How India Reacts to New World Order has a great concern for world family as more than billion people have their impact on it. the ancient times gave us all of it as:

How India Reacts to New World Order has a great concern for world family as more than billion people have their impact on it. the ancient times gave us all of it as:

“The Indian Concept of One World Family Seems Better Alternative to New World Order. That is why the new concepts of New Age and New Era or Interfaith may not meet these high standards even though all have ideals as if taken from Law of Affinity, the Coexistence, …”

The Concept of World as One Family is the most ancient concept that Indian Philosophers and Thinkers introduced for world peace, welfare and development. This concept is popularly known as “Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam (Sanskrit: वसुधैव कुटुम्बकम. from “vasudha”, the earth; “eva” = emphasizer and “kutumbakam”, “family”) is a Sanskrit phrase <1> that means that the whole world is one single family.<2> ” (With thanks from the source: )

Some of most precious words as said: “This concept finds its mention in the literature of Hindu organizations. The literature says “This gigantic idea(Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam) is an exclusively Indian contribution to world peace. This ancient nation evolved a world-view based on the motto “Loka samasta sukhina bhavantu” (Let the entire world be happy) thousands of years before any League of Nations or United Nations was thought of to avoid global strife. The Indian nation evolved this grand vision not by marching its armies and conquering the rest and offering peace; but by the inner-directed pursuit of universal values by the Rishis living in the forests and mountains of India.

While all Indians support this idea of World as a Family, I have shared my opinions about it on one of my blogs titled: Indian Concept of One World Family Seems Better Alternative to New World Order

Thanks for your time reading it.

Dr. Harmander Singh
Author: Dr. Harmander Singh

Be Happy Philselfologically: The Research on Free and Renewable Energy as Quantum, Classical and Sacred Systems! 🙂

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