How Indian Sacred Ayurveda Systems Helps Indians, Native People and the Aboriginals Know, Understand and Practice the Knowledge and Wisdom of Sacred Education Systems: Genes, Genetics, Hybrids, Clones of Sacred DNA: Be Happy Philselfologically – 71
We notice that the Indian Sacred Genetic Systems offer almost all solutions to the Degeneration Process that may occur in our modern world. The Indian Grammars as well as any Sacred World Grammar in any given language, we always have the structures of not only of the universe, but also the living cells, which form the life in the universe. These Sacred Grammars, Geometry, Math, Physics, Biology, and so on but above all Integrated in the Sacred Systems of Indian Ayurveda Systems, which we discuss a little in this part and how most of Indians in the Rural Areas; the Villages, Aboriginals and Native in India and anywhere in the world have been using it from ages.
All of the World Languages have 16 Sacred Vowels and the 20 Audible Consonants Derived with Various Combinations of the same 16 Sacred Sounds. In my research of Philselfology, I have noticed that the 16 Sacred Vowels can produce the 20 Audible Voices, which we have the consonants of any given language anywhere in the world, and thus all world languages have 36 Letters, the Vowels and Consonants together, and thus is the Punjabi Language as proposed by Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji, the Founder and the First Sikh Guru and Shri Guru Angad Dev Ji, the Second Sikh Guru. This Sacred Symmetry of 16 Sacred Vowels is what makes life in “4 Forms as with 20 Sacred Dimensions”, and One Sacred Dimension of “Sah”, the 36th Sound of Two Joined Sacred Vowels of “S” and “H” as also written as the “Sh” in the Israel based World Religions and Faiths or Shiva-Shakti in the Indian Ones as the “Sh” gives One Extra Dimension, which is considered the Invisible Sacred Dimension of Gods, and thus we have 20+1 Sacred Dimensions=21 Sacred Dimensions, and 5 Forms of 5 Elements as what the Indian Sacred Teachers say 8.4 Million Sacred Kinds of life as 8.4 Million=21*4*1000000 Kinds of Lives as according to the Life Dimensions of a DNA.
The “Flower of Life” is a sacred geometric pattern that is found at some level in any living cellular structure that exists in the universe as shown below:
In every mode of Indian World Religions and Faiths, the above universally used Sacred Dimensions are used as the Sacred Lotus, which is almost always present as the 4, 8, 12, and 16, and 20 Sacred Dimensions as the Sacred Dimensions of Lord Shiva, and has a common Sacred Life Giving Dimension of the Sacred Stem, which is called the Sacred Dimension of Lord Brahma, the Life Giver as shown below:
On any plant, the Sacred Leaves or a Sacred Leaf has a significance that in the Cells, which the Indians consider primary or the primitive source of life as the Botany, the Shaka, and thus the Source of Shakti, the Force inside everyone of us while the Essence of Ayurveda, we have the Sacred Dimensions of Lord Vishnu as the Leaf and the Leaves:
The reason that all world languages use these 36 vowels and the consonants and it adds up only 35 is that it has one vowel as the combination of two and that is the “S” as the “S:” “Sah”, and thus one the Sacred Scale of Languages, we always have 35 Sounds as a Set of 5 Columns and the 7 Rows, and it never changes for any language in the world. It helps to understand the Periodic Table, Music, Math, and the Semiconductors and the Nano Technology!

Now, as we look at the Indian Ayurveda Systems for the Botanical World, and the Indian Religions and Faiths, we have the following as also discussed in the following part:
Philselfology of Botanical World: Ayurveda and Shaak Vidya, the Havana, the Vaishnavi Philosophies : Be Happy Philselfologically – 46
1. The Sacred Shakti, the Force Dimensions at the The Sacred Trunk and the Stem of any given plant, tree or botanical thing, we have the Sacred Life Chemicals flowing in all Sacred Stems as in the Sacred Life Force Dimensions, which in the animals is the Sacred Bio-energy Flows, and the same in the Humans as our body, the trunk does the same with our Sacred Bio-energy Flows. Please not these are sacred as no virus, infection, and or any form of pollution can help it working properly, but block its works. The Trunk Based Systems all have the Sacred Dimensions of Sarsavati as its Sacred Trunk Dimensions are what Indian Gardner’s everywhere treat as the Sacred Trunk Dimensions of Brahma, the Creator of Life. All of its parts in which life flows is the Shakti Dimensions, and what it takes from the Nature on it body say the sunlight, which the trunk takes is the Sacred Dimensions of Power as these receive it as what it Stores rather than what it can otherwise uses for the Photosynthesis in which the Energy is Stored as the Power not just the water which flows as circles around the nucleus or the center of any given system as we have the Kundalini, the Shakti or Energy Storehouse for any given Sacred DNA among humans. Thus, the plants, trees, insects, birds, animals and the humans, all have the Trunk Systems in which we have the same cellular systems for the chemicals, bio-energies and other life forces, which always follow the sacred dimension, and in this case the Cell Division Systems, which in the Womb is the Cell Multiplication System or as well the cell grows, matures, ripens or any activity in which the Energy Stored in it acts on the any give cell for its Sacred Cell Division to Produce Daughter Cells:
2. The point that we need to note is that when new essential cell environment is there its a Sacred New Dimension for the Given Sacred (Fault Free) Cell, and on its Completion it can have 4, 8, 12, and 16 Units as for any given Cell or say DNA constituent structures, and the wonder is that all gardener’s and the people in the villages know it practically.
Similarly, the Leaves of a Plant have the Sacred Dimensions always embedded in all as the Sacred Dimensions of what the Indian Sacred Education Systems call the Dimensions of Lord Vishnu, and in it flows the “Goddess Laxmi, the Owner of Oxygen, the Air Flows with Light of Sun falling on it. Thus, the Sacred Dimensions at any given plant is same as for the trees, insects, birds, animals and the humans in which all breathe with the Oxygen that Follows and Flows the Sacred Dimensions of the Laxmi, and we have Sacred Diagrams showing it, and the Carbon Dioxide has its a little different Sacred Dimensions as it is by the Elder Sister to the Laxmi, and her name is the “Kulaxmi”, and please note the “Ku” is the Set of Clusters and in general these are the Hydrocarbons, which do not support human life, the process of the Oxygen use and when anything processes it needs more “Manthana”, which means supply of energy and power to do so in the water system and in humans the need for more “Oxygen” in the “Human Lungs” as well in all other “Oxygen Dependents”. Thus, the Vishnu and Laxmi have their great role in all world civilizations!
3. The Flowers as the Most Sacred, the Shiva Power Dimensions have the great flow of life energies as the color, fragrance and lot more and all flowing in the Sacred Dimensions of Paravati, and she is considered the Mother of All Energy, the Shakti, the Force Dimensions as we notice the Sacred Indian Theory of Lotus, the Water Lilly, which depicts all the Sacred Dimensions of the Universe in which we all live. In the bio-cells, we have the same in the Sperms of all insects, birds, animals and the humans, which have its Power Dimensions in the Given Inner Sacred Systems of Energy Dimensions in the Sacred Reproduction Systems, and the Sacred Eggs have the Double Energy Systems as when it flows in the Female Bodies and when it exists and functions. Thus, the Females are called the Living Sacred Dimensions of Shakti, the Energy due to the Sacred Dimensions of Energy, and Males are called the Sacred Living Dimensions of Power by Sacred Body Systems.
How the Sacred Indian Systems help in it for a Kids of Our Modern Age:
Philselfology of Sacred Electron, Nucleus, Atom, Earth Systems and 3-D Theories of Universe: Sikhism and Sacred Structures of Electromagnetic Symbols, Emblems, and Systems in Atom and Universe – Be Happy Philselfologically – 56
The Indian Sacred Systems following the Theory of Sanskara give the Dimensional Studies of the Universe through the say Ayurveda Living Systems of Use Yantra and Mantra Therapies, and the Sacred Symbols and the Images:

Philselfology of Indian Sacred Mantra Systems: Drisha, Darshaka, Drishta, Darshana and the Theory of Dimensions: Studies of Nature and the Universe say Shri Yantra: Be Happy Philselfologically – 59
Thus every Sacred Indian Mantra, the Theory of the “Mana” and the “Nama”, the Theory of Sacred Names support by all possible means the Sacred Structures and the Dimensions of Shakti, the Force anywhere in the Sacred Universe as the Mana, the Mantra helping the Universal Creative Intelligence, which Indians worship as the Shakti, the Sacred Dimensions of Force, and similarly the doing the same for the Sacred Structures and the Dimensions of Power, the Shiva, Vishnu and Brahma anywhere in our Sacred Universe by Chanting the Sacred Names as the Nama, the Name Theory helping the Universal Intelligence, and thus the Light, Sound and Matter Energies and Powers everywhere in our Sacred Universe and always on our earth system, which Indians call the Mother Earth.
Indian Civilization and the 16 Sacred Dimension of Shakti, the Force and Shiva, the Power as Proposed by Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji – Exploring the Wisdom of Vedas: Be Happy Philselfologically – 69
Both the Theory of “Mana” and the “Nama” follow the Sacred Sounds, Phonetic, Alphabet and thus the Swara, the Sacred Sounds of the Indian Classical Music, which give Sacred Birth to Indian Sacred System of Indian Alphabet, the Seven Sacred Sounds end up in 35 Sacred Sounds as we have the “Komal, Madhama, and the Teebar Sounds” in the 3 Sets of Sounds as see it on any Harmonium, and as we say in Punjabi, which means all Sounds when added have all the Sacred Sounds of Alphabet of Sacred World Languages. I noticed that the “Indian Classical Sounds of Music” can be written as follows:
“Sa Re Ga Ma Pa Dha Ni Sah” and
“Sah Ni Dha Pa Ma Ga Re Sa”
“Sa Ni Dha Pa Ma Ga Re Sah”
The S: or the “Sah” makes all sounds work as the “Life Giver’s Touch” as in the “OM Joun Sah”, the Mahamrityanjaya Mantras with Sacred Dimensions of say the Gaytri and Shri Yantra together as we notice more Sacred Dimensions than other Sacred Dimensions present in any Sacred Geometrical Representation of the “Nama Theory”, the “Theory of Light, Matter and the Mantra, the Sacred Sound!”

Philselfology or Swaadhaya of Sacred Mahamrityunjaya Mantra: Puja, Puti and Pati: The One Philosophy of Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesha: Be Happy Philselfologically – Part 53
Now, in this discussion, we notice that the hybridization, cloning and other process may give 100% results if we follow the Indian Sacred Systems of Establishment of Plant, Tree, Bird, Animal, and Human at a given point as all Indian religious, spiritual and faith oriented places are in which the Complete Setup System with Perfect Native Environment is given to anything that needs it. In Indian Sacred Systems as well in all Native Systems everywhere in the world naturally offer the Sacred Environment for any natural thing to progress, grow, development and follow the natural evolution. The example is the Tulsi Plant, Peepal Tree, Banana Tree, Cow Worship, and worship of a given Gods, Goddesses and the Deity is always given the Most Natural and sacred Environment in India and many parts of the world. It is always called the Spiritual Cloning!

In the Human Civilizations, the Theory of Sacred Dimensions of Shakti, the Force and the Shiva, the Power and its use in the Sacred Studies as the Sacred Living Ayurveda does, the Indians worship the Plants, Trees, Birds, Animals and the Humans as Sacred Livings, and while the Stones, Idols, and other things are also studied in the most sacred way, and it says all of these are “Pavitra”, and when we are talking about the Nano Technology, Cloning, Hybridization, and best output of the Electrons, Atoms, Cells, and all other things in the laboratories, we have Natural Systems, including all Sacred Places; the Pilgrims, Temples, Gurudwara’s, Churches, Mosques, and other religious places in India and all over the world while open to all offer the Living Sacred Systems, Free Services and with humanity’s bowing to all reverence that people here serve, work and do the Holy and Sacred Priesthood of the “Living Sacredness of Sacred Dimensions, the Bhavana as the Mangal Bhavana’s”, Languages, Arts, Music, Grammars, Ayurveda, Genes, Genomes, Genetics, and Health, and thus whatever we can think and thank all the times and thus the “Living Sacredness”, the “Patit-Pavana” in which we get and give the Human Companionship everything that lives. The Sacred Civilizations Respect and Worship the Sacred Things, People, Places, and also the Sacred and Holy Books, which the Indians call the “Pavitra Grantha” and the word “Granth” for Sacred Scriptures and Books means the “Complete Sacred Knowledge and Wisdom about the “OM Gran Grin Gron Sah Guruvey Namah!” as Written Sacred Mantra as the “Tha”, the Details and thus the “Granth” is the “Living Sacred Mantra of the Guru of Any World Religion, Faith and thus the Sacred Education”, and thus as Indians worship the Mantra, Jantra and the Tantra as the Set of Sacred Dimensions of Force as the Shakti, the Tamo Guna the Power, the Shiva, the Rajo Guna and the Dynamic State of it as the Guru as the Sato Guna, and all together as the One Turiya State of the Cosmic Play, the Leela that follows the Sacred Science, Math and Arts of the Sacred Universe, and give us the Complete Knowledge and the Wisdom of the Sacred Vedas.
While at the same time, the Laboratory Systems and people, who serve here everywhere need the Sacred Education Systems in the Personal and the Daily Life, which the “Living Sacredness of Swaadhaya, the Practical Philosophy that we live”, and we all strongly need to consider how the human vibrations enhance the Sacredness in the universe rather than the Scientifically Prepared Distilled Water!
Why the Indians sing: “Patit Paavan Sita Ram!” – A God Prayer!
Be Happy Philselfologically – How Lord Rama would have used his own sacred name for worship – Part 17
It means: “The Tamo Guni, but the Sacred Solid State of Matter, the Sacred Tatva, the Patit gets into Paavan, the Sato Guni, the Sacred Airy, the Firey and thus the Patit-Paavan, the Sacred Conversion of Sacred Static, the Jarh or the Tamo Guna Changes into the Sacred Dynamic State of Matter, and what is this matter, the creative and general intelliegnce, which purifies human thoughts and the feelings as the name of Shiva-Shakti or with due respect Shakti-Shiva as the Sita (the Shakti, the Force)-Ram (or Rama as the Shiva, the Power) Sacred Dimensions say as “Patit-Paavan Sita Ram!” Please note all prophets, the avtara’s say Lord Rama and Lord Krishna and the saints have been students of Sacred Education and Research Systems, which now world civilizations have proposed for better world civilizations!
Thanks for your time, and Be Happy Philselfologically, while doing the Swaadhaya, the Self-study and Learning as the Personal Researching!