering as their universities, the taksal’s and dera’s now lack proper attention, respect, honor, funds, royalties and all that seem to have gone in their names to elsewhere. These spiritual universities, the taksal’s may come to an end and thus spiritual death of their lineage.
For example now it may seem that successors of Sant Baba Ishar Singh Ji, Sant Baba Kishan Singh Ji, Baba Mahinder Singh, Baba Teja Singh Ji and Baba Bhupinder Singh Ji is great spiritual risk as it may not exist in the near future if the original spiritual lineage is not kept alive as all will go into hands of those, who have tried to kill by one way or the other. Most of such people having spiritual lineage usually fall prey to black magicians, the tantriks and or others who aim at name, fame, money, property and possessions as are usually selfless.
In India and elsewhere when we say the company of saints is falling prey to black magicians has a great and significant meaning as these, the black magicians or tantriks are mostly the those people who teach meditational practices that the company of the holy people or saints asks or requests not to practice in the modern age of kaliyuga, the age of machines. These saints have been asking not to practice any meditation after the first world war, the World War I, and after the World War 2, the Second Word War, they have almost stopped it because there is so much pollution in the global environment that they by then have been advising that about 999 out of 1000 people can go insane or mentally sick. However, the black magicians once start it may not stop it for 3 generations and their sole aim is get rich, have name; fame and money.
The preferable meditation in this age against the hatha yoga has been raja the Nirsankalpa, Nirvkalpa, and thus Nirvani or Nirbani meditations that simply do not produce the saliva falling from nose to stomach that some say is the Amrit, the Nectar or water of life. Its on being forceful to breathing and or pranayama that produces some fluids including the saliva that is then and thus while crossing through the throat is as meditation without shabad, the sound is Nirbani means meditating beyond the 3 guna’s as the Rajyoga is not in the 3 guna’s. Most of the saints among the spirituals in the world counsel for it as does the Rara Sahib, and others say Mastuana Sahib. The Brahmkumari’s also teach and educate and advocate the same, the Rajayoga or the Sahaj Yoga. Its nothing as it seems but theory of conditioning in most of the cases.
Thus, these saints wherever have been going always asked to stop the Hath Yoga, and particularly the meditation and the Kundilini awakening. So, these people seem to have been hunting for them. In the Hatha Yoga as against the Sahaj or Raj Yoga, the brain is programmed that remains for about 3 generations as its similar to Pavlov’s Theory of Conditioning, which is greater significance for animals as humans need discussions and counseling rather than conditioning as by echo or repeated commands for any kind of behavior modifications as in the Nano Technological ways.
They thus promote the Vipasana kind of meditation in many cases:
Thus, in India alone most of the people including the saints have been killed through conspiracies and plots, and these people in return blamed the saints for attacking them and that these saints and people not practicing the Hatha Yoga has been labeled as the terrorist, threat to nation, antinationalist’s, and all that accounts to blame on the Hath Yogi’s in the world. Now that more than say 9990 out of 10000 seem to get bad mental health due to meditation in Hath Yoga, it needs to be checked as these congregations of holy saints have been advising from long while promoting the singing, music, kirtan and other things in the world religions and faiths.
The same has been happening in many parts of the world. It seems to happen in the most of the tribes, cultures, small levels of business, rich and or talented families, and all that world calls the heritage and culture.
“Dohra: Ram Katha Jug Jug Atal; Sab Koi Bhakhat Net,
Suragbaas Raghubar Kara, Sagari Puri Samet” (Shri Guru Gobind Singh Ji, the Tenth Sikh Guru, the Tenth Guru Nanak in Dasam Granth)
(The Story of Lord Rama is Eternal (Atal) in every age, and here yug and jag means the Yog, the Raj Yog or Sahaj Yog as established by Lord Rama on earth as described in the Adhyatma Ramayana. Lord Krishna established the Karma Yoga. All salute (Net) to this Raj or Sahaj Yog, the Yoga. All of the people who lived with Lord Rama in the City of Ayudhaya went to Heavens means attained the spiritual levels of raj yoga. I have not just translated the stanza, but given a little elaboration as the Sikhism follows the Path, the Marg of Sahaj or the Raj Yog, the Yoga!)
For it, we need to save such people, places, properties, and all that is associated with them in any form say archeology and the pura.
That is why I wrote today on the Facebook: “As the leading people in the world follow the light that does not talk, there seems the least possible vision come true until whom people consider the heroes are properly analyzed and given the priority based on the past otherwise the living ones while struggling the juniors in knowledge and otherwise keep dwelling as something as if trouble creators for the majority, and thus the public and or the governing bodies in the world. The seniors struggle till death and only the juniors die defending them as the living God and the God of Light has a significant difference otherwise talking about the great people of the past without personally doing almost nothing seems to the greatest threat to the human civilization. It needs to be well understood lest one keeps senior’s eye on matters of the living world as if the possessions, the Mrit one the ones who have the body physically but sometime guide people in the dreams and visions! Thanks!”
The Maryada or Constitutional Problems of Dera, the Place of Worship in the Society: The Dera word is seemingly the root word of Dar, and this the Fear of God, and any other identity that people worship anywhere in the world.
We have great people who have ever born and known in any area and people their have Feelings of Reverence and the Shame, the Dar, and thus have the Dera. We do have many dera’s in the world where people go and pay their respect as if they do to soldiers and others.
These are the places of world heritage and culture may it be in any form of human life say a tomb or a grave.
As these are the philanthropic properties, these may have some problems as for example, the dera or the place of worship may be criticized by the foreigner or a person influenced by the foreign cultures and traditions. In such case, one may disrespect even the dera system run by two individuals though of the same spiritual lineage.
For it, the people, who are associated to any dera, the place of the social congregation for anything that embraces the culture and the tradition of any area need a serious attention even from the governing bodies and the authorities, the authorized people say local, national and or the international visitors and the observers.
The person or the people opposing anything related to it may raise constitutional problems for example why, who and when one should touch feet of elders and so on say if one touches feet of a sadhu or a saint (may be hourly!). Its called the problems due to the maryada of individual dera’s that may not be universal sometimes but as if local or native culture and that what elders and ancestors have been doing and thus the world heritage and culture. This is one of the major reasons that the people who follow any dera system in the world may at times oppose the community centers say the Sikh Community Center as the Gurudwara or otherwise having any kind of legal and thus management that may pass resolutions against anyone.
For example, they may claim to have a priest migrated from the native places who backs up these resolutions rather than doing any proper job of a priest.
Now, the Philosophies of the World Systems of Ancient Studies and Research as that of the taksal’s, the universities have always kept it alive by calling it the Santana Marg, the Path of the Saints! The Saint in Indian languages is Sant and plural of it is Santan that has the same meaning as by the saints, the santan. We say Santon ne in Hindi and so, but we will discuss about it separate of the series due to its length.
Taksal: The taksal is a word in Hindi, Sanskrit and Punjabi for university, college or any research center as the education used to be part of the world religions and faiths before the dawn of imperialism, for example the imperialism introduced forceful people as the people of the Mahant System, the head priests supporting imperialism only in PEPSU Punjab and thus everywhere in India and elsewhere in the world civilizations).
<Why do we talk about Imperialism and PEPSU is because it is still a kind culture and tradition that most of people follow in the same manner as it seems as it was initially started. Otherwise, when we talk about the past, we look for the footprints. It becomes the part of the history and the schools books and what has happened 2-3 generations is naturally an assets of their grandfathers and they may talk only about it; how and why; because its natural moral that we avoid repeating history or mistakes as future generation’s follow it either in the society or in the courts as new kings may change the law, but does not happen in world cultures and civilizations, is not it.
What is Religion: If what ought to be done and what not ought to be done is right when tested; means only if the chosen option of a selected work is right!
Thus, these universities seem to extinct or vanish and that is why we appeal to the respected and honorable chairmen, presidents and other people of community centers to support their native and world civilization or the local civilizations in this very context.
It is part of world peace projects for world heritage and general civilizations that I or in some cases we mainly support from Life Dynamix and right from what has been distributed from the charitable trusts say Bhai Daya Singh (BDS) Charitable Trust of Rara Sahib, Jarg in 1999, and even earlier as what I named as the Philselfology.
At Gurudwara Yaadgar Sant Baba Ishar Singh Ji, Rara Sahib Jarg, Baba Bhupinder Singh had blessings given by our senior most spiritual Jathebar Baba Mahindar Singh Ji in the Room No. 1 that I write books in English, so I started to write and publish books, and in the Room No.2, and in some other rooms too, I wrote 6 books during 1994-96, and then 97-99, and among them was the following:
My this self-researched and written book says: “We may gradually and systematically achieve our spiritual development each month through the Art of Ascendancy, the Chardi Kala. Thus, for one month to the next until this spiritual journey completes its yearly cycle in the cyclic way that is also the re-cyclic processes of the universe. This is enriched by reinforcements of our age, experience and cosmic rhythm going on our Earth yearly, as long as we live. The re-cyclic process is applied to the conversion of thought into action and learning from the actions to ascend towards refined thoughts and ideal actions. The Philosophy of Religion, the Metaphysics in particular and the Eastern or Indian Philosophy in general, greatly gives the metaphysical meanings, effects and influences of transition of the Sun through twelve signs of the zodiac. We consider this aspect, the Chardi Kala as described in the Gurbani of Sikhism, as the Lessons for Twelve Mystic Months in two Ragas by Guru Nanak and Guru Arjan as the Ascending Journey of Soul.”
In any case, if and when we understand, comprehend it, we can always same home, the home cultures, the home tribes, dynasties, and for all levels say states, nations and thus the international or global culture and civilizations.
For these reasons this series of Be Happy Philselfologically in some parts needs some expert opinions as this part 24 needs that we understand our genetic systems and thus the spiritual lineage.
P.S.: Name of Sant Ishar Singh Ji is also spelled and written as Sant Isher Singh Ji!
To understand it, please read many times or draw or write it on paper in right order and sequence.
We will continue to edit and add.
Thanks and Be Happy Philselfologically!
Previous part of this series is here: Pure Knowledge, Wisdom and Philosophy is Fruit of Applied Karma Yoga: Be Happy Philselfologically – 23
A related blog post: How Dera’s Work as Place of Local and Native Growth, Development and Social Evolution: Be Happy Philselfologically
Well, the Ayurveda and Natural Health and Healing Processes that Societies of Saints follows says that like the farthest planets say Uranus, Neptune and Pluto have almost no effect on human life so are our daily matters in our life and thus talk about the sound, the shabad therapies that are one in universe and are just three sounds as are the three primary or primal colors.
These primal sounds are “Aaa” that we all speak from the abdomen, “Eai” that we speak from the chest, heart and lungs, and finally the sound of “Ouu” that we speak from the throat, mouth and head zones. These sounds are in everything as birds speak it when the chirp, the animals speak it too, and in all kinds of music beats this is the only primal beat namely, “Aaa.. Eai…Ouu”, and in English language and in all world lagauges the primal sounds are also taught as the same say, “Aa.. ei..uu”, and thus the English, “A,E,I,O,U” vowels, which are same in all languages, and the music uses it as popularly as “Aa…eiy…oo…ou”, and thus classic melodies of all times golden songs! Do you know what is it that beats in every sun sign, rashi chakra, cosntealltion chakra, and all the chakras in the human body… its “Aaa. Eiy…Oou… Ouu.” yes “Waheguru” and thus the entire cosmic music says “Waheguru” that means “W…a.. H..e..i… G…u… R…u”, and when next you say it please note all of living and non living things in the universe including the universe by itself says “”W…a.. H..e..i… G…u… R…u” too and yes so simple, “Waheguru!” or “Vaheguru!” or “Vaheguroo!”
All students and learners need it as we have all primary school teachers always teaching it as for better mental and physical health tonic and the toner, and we call it the Muharni, and for experts in Punjabi language, the following video is a good one for how Societies or Universities, the Taksal’s want to help human civilization about these primal sounds of the universe:
Normally, the following lessons that all Saints and Sadhus teach and preach everywhere in the world about the sound, the shabad therapies is like this:
And this set of primal sounds is same in all world languages, for example one of most popular and national language Hindi has the exactly same primal sounds:
The relative part of the series on BHP is: How Our Children and Others Can Learn Art of Researching: Philselfological Approach for Better World: Part 13
Why we support the saints and sadhus in India and other parts of the world is because they are philanthropic, humanitarian and spirituals, who offer free social services to humanity and thus has lot more contribution to world heritage and cultures as when we look to almost very little accessible paid services and the officers who too visit the societies of saints and sadhus for any national and international developments and evolution. We need to help them voluntarily by just doing what the world family needs from us, the humans, and just free seminars, workshops, camps, and little help makes a big difference!
In my Be Happy Philselfologically, I discovered the natural charts of International Phonetic Notation Systems that I think are highly useful for all, and it really helps when people in the urban talk and teach or learn from the aborigines and the native people in the world. I made sound experiment by mouth on OM as OAM and Waheguru that gave all world vowel sound tracks that are highly useful in music when chorus singing requires help and people want to sing in the languages they do no nothing about say Punjabi or Hindi who wants to sing in English, French or German. The chart mapping is simple and same as described here about the IPA vowel charts: “The International Phonetic Alphabet, or IPA, is an alphabetic system of phonetic notation based primarily on the Latin alphabet. It was devised by the International Phonetic Association as a standardized representation of the sounds of spoken language.<1>

Wonders of “Waheguru” as our universe by itself says scientifically: “W…a.. H..e..i… G…u… R…u” too and yes so simple, “Waheguru!” or “Vaheguru!” “Vaheguroo!”
In the IPA, vowel sounds are defined as sound which occurs at a syllable center.<2> Below is a chart depicting the vowels of the IPA, with audio examples of each. The IPA maps the vowels according to the position of the tongue.” (With thanks from the source:… )
They and we all say nothing but Waheguru, and the Waheguru Word is a Set of All Possible Vowels Together say “A, E, I, O, U” where the “I” is as if silent as Chinese, Japanese others use in Composotions: It is not uncommon for short grammatical words to consist of only vowels, such as a and I in English. Lexical words are somewhat rarer in English and are generally restricted to a single syllable: eye, awe, owe, and in non-rhotic accents air, ore, err. Vowel-only words of more than one syllable are generally foreign loans, such as ai (two syllables: /ˈɑː.i/) for the maned sloth, or proper names, such as Iowa (in some accents: /ˈaɪ.oʊ.ə/).
However, vowel sequences in hiatus are more freely allowed in some other languages, most famously perhaps in Bantu and Polynesian languages, but also in Japanese and Finnish. In such languages there tends to be a larger variety of vowel-only words. In Swahili (Bantu), for example, there is aua ‘to survey’ and eua ‘to purify’ (both three syllables); in Japanese, aoi 青い ‘blue/green’ and oioi 追々 ‘gradually’ (three and four syllables); and in Finnish, aie ‘intention’ and auo ‘open!’ (both two syllables). Hawaiian, and the Polynesian languages generally, have unusually large numbers of such words, such as aeāea (a small green fish), which is three syllables: ae.āe.a. Most long words involve reduplication, which is quite productive in Polynesian: ioio ‘grooves’, eaea ‘breath’, uaua ‘tough’ (all four syllables), auēuē ‘crying’ (five syllables, from uē (uwē) ‘to weep’), uoa or uouoa ‘false mullet’ (sp. fish, three or five syllables).” (With thanks from the source: )
In India and many parts of the world, the saints and spirituals have used all of these vowels, and thus invented and developed the color (chromatography and color therapies), number (numerology) and shape associations (say astrology and other metaphysical studies, the first constellation in astrology, the Kritika one gives it as A, E, O, AI, the rest of the constellations and rashi chakras simply use the repetitions of these primal sounds, the vowels as AA, EE, OO, UU in 27 constellations and 12 signs, and thus the word WAHEGURU is most primitive) for various facilities people need everywhere in the world.
Thanks and please Be Happy Philselfologically!
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