How Gurmukhi Linguistic Theory Explains C-Theorem and Weinberg-Witten Theorem, Homotopy Type and Invariant Theory as Para Vortex Atomism: Philselfological Model and Theory of Everything: Be Happy Philselfologically – 122
The Gurmukhi Dipole of A, E, O and EA is what also proves and explains the C-Theorem and the Weinberg-Witten Theorem as well as how its the “Single Theory and Model of Everything with C-Theorem as one of its basic operator”. The 4 Spins of the 4-Dimensional Space is also the “Vacuum with No Spin”, and whatever we see in the visible world is from the “Conversions of 0-Spin into 1, 2, 3, and the 4 Spins” which is creating the “Static (1-D), Kinetic (2-D), Dynamic (3-D) and the Quantum (4-D) Sacred Systems” that deals with the number of spins available in the 0 0r the 4 Dimensional Systems as we discuss it all in the next paragraphs.
The “4 Spins that we discuss in the 6 Dimensional Setup of Universe create the gravity simply by creating the UP Vortex, the 5th Dimension and DOWN Vortex, the 6th Dimension on the Space Element with the 4 Spins, and this is what creates the Quantum Gravity and the quantum particles with the number of spins causing it”.
The most popular Spiritual and Religious term of “OAM” is the summary of O, A, E, AE with N and M sounds, and that is the DOWN Vortex is the N and UP Vortex is the M Sound Energy that the A, E, O and the AE as the 4 Spins of Sound Energy can create, and as this (N,M) Sound Energy is the Quantum Energy, its name is used as the “OA, N, M” that is also popular as the ONAMA in the South Indian Civilizations, and its well composed as the Bani, the Linguistic Quantum Compositions as the Sacred Poetry, which we can identity as the Sacred Quantum Composition of Homotopy Type Math with vowels as the NANO Spins with and from N (Bindi) to the M (Bindu), and we can have it as the Sidhi Goshti and the Dakhani Onakara in the Gurbani, and many other Indian Scriptures and Religious Doctrines. In other words, the ONAMA is the C-Theorem that also explains the Weinberg-Witten Theorem with the “Quantum Philosophy of Universe, Consciousness and the Quantum Gravity, the UP and DOWN Guru Systems”.
The Homotopy Type Theory well explains the Euler Math as the Quantum Math, and when we have discussed the O, A, and E in the context, its the Euler, the Eigenvalues and the Eigenvector Systems, and this makes the OORA, AARA and EERI what we can put as the “Tensor”, yes that is right, the 3 Primal Vowels as the Tensor System of the Space and the Universe:
When we think of AE in the A, E, O, the 3 Major Nanos in the universe, we have it, the AE as the “Cauchy Stress Tensor”, the Durga or the Shakti, the Torque Systems, which manifests as the Euler-Cauchy Stress Principle with the Tensor (Stress) Vector, while the A, E, and the O can be considered as the Tensor (Stress) Scalar Systems as we see in the image below:
Thus, the A, E, O and the AE are the 4 Primal Systems that can be presented as the Quantum Continuum as in the Indian Sacred Systems its also called the Brahma (O), Vishnu (A), Shiva (E) and the Durga (AE) Continuum Philosophy, which is the “KARA”, the Continuum in the ONKARA Sacred Systems, and its thus the Basics and the Essentials of World Religions and Faiths. We can always simplify it as the “String Theory, the Kara, the Continuum Theory of Everything”, and that is why Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji, the Founder of Sikhism gave God the Name of Karta Purakhu, the God of Quantum Continuum, the Kara and thus the Karta, the Kara Operator in the 3-Dimensional Classical Systems, the Visible World. The Purakh is the PARA (Pur) in the 2-D Space Element as the Kh, and thus the Philosophy of Continuum of 4th D and the 3-D’s as one setup, and that is the Philosophy of the 4th Observers besides the Light, Consciousness, and Sound, and thus the Observer Level of 4th Dimension as the Karta Purakhu. The Indian and the World Theories of the Elements are also the “Theories of Classical (O) and the Quantum (N) Continuum (M), and thus the ONAMA”.
In these contexts of C-Theorem and the Weinberg-Witten Theorem, we have it as the Gurmukhi Homotopy and Invariant, the Linguistic and the Sacred Geometry, we always have the “4 Spins and the 0 Spins” as the Primal Dimensions of “1st and the 6th Dimension, which makes 3 Dimensions of the Universe as the Observer’s Dimensions as 1st D is the Light, the Anka, the 6th Dimension as the Consciousness, the Ankha, the 3rd Eye as we usually know and call it” and all of it, the Consciousness (Quantum) and Light (Classical) works as the “Envelope, the Anda” of and to the 4-Dimensional Universe, the Quantum Qubit Universe, and the 4-D’s are also the Physical Observer, the Anga Systems in the Indian Sacred Civilizations. All of this cosmic play occurs in the 0 Dimensions, when we consider the 4 Spins and the 0 Spins as the “Anka, the Dimensional Systems”, and this is where the “Vortex Atomism and or the Zero Point Vacuum Energy Exists according to the Linguistic Model of Everything”, and its also the 7th and the 8th Dimension that is the “Vowel Theory” of the “Vortex Atomism”, which can be called the “Ansa, the Ansha, the Ratio of Vowels that create and construct the structures in the Quantum Qubit Universe”. Here we have added that the “0 and 4” are the “Spin Dimensions, which we can alter and set the homotopy field systems where the initial spin is all set to zero, the Zero Energy System in the vacuum, and all set to 4 Spins, which is the Zero Energy outside the vacuum. The addition or removing spins is the “Creation of Single the Mono, Bi, Tri and the Dipoles”.
Here as we see in the above image, the 3 Spins create the physical dimensions and thus the physical world that we see and the 4th Spin immediately collapses everything back to Zero Point Energy. Well, its how the “Sacred Universe as a Dipole” in which we have the 3-D Physical and 4th D functioning as the Metaphysical Dimension:

Thus, the A, E and O goes as the A-Theorem, C-Theorem in Quantum Science and Math and gives us the “Solution to the C-Theorem by Alexander Zamolodchikov in the 4th Dimension that we study as the AE which also follows the Category Theory as discussed in the nLab ( )”, and below is a good discussion about it:
Thus, when we take a unit of the universe, we get by removing or adding while it follows the Tensor Calculus as all dimensions whether going up or down are the derivatives and the integrations due to its being the “Continuum”, the 4-D’s as the O, A, E and the AE (Quantum Qubit Computing) to the 6-Sided Envelope that has everything inside, and we always have it all with the “Sacred Quantum Surgery” in which W and M are same as the S and H in the “S, H and A Linguistic Model” (in the image below its all as M (as S), W (as H), N (as A) in the Linguistic Model of S, H and A for Everything):
Previous part of the series:How Theories of Vowels and Consonants Explain Universe as Vortex, the Anda or Envelope and Ionization, Atomism and 5 Elements as Medium: Gurmukhi Alphabet as Homotopy Type Theory of Mathematics: Be Happy Philselfologically – 121
“h-Cobordism Theorem: If W is a simply connected, compact manifold with a boundary that has two components, M_1 and M_2, such that inclusion of each is a homotopy equivalence, then W is diffeomorphic to the product M_1×<0,1> for dim(M_1)>=5. In other words, if M and M^’ are two simply connected manifolds of dimension >=5 and there exists an h-cobordism W between them, then W is a product M×I and M is diffeomorphic to M^’.
The proof of the h-cobordism theorem can be accomplished using surgery. A particular case of the h-cobordism theorem is the Poincaré conjecture in dimension n>=5. Smale proved this theorem in 1961.” (With thanks from the source:… )
Thus, the Gurmukhi and the Gurbani Homotopy Theory goes as the Homotopy Quantum Field Theory, in which we present the “Gurmukhi Sacred Geometrical Theory of Quantum Homotopy as well”, and let us see and hear about it:
The Vortex Atomism when gets into shape is from the “Sacred Ionization, the Chemistry of Everything”, and that is where the “Sacred Dipole is the Ionization, the Vortex Atomism”. The World Religions and Faiths study the Dipole as the Velocity of Ionization in the Physical, Chemical, Biological, the Static, Kinetic and the Dynamic Mediums and also in the Ojasa, the Fluids of Ionization, the Super-fluidity, and this is thus the 4 Pada, the Spheres of Ionization as the A, E, O, and the AE that we can literally hear in any experiment accompanying in the actions, and the reactions, and these reactions everything exists as the Pulsars, Spirals and the Chirals, and thus its also the base, basics and the foundations of the “Vortex Atomism”.
Thus the “Gurmukhi” as the Homotopy of Topological Quantum and the Vortex Systems, and it, the Gurmukhi fully explains the Invariant Single Theory of Universe and Life in it. The great wonder in it is that its all “Sacred Dipole that is the Real String that we may not see” and we have discussed how the dipole of “A, E, O, AE” is the Quantum Qubit, Topology, Vortex, Atomism, Vacuum, Life Dipole, and all that gives “Simple, Single and Invariant Model and Theory of Everything as the Philselfology as also the Homotopy Type (Invariant) Theory.
I sounds great to know the said kind words when it says “Never Done Before”: “… an “informal” way to write mathematics in natural language which we can all agree could be fully formalized in homotopy type theory, by anyone willing to undertake the tedium.Peter Aczel was the initial advocate of such a thing here, and I think it’s a great idea. Given that computer proof assistants are not really yet sufficiently automated to make formalization of nontrivial arguments palatable to the average mathematician — a situation which I think it will probably take a few decades to overcome, at least — in order for homotopy type theory to make real headway as a foundation for mathematics in the near future, we need a way to do it without computers.
It’s worth noting that the relationship between formal and informal being envisioned here is, to a large extent, backwards from the historical situation for traditional foundations. Traditionally, mathematicians developed our conventions and standards of rigor in natural language by a long, slow process of centuries, and only in the last hundred years or so did people start to write down formal systems in which such reasoning could be codified. By contrast, now we are starting with a formal system — homotopy type theory — and trying to design conventions and standards for a corresponding informal language. The situation isn’t quite as clear-cut as that — in particular, in the 20th century formal systems did also conversely influence the conventions of informal mathematics — but nevertheless I think that this proposal is, by and large, something that’s never been done before…. Another point that I think is very important is that informal HoTT is intended to be read by people who are already familiar with the conventions. Obviously, we don’t want to depart unnecessarily from the language of classical mathematics, but writing informal HoTT is not intended to be the same as writing about HoTT for newcomers to the field, just as we don’t write mathematics in research papers in the same way that we write undergraduate textbooks. ” (With thanks from the source:… )
When we say never done before, its applies to say 5000 years of the Modern Civilizations, and before it or as the Ancient as the Hidden Civilizations, its the Vowel and the Consonant Civilizations that are also as the “Verbal Civilizations of the World that is also popular as the Old and New Testimonials and the Testaments, Folklore’s, Lok-gatha, Fairy Tales, Gospels, and all that has been carried from ancient times to present by the people for the people and thus what we have discussed as the Brahmi, the Verbal Civilizations and its mainly present as the Holy Books, Scriptures and Doctrines of the World Religions, Faiths and the Civilizations for example the Sikhs read Gurbani”.
The Brahmi Civilizations are also popular as the “Vedic, the Ionization (Seed to Tree) and the Universe”. So, when we consider the “Lost Civilizations of World say the Sanskrit, Hebrew, Egyptian, Sindu Ghati, and many others that are almost extincted otherwise are the “Civilizations of Homotopy Type Theory as the Invariant Civilizations”. When the Verbal Civilizations are lost in any age, we notice that the revival is always done with the “Quantum, the Homotopy, the Invariant, Single Theories of Everything, and thus the Quantum, the Right Brain Theories as well”.
Please read more about the Verbal, the Brahmi, the Quantum Civilizations, which is now the “Quantum Qubit Sacred Systems” and how we need to save and preserve it:
How Quantum Business, Trading, Ethics, Morals, Value Systems, Governmental, UNO, Religious, Charity, NGO Crises, Euler and Euclidean Mathematics with Gurmukhi: Super and Non Aligned Countries: Be Happy Philselfologically – 118
World Civilizations, Universe with Classical and Brahmi, the Quantum Languages: Quantum and Classical Studies of Light and Life: Sanskrit and Hebrew as Classical with Armenian and Gurmukhi as the Quantum Languages – Be Happy Philselfologically – 116
The Sikh Gurus modified the Sanskrit Civilizations and its Revival with the Gurmukhi Script, Language and the Grammar Systems that offers the “Simplified and Unified Theory of Homotopy, Topology and the Graphical Systems of the Bindi, Bindu; the Black and White Hole popular as the Guru Theory with the Word, the Shabada as the Building Blocks of what we know as the sacred Education Systems using the Quantum sacred Systems and the Homotopy Type Theories for Mathematics, Science and all that is available as the Quantum Qubit Computing and Programming”.
When we consider two of the major Indian Concepts and Philosophies of Guru and the NAMA according to the Theory of Elements and Dimensions, the Base of Indian Alphabets, we notice that the Guru is the Quantum Gravity Systems of the Black (Gu) and White (Ru) Hole, while the Nama is the NA (the Bindi as the Force, the Shakti) and the MA (the Bindu, the Power, the Shiva) Systems, and that is how its expressed:
“Shiv Shakti Upayeke Karta Aaape Hukam Vartaye” (Gurbani)
“God, the 4th Dimension creates the Guru Dimension of the 3-Dimensional System of the Shiva and the Shakati, and the product (3-D Systems) follow the command or the instructions of the 4th D, the Nama and the Guru Systems together as the bridge between the 4th Dimension and the 3-D Setup of the Dimensions”
The 4th Dimension is called the Awastha, the State of Any Given System, and the 3-D Systems are the Vivastha, the Scientific Management of the 3 States of the Matter (Shakti), and all that is the Indian Sacred Systems and all that it teaches and educates in any format say the Religion, Science, Philosophy, Music, Math, Grammars, and so is all based on this very 3-D Management and the 4th Dimension, and thus are written all Indian Theories of Elements, Dimensions, Consciousness, and that it creates the “String of the 4th Dimension in all 3-D Systems in which the 4th D either creates the 3-D’s or all 3-D’s collapse into the 4th Dimension. This is not only the Pure Science, but Applied and the Action levels of every human subject.
So, with the Guru and the Nama Dimension of Consciousness we can easily deal with the Para, the 4th Dimension and the Classical 3-D Setup, which is now popular as the Quantum Sciences with one of good philosophy of Vortex Atomism, the 3-D Systems and the 4th D Systems.
The Sikh Gurus has put “All Indian Sacred Systems” as follows:
“Ik-Onkar Satigur Parsadi” (Gurbani)
“One Energy Systems as the A, E, O, AE (Setup of 3-D and the 4th D Systems) in Space go as the Quantum Continuum, the Kara and thus the ONKARA Systems, and that is the Ionized Superfluid, the Para (Ionized) Systems, the Gurparsadi Systems of the universe that follows the Sat, the 4th D (Sa) as 3-D Systems (Ta), and thus the Sata, the Sati, the Satu (that in the living systems is as the Sach), and that too follows the Black and White Hole Systems of the Guru, and thus the Satigur”. (Gurbani)
The NAMA in the ONKARA is the ONAMA, the A, E, O, AE Systems as we have already discussed.
We can thus say as a conclusion that the Para Systems if or when applied to the Vortex Atomism give us the Para Vortex Atomism, and that is almost same as the “Ik-Onkar Satigur Parsadi”. So, we can always use the Quantum Systems as the Para Systems in the same context using the Philosophy of the “Ik-Onkar Satigur Parsadi”, which in the Quantum Modern Systems is also as the Ik-Onkara as the Subject (Vortex), Satigur as the Verb (Ionization) and the Parsadi as the Para Systems in the Para Vortex Atomism.
“Humans exist within an illusory environment. Limited perception — sight, sound, taste, touch and smell — do not allow the individual to fully comprehend the true nature of physical reality. Current theories of quantum physics mathematically postulate that all matter and energies are a result of the vibration of imperceptible, two-dimensional strings. Just as the strings on a guitar vibrate, so too do these miniscule strings determine the forms that matter and energy assume. String Theory is represented by the invisible strings suspending the satellite rods from the ceiling. The vibrations are especially apparent in the time-lapse video exhibiting the construction.” (With thanks from the video introduction as shown below: )
In the Gurbani, the IK is given the great priority as in the Para Vortex Atomism, its the Ionization that goes as the IK or EAK that is the E, the Ionized Systems in the K, the Space as according to the Theory of Elements in the Indian Sacred Systems that happen NOT to change in any world language or in space, the universe and the life in it. Thus, we can put the “Ik-Onkara Satigur Parsadi” as the “Ionized Para Vortex Atomism” or as the “Ionized (IK)(Ether) Atomism (Onkara) Vortex (Satigur) Para (Parsadi)”. We have to take care that when we interpret the Para, Vortex, Atom and the Ionization (Ethereal Systems), we have all of it as the 4th D in the Ionization, the Etheral Systems, and the 3-D’s go well with the Vortex, Atom and the Para Systems.
It may seem at times that the Para Systems are the 4th Dimension and at times the Ionization is the 4th D, and it depends whether we consider the Enkari, the Ethereal Systems or the 3-D Systems of the Onkara, the Atomism as about 5000 years ago, the modern systems put the Enkari, the Shakti, the Etheral, the Quantum Systems as deferred or of lower priority and promoted the Atomism, the Philosophy of Atom and its Para, the Inner Systems of the Atoms as the Para which is light, the Atama-atom systems that led Indian Civilizations to Anti-Ethereal, the Enkari Systems, and the Women or Females are put to lower level and status. The Sikh Gurus and the Bhagat’s gave the Enkari, the Female, the Holy Spirit, the Shakti, the Ethereal Systems a better level and status by giving it the “First Place in Gurbani, Prayers and Worshiping Systems” and that is what IK is all about that seem to have led the Indian and the World Civilizations to extinction and abuse against what is “Female in Nature and in Natural World”.
For the above reasons, the Sikh Gurus used the Indian Theory of Elements and the Grammars based on it, and that is one of the major contribution by them as they used the “Sacred Vowels of Elementary Particles as in the First Row as not of Atom as we have the O+A+E=EA as the Atomic Culture, the Atomism, but rather they give the E+E=IE that gives us the Philosophy of IK (E in Space) rather than the EAK (Atom in Space). For this reason the IK in Gurmukhi and EAK in the Hindi and Sanskrit differ a lot when we consider the Indian Theory and Philosophy of Elements”.
Please accept that this series of Be Happy Philselfologically is Part of Patent Pending at the USPTO Offices in USA, and is not a Scientific Fiction, but a Hypothesis based on the World Civilizations and Ethereal Theories in all world systems, and say the term Ionized Para Vortex Atomism is the Patent Term based on the Interpretation of already existing systems in the world religions and faiths.
When we correlate the Para Vortex Atomism with the Homotopy and the Topology, the concept can go well with Atom, Ionization and the Molecules in which the Para Vortex Atomism goes as the Molecule Ionization Atom as the the SVO Theory in which we have the “Verb of Grammar as the Ionization that connects the Molecule as the Subject to the Atom as the Object, and thus the SVO Structures of the “Subject-Verb-Object, the SVO” Philosophy that is same as the OM Mantra Namo where the Atom is OM, Ionization is the Mantra and the NAMO is the Molecule that the very Ionization in the Para Vortex Atomization creates”. Please read more about it:
The Indian Philselfological Model of Bindu and Bindi gives Topological and Quantum Universe and Transitions in Matter with Gurmukhi Languages and Grammars: Universe as Balanced Forces of Centrifugal and Centripetal Force: Be Happy Philselfologically – 110
Previous part of the series:How Theories of Vowels and Consonants Explain Universe as Vortex, the Anda or Envelope and Ionization, Atomism and 5 Elements as Medium: Gurmukhi Alphabet as Homotopy Type Theory of Mathematics: Be Happy Philselfologically – 121
Next part of the series:How Gurmukhi Homotopy Type Theory in the Linguistics Explain A-Theorem, C-Theorem and Ionized Para Vortex Atomism: Veda Theory of EAK and Sikh Philosophy of IK and Indian Theory of Elements and Dimensions: Be Happy Philselfologically – 123
We will edit and add.
Be Happy Philselfologically!
Thanks for your time reading it!