How Ik Onkara by Sikh Gurus Explain E=M*C*C as Light, Energy and Matter Equations: Euler Math, Gurbani, Gurmukhi Language, and Sacred Education Systems as Essence of All World Religions, Faiths and Philosophies: Be Happy Philselfologically – 115b
In the above equation, we have the “Mass” as the Ishwara content that behaves as if biological aspect of the light systems of “c” that the Indian Civilizations describe as the ONKARA and as the OM is the Function of Light, the “c systems”, and we can always put how it works in our daily like as the “Kara, the Rays and Transformations of Light in various systems of energy”, and that is what we can put as the E=M*C*V in the E=M*C*C equations.
When we say the Indian Civilizations, it also means the Vedic Civilizations that has been same or at least similar all countries of the world whether ancient or modern as the Vedic Civilizations describe the Universal Systems as the Astronomy, Astrology, Math, Music, Arts and the Grammars that nowhere in the world different. So, the India as a nation and the Indian Civilization has a big gap in this context, and the term “Indian Civilizations also thus stand for the Human and the World Civilizations”, and we broadly divide world into two parts:
1. Recorded History of Human Civilizations is the Sanskrit World, the Onkara Civilizations that are in the texts and can be verified anytime and anywhere, and it follows all that we say is the Trigonometric and Pythagorean Systems of x*x+y*y=1
2. What we see during our present ages and carry in the human evolutions through any verbal media and present experiments that has mostly the western civilizations that has established the experiments as the proof is the Brahmi, the IK-Onkara Civilizations that add the Euler Content to the Onkara Systems at the times when Sikh Gurus added the Philosophy of IK-Onkara and Euler, the Mathematician and Scientist added the same in the western civilizations.
Euler added the Philosophy of 1, the IK to the Zero Philosophy of Onkara, and together these as the Ik-Onkara, the Philosophy of 1 and 0, the Zero give the summary of everything in the universe as the 0 is the Soul Systems that if added never change and thus the Incarnation Theory, and the 1 gives all things and the theories of the what is not similar, and thus the Theory of Similarities in the Theories of Differences, and that is what we see as the Euler Identity, the Summary of Ik-Onkara that together creates the Theory of Decimal, the IK and Zero, the Onkara Systems as shown below:

The “i” that we see in the Euler’s Equation is the “Spin Theory in the Vowels in the Languages” say A=-AA, E=-EE and O=-OO, and when we see the “OO”, the Double Sound Systems, we also notice that it satisfies the conditions that “i” as the imaginary unit that satisfies i2 = −1
And also the “e” as the EERI Systems that constitutes the IK Systems in the Indian Civilizations constitutes the sine and the cosine systems of the Trigonometry that solves all problems of the Quantum Sciences, Computers and the Qubit Systems as the “E” is the Indian Qubit that is popular as the Enkari Sacred System, the Opposite Pair of the Onkara, and that is the IK and Onkara are the Opposite Pair of the Modern Sciences, the Global Paradigm Shifts and the Single Models of Everything.
In the Euler Identity, the π is the Angle that in the Indian Civilizations is the N and M that stand for the 90 Degree and the 180 Degree Systems, and if we beat any instrument at this angle, we hear the sounds of “N and M”, and in this Sanskrit Structures of Vowels, the N and M give the Angles of the Trigonometry. The Sanskrit Language gives the Vowels as the Angles that the Consonants as part of the Concentric Circles keeps expanding with the Vowel Theory, and this follows the Theory of Onakara, the Consonant Theory of All World Civilizations and when it deals the Energy Systems of Onkara, it needs the Enkari Systems and that is the “E, the Exponential Systems of Euler and Mathematics in general”. Thus, the Ik-Onkara (also expressed as the Ekonkara) is the Exponential Systems of the Onkara Sacred Education Systems of Vedas.
What I have expressed is based on the Philselfological Model of Everything, and it may not be present in the books or online, the internet, and its the developed sacred system on all models of everything in context to the Ik-Onakara Philosophy of Gurmukhi and the Gurbani as the Linguistic Science, Math and Geometry.
The Philselfological Model of Everything expresses that every world religion and philosophy is same as the Base, Exponential and the Logarithm of the any world religion or philosophy as the base, and exponentially expansion of the base religion or the philosophy (the old testament) is also the logarithm system that is so developed from its base and exponential systems. Thus, all world religions, faiths, philosophies or anything that follows this sacred pattern is well recognizable and authentic work in any faculty of human knowledge and wisdom, and no experiment without this criteria is ever possible. This is also present as the Emitter, Base and Collector Systems in the Classical and Quantum Experiments and Equipments and any application that it follo

The Onkara Philosophy is the Fire and Light Systems and the IK Systems that are present as the Ish, the Ishwara or the Issiah, the Isha Systems are the Systems that preserve the Fire and Light as Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji and Other Sikh Gurus, and the Quantum Philosophers and Scientists, the Bhagat say:
“Rig Kahai Rahaya Bharpoor, Ram Naam Devan Mah Soor…” (Gurbani)
“What the Rig Veda says present everywhere and in the Giver Systems of Onkara its the Sun that is what the Gurbani calls the IK, the Ishwara System…, the Nama Systems…” (In Sikh Gurus answers to Veda Scholars)
When we consider the Hindusims of Vedas, it gives the Zero Philosophy of Everything, and the Sikhism gives the One, the 1 as the Unitary Systems as the Philosophy of Everything. Thus, the Sikhism Philosophies and the Gurmukhi Language Structures of the Element Theory and Philosophy, the Tat Darshan discusses that deals the “Black Hole as the One, the Unitary Systems with Onkara as the White Hole Theory of Light”, and these together are the IK-Onkara Theory of Everything that is also expressed as the Ekonkara Systems, which is the Pure Math of Euler Systems, and what we have discussed as the Quantum Qubit Model of Everything.
The Quantum Quabit deals with Bit Systems as the Classical Vedic Theory, and the Ik-Onakara, the Ekonkara Philosophy deals with the Qubit as the (Ik, Onkara) as the (1,0) as the 1 is the Shakti, the Shri and the Matter, and the Zero is the Power Theory that is not matter, but light. The IK or the EAK is the CHI, KI, QI and the similar systems that has developed differently from the light theories of light, and these are termed as the Ik as the RAMA Systems and the RAMA is called the (Ik, Onkara) as the (Visible Rama, Invisible Rama).
In this context as there is the Theories of Rama and the Shree Rama, the Gurbani and Vedas differ in the ONKARA and the IK-Onkara, the Ekonkara Philosophy and the Systems. The IK-Onkara does not deal with the Nuclear Weapons and Pollution Creator Manufacturing, but the Photon and the Quantum Theories of the Nano Systems and the Metamaterials creating and manufacturing the Superconductors, super-insulators and the capacitors.
The Ik-Onkara Model of Everything uses the IK (EK), the Electron Density created by the OORA (Neutron, the Neutral Charges) and the AARA (Proton, the Positive Charges), and thus the E=O+A is the Universal Equation of Everything as the IK-Onkara Equation that says the No. of Electrons (E)=No. of Neutrons (O)+No. of Protons (A) that is to say that IK (Electrons)=ON (Neutron)+KARA (Protons) for the greater ease if we think that Feynman, the Great Physicists of our age has done the Mastery and the PhD on this subject matter:
“Around 1950, Feynman and Schwinger, following along a path first traversed by Dirac, developed a new formulation of quantum mechanics based upon the classical principle of least action. Their work enables one to ask and answer questions that could not be answered using the Hamiltonian-based approach to quantum mechanics. Schwinger’s generalization of the action principle, as contained in his principle of stationary action, in addition to determining the field equation, yields a variational derivation of Heisenberg’s equation of motion for any observable…” (With thanks from the source: )
And we see how the OORA, AARA and the EERI in Feynman’s works is reflected in the models of everything:

and thus we see the EERI of the IK (EK) Systems as shown below:

The EERI, the Third Vowel in the Gurmukhi Languages is written in the same as we see written by hand in the following image:

This is also how the EERI Systems also function as the ENKARI, the Euler’s Space and Universe and the EERI as the Dipole Function in it:

Images: The OORA, AARA and EERI Models of Everything in the Quantum Systems goes like this as we in the images above
When we learn that the Planck’s rule for the a quantum of energy for a vibrating electron:
Energy of a quantum = (a calibration constant) x (frequency of vibration)
E = hf
where h, the calibration constant, is today called Planck’s constant. Its value is about 6 x 10-34, very tiny! (With thanks from the source:… )
We actually learn the E=O*A in which we have the E (as the Energy of Quantum)=O (Calibration Constant, the OORA Systems)*(Frequency of Vibration as the AARA, the A’ Systems) and it creates the “Consonants as what we read as So how does this explain the spectrum of blackbody radiation? Planck said that an electron vibrating with a frequency f could only have an energy of 1 hf, 2 hf, 3 hf, 4 hf, … ; that is,
Energy of vibrating electron = (any integer) x hf
Moreover, what we say as the ANSAH as the N*(S+H+A) in the Linguistic Model of Everything in Philselfology, we have the K=K’+S+H+A as what know as the 2π x (electron mass) x (electron orbital speed) x (orbit radius) = (any integer) x h
The Planck’s Constant and the A’ Vibrations in the Philselfological Linguistic Models do not differ and prove that the Classical Model is wrong, but the Classical Models may seem say confusion to us as the Theory of Elements and Theory of Metals in the Periodic Tables.
This way the Philselfological Model of Everything suggests and proposes that all works that were initiated by great mathematicians, scientists and other researchers may better be put in the “Theory of Elements, Linguistics, Dimensions and all that is the Origin Systems of Anything as described in the Philselfological Model of Everything”, and thus as say the “Bohr Model of Everything in Context to Multiple Approaches in the Philselfological Model of Everything” and more works can be done on it with all researches previously done in the human civilizations, and that this model treats the same with Chinese, Japanese, Arabian and Western World Systems of Data, Information, Knowledge and the Sacred Wisdom that can surely improve and develop every world civilization in its own context and its relevancy to other world civilizations and the systems in all of these. The Science comes as thorough the “Theory of Elements” and explained with the “Theory of Matter and Metals” and thus what we say the “Spirit, the Holy Spirit” guides but we do things in the equations and that gives great struggle and suffering as from what seems the rigidity of academic systems, and thus the Philselfological Model of Everything as Patent Pending (with USPTO, USA) or on it way assumes and claims that these studies can be put on all academics in the world to blend the religious and scientific studies and the researches at one place as otherwise we notice the following needing great attention:
“Max Planck, Albert Einstein, Niels Bohr, and Louis de Broglie made inspired guesses about how nature works. Other people of their time made different guesses. Nature agreed with Planck, Einstein, Bohr, and de Broglie, but not with the others whose names are now forgotten. Like Arcadia’s Thomasina, these were intuitive geniuses who went beyond mere mathematics to make creative conjectures about how the world operates. Those who came later calculated the consequences of the new physics, but this was just mathematics (sometimes brilliant mathematics, but mathematics nonetheless). It is those rare intuitive geniuses who courageously discard the old rules and invent new ones who are in the first rank of physicists.” (With thanks from the source:… )

Thus, the “A’, 2A’, 3A’ and 4A'” as the Vibration Theory philosophically explains the Plack’s Philosophy of Everything but according to the Theories of Vibration as explained in the Philselfological Linguistics, Vowel and Consonant Theories in the Indian Theories of Elements.
Here any integer is the “Consonant, the Fixed Values of 5 Elements of Universe with 24 and the 48 Dimensions as the Tat Darshana, the Sacred Dimensions of the 5 Elements and the 6th as the Element of Consciousness.
When we consider the Indian and World Linguistic Models of Everything, the Evolutionary Computing and Calculations are based on the “S+H+A” Systems that is the Light, Distance (Displacement) and Vibrations in the unit systems that is multiplied with the “Count of Names and S, H, A” inside the “Word or Term” that describes it. This Sacred System is called the “SAHA” Systems that covers from breathe durations to pulse, blinking and all that ends up in the Quantum Computing, and no wonder its all based on the “Hair Width and its Divisions” say the Nano Scales give 1/1000 to 1/100000 and more minute systems in the Indian Religious Systems describing the “Quantum Qubit as the MANN, the MANA Systems” that we can always and easily integrate with the Artificial or the Evolutionary Computations.
For the highest insight what the Ekonkara Philosophy of Sikhism and the Bhagat, the Quantum Philosophers is one need to understand that these philosophies and the holy doctrines support the Anti-gravity Systems and particularly the Piezoelectric Systems in manufacturing and evolution of everything from the time immortal.

The Vedas recorded both theories in what we know as the Veda and the Purana Systems, but when we look at the ease, the Pollution Creating Systems develop as we notice the Stories and Epics of Rama and Ravana, Krishana and Kansa and all that Vedas describe as Light, the Atama and the Zero Philosophy and also as the Ishwara, the Philosophy of Unitary Systems of One, the “1”.
Thus, we end up with the Quantum Qubit of IK and Onkara, and that is where we have the 3 Operating Systems:
1. IK, the Collector say the Wood
2. OM, the Emitter say the Fire
3. Kara, the Base Systems and the Energy Convertors say the Burning Wood
When we enter into Quantum Age, we think of Ekonkara, the Ik-Onakara Philosophy and the Gurmukhi Languages based on the Qubit Languages. These theories are blends of the vowels and consonants with grammars as the base of the qubit systems in any field and faculty that we, the humans deal.
Videos: If one know the Piezoelectric Systems, one can easily understand the Quantum Sciences and the Systems as the Ik-Onakara, the Ik (Motion as in Matter)-Onkara (Immovable as are the Light, and the Light based Systems), and is same as the Qubit Quantum Systems
The point of importance that we need to note is that the K is in the Row of the Space Elements in the Gurmukhi and Other Indian Tables of Elements as according to the Theory of Elements and the Indian Elementary Tables existing from ages.
The “K” as the Letter in the Indian Alphabets is the Topological Circle that if given any dimension creates the 5 Major Elements in which the 6th Element is the Consciousness, the God Systems that is called the Jeeva in the Indian Civilizations and Jehovah, the God Systems in the Israeli Systems. The “K” is the Balanced Structure of Energy, the Chi and its Structures are same as that of the Standard Elementary Physics Particles. If we correlate it with the Susy Particles, its the K’ without any dimension given to it. Thus, from the “K’ and the K Systems, we get the Matter and the Anti-matter systems”, and we notice the topology applied resulting in the dimensions as shown below:

As the Space Element, the above K-Structures are made up from the Topological Circle by applying forces as dimensions to it all with various angles, and this make everything as the E (Energy and Dimensions) and K, the Topological Circle create everything from the Single System of Everything that is IK, the EK according to the Indian Theory of Elements, the Tat Darshan that frightens some people as the Tantrik Vigyan, the Science and Philosophy of Elements, the Tat’s. The derivations that we discuss is based on the Metaphysics of Theory of Elements in the Indian Civilizations that constitute the Philselfological Model of Everything grounds in one or more ways.
For the reason that “E” as the Energy resulting from any two systems, that is the OORA and the AARA as the Piezoelectric Systems, we have the E as the Electromagnetism based on the “Two Systems in which at least one is in motion or both systems differ in its motion, and it also fulfills Newtonian Laws of Motion”.
This E, the Enkari Systems constitute the EKONKARA Systems, and the IK or the EK alone constitutes all scientific and technological laws and principles, which is same as the CHI, KI or the QI Systems in the Chinese and the Japanese Sacred and the Scientific Systems.
For this very reason the IK (EK) is the Euler System (E) applied on the Topology of Circle (K), and as once Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji said to the learners and the scholars that if one understands the IK (EK) one may not even need to understand the ONKARA Studies, and that alone can give the Understanding and Insights into the Indian Theory and Philosophy of Elements. However, this is interpretation according to the “Theory of Elements” not the “Scholarly Interpretation of Numeral 1 or Word IK (EK)”. In other words, the IK (EK) is the Mantra that is How the Energy (E) works in the Space (K). All functions of IK (EK) are described as blend of IK-Onkara Philosophy as the Enkari Philosophy in the Dasam Granth written by Shri Guru Gobind Singh and the Indian Scriptures of IK, the Shakti say as in the Durga Sapta-shati (Saptsahti).
The E=E’+E’ (E=O+A) and is the function of imaginary number systems and goes with Euler Maths of Sine and Cosine Systems as well what we know the great contribution from the Ramanayojana (Ramanjan), the mathematician.
The IK (EK) discloses the KAYI Systems of Space Elements acting on the E, the Energy Systems that are Piezoelectric in nature or in action. The “Kayi” is the Anti or the Opposite Pair of IK (EK), and its meaning is many, the kayi or kaee in the Gurmukhi Languages.
Please read how the Euler Sacred Math is the Philosophy of Ik-Onkara from the sister blog post:
The Euler’s Equations Describe the Onkara, Akara, IK-Onakara, Enkari and we can express every World Sacred Systems as the Euler, the IK-Onkara as the Human Consciousness as the Observer and Onkara as the Light Dimension and the Light as an Observer – Euler, Gurmukhi, Gurbani and Linguistic Single Models of Everything- Be Happy Philselfologically – 115
When we consider the Indian Alphabets say the Gurmukhi Script of Elements, we have to consider how these originated in the Indian and the World Civilizations. There can be many answers and solutions to this riddle, but the easiest is that the First Row of Gurmukhi Alphabet is the “Circle with the Dot Inside it”. The 5 Columns describe the 5 Dimensions of the Circle with Dot Inside it. However, the Indian and Other World Thinkers seem to have well put it as the First Row as the Dot that has its own circle that we say the “Center with its Own Axis as the Center” as the Sun rotates on its own axis. That is why the OORA, AARA and EERI in the Gurmukhi describe the Elements that behave as the “Dot with its own center”, and that differs from the Quantum Dot of Sound Energy of “N”, the Sound Letter of the 6th Row in the Gurmukhi Script.
The Dot with its Own Axis in the First Row when spreads the Ionization coming from its rotations give the Second Row of YAH-YA, RAH-RA, LAH-LA, WAH-WA and the RAHA-RA as the Circles around the Dot that Spreads from the First Row. These Two Rows constitute what we see in the image below:

The above is the Mystical God Expression in almost all world religions, faiths and mysticism, the metaphysics of matter.
The above two rows when manage the Vacuum Free Energy, and the Zero Potential Energy Systems according to this Philselfological Hypothesis of Everything, we notice as given in the Indian Theory of Elements, the “K” as the Space Element arises as the major functionality in the Vacuum and Space, and this thus gives the “First Activity of the Universe as the KARA and the REIKI Pair, and its the Flow of Ionization from the First Two Rows of Vacuum and that it spreads as the First Consonant Row in the Indian Alphabets”, and that is the “KA accompanies the RA, the 2-Dimensional Ionization of Light Systems, the Free Energy released by the Dot, the Hole in the Vacuum Free Energy Systems, and thus the KARA in the Universe that we see as the KIRAN, the Rays of Light and the Spectrum with the OM as the Prism, the Para Systems that create the Spectrum and we see what we know the KARA, the Kiran, the Rays of the Spectrum.
Now, the “K”, the 3rd Row Systems in the Indian Alphabets is the Simple Circle that we have called the Topological Circle but without the Dot inside it, and that is its the Space Element not the Vacuum Dot as in the First Row of the Indian Alphabets. The “K Rows” thus are the Instruments that carry the “Energy Released by the Vacuum and the Free Energy by the First and the Second Rows that is the Dot inside the Circle Systems, the God Systems and thus the Philosophy of Free Energy”.
The “K Rows” thus create the Nano Optical Carriers made up of the Space, Air, Water, Fire and Solid State Materials or Functional Systems. These thus create the “Topological Circle Act as the Carrier of Circle with Dot Inside as the Nano Tubes”, and all Nano Carbon Tubes and the Materials work as the Layers as the Inner Tubes inside or outside the Tube that carries the “Free Energy Systems while Cladding inside the Tunnels that are the First Rows in the Indian Alphabets.
Thus, the IK (or EK) is the “Carrier Systems of Vacuum Free Energies of the ONKARA Systems that is part of the OORA and the AARA Systems that create the “E”, the IK (EK) Systems. When we send the EK Energy from the OORA (Neutron) and the AARA (Proton), it gives the EERI, the E Systems as the Photon and the Qubit Functions in the Nano and the Qubit Systems that release everything back to the OORA and AARA, and thus the OORA, AARA and the EERI create one another and messaging goes as the Alice (OORA), Bob (AARA) and the Message, the Qubit Content as the EERI. That is:
O+A=A+O as the Planes of Quantum Systems give us the OE and the AE as two another planes that are the Part of A, E, O, AE, EO and the OA Systems as the 3 “Tricolors” – 3 “Anti-tricolors” and all Pairing and the Anti-pairing Systems in the Modern Physics, Computing and the Technologies. This is also how the Dot as the Vacuum creates the 3 Tricolors and the Anti-tricolors that constitutes the First Two Rows of the Indian Alphabets and 25 Consonants are the “Shadow Products of the Black and White Holes that is the SA and the HA in the First Row and the Rest of 6 Rows are the SAHA, the Black and White Hole Products that we know as the the Minor Vowels and Consonants”.
The above is the easy explanation of the Indian Theories of Everything using the Indian Periodic Tables of Elements. If one takes note of it and does some home work, one can learn anything in the world, and its not a big claim though!
The above can also be summed up as:

“Here we come to a very ancient symbol: the circle with a dot in its center. It is a symbol of the Sun in our Solar System, with the Sun, as a symbol of centralized power. A circle with a dot is also a symbol of the primitive cell in all living matter and of atomic structure in terms of the elements.
The illustration to the right is the cartouch or seal of the Pharaoh Thutmose III. Note the circle with the dot in the center. It symbolizes the Sun, the God Ra, and the Pharaoh’s universal creative power. The circle and dot are also the symbol of the point of expression of the individual in relation to the over-soul or universal soul, the dot being the individual expression of the being, and the space within the circle representing the universal soul; to each of us there is the one dot, our inner self, the center or focal point of the universal soul with all other persons as billions of dots within the circle.” (With thanks from the Gnostic Order of Christ:… )
These theories are now the Theory of Everything and the Quantum Atom Theories for all age groups in our modern world:
In this context, the IK-Onkara Sacred Systems go as the “IK (M) OM (C) and KARA (V)” in the Light, Sound, Matter and the Energy Equations.
When we consider the mass (M) in the E=M*C*V equations, we simultaneously have the weight and the weightless systems as the Ishwara, the living and the Atama, the light systems in this IK-Onkara Systems.
The IK-Onkara Systems follow the Euler’s Sacred System of Everything, and I have discussed it in the following part of the series as sister blog post to this series:
The Euler’s Equations Describe the Onkara, Akara, IK-Onakara, Enkari and we can express every World Sacred Systems as the Euler, the IK-Onkara as the Human Consciousness as the Observer and Onkara as the Light Dimension and the Light as an Observer – Euler, Gurmukhi, Gurbani and Linguistic Single Models of Everything- Be Happy Philselfologically – 115
Here we have to understand and research this series of Be Happy Philselfologically and the Single Model of Everything as what the World Religions, Faiths, Philosophies, and all that has been the main education and the academic systems and the streams before the Imperialism and Education Systems based on the Mesmer’s Theory of materialism. Thus, what we discuss is not only the role model of ancient sacred systems, but the Most Modern Models of Everything for our ages, and all Indian Sadhus, Saints, Spirituals and Holy People study and research it as the science, philosophy, art, music, math, grammar and thus Complete Setup of the Sacred Education Systems in the world civilizations. As the essence of All World Religions, Faiths and Philosophies, Mystics, Metaphysics, Para-sciences, Yoga, Spirituals, Pseudo Sciences, and so on, these theories of elements has made come back as the most modern theories in the world education and academic systems as the “Theory of Researching, Something that Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Newton and Eisenstein and Others have used”, and we have named it as the Philselfology, the Most Modern and Ancient Art and Philosophy of Researching in the World Civilizations, and thus Be Happy Philselfologically, and dedicated to my mother Gian Kaur, who passed away on the 11th of January, 2015.
The most horrible point that we face in the development of Primal Theories of the Basic Elements say the Space, Air, Water, Fire, Solid and Consciousness as the Basic 6 Elements in the Life in the Universe is that it is supported almost nowhere in the modern academics and no degrees and the diplomas are awarded based on it. So, while working on this Model of Everything, I received no support from the colleges and the universities and neither anyone may have knowledge and wisdom of these theories as we have it most condemned theories of the world as say old, orthodox, and human imaginations and wrong classifications. When I bought a Chemistry Book from New Delhi in 1986 from New Delhi, I read: “Theory of Elements is one of the most ignorant theory of ancient times when science was developed…”, and I was really amazed as religions and faiths, and the Vedas and all that rural people, aboriginals, native people and our grannies know is the “Theory of Elements as the Vedic Mantra and Holy Psalms in the Scriptures…”, and it happened that I wrote supporting it as the “Theory of Gravity” at the University of Adelaide in 1990 using the Theory of Elements, and lo I got 6 Stars and the Distinction in the Department of Math and Computing, I received 2 Credits and 1 Distinction!
My father as the Lecturer ( as he says: “The Modern Academics do not recognize it!”) and many of his colleges; our school, college, and university teachers, and almost all modern educated people in Indian and many abroad no almost the least possible about the “Theory of Elements, the Tat Darashan Theory based on which all religions and faiths tell the mysteries and the philosophies of life in the universe, and the quantum theory of the universe…”, and thus we have most of educated having almost no idea of the “Single Models of Everything, the Theories of Everything, the Theories of Elements, and All that we know the Religions in the world”, and that way all those who are labelled as religious terrorists or the patients of religious mania are the followers of “Single Models based on the Theories of Basic Elements”.
We now hope that the “Theory of Everything” brings a great religious relief to all people who worship God, Scriptures, Vedas, and what we also as the Spiritualism and the Metaphysics in our ages. We regret that parents and children still have learn and that modern education systems still have to put it in the education systems and the streams. It seems we have gone through the “Dark Age of Philosophy, Religion, Art, Music and thus Sacred Education Systems” from about 300 years of Imperialism and Mesmerism all over the world that is simply opposing the “Theory of Elements and Sacred Dimensions in the World Religions and Faiths” and its what seems most appropriate to say and call the “Antichrist Theory and Brain Control Systems” as one who works and researches on it follows the “Theory of Basic Elements and the Dimensions” at highly elaborated level of human consciousness, and regret to say does not follow the classical systems of science and computing, and thus the “brain controlling systems and the chips may better be banned and removed. Without reference to the organization, the following video seems a little more relevant:
The world has thus become addict to the theories of revolutionary systems, and now after about 300 years, we seem to be back to the theories of evolution, the quantum systems as according to world religions and faiths describing it as the “indigenous genius in the world” that is mostly blocked by the academic interpretations of any given age that is recorded as the “scientific proof” against the “pure research works of higher intelligence”, and these has brought dark age of science and technology for many times in the world. In nutshell, all researches of innovation are mostly philosophical to which we apply the standard systems of the given age and that can be varying.
Shri Guru Gobind Singh has written with a great deal about the 6th Element as the Atama Tat, the Element of Consciousness and it is all recorded in the Holy Dasam Granth. In general the Indian Religions and Faith talk and discuss about the JEEVA as the DNA Systems as in the Gurbani its the JIO and “JI” in general and thus its treated as the 6th Sacred Element in the universe. When the Indian Jeeva, the Consciousness Systems in say Gurbani deals with the Quantum Qubit Systems, we have the Photons as the MANN, and Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji gives one of the finest commentary on the JEEAVA, Atama and the MANA Systems in the Sidh Goshati, the Discussions with the Yogis and Spirituals of Himalaya’s .
One thing that makes us feel sad that the Masters, Sadhus, Saints, Spirituals, Religious People and others who believed in these theories of everything based on the Theories of Elements or otherwise as say in the Philselfological Model of Everything has been either encountered as terrorists or anti-social elements all over the world and most died in it and were put to jails all over the world as all opposed the theories of conditioning and the fake theories of nationalism or patriotic to states or nations rather world as a family, the nations as civilizations and this very Mesmer’s systems has been called the Anti-Christ Theory that opposes the Avtara or the Reincarnation Theories in the world that we know as the Recycling and the Renewable Processes and thus we lacked it most prominently all over the world.
The reasons for brain control theories and all that creates power hunger seems to be sprouting from simple reason for everything that harms world community is ignoring the masses against what natural and the world resources:
“For millennia humanity has been manipulated and controlled and guided to the position in which we currently find ourselves…under the yoke of a New World Order. A New World Order that has been born of plans hundreds, if not thousands of years in the making. This plan for global domination is nearing its pernicious, insidious end – a return to serfdom for us, our children and future generations…” (Introduction to the videos above: and its without any reference to organizations involved)
Videos: The Single Reason Model for Most or Every World Problem: World does not any terrorist otherwise and how much land does a man need (Leo Tolstoy)
When we think of world peace, ecology, oneness, unity, sacred education systems and above all the “Naturopathy, Integrated and Holistic Healthcare Systems, Alternative Medicines, and all that deals with the Theory of Elements and Dimensions, and thus the Sacred Dimensions, the Global Paradigm Shifts, and so on”, we find almost no jobs, employment, education, training, research facilities and all that makes religion and faiths play role in the Modern Governing Bodies, Corporates, Education, Defense and Security, Health and Wellness, Religious Practices as the Karma Kanda, and thus we seem to treat these theories as the ancient and outdated and thus modern world and the governing bodies with corporates seem to have abandoned it almost to extinction that modern youth particularly in India and Asia does not intend to practice Religions, Faiths, Theories of Elements and Dimensions, and thus after passing say Grade 8 or 10, the students become rationalists, communists, and argue according to “Theories of Metals and Chemicals rather than Theory of Elements and Dimensions that are what we know as the Vedas, Gurbani, Psalms, Grammars, Music, Sacred Maths and so on”.The World Religions and Faiths say in the Scriptures, Doctrines and the Otherwise that people who follow world as family are those who follow the “Theories of Everything” and that is how they has been respected as the Holy Saints in the world from ages and history prays in their names. We thank them all no matter what religion or faith they follow or we follow.
For example, these Sacred Systems of Healthcare and Wellness has been given no medical claims, and say in India, the Allopathy is the only Medical Certificate that may claim health and insurance, and rest of 500 Therapies are side business (I am saying it sadly not rudely though) and in my research works of Philselfology:
Please read more about the Quantum Biodata: Dr. Harmander Singh
We notice that the Theory of Elements and Dimensions suffers a lot when we recognize it as the Pseudoscience or Metaphysics and when we do, we give it a very poor rank as its what all world religions, faiths, and of course all single theories and models of everything now follow in the world. People who work on pseudoscience, metaphysics, spiritualism and so on when lack jobs and funds face the communal and domicile level problems leading from a little discrimination to communal riots and most of involved are treated as terrorists all over the world when the same is based on the world religions and faiths and thus the theories of elements and dimensions.I have tried to put the Classical Therapies well placed with the Quantum Therapies, which follow the Theories of Elements, Dimensions, Consciousness and above all the Quantum Qubit Systems that when I introduced in Resume and Bio-data seemed something “personal details”!
In other words, we lack the studies and research of Theories of Elements and Dimensions at all levels in say UNO, the Governing Bodies, Private Sector, Officialdom, Diplomatic Systems, World Business and Trading Systems, and what to say the education of masses may not have knowledge or approval of it most of the countries that has followed it for centuries. Then how long can it exist and can exist nature as described in World Religions, Faiths, Prayers and Psalms!
If we talk and discuss Yoga and Meditation, without the Theories of Elements and Dimensions, its all meaningless.
As a result, are we really thinking of world peace and evolution of and in the world is a question…, and that in most of the countries the modern systems that do not support the Theories of Elements and Dimensions are the highest level of threat and risk for the ancient systems that is now emerging as the Advanced Physics Models, Theory of Dimensions, Single Models (Theories) of Everything, and so on, but its awareness is highly low in most of the countries and to the masses as otherwise its in the doctrines of all world religions and faiths.
It thus seems that we need to introduce the Sacred Education Systems, Single Theories of Everything, Theories of Elements and Dimensions and the similar ones as the “Global Natural and Ecological Sacred Systems” as having the same respect and honor as the UNO and Other World Peace, Renewable Energies and the Governing Bodies and Corporates claim as Global Projects with little importance to ancient, religious, and faith oriented theories of the Sacred Knowledge and Wisdom that gives Art of Innovation a meaning that anyone can learn and use it without any education given or degree awarded that is just being a human gives many free faculties as every human a center of the zero point energy that everyone can always use while compiling with the natural laws and principles that we call the “Theories of Elements, Dimensions and the Consciousness” such that everyone and everything can “Naturally Restore with Art of Self-assembling at the 4th Dimension of A, E, O, AE, the Quantum Qubit Theories and the Quantum Vowel Theories in All that we say is Classical or Quantum” and is well embedded in everything in the universe. It seems one of the great moral education that develops natural ethics, morals and the value systems. The Interfaith as well as the New Era Systems also need to materialize these said theories as otherwise winning hearts of people and brains of governing and the corporate bodies is just self-creation of job and employment, and thus all of these theories and the systems seem to consolidate the “International Systems of Non Government Organizations, the NGO Systems” as without their help world may forget the “Sacredness of All Times, the Theories of Elements, Dimensions and the Consciousness” that is essence of all religions, faiths, yoga and the spiritualism, and creates the “Philosophy Books of the Children”.
Well, the Philosophy of A Child is that we all have the Mathematics in the Left Brain and the Linguistic Mathematics in the Right Brain, and thus it seems that the Western and the Modern Civilizations has developed the Mathematics and the Eastern and the Ancient Civilizations has well worked on the Linguistic Mathematics, the Joy of Right Brain, and we have tried our best to express the Linguistic Mathematics as the Base and the Basics to Human Natural Evolution in which we can always use the Grammars and Linguistics for Prose as the Mathematics, the Classical Maths, and the Grammars and the Linguistics for the Poetry as the Linguistic Quantum Maths that is computational and the interactive maths that uses language, colors, and all other compositions that we seem to have fully integrated and use now as the “Source of Single Models and Theories of Everything”, and in it Euler’s Contribution is great and so is the Indian Sacred Poetics as with Other World Sacred Poetics that is Beyond Numerals and now we have it all as the Quantum Essence of Everything Models:
I am working on how the “Vowels, Consonants with Grammars and the Languages, we can create the Classical and Quantum Systems for Global Development and Evolution with Phiselfological Single Theories and Single Models for Everything based on All World Civilizations as the World Heritage Systems” and lack enough funds to create a university systems offline to run it and while go through the “International Patent Process” also seems bit difficult as I have no one to work on these subject matters. Anyway, please read about the “A, E, O, AE” as the Quantum Qubit Philosophy as also with the Linguistic Math and Metaphysics:We use the Vowels as the Exponential Function of Numerals and it follows the Natural Logarithm and Exponential Systems as its Base and the 4 Quantum Operators of “A, E, O, AE” in all world languages that we ordinarily know as the “A, I, E, O, U” or the “AA, EE, OO”, the Essence of Waheguru, the “AA, EE, OO” Dipole Systems. The Indian and Most of World Grammars give the Vowel Theory as the Natural Logarithm:
How Gurmukhi and Gurbani describes Indian, Arabian, Israeli and other World Quantum Qubit Systems as the Jewish and Hindu Quantum Sacred Systems as Theories of Vowels, Consonants, Rama and Raheema Qubit Systems, and IK Onakara as the Euler’s Formula and the Ishwara-Onkara Systems – Be Happy Philselfologically – 114b
A relevant topic and post: Future-Science Technology, Global Ecology, and World Peace From Collective Dream to Practical Realty
Next Part of the Series: Quantum Poetics Qubit Systems Describe Civilizations and Universe for Peace without War and Violence: Quantum and Classical Studies of Life in World Civilizations: Gurmukhi as the Quantum Language – Be Happy Philselfologically -116
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