How and Why to Respect Sacred Living Cells as Unit of Life in Universe: The Living Cells and Semiconductors, Tamo, Rajo, Sato, Turiya, Mukta States of Life: Gurmukhi, Nano Quantum Multiple Therapies and Be Happy Philselfologically 76
Before we understand life and thus the living cells, have the 3 Energy Levels, which is the Primitives, the Shakti as the Force, Energy and Power of Life in the Universe as the Yan, Yin and Yong Levels, as the Tamo, Rajo and Sato Guna, and the Qi, KEY, the IEK, and the other Ki forms of energy as we say the Yen, the Zen or the Yuan are all the Mukata, the Free States of Matter as the Turiya Awastha, which we now also use say as the Clouded Computing Systems in the modern world as it works the best for most economical use of computer and internet services, and in it we have very easy to understand thing and that is the “In Matter, the Donor Levels, the “AA” or the Yan Levels” of the Semi-conduction Activities, and the Accept Levels as the EE or the Yin Levels, and the Balancing Energy Management of both the Yan and the Yin as the “Yong”, the Sacred Band to say as the E(f)”, and makes, the “Chi”, “Ki”, “IEK”, “Qi”, and other forms of Bio-energies or the vital energies in general to run and work in all of these Sacred Bands as the “Free or Mukta Matter, the Light in the Highest”
The most amazing point always remains that its also the Sacred Structures of All World Grammars, Linguistics and thus the Languages right from the 16 Sacred Vowels with AA EE OO together creating the 13 Sacred Compound Structures to say from the 16 Sacred Vowels and the One sacred Dimension of Power if the Sound of “M” words that remain free, and we always keep it the 12 Sacred Structures of say even as the Sacred Semiconductors of Languages, the Grammars and thus Linguistics, and the 15 always remains the Set of Sacred Sounds with One Freedom of Vowels, and the Main Vowels as the “M”, and in all theories of the semiconductors and the semiconduction or the semiconducting activities , we have sacred grammars of the universe and thus our world too working in it as we read the NP and PN Junctions as the Yin-Yan with Yong saying it all as moves it set of these sounds, the “AA EE OO” as “IEK” as without it no word can be created, and one wonder remains here too that all “Shabada”, the “Sha” as Particle and the “Bada” as the Wave that nothing exists without the Sound of “A” in it, and its called the Vishnu’s Theory of “Sha, whatever produces sound energies, and thus the particle, and the “bada”, whatever produces waves as most popular Punjabi words: “Pani Te Budbudda” (Buddha word has the same roots as the Bada, the Budha, the Bud-buda, and thus the meaning: “A Wave, the Tranga on Water, and thus also the ripples on water as the Gurbani says the words: Ranga (the Light as Ranga as its in the semiconductors) , Taranga (Tri-colors of waves as the “AA EE OO”), and the waves so formed, and the Shabada as the Particle, the Yin, Wave, the Yang and Light, the Yong, and thus the “Shabada” as the Particle (Matter), Wave (Sound) and the Light in one as we all are!”
We in the modern life seem to have ignored that “Life is a Unit as electrons, protons and neutrons are, and we cannot divide life into non-existing form by destroying it anywhere in the universe as its same as the magnetic poles are, but its extra quality that it understand itself has always seemed puzzling to the inspecting eyes of any scientist in the world, but as electrons exist as the magnet, and we cannot destroy it, whatever flows through the “Sacred Bands of Semiconductors” is life givers, and thus the “very sacred life”, which we all have, and every bio-cell or the smallest possible unit of life is the 4th Dimension of the Sacred Semiconductors, and it is also the Free Living Electronic, Semiconducting Systems in the universe, which once we accept as unit of Free State of Light inside and outside the Semiconductors, we may stop what happens near death, human suffering or any global suffering, and we can easily appreciate life as its as are the atoms, electrons, protons, neutrons, free radicals, semiconductors and thus can enjoy the “Jeevan Mukta State of Life”, the “Seeing of Life as the Free Gift as the Jeeavn Mukta as the same as the Sacred Semiconductors the Sacred Bands of which we see inside the Kundalini Chakras, and no wonder the same is the story of the Sacred DNA, and thus “Ranga’s” that we all have in any form”, so let us please recognize the bio-life having their independent category and thus enjoy their gift they give, the “Jeevan Mukta State”!
Based on the Sacred Principle of Jeevan Mukata, the Free State of Living Cells as we say every living cell is a Jeeva, the Living Cell as it has Jeeven, (“Jeeavno Mein Jeevan Paya…” says Sacred Teachings of Gurbani, the Wisdom Tree means: From Life Cells I have received my life, the bigger circle and the cycle of life, and the “Sacred Group of Living Cells”, the Jeevan (Jee, the Jiv as the Living Cells+Vana, the Sacred User of it as we call the Atama or the “I”, which never dies but emerges back to the Bigger Systems of Life Cells in the Universe), so the Jeevan, the Life in it as all World Religions and Faiths with the Living God, the Living Sacred Cell System of the Universe in which we live teach and educate us, the humans the sacred story of life cells, in which we all life and leave it as to be used by other life formations and thus cannot possess it, and once realized that we cannot possess it but live, enjoy and work using it by following the principle of Sacred Life Cells: Live and Let Other Sacred Cells Live as the Unit of Single Cell is the same as Complete Big System called Human, and its same as we say that Atom have the same structure as the universe, and thus is the Sacred Structures of Life Cells and the Life in the Universe! No doubt that we all are here to live, and not to die!

The life in any form is Fusion of 3 Guna and the Light, and thus the “Biological Fusion”, and we when respect understand its secrets without books and when we pause splitting it too much as that leads to nothing but “Biological Fission” of Life that can show a great many things, possessions held by anyone and thus a complete failure of human ethics, morals and values that leaves life as the Shakti, the Fission Exhibition as it has ruined our modern world inhumanly as its user loves nothing but possessions as say money, machine and man-made thing and almost nothing natural in it, but life of fusion, the natural part of life as has its really sacred so please respect it by respecting yourself as a unit!
The most popular word for the semiconductors is the “Mukat, Mukt, Mukta, and so on, which means Free, the Mukat State of Matter, which is same as the Semiconductors has, and we may say it as if the Free Radicals, Electron and relevant to the 3 Guna’s and thus the names as we see the word say Yong and the “G” in it indicates the free state, and in Punjabi and Hindi , its the “Anga”, as the Parts of Light, the R’anga, the Freely Operating System, and thus the Mukta Awastha as the word “guru” has “Gu”, the Mixture of Knowledge of 3 Guna as the Mukat with the Free State of “Ru”, the Light, the Turiya State.” Thus, the wise sages and the seers understood these sounds and recorded all of it in the Krittika Nakshtra or the Constellation and are the Sounds of First Sign Sounds of Indian Astrology, and its works in the 28 Sacred Constellations and if we combine them all, its “A I E O U” or “AA EE OO” or “Yang Yin Yong” as “Waheguru” sounds, and the constellation that produces it at the root is described here:
“The symbol of Krittika is a knife, which means cutting through darkness and bringing in light, but in mundane sense this also means that someone who is skilled in the art of weaponry, after all we are still under the sign of Aries for the first pada. These folks make some of the best chefs, martial artist and weapon manufactures.” (With thanks from the source:… )
Thus its based on the Martial Art Theories, and thus the Brahmi Languages as the External, the Kshtriya or the Sun Based Systems as the Sun represents the Krittika Nakshtra!
The very word the “Pada” and the 4 Pada’s in general in this constellation is also present in all the “4 Pada Based” 28 Constellations in the universe, say a lot about the Tamo, the Yan (AA), Rajo, the Yin (EE), Sato, the Yon (OO) and the Turiya (IYA EAY, and union or combination of different sacred vowels as in the semiconductors), the Chinese representation as well as all other civilizations have it as the “Qi, the Chi and the Ki or IEK, and so on”, and well said of it here about Chinese Ayurveda System works on the Flow of Vowels, the A, E, O and the Aey as in the Yan, Yin, Yong and the Chi or the Xong, the Chong forms of sounds and their flow in the body, which if properly channeled works as semiconducting of health waves and the vibrations and thus the Turiya, the Semiconductor Levels in Natural Healthcare and the Healing Systems:
“A qi field (chu-chong) refers to the cultivation of an energy field by a group, typically for healing or other benevolent purposes. A qi field is believed to be produced by visualization and affirmation, and is an important component of Wisdom Healing Qigong (Zhineng Qigong), founded by Grandmaster Ming Pang…
Role in traditional Chinese medicine
Further information: Traditional Chinese medicine and Acupuncture
Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) asserts that the body has natural patterns of qi that circulate in channels called meridians.<26> In TCM, symptoms of various illnesses are believed to be the product of disrupted, blocked, or unbalanced qi movement through the body’s meridians, as well as deficiencies or imbalances of qi in the Zang Fu organs.<27> Traditional Chinese medicine often seeks to relieve these imbalances by adjusting the circulation of qi using a variety of techniques including herbology, food therapy, physical training regimens (qigong, t’ai chi ch’uan, and other martial arts training),<28> moxibustion, tui na, and acupuncture.<29>” (With thanks from the source: )
Thus, the sound based states and classification of the sounds, metals, and embraces all that we can classify.
In our modern world, we seem to do brain and behavior modifications on the Mana Theories present among individuals with ideal principles of the Nama Theories that has nothing to do the “Echos in the Human Brains! The Conversion Sacred Fusion Brain Energies into Fission Energies, which are now most charming brain broadcasting radio stations for free or paid!” We rather need to understand these theories so that we can have oneness and togetherness that helps all to live well.
It gives the Sense of Seeing Sacred Things as the Source of Visualization as in the sacred Symmetry, we have Oneness with and to the Ideal World Inside, and thus immediate refreshing and restoring of all universal idealism, perfection, and thus the Kingdom of God inside us all. All Sacred Things follow the “Grace Theory”, which is the “Nama Theory in India” and we need not do any Karma, the Action Theory, the Mana Theory in the World Civilizations to get the results.
The “Grace” as in the Asian Languages is from the roots of “Grah”+”Ish” (Gratia) from the House of God, the Sacred Dimensions of Power, the Yong, Yog, and Indians also call it the “Tenth Door, the House of Sacred Light inside us as its at the Center of the Universe”, and similarly most of the words in English have the “Ace” as with “Ish”, “Eesh”, “Sh” as say in the “Gracious”, and it mostly relates to the “Sacred Conceptions, which need no editing and modifications, and thus the Yong Theories of Yin-Yang and the “I-Ching, and thus what we know as the 4th Sacred Dimensions of the Universe, the Nirwana and thus the God, the Spirit as it says in the Holy Bible: “We all are perfect in the Spirit, the Sacred Yong, Yog, and thus the Nama Theories in the universe, but poor in the Flesh, the Shakti, the Energy Conversions, the Mana Theories.” The “Grace”, the Nama Thoery is thus the Theory of Prayer, and as most of the people in the world say and pray saying:
“In the Name, the Nama of Lord, Prophet Jesus, we pray! Amen!”
And use of words in these Sacred Dimensions of Power, the Grace may seem inappropriate as we say prayers need No Words, the use of Shakti, and thus the Mana Theories as the Grace as the Nama Theory follows the Sacred Theory of Relativity in the Universe!” For it the Holy Scriptures in the World Civilizations say that ‘if one knocks the door, one is answered and gets what one wants; all the spiritual blessings and the fruits, which remain as one wants and gets it throughout the life”, and its the Sacred Secret of Yong and the I-Ching Philosophy, and thus is the “Wonderful World of Grace, the Nama, and the Power Dimensions!” Amen!
Based on this very “Shabada” are the Six Schools of Philosophy and the Indian and Other World Religions, which having the same sacred origin as we know the Hinduism and the Jewish Religion all have the same “Sacred Genesis, the Genes, and thus the Sacred Gene DNA”, and the word for it in say “Hindu” is the “Bindu”, the roots of “Indu” as its the Shakti, the Force as the “Indu”, which remains at what we know as the Civilizations of the Himalaya. The “Indu” Philosophy remains as the Sacred Shakti, the Force, the Six Sacred Schools of World and Indian Philosophy, and thus the Indu as the “Ing” as Female Part of the Universe and the “Anga” as its the “Unga” in the Western Languages, Grammars and the Linguistic in general:
“-ung: The “-ung” forming nouns from verbs, denoting verbal action or an instance of it; or denoting a substance involved in the verbal action” (With thanks from the source: )
Thus, the “Yang”, the “Anga” or the “Unga” is the Sacred Male Part of the Universe, and this is what the Chinese, Japanese and say the Korean Civilizations has studied as the “Yin”, the “Ing”, the Female or the Shakti, the Sacred Dimensions of Force, and the “Yang” as the “Anga”, the Male Part, the Sacred Dimensions of Power of and in the Universe, and the creation of life on earth systems as the following “Ing” and “Anga” Theories as “Yin and Yang” together as the “CHI”, the “QI” or “IEK” give:
In the Western and the Asian systems, we have these Yin and Yan Theories present as the “Aadam (Adam) and the Eve” as the words that start with “AA” are the male forms in the grammars, and the “Eve” is the female form as the “Iv” say “Jiv, Jeev, Jeeva”, and it can be “leave”, the “Ea” as the “I” as in the “Yin”, and thus the Complete Usage of “Iv” in the English Grammars, and thus its the “Aa” say in the sacred vowels that use “An”, which is mostly the male form of words as its in the “Yan”, the presence of life shown in the world languages, grammars, and the linguistics. In this case, the words with “O” sounds in it represent the matter, the material, and thus the Sata, the Sata, the Sattva”, which means without male and female form of life in it, and thus the matter only, and thus the Static Form of Matter as the “O” or “OO” and its all variations that simply indicate the matter that creates life, and thus the Sacred Sounds of Brahma, and also that it is the “Yong”, which is pure and creates life, but as it lacks the “AA” and the “EE” in it, we call it the “Satan”, and in India its written as the “Shaitan”, the Sounds of “OO”, which when sleeps means does not vibrate in any given system but works as the particle part or side of the light, and is the same as the Sleeping,the non-vibrating and non-resonating Sound Energies, which play significant role as the sacred vowels run our systems without dissipating any energy, and when we disturb this system with consonants, the “Akhara” it starts to dissipate the Sacred Setup of Energy Systems as Conserved into Conversion of Energies in the human body, which can never be recovered fully, but the sacred sound systems help us restore these energies by pausing and stopping the unnatural energy conversions as when sounds of vowels, the unstruck sounds flow within the body, it cure any harms which the struck, shock and other disturbances cause to any body systems as it does to any machine or nonliving system.
Thus we can manage the Sacred Energies as the Sound Energies of the Kundalini that work with words in the body and the sounds of vowels in the Glands, the Spinal Chord and thus is our Human Body Defense Mechanism and the Immunity Systems. If we see properly written words, the letters we find energy. * It means where the sound energies sleep, and thus the Sleeping Serpent, the “Khanda” that when sleeps is called the “Akhanda” means without divisions, and thus the Khanda as the Division, the Electromagnetic System as if one freezes water, and we have triple qualities of its three states, the Tripolar Qualities, and thus the Sleeping Brahma, Vishnu and the Mahesha, the Shiva. In this condition of “Akhanda” with division, but only the “Sleeping Sound of “OO”, we have everything working as the Semiconductors do which in every single ionized, balanced and covelant type of bonding gives the sounds of the universe on which runs our media and thus is the Theory of Semiconductors!”
This theory of making semiconductors discusses how the Satan Theories, the Theory of Impurity in the Semiconductors, which function and how we can manage it to serve the humanity as otherwise, the life on any planet may change the entire metallic compositions into semiconductors and thus we may face a big crunch of life as we may assume it on what would have happened on the planet Mars where it may leave no life for thousands of years to come and thus is worse than explosion of atom bombs, atomic energies and whatever relates to it, and thus Life of Eden Garden may bring all into serious troubles as it also creates the Electromagnetic Clouds on the planets abusing every metallic structures and the crystals that ends life eventually.
There is Possibility of Life in the Universe-The Scientific Quest
In 1990 as I was the First Year student of Graduation in B. Sc. (Math) at the University of Adelaide, South Australia, it was a great work to select the topic for the thesis and write about it. I wrote the thesis about the possibility of life in the universe. It was the topic in the Physics, Human and Society for the first year of the Mathematical Sciences at the University of Adelaide in 1990. I received the ‘Credit’ for it, not the ‘Distinction’ because I added some references from the Indian Religions and Mythology and the world books of Prophecies. However, my professor was not happy at the conscience level while giving this award, as he could have given the ‘Distinction’, as I felt when I met him. He again asked me to continue writing about such topics, as he liked these works as one on the Law of Gravitation. Well, it was a great joy with the Paul Davis as the Head of the Department. Let one may read the work at the link below that says that Advanced Life on the Mars would have ended the Life Civilization at the planet:
Philselfology of Astronomy, Space Technology and Life in the Universe: Be Happy Philselfologically – 32
Thus, we say one should not disturb the Sleeping Dragon, the Serpent or the Kundalini as otherwise one in personal life faces psychiatry problems as the unwanted thought pollution that decays the Sacred DNA into freezing levels.
The role of natural and living ones follows the classical arts, sciences and the math of the universe in the sacred way, and thus saves life of all, and if we ignore it, we all will have to face nothing but soft and silent brain health problems and thus global death of all that exists on our earth system in the near future, and when we pay attention, we pray saying: “aa ee oo” melodies of the universe inside us all, and this is one of the major global problem of our times, and we need to pay serious attention in Asia and other parts of the world for all living things which can live by simply chanting the “AA EE OO”, and helping all get rid of electromagnetic pollution and live naturally as otherwise the scientists and the technologists who resign nowadays saying we cannot solve this global problem.
Sign Language of the Universe and the Global Need and Role of Sacred, the Special Education for All Not Just for the Deaf, Dumb and Blind, but Indeed for All: Be Happy Philselfologically – 52
The above also has been well studied in the Chinese, Japanese, Korean and Indian Civilizations as the “I Ching”, which in India is popular as the 64 Yogini’s as the Yog means addition, and “i” in the “ini” means female form of addition that is Force as what we can change and what flows as in Indian Sciences and Maths everything is described as say the female, the force, the kinetic form of energy, the male as the power, the dynamic form of energy or the similar, and the energy can be considered without gender as it is static, and carry the words “i”, “a” and “o” at the end of anything describing its gender as in the “Yogini”, the “i” is for the “Shakti”, the “Force” as its in the “Yin” and the “Yang” has the “a”, the male form of energy, and the neutral form of energy as the “o” or the “O”, the Lord Brahma of Sacred Vowels and the World Languages, Grammars and the Linguistics, which the Chinese and the Japanese Civilizations write as the “Yong”, and Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji has described it as the “Saibhanga” Form of God and the Patanjali Yogashastra describes the same Universal Light as the Sacred Bindu, and Lord Buddha has given it the name of “Nirvana State”, the 4th Level of Human Consciousness, the Most Sacred Dimension as its the Light that does not use words, symbols, and the similar but remains as Shri Guru Gobind Singh Ji calls it the Level of Param Purukha as popular theory of Super Human in the western countries as its the same thing as the Sacred Swastika with the 8 Sacred Dimensions of the Light, the 4th Sacred Dimension and thus beyond the 3 Guna’s, the Static (Tamo), Kinetic (Rajo) and the Dynamic (Sato), but as the Turiya Awastha, the State in which our universes exist:

Thus all of it, the 64 Yogini’s add together as the Addition Systems of Sacred Dimensions of Energy, the Shakti, the Ashat-bhuji Parmeshvari, the Durga, the Kali, the Sarasvati, and any other forms of Shakti, the Sacred Force that we need in the Sacred Conversion of One Form of Energy into Any Other Form of Energy, and that is how we correlate to the Sacred 8 Dimensional Systems, and it always has the 64 Sacred Results, the 64 Sacred Forces that we use in the Sacred Energy Conversions, which are well discussed here:

“The solid line represents yang, the creative principle. The open line represents yin, the receptive principle. These principles are also represented in a common circular symbol (☯), known as taijitu (太極圖), but more commonly known in the west as the yin-yang (陰陽) diagram, expressing the idea of complementarity of changes: when Yang is at top, Yin is increasing, and vice versa.
In the following lists, the trigrams and hexagrams are represented using a common textual convention, horizontally from left-to-right, using ‘|’ for yang and ‘¦’ for yin, rather than the traditional bottom-to-top. In a more modern usage, the numbers 0 and 1 can also be used to represent yin and yang, being read left-to-right. There are eight possible trigrams (八卦 bāguà)” (With thanks from the source: )
It, the I-Ching Philosophy is well shown and described it the Flags of Korean Civilization:

In the Gurmukhi Script, and thus the Punjabi Language, the same 16 Trigrams are given as the Sacred Vowels, the “Lagan Mattra”, which is the same thing as I-Ching, and other theories of “Yin, Yang and the Yong”, with “I, O, U” or simply known as the “A, I, E, O, U” in any grammar book in any world language. The First Sacred Vowel is “Ounkar” (_), the Yong, which gives the First Shape of I-Ching, the Yin-Yan Theories of Chi or the Qi. The “Dolainkar” (as =) in Gurmukhi Punjabi is Two Lines of “Ounkar” drawn under any word or independently. The “Sihari”, the Yin Line as “|”, and thus the Line Drawn before any letter or word (say as < or |) and the “Bihari”, the Strong Yin Line Drawn after the letter or word (say >). Similarly, the “Lavan” is drawn as “\ or ‘” or “|” as the “Yan” on the Top of any Letter or Word, and the “Dulanvan”, the Two Sacred Lines Drawn as say the “Yan” as: ” ” ” or “||” on the Top of any Sacred Letter or Word. The Other Sacred Lines are either combination of the same Sacred Energies as Sacred Lines or the Dot, the Bindu, the Perfect Yong or different Sacred Energy Lines that we notice in the Script of Gurmukhi, the Punjabi. As the “Yong” is so is the Ashtanaga Yoga as “Yog” and the “Yong” are same thing, and in the Indian Scriptures of Yoga, the word “Yog” exists and the “Yoga” has never been written anywhere. These languages have developed from the Brahmi, which is the Mother Language to most of the world languages including the Punjabi and Hindi, and thus the Sacred Vowels in the Punjabi with the Gurmukhi Script:
Now, this is the Sacred Theory of All World Languages, Grammars and the Linguistics, which always have been using the I-Ching or the Yogini, Yog as the Addition Systems of Two or More Similar or Different Things, and thus we have all charts of Sacred Vowels, the I-Ching or the Yogini’s as the entire world civilizations speak the same I-Ching, the Yin-Yan and the Yong, IEK in the Sacred Sounds as discussed below:
“The sounds of “A E I O U”, the “EE (Yin) AA (Yan) OO (Yong)” as the divine vowels as we say “W AA H EE I G U R OO”, the AA (Yan) EE (Yin) OO Yong, and thus “Yan-Yin-Yong” as “Waheguru” in the Indian Languages, the same as with raa, ree, roo, and or the laa, lee, loo, and so on as the following:
ᖋ ᖊ ri re (final ᙆ)
ᖍ ᖌ ra ro
ᕆ li
ᕍ ᕊ la lo (final ᔆ)
ᕃ le
(With thanks from the source:… )

Sacred Wisdom of Mouth, Languages, Scripts, Linguistics: How World has Hindi and Punjabi Parental and Mother Languages: Philselfology of Glossolalia and Golden Times of India – A Civilization – 50
This also has been studied as the “Sacred Geomancy”:

“European scholars and universities began to translate Arabic texts and treatises in the early Middle Ages, including those on geomancy. Isidore of Seville lists geomancy with other methods of divination including pyromancy, hydromancy, aeromancy, and necromancy without describing its application or methods;<5> it could be that Isidore of Seville was listing methods of elemental scrying more than what is commonly known as geomancy. The poem Experimentarius attributed to Bernardus Silvestris, who wrote in the middle of the 12th century, was a verse translation of a work on astrological geomancy. One of the first discourses on geomancy translated into Latin was the Ars Geomantiae of Hugh of Santalla; by this point, geomancy must have been an established divination system in Arabic-speaking areas of Africa and the Middle East. Other translators, such as Gerard of Cremona, also produced new translations of geomancy that incorporated astrological elements and techniques that were, up until this point, ignored.<6> From this point on, more European scholars studied and applied geomancy, writing many treatises in the process. Henry Cornelius Agrippa, Christopher Cattan, and John Heydon produced oft-cited and well-studied treatises on geomancy, along with other philosophers, occultists, and theologians until the 17th century, when interest in occultism and divination began to dwindle due to the rise of the Scientific Revolution and the Age of Reason.
Geomancy made a revival in the 19th century, when renewed interest in the occult arose due to the works of Robert Thomas Cross and Edward Bulwer-Lytton, Franz Hartmann published his text, The Principles of Astrological Geomancy, which spurred new interest in the divination system. Based on this and a few older texts, the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn began the task of recollecting knowledge on geomancy along with other occult subjects, with them, Aleister Crowley published his works that integrated various occult systems of knowledge.” (With thanks from the source: )
The Western Civilizations has studied it as the “Yin”, the “Ing” to in all English and Other Sacred World Languages, the Grammars and the Linguistics as always the Sacred Frame of Reference of “Ing” say in the “Continuous Tenses as the Energy, whatever “Flows”: We are going has “ing” on it as what gives force to the verbs”, the Female or the Shakti, the Sacred Dimensions of Force, and the “Yang” as the “Anga”, the Male Part, the Sacred Dimensions of Power of and in the Universe, and the creation of life on earth systems as the following “Ing” and “Anga” Theories as “Yin and Yang” together as the “CHI”, the “QI” or “IEK” give, and the western civilizations offer it as the “An” as the prefix to all Sacred Vowels of the Universe as the Frame of Reference of the “Shabada”, the Sacred Sounds, the Sacred Vowels of the Universe with the main domain of the “AA EE OO”, which gives power, the base or the basic dimensions to all sounds, consonants and whatever we can put into words as in the Western and Other Sacred World Languages, the Grammars and the Linguistics with many more extensions say “And”, “Ant” (In Hindi, Punjabi and the Sanskrit languages, the Ant and the Anti is one of the most common suffix say “Mant”, the “M”, the Sound Energy of the Sacred Vowels as mostly at the 8th Sacred Dimension of Energy, the Force, the Shakti, and thus the “Shabada” Energy, which when ends gives the Sound of “Ant”, and thus “Mant”, and we can mostly check and verify it, and the vowels resonate with each other and thus may reach into the centers of the universe), “Ed”, and its derivatives say “Tion”, “Sion” say in “examination”, and “pension” as the Indians say the “Ramayana”, and so on.
Similarly, among the most used terms in the health and wellness, it is the “Iona”, the “Ayana”, and thus “Fluidity, the Movement, the Flow and the similar of any word, the shabada, and thus the “ing”, the “iona” of the given words; the verbs to say, which describe its Sacred Energy Dimensions, which remain in the “Ing”, the “Yin” and the other derivatives of it, the “Ing” or the “Inga”, and the Indian Sacred Systems call it the “Ekan” as in the “Ekankar”, the “Ekonkar”, the “IEK” in the same as the “IK”, which in the Punjabi, Hindi and the Sanskrit, one uses as the “Ing” with the symbols the “I” or “E” or “EE”, and these sacred vowels are called the female forms of the words as for the gender, the gene of the words, the letters, the consonants, and while the “Anga” based “AA” and its derivatives are the male gender of the same, and the “O” and its derivatives as it has the “additions of male and female sounds in it, and when we speak it we do not use our mouth to produce any energy as “e” gives the negative charge based on the movements in general and thus that of the lower jaw movements, the “aa” gives the positive, the male, the positive charge of the upper jaw, while in between the “o”, the “oo oo” and its derivative sounds remain the “neutral gender” means no “frictional force in these and thus are the “Chi” or the “Qi” energy of the mouth and the sounds, and so on as discussed in a very good commentary on the “Shabada”, the Sacred Kundalini and Sacred DNA, and the Sacred Dimensions these have as of 5 Elements of Soil, Water, Fire, Space and the Sound with Energy and Power Dimensions of the Universe as well discussed in the Patanjali Yoga Shastra, the Bindu Theory, the Sacred Part of Indian Sacred Systems:
“The origin of mantras and devātas is this. Brahman which is known in the Mantras’āstras as Bindu, possesses a force called Bīja, but known in the Vedāntic Writings as S’akti or <Page 9> Prakrti. Their united action is Nāda, of S’abdabrahman or the Logos. There is, however, a little difference of opinion among this class of occultists as to the nature of the sounds uttered by the Mantras. One class thinks them to be manifestations of the Logos; others again consider them as the manifestations of the S’akti, and say that S’abdabrahman is the consciousness in all things. This consciousness resides in man in the Kundalinī Nādī and is said to be the origin of all the letters of the Alphabet.
We have now three kinds of creations. From Bindu we have in order, Sadās’iva, Rudra, Visnu, Brahmā, which are either so many different Logoi, or different aspects of one and the same principle. The other creation is from S’akti. Its first manifestation is Mahat, which is either Sāttvika, Rājasa or Tāmasa. These give rise to the three kinds of Ahamkāra. On the plane of Ahamkāra we have the ten deities known as Diks or directions, Vāyu, As’vins, the Fire, the Sun, < It must be here said that the sun, fire. etc., do not mean those on the physical plane with which we are acquainted, but their astral, or in some cases, even higher counterparts >. Pracetas, Indra, Upendra, Mitra, and the ten senses and the Tanmātras. From these last we have the five elements <Page 10> known to Indian philosophy. Each one of them is thus symbolised.
All the letters of the Samskrt Alphabet belonging to these tattvas follow the symbol used for the particular class to which they belong and these symbols play a not unimportant part in the practice of the Mantras.
From these elements the physical body of man takes its origin, and in it the Kundalinī force is located. The three nādīs known as Idā, Piʼngalā and Susumnā extend from the nose to a little below the navel, and the Kundalinī is located a little above the anus. It is described as coiled like a serpent, and when awakened by the power of Yoga, it becomes straightened, and shuts the passages to the three nādīs mentioned above. According to Indian writers, S’abda takes its origin in the Kundalinī; and it is the sound which takes its rise from Kundalinī that passes the three stages Parā, Pas’yantī and Madhyamā and at last comes out as the one which we all hear and speak comprising the fifty letters of the Samskrt <Page 11> Alphabet. It has been briefly said that the world of S’abda takes its origin from sounds. In other words, it means that a name or sound expressed to denote a particular object is identical with the object itself.
To summarize then, the sound in its passage from the Kundalinī to the end of the nādīs <Page 15> is the stage of parā: that of its passage through the nādīs is its pas’yantī stage: from the end of the nādīs to the throat it is in its madhyamā stage, while that which passes from the throat to the mouth is its vaikharī stage. The sounds or letters on the physical plane are divided into those of Prthvī, Ap, Tejas, Vāyu and Ākās’a.
Vayu,— ka, kha, ga, gha, na, a, ā, r, ha, s’a, ya.
Agni, — ca, cha, ja, jha, ña, i, ī, rī, ksa, ra.
Prthvī, — ta, tha, da, dha, na, u, ū, l, sa, va, la.
Ap, — ta, tha, da, dha, na, è, ai, Iī, sa.
Ākās’a, — pa, pha, ba, bha, ma, ô, au, am, ah.”
(With thanks from the source: )
The previous parts:
“The Sacred Civilizations of India, China, Japan, and Other Countries offer what gives World the Stable, Eternal and Natural Knowledge, Wisdom and Ethics of Universal Marketing, Trading, Business and Global Economic Recession Management: Be Happy Philselfologically – 73”
“How the Space Element of Shabada, the Sacred Waves and Vibrations Help the Universe: The Sacred Sound, the Shabada as the Source of Omniscience, the Bindu: Be Happy Philselfologically – 74”
Meanwhile, we will edit and add!
Thanks for your time, and Be Happy Philselfologically, while doing the Swaadhaya, the Self-study and Learning as the Personal Researching!