How Indian Languages and Grammars Explain the Philosophy of Modern Physics Models, DNA, Universe, Rashba and Single Equations as the Omniscience Source of Knowledge: Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Language and Grammar Systems: Be Happy Philselfologically – 92
The Indian Sacred Systems for the Matter and Antimatter deal it as the “Maya” and the “Brahm, the Brahma”. The “Maya” is the “Matter” in the 3-Dimensions and we can use to understand how it works in association with the “Antimatter, the Brahma”. The Matter and the Antimatter differ only in the “Dimension and the Direction Theory” as we know and understand the “Scalar Quantities as the Matter, Distance and Time Oriented Things”, and the “Vector Quantities as the Antimatter, the Resultant Vector that Balances when the Matter as Scalar needs “0, the Zero Resultant”, and the “0, the Zero” is the Theory of Dimensions in which the “0” remains the “I, the Conscience is the Antimatter as the Origin”, and the “We, the Consciousness is the Matter as the Dimensions of Expansions from the Given Point, the Point of Reference and thus the Frame of Reference”. In almost every possible thing in the universe and thus everything in the universe depends on the “OORA, AARA and the EERI Systems”, and “Matter, the MAYA and the Antimatter, the BRAHMA” are simply two functions from the origin, which differ only in the direction as shown below:
When the “EERI Systems in the Z-Axis, Directions, and Dimensions” (“a” in the image 1.0)) go in the “Z-Positive Direction, we have it as the Brahma, the Standard or the Power Dimension” (“c” in the image 1.0), and in the “Z-Negative Direction” (“b” in the image 1.0), and the “SAHA of EERI Systems” is the “d” in the image 1.0 and as we know and can call it, the MAYA (Topo Negative), the SUSY, the Shakti Dimension”, and the “Brahma Dimension as the Topo Positive” in the image 1.0. It gives the following simple equation of 4 Dimensions:
SAHA Dimensions=Maya (EERI Negative away from the Origin, the SAH or S: System), Jeeva (EERI at Origin System) and Brahma Systems (EERI Positive away from the Origin)=(e-)+(e0)+(e+) which according to the conventional system may be as follows:
SAHA Dimensions=(e+)+(e0)+(e-)
Image: Maya (EERI Negative away from the Origin), Jeeva (EERI at Origin System) and Brahma Systems (EERI Positive away from the Origin)
As we discussed the “SAHA” as the “Balancing Point in the Universe”, we have it as the “e-” and “e+| balancing factor at the origin of say the DNA Systems as shown below, and thus the magnet created by the “EERI Systems” as the “SAHA, the Magnet Downward in the Image 2.0″ and the SAHA as the HASA, the Magnet Upward in the Image 2.0” :
Image 2.0: SAHA and HASA, the Magnet Downward and Upward as created by the EERI Systems
The “SAHA and the HASA Systems” have the most associated systems of “AN, the Sound Systems”, and the most amazing thing is hat in the Matter Sound is “M” and the Antimatter Sound is “N”. In this theory when we say “OAM”, we create matter, and when we say “NAMO” we send the “Wave and Vibration” to make the created matter that we know as the “Antimatter, and we in our modern age know it as the Activation Energy, the “N, the NAMO Energy”. In between the “OAM and NAMO”, we have the “Mantra Systems”, which are the “Dual Kids, the Charges”, who work as either “OAM, the Light Energy” or the “NAMO, the Sound Energy”, and when these work as the “OAM, we say Light as Sound as M, the Electromagnetic Sound” and when these work as the “Particle, the Ordinary Sound, the Longitudinal Waves and Vibrations”, we know it as the “NAMO, the Electric or Magnetic, which when enters into any system goes either to produce “Electric Systems, the Refraction Way, the Way to Super-insulators or the Magnetic System as the Transmitted Waves and Vibrations as the “Meta-material Photoelectric Effect” as shown below that we call the “Negative Refraction Way”, which is “Simply An Enhanced Prism, the Para Activity” based on the 3-Chiral Systems of the Matter, Sound, Light and Rays:
The “Enhanced, the Para Activity of Prism, the Light Energy Systems” produces the “Sound Energies in the Chiral Way”, and we have it in the “3 Universal Systems of OORA AARA and EERI”, which with this “Sacred Chiral Activity” give us the “OORA, AARA EERI SASA HAHA (from “a” to “e” in the Image 5.0 and the YAHYA RARA LALA WAHVA RAHRA (from “f” to “j” in the Image 5.0) Systems as the First Two Rows of the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Language Structures in the same way as the 2 Rows Shown below, and we can draw these 10 Sacred Vowels of Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Languages according to the given Shapes of the Chiral:
When we use the Indian Languages and the Grammars say Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Systems, we can use to understand any body function based on its major and the minor actions and the activities as we have described the “WAHEGURU Systems for the Brain and the Nervous Systems with the “WHGR”, the Medium of Nerves System and the “AEU(U)U(OO)”, the Media of Nervous System. We can also use it for say the “Heart and Lungs”, which together work as follows:
1. The Lungs as the “WHGR” System in association with Heart: The lungs are the major function and the heart its supporting function as the “W” as the Neutralized System of Air as the Balance of Oxygen and the Carbon Dioxide, and pressures of inside and outside. The “H” Systems are the “Charging Systems of Lungs” as when we breathe from the “Left and the Right Nostrils”, and the “G”, which the Indians consider as the “Production of Carbon Dioxide” as the Kulaxi, the Susy Product. The “R” systems are about how the “G” and “R” come out as the “Sacred Product of the Lungs” as when we inhale the “Oxygen Works and gives the same “Photoelectric Effects” as anything else. The “Carbon Dioxide” acts on the “Subconscious and the Unconscious Systems” as the foods for it as otherwise if there is no Carbon Dioxide, we not sleep or feel dizzy at all and may not have the “Subconscious and the Unconscious Brains” working properly. So, the “Lungs give the “GU” and the “RU” Products that “Balance the Human Life” and biological life in any form. When we notice the “H” Systems, its all body parts that have the “Open Systems” for any “Flow Systems” as lungs for air and the heart for the blood. The “W” Systems are when the “H” systems close and open, and thus the “Balanced, the Symmetrical State of the Systems”.
2. The Heart as the “AEU(U)U(OO)” System in association with Lungs: The Heart Systems have the “Sacred Vowels Operating it” as we have the “OORA AARA and the EERI Systems” for it that give the “ECG” Systems give all details with the “SAHA” Systems. This is one of the major reasons that the Indians use “Sounds, the Mantras say OAM” to manage the heart and the emotional systems in a balanced state. The “Heart as the OORA AARA and EERI Systems” has “Sound Associations with Lungs” as when we breathe we produce sound energy that influences the “Heart and Beat Systems” and thus the Circulatory Systems. For example, when we say “OO Sounds” we have the “Vertical Balancing of Heart and Other Human Systems”, and with the “EE”, we manage the “Forward and Backward actions say the “Inhaling and Exhaling, the Expansion and the Contraction of Heart and the Other Systems”, and “SASA” Systems of “Breathing” or creation of sounds of “S or SA” give deep breathing or the “Pause, Relax and Take it Easy”. The “HAHA” Systems, which is one of the “Most Involuntary Activity”, which if performed is like the “OZONE Supply to the Systems”.
Thus, the Indians like all other humans produce sounds while breathing, and the “Silence” is also the “Balanced Sound”, which influences the human life. Alternatively, the human body breathes from the “Left Nostril, the EE Systems”, the “Right Nostril, the AA Systems”, and the “Both Nostrils Together as the OORA Systems”, and is the “Most Natural Vowel Management” that the Indians call the “Swara Vigyana”, the “RAGA, the Rhythmic Systems of the Universe”.
For example, the following “With TM as the OORA, the AARA as the External Magnetic Field and the EERI as the emitted ray system, the “Time Graph as the SAHA, the SASA Part in the “b” part of the image below and the “HAHA” as in the “c” part of the image” are the “Shapes of Sacred Sounds, the Vowels of the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Language Systems”:

It is as when we say it goes to follow the “RASHABA Effects”, the Platform of Super-materials”. We thus introduce the “Split Systems with a Given Material or the Meta-materials”, which creates the “GU”, the “Microwave Systems in the Meta-materials”, the “RU”, Infrared and Optical Systems when the “HE”, the “Split” Systems for the “Given Meta-material Systems”, the “WA” are present to make all the “WAHEGURU Meta-material Systems” there as shown below:
We have the “WA” as the “Original Systems of Metals as the Balanced Compounds” which get the “HE, the hv Systems, which is exchangeable with metal and activation energies as its so in the “Neuro-muscular systems with GU as Muscles and the RU as the Nerves”, and thus the “Metal and Electronic Energies with Electric Energy no exception” creates the “matter and the material mediums as the “GU Systems”, and ends up as the “Photoelectric, the photoelectron yields, the RU Systems”, and thus we notice and note these “4 Steps of WAHEGURU Systems for the Metals and the materials” as shown below:

When we put the “MANTRA, the Light, the Electromagnetic Sound Carriers the Dual Systems” in the “OAM NAMO Systems”, we have the Superconductors, and the animals and the plants follow all of it biologically and the photosynthesis is never an exemption but an example:
Image: (a) The EERI Systems with UP and DOWN Systems (b) The EERI Systems with Origin Positive or Negative in the Z-Axis, the Direction of Charges as Light Systems
The above systems of the “Photoelectric Chirality” gives us the “Sacred Patterns of the EERI Systems, the 4 Dimensions of WAHEGURU Systems that it follows are developed as shown in the following systems with “WA” in “a” part of the image, “HE” as in the “b” part of the image, and the “GU” systems as in the “c” part of the systems:
The above “WAHEGU” Systems which lead to “WAHEGURU Systems for the Super or Meta-materials is as shown below:

When we introduce the “RU” systems by Completing the “WAHEGURU Cycle Systems”, we have it as shown below the “Secret of Optically Meta-molecules” as shown below:

We can sum up this “EERI Optical and Fiber Systems in the WAHEGURU Systems to “Use Light-Matter-Sound (E=M*C*C) as Matter-Energy-Power Systems” as we have the “Matter as the OORA Systems, the Sound as the AARA Systems and the Light as the EERI Systems” as the “OORA AARA EERI Systems” in any “WA”, the Meta-material Systems as the “W” is the “Neutralized Matter say any given molecule or a compound, the Super or Meta-Material Systems”, and it can be a cell, egg, the JEEVA Systems. In a simple way we can put the “OORA AARA EERI Systems” with “WAHEGURU Systems for the Light, Sound and Energy equation, the E=M*C*C” as shown below:
In the Chiral Dimensions, we have the “OORA as the Zigzag”, the “AARA as the Armchair”, and the “EERI as the Chiral”, and that the “Chiral is the EERI Activity that makes the “Elements attain the “Metallic (OORA as having more of neutrons as the 1-Dimensional Structures), Non-metallic (AARA as more or less protons with 2-Dimensional Structures) and the Semiconducting (EERI as having 3-Dimensional Structures of Chiral) attributes” (I will verify it later):
The “Most Ancient Indian Philosophy of Chiral” is one of the most mystical and mysterious thing in the world and to say in the universe. The Indians put this philosophy most humbly as follows:
1. The Seed of a Tree as the “WA” Systems, and in it is the “Hidden Tree”
2. The Water and Sprout of Seed is the “HE” Systems, and is the “First Miracle in the Universe”
3. The “Tree Born Again” is the “GU” System of the Universe
4. The “Seed in the Fruits of the Tree”, the “RU” Systems is the “Sacred Cycle of the Universe”
It follows the “WAHEGURU SAHA Systems”.
These 4 Systems of “WA, HE, GU, RU and thus the WAHEGURU” make the “Universe a Simple Story” for the kids when a philosopher says to a kid: “My Child! The plants and the leafs are green because these are always green”, and thus the “IT IS” Philosophy that no thinker, philosopher and the child has rejected on any grounds.
The “Indian Mystery Systems” reveal that the “Seed is the Spiral, the Big Black Hole” that has life in it, and that its the “Origin of Chiral Systems” in the universe. We have the “Seed and the Chiral Systems” in the “Seed (OORA System) Sprout (AARA System), Tree (EERI System) and the Seed (SASA, the Balance of the Universe in the Equation of Seed-Tree-Seed Cycles in the Fruit (HAHA) Systems”. The “SAHA Systems” in the Seed, Sprout, Fruit and Seed Systems” is the “SEED-Fruit SEED” as the “SAHA-HASA” Systems as one “The Old SEED goes into the Universe”, and the “NEW SEED is the SAHA SEED”, which we all get from the trees and its fruits and the seeds.
The other mystery is that all leaves, the leafs show the “Chiral Systems” as the “Leaf has the “Line that Bisects it (OORA Systems of Chiral), and the lines that spread on the leaf into two parts (AARA Systems), and “Leaf Dimensions with its Green Part as the EERI Systems”, and thus we have the “Leaf Saving the World”:

When we notice even the “birth or death of a galaxy”, we simply see it as the “death or sprouting of a seed, and the seed as the universe or a galaxy” in which while it follows the “WAHEGURU SAHA Systems”, we have it in the “6-8 Steps as the “SAHA (NEW Seed or a Galaxy) and the HASA (OLD Seed or Galaxy) Systems”:

Image: WAHEGURU Systems as the “SAHA (NEW Seed or a Galaxy) and the HASA (OLD Seed or Galaxy) Systems”
The above “WAHEGURU SAHA Systems for the Micro Particles say the Hadrons” goes as shown below:
In NASA’s new findings, we notice that the “Galaxies are formed as the “OORA, AARA and the EERI Systems when the SASA, the Balance of Charges of the Systems, say the Galaxies or the Universes is disturbed, we notice it follow the “SAHA, the Fusion and the HASA, the Fission Systems occur”, and we have the “Birth of New Galaxy from Within a New Galaxy or a Given Universe as the “Tree Gives a Fruit with a New Tree Seed”, and the “Scales never matter as the Seed and the Universe does not differ at all nor even an atom and a universe”. So, in the following image, we notice the 4 Images of the “OORA AARA EERI and SASA Systems”, which split into the 4 SAHA (Fusion Systems) and the 4 HASA (Fission Systems):

We as humans have to accept and understand that the pulsars that come from other galaxies and the universes are also created in our “Thought Waves” which anything can create as its the “Matter” that creates the “Spiral Waves and the Vibrations”, and our human body conducts this “Spiral of Pulsars and the Chirals that create it”. When anything that we receive from the universe as a human manifests into human thought patterns and fabricates optically the “Chiral Systems” which goes towards the “hands and the feet” of humans, and we have it as the “Left, Right and the Central System of the Chiral” and according to the Indian Sacred Spiritualism, it goes as follows:
1. Invitation to New Thought as the “Sankalpa”, and its the “Spirals of the Universe” that we invite in doing the “Sankalpa, the Pure Thought Ignition, the Spark to the Pulsars, the Spirals. We never know what “Thought, Feeling, the Emotion and “Physical Action Alignment” is there at the time of Sankalpa, the Sacred or Pure Invitation, the Mental Torque Spinning with the Universe. We get the “Spiral as the Chiral”, and when our “Sankalpa” is over, we have the “Vikalpa”.
2. The Vikalpa as the Spiral and the Chiral: The “Strong Pulsars created from the “Single Thought Source”, and it goes into the “OORA, AARA and EERI Systems”, and we follow the “SAHA and the HASA Systems” in the same way as the galaxies and the universes do, and the only difference is the radius of the circle. The “Indian Philosophy of the Universe is the Concentric Circles”, and in it the “Bindu, the Point” is the “Source of Pulsars”, which can create the seeds, stars, galaxies and the universes and again the only difference is the “Radius Sizes” and nothing to do with how big the thing it can create as its the “Matter of Time and Space” that in the large things the cells are larger and in the small things, the cells are small.
According to the “Size, Time and Space” everything is same, and if we see the differences that is due to the “Dimensions with divisions and duplication’s”, and thus our “Human Spiral Beauty” creates the “Semiconducting Kundalini and the DNA Systems that receive, modify and conduct the Pulsars as the “Chiral Oriented Spirals”.
The following image goes close to the what we have discussed above with “Spiral, the Sankalpa as the Origin, the Chiral, the Vikalpa as the OORA, AARA and EERI Product, and the Pulsars, the Kalpa, the Imaginative Faculties, which the Indians call the “Kalpana, the Product of Kalpa, the Imagination as we see the Sankalpa, the Spiral as the Glowing Light in the Meditation, and the Vikalap as the 3 Dimensional Visuals as the OORA (1-D), AARA (2-D) and the EERI (3-D) Systems as our brains read it and we have the “PANA Systems of Indian Languages, the Kalpana, Swapana, Japana, and all that is the “P” as the Meta-materials and the “N” the Sub-categorical works it can do say super-materials; conductors, insulators and thus the “Sacred Semiconducting DNA Systems, the Kundalini Systems” similar to what we see below:
The “Human Thought Pulsars are the 3-D Chiral, the “OORA (Solid, the Metals), AARA (Liquids, the Non-metals) and the EERI (Gases, the Gases in the Periodic Table), and the 4th Dimension, the “Space, Time and Super-systems, the Brahma Systems as we know it in the Indian Systems as the “PARA” Systems in which the “PA” as the Standard Particle Systems as the “MARA Systems as the “MERA, MY, MINE Systems in the World Languages and the Grammars which means “What Belongs to “I”, but is not the “I, the Conscience” Systems, but is the “WE, the Conscience Systems” coexist with the “RA”, the Light as the Medium Systems that the Indians call the RAMA Systems, the “I, the Conscience Systems” in the Universe” is the “Hole, DNA, OJASA Systems”, the SASA Systems that we know as the Spiral Systems, the HAHA Systems that follow the “SAHA” Systems, the “White Hole Theory, the RAMA Theory of Life and the Universe” and the “HASA” Systems, the “Black Hole Theory, the MARA Theory of Death and the Universe” as the “SEEDS of New and Old Universes, galaxies, stars, suns and even a new “JEEVA Systems”.

The above discussion can be put in a very simple way with the image given below in which we have the “Two Slit Experiment on the “RAMA Light Systems in the Universe”, and its called the “MAYA, the Use of Splitting Systems”, which converts the “RAMA Systems of the 4th Dimensions, the Spirals” into the “3 Chiral, OORA, AARA and the EERI Systems” in which we have the “AARA Going Right Through the Slits and other “Two Chirals, the OORA and the EERI” goes in the two opposite directions popular as the “N,M” Systems in the Carbon Nano Technology as the “SA, HA” Systems or simply the “S,H”=”H,S” equations. The Other Two Rays are simply the “Expansions of the “MARA Systems of Light” into the “SASA that supports the Sound Energy, the EERI Systems and HAHA that supports the Light Energy of the AARA Systems Systems”. This is what we see and notice in the image given below:

In our modern world, we have the “SAHA and HASA” of “Light Energy Split” that we notice as shown below:
In our daily life in the Nano Modern World, we all work hard to achieve the following:
1. SAHA=HASA (Simpy S=H)(Full Blue color in the image 3.0)
2. SAHA<HASA (Simply S<H)(Full Rainbow as the best in the image 3.0)3. SAHA>HASA (Simply S>H) (Full Green Color in the image 3.0)
We get it as shown below:
Image 3.0: Nano Tubes as the SAHA-HASA (S-H) Product according to Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Grammar and Language Systems
For most of us, the above “SAHA and the HASA” Systems may seem a very little thing, but in the Modern Nano Technology, we get the “SAHA Systems as: “SAHA > HASA, SAHA=HASA, SAHA < HASA”, and other variations” as shown below:</br>
With variations in the “SAHA and HASA” Systems as the “The SAHA Systems as the SAHA > HASA, SAHA=HASA, SAHA < HASA, and the variations” Systems, we nowadays make the Carbon Nano Tubes, where the “SAHA and HASA” can be of any size and count, and what we thus get is shown below:</br>

Image: Various Carbon Nano Products with the “SAHA-HASA” Variations, the Inner and the Outer Systems of SAHA and HASA
The same Nano Spiral, Chiral, and thus the DNA Pulsar Systems living in the universe before it was constituted remains as the “Sacred Treasures of the Universes as the DNA Spiral-Pulsars that follow the Chiral Systems, which we have discussed little like this:
Spiral, the Sankalpa as the Origin, the Chiral, the OJASA Systems the Vikalpa as the OORA, AARA and EERI Product, and the Pulsars, the Kalpa, the Imaginative Faculties, which the Indians call the “Kalpana, the Product of Kalpa, the Imagination as we see the Sankalpa, the Spiral as the Glowing Light as the Pulsar of the DNA”, and it springs and sprouts in the “Natural Carbon and the Hydrocarbon Nano Systems” as shown below:
Image: The “SAHA” as the DNA and the “HASA” as the RNA, the thing builds the universes
Thus, we can also simplify the “Spiral, Pulsar, Chiral and the DNA, the Kunadlini, the Semiconducting Systems” as shown below:

The Indian Sacred Education Systems have viewed the “Universe as the Chiral-Spiral” Systems as world now needs to study the “Sacred Universe as the Easiest Studies on Our Earth Systems” as we receive the “Sacred Pulsars from the North Polaris and the “Earth Systems Spirals into the Center of the Universe and Brings back the Same Spiral” with a “Time Difference in the Pulsars” that the Indians call the “SAHA Systems”, and the “SAHA-HASA” Systems create and run the universe as these “Real Create the Universes” in Billions of Years or the Light Years as we see the “Universe” as guided by Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji, the Founder of Sikhism:
Philselfology of Sacred A, E, I, O, U, the Divine Vowels and Mantras as Waheguru: Be Happy Philselfologically – 47
Meanwhile, we will edit and add!
Thanks for your time, and Be Happy Philselfologically, while doing the Swaadhaya, the Self-study and Learning as the Personal Researching!