How Baking Soda as Naturm Bicarbonate Cures Cancer as Gurmukhi Language Explains Gaytri Mantra with Research Steps of EAK, OANKARA, SATINAMA, SHREE, WAHEGURU, SAHIB, JIO Systems, Essence of Life Cycle and World Sciences: Be Happy Philselfologically 96
The most ancient systems of languages has been the “Gaytari Systems” as the Mother to the Vedas. It deals with the most essential 3 Worlds of of the A, E and the O as we have discussed. The Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Language and the Grammar Systems are the expansions of the “Gaytari Systems” as the “Gurmukhi Systems”. In the Gaytari (the Gaytri) Systems, we discuss the “Dimensions of the Nano Systems, the Chara Systems and thus the Heavenly Systems on Earth Systems”. The Gurmukhi Languages as all world languages in its origin explain the “Divisions of the Dimensions” and at the same time, we have the “AE, EO and the OA Systems” as the 3 Major Dimensions that run the Human Heart and the Other Chakras. We have discussed the “AE, EO and the OA Systems” and these are summed up with expansions as follows:
“EAK OANKAR SATINAM SHREE WAHEGURU SAHIB JIO”, and all of these words are from the “Sanskrit Roots and the Brahmi Systems of World Languages.
The Indian Sacred Science Systems give the “Essence of WAHEGURU Systems, the Mechanism” in the two simplest way as follows:
1. The WARA (VARA) as the Essence of the “WA”HEGU”RU” Systems: In it the universe exists as the “W+W’+A”+”R+R’+A”=WARA, the Husband Systems. It gives us the following:
A+-O-A (A+O, the two dipoles of say “A-E in the WAHE Systems and the O-OO in the GURU Systems as the WAHEGURU is pronounced as the “WAHEGUROO”. Now, when we have the “A-O” Systems, we have it as the “A-O-E”, and its naturally so as its the “Horizontal Dipole in the Axis”, and the Other the “GURU Dipole” is Perpendicular to the “A-O-E” and its the “O-OO” that gives us the following system:
“A-O-E-O-OO”=A-O-E-O-OO, which rearranges to be perpendicular and we get it as follows:
A-O-(O-OO)-E=A-O-O-OO-E, and here we have the “A-O-O-OO-” with “E Systems” that we derived as follows:
It has one of the “Standard Systems of Physics and General Sciences” in it as when it is the “WA: GU” or the “WEGA, the VEGA, the Displacement, Velocity, and the Vector Sciences” as based on the “Velocity of Electrons, the WA-HE-GU, the WAEGU, or simply the WEGA, the Velocity Systems in the Universe.
WAEGU=A+E+O=A+(O+A)+O=A+O+A+A=H2O+H+, the Movement and the Speed of the “H+, the Proton, the Hydrogen Systems”
The “WEGA” has its opposite as the “GAWA, the GAWAN Systems”, the Travel and the Medium Systems that when the Medium as the GAEWA, the GAWA and the GAWANA Systems are about anything that deals with the “Velocity of the Mediums”, and it can be “Electron Systems to Light, the RAMA Systems or the Mediums as the MARA Systems”. According to the mediums, the WEGA is used as follows:
1. In say air as medium: WEGA
2. In the SAHA Systems of nuclear and atomic systems as well the “SAN, the SAHA as the SH, the Sound Systems”: SANWEGA
3. In the PARA,the Prism Systems: PARWEGA
When we talk about the “ANGA, the Static, Kinetic and the Dynamic Systems, we talk about the WEGA, the Static Nature of Systems SANWEGA, the Kinetic Nature of the Systems and the PARWEGA, the Dynamic Nature of Velocity of the Given Systems”. In it, the 4th Dimension is the TURIYA System as the RAMA Systems and its simply the “Velocity of Light, the R Systems”, and for it we simply notice the 4th System:
4. In the Light Systems, we have the WEGA as the RANGA Systems
For example, the “GURU” and the “RANGA” as the “SAHA and the HASA, which together also makes what we know as the the SAWA, the SAVA, the Self-operating Systems and thus as: “SWAH: SAT: EAKA, the SWASTIKA” are the “Anti-matter and the Anti-particle Systems”. At the same time, the WEGA has the “GAVA” as the “opposite pair”, and thus we have the following:
1. Anti-pair or the anti-wave systems
2. Anti-matter systems
3. Anti-particle systems
4. Anti-medium systems
When we consider any given system say, the “W”, the Neutralized System that we inspect, investigate and or put to any experiment naturally follows a system that keeps any system as its until external force acts upon it, and thus anything exists in the 4 Dimensions:
1. The W’, the Susy Systems in it everything is a “Proton”, the “H+”, and it also exists as the “H+ and the H:”, and these two system and the anti-system coexist as the “(H+)+(H: )”, the Transitional States, and what we do in any observation or an experiment, we use it as the “Torque”, and this “Torque” is the “following two different states of the given system at the micro or the macro levels:
(H+)+(H: )
Its same as the (A+)+(A: ), the Two Factors of the SAHA Systems:
“SA is the H+ Systems, and the H: is the HA Systems in the SAHA, the Bonding Systems”
The important point in the “H:” Systems is that its the “First SAHA Product in the Universe as its same as the “S:, the SAH, the First Product of the SAHA Systems”. In this condition, the H: is a dual system as it indicates the H: as the “H+H-” as the H (+ and – State). The “Charges of +, – and the 0” are the indication how “Force of Friction works at a given thing which first creates either attraction or repulsion as when we start to walk on a slope, we either go forward or go backward. In most of the cases, we try to stand still. It is also so in the Charges, the Charge Clouds and the Charge on any given atom, molecule.”
When we consider the “SAHA Systems of Black, the SA and the White Hole, the HA Systems” in the “Photo, Imaging and the Camera Systems”, which is same as the “Nucleus and Atoms with the Elementary Particle Color Systems”, we notice that at the “Origin, we have the Black Hole Systems” that has its 3 Axis as the Red (AARA Systems), Blue (OORA Systems) and the Green (EERI Systems)”, and its the focusing point of Digital Imaging. We have assumed the Red Color (1,0,0) on the X-Axis, the Blue (0,1,0) on the Y-Axis and the Green (0,0,1) on the Z-Axis”, and thus the “SAHA Systems as in the H:, the S: and thus any SAHA Systems as the “:” Symbol gives it as shown below:
Images: The H:, the S: as the SAHA Systems in the Color, Imaging, Photography and the Camera Systems and the SAHA Color Managements
In the ordinary cases, we have the two different systems, one as the wavelength of the basic colors and the other is the digital nano systems of wavelengths by the digital camera systems as we see below:
Images: The E (Green)=O (Blue)+A (Red) and the E (Green)= A (Red)+O (Blue) or the E=O+A, -O-A and the -O+A and the O-A Systems in the RGB and the Digital Nano Systems
Image: The Digital Color Gamuts based on the 4 Systems of E=O+A as the O+A, -O-A and the -O+A and the O-A Systems, and the O, A has Opposite Colors -O, -A, and the O+A has the Opposite Color Combinations of -O-A and the O-A as the 3 Major Color Systems of O+A, O-A, and the -O-A Systems
Thus, when we have the E=O+A, we have the variations in the 3-D Planes as the E-(O+A), E-(O-A), E-(-O-A), E-(-O+A), E+(O+A), E+(O-A), E+(-O-A), and the -E-(O+A), -E-(O-A), -E-(-O-A), and the -E+(O+A), -E+(O-A), -E+(-O-A), but we have the -E+E Systems=-E-E Systems=E-E Systems, the Dimensions, and its our base so as the create the “O+A” Systems on the “E-O-A” Systems, and makes the 9 Systems of “E=O+A” Systems work as the 7 O+A Systems and we can also put this system as in the Mathematical and Technical Notation as to say (E, O, A) as the (1, 1, 1), and say the E-O-A as the (E,-O,-A) as the (1,-1,-1), and when we consider the “Direction of the E-O-A Planes, it can be say EO, OA and or the EA, and it can join another system say the O-A System, the Electric System which we can assume as a “Square, the Electric System as the (1,0,0) say as the (a side,b side and the diagonals of the square)” or the E-O-A, the Electronic System, and we can always assume it as the “Cube, the Electronic System say as the (1,0,0,0) say the (a, b, c sides of the cube and the diagonals of the cube, and thus the (1,0,0,0)”, and for a given electronic, the cube and the electric system say a square we can use the notations of (1,0,0,0) and these can also be based on the sides, diagonals and other systems say as the (01,0,0,10) where say the 01=AB Side of the Cube and the 10=BA, and in it we may not need to put “-01 but simply 10 for AB and the BA Systems”. The line that joins the Electric Square and the Magnetic Cube has a linear line the 7th Rotational Systems that are as if the buttons that can left or right with 3 Rotational Points on each side as shown below:
The following image gives good illustration as we now use the “Square as the Electric Fields in the Ferro-electric systems and the Magnetic Fields as the Ferro-magnetism, and thing is that the Linear Line that Joins Both is the Direction of Both, the Electric and Magnetic Fields and is thus the Ferro-electromagnetic lines that are also the “Lines that Rotate the Axis and cause the Ferro-rational Torque Systems that we know as the Spindling in the Systems as the WAHEGURU, the Dipole Systems”:
We have the E-(O+A)=-E+(O+A) the Pair Systems of the same planes repeated after 7 Chiral Structures of “E-E” as the O+A as on the E Systems and thus as the E+O+A Systems, and its the “Color Liquids of Any Given Systems, which are also the Chiral Systems, the Nuclear Systems of Electronic and the Orbital Energy Systems as in the O+A, the Electronic and the E+O+A as the Orbital Energy Systems as the LCD and the OLED and in the OLED has due to the Functional Systems of the Liquid Crystals with the E, the Electric Light Systems close enough to the O+A Systems, the Nuclear and the Orbital Systems. We have it as the “Parent to the Nano Photonics”, the “Major Point in the Digital Camera and Imaging Systems” as we see below:
Image: The DNA Mitochondria Matrix and the Chiral Systems, the Nuclear Systems of Electronic and the Orbital Energy Systems as in the O+A, the Electronic and the E+O+A as the Orbital Energy Systems as the LCD and the OLED and in the OLED, the Essence of Digital Clocks and the Computers
Thus the above structure is also the “DNA Mitochondria Matrix”!
The DNA Mitochondria Matrix Systems follow the OORA, AARA and the EERI Systems of the E-E=O-O+A-A Systems in Genetics as shown below:
Image: DNA Mitochondria Matrix Systems follow the OORA, AARA and the EERI Systems of the E=O+A and the E-E=O-O+A-A Systems in Genetics to have healthy babies
When we talk about the E=O+A Systems, we are talking and discussing about the following:
Green (E)=Blue (O)+Red (A), the Color Management in the Universe.
We get the E-O+A Plane System, when we extend the E=O+A Systems to the following:
E-E (Green and Anti-green Color Systems)=O-O (Blue and Anti-blue Color Systems)+A-A (Red and Anti-red Color Systems)
We get the “One Source to Possibly Everything Possible in the Universe!”
Image: Single Color Omniscience Systems of Universes: EERI (Green)=OORA (Blue)+AARA (Red) and E=O+A with E-O+A Planes and E-E (Green and Anti-green Color Systems)=O-O (Blue and Anti-blue Color Systems)+A-A (Red and Anti-red Color Systems)
The above systems of the Color Systems as the “Sound Energy, the MANA Systems” in the human body also guides about how to care and care say the DNA and the diseases like the Cancer:
Image: The EERI (Green)=OORA (Blue)+AARA (Red) and E=O+A with E-O+A Planes and E-E (Green and Anti-green Color Systems)=O-O (Blue and Anti-blue Color Systems)+A-A (Red and Anti-red Color Systems) for the Sky Analysis of the DNA Systems
The Next Part of the Series: Spiral and Chiral Systems Need Circular and Elliptical Pulsar Movement as in DNA Systems: Cancer Cure by Baking Soda as Naturm Bicarbonate, Basics of Life Systems, Gurmukhi Punjabi Language and Grammar Systems – Be Happy Philselfologically – 97
Meanwhile, we will edit and add!
Thanks for your time, and Be Happy Philselfologically, while doing the Swaadhaya, the Self-study and Learning as the Personal Researching!