How Indian Sacred Systems Explain Universe as Vibration with Akala as 4 Dimensions, Consciousness, Matter, Light, Sound, Indian Alphabets, Shabada, Veda, Gurbani, Water Memory, Cymatic Therapy and Cancer Cure: Gurmukhi and Be Happy Philselfologically 179
How Indian Sacred Systems Explain Universe as Vibration with Akala as 4 Dimensions, Consciousness, Matter, Light, Sound, Indian Alphabets, Shabada, Veda, Gurbani, Water Memory, Cymatic Therapy and Cancer Cure: Gurmukhi and Be Happy Philselfologically 179
In this part of the series, we discuss about how the Theory of 5 Basic Elements, Light, Consciousness, Dimensions, Universe and the similar has been prominent part of World Religions, Faiths, Philosophies, Sacred Systems, and the Comparative Religious Studies has been the major part of world doctrines and missionary systems from the most ancient times, and thus has been the major part and task of world peace and progress missions all over world. It has recently become main part of the Modern Quantum Systems, and we can welcome it as the most essential part of various cultures, interfaith, and even what we know as the new era quantum systems.
This Quantum Transformation also marks the change in the Atomic Theory into the Vortex Atomic Theory, which also marks the Indian Alpahebts expressing the Upper and Lower Parts of the Vortex with the Two Rows of Vowels and the 25 Consonants as the Body of the Atom, and thus the Vortex Atomism as in the manner of 5 Basic Element Theory as expressed in our Hypothesis and Research Work of Philselfology carried for over 30 years by myself and based on the World Languages, Linguistics, Grammars, and the Etymology and Archaeology of World Sacred Systems. (Please read more from here with our thanks: and )
It, the Vortex Atomism and the Theory of 5 Basic Elements is thus one of the most prominent change in the 21st Century, particularly in the decade of 2005-15. It is also likely to be the major part of the Modern Literacy Missions as well as the social awareness about world languages, linguistics, grammars and lot more which uses the Basic Theory of 5 Basic Elements as Socrates, Aristotle and Plato and the Indian, Greek, Egyptian, Israeli, Arabian, Chinese and Other Civilizations have been using. We hope to have many certificate, diploma, degree and research degrees and works sprouting from this quantum shift and change in the world. (Please read more from the relevant Wikipedia’s: and… )
So, how and why we need to learn, study and research the Sacred Systems is well said here:
“Unification and harmonization… this is the threshold of evolution we find ourselves at now at a new level of global dynamics and complexity. We have built systems of technologies, economies, governance, education, etc, that do not properly account for the features of healthy living systems. As such, they are reaching the end of their viability and are either going to collapse or become balanced and whole at a higher level or organization and coherence. The choice we have now — perhaps the only viable option — is to align these systems with what we now understand is the way the cosmos creates healthy and sustainable systems… cosmomimicry, as David McConville, president of the Buckminster Fuller Institute, coined it.” (With thanks from the source:—dynamic-flow-pro… and )
So, the Theory of Ether, which we know as the 5th Basic Element has now emerged as the Vacuum and Quantum Systems at the same time, when we also have the Superfluid as the Super or the Quantum Liquid:
“Today’s equivalent of the ether is the vacuum!
Physicists have come to realize that vacuum is not just empty space and the absence of things. The laws of quantum physics and experimental observations clearly show that many physical phenomena are explained by the fact that the vacuum has certain physical properties, including vacuum energy and quantum fluctuations: particles and antiparticles can appear and then disappear after a short period of time.” (With thanks from the source:… )
How and why we need this Sacred Information, Knowledge and Wisdom of Human Civilizations as well as the Modern Quantum Advancements seem to have most important significance as we can modify, edit and change anything in the universe only when we know about it as otherwise the universe is conscious enough to revert any change we make, and this “reverting by universe” can be drastic to existence of life and assets as well as what the want most, the “duration” of everything including the life span, preserving assets, and “rate” at which progress, development and evolution takes place on earth in relevancy to rest of the universe. If we assume that the universe is the “Quantum Superposition” as in the Quantum Qubit Systems, we can make some significant changes and modifications to anything in the universe making it more beautiful and better place to live, and it seems same as if use the “Recycling and Renewing of Waste on Earth”.
The universe also needs the recycling and renewable from all of its “conscious citizens”, who are connected to the universe through the “Inner, Ideal and Sacred Connection popular as the Atama” and for this reason we may need to respect the universe as if the “Living Quantum and Conscious System of Self-assembling”, and more we know, more we can “serve” it to “serve” ourselves, and thus one of the best humanitarian, philanthropic and the “selfless” services. In other words we need aim, objective and vision for using the Self-assembling “Consciousness”, Infinity of “Light and Sound Energy”, with abundance of “Matter and Mediums” while humans as the “Observers”, who are far more advanced than the “Consciousness, Light, Sound, Matter, Mediums, etc.”, which is well depicted as the Rows and Columns of the Indian Sacred Alpahebts as having the “Original Architect’s Observer Level”, and thus for humans everything is information, knowledge and wisdom as well as for what we know as the Angles and Gods, and the first thing is that we learn and study it all before doing the “experiments” as it seems the “weakness” as all dimensions may attract us, but the “0, the Zero Dimension of Universal Observer” may seem a poor presentation. (Relevant Wikipedia: ,… and , please also read it:… and… )
“So that might be why AGI has not come along very quickly. Deutsch may be right that we need a philosophical breakthrough, although one has to have doubts about whether the philosophers look likely to supply it: perhaps it might be one of those things where the practicalities come first and then the high theory is gradually constructed after the fact. At any rate Deutsch’s piece is a very interesting one, and I think many of his points are good. Perhaps if there were a book-length version I’d find that I actually agree with him completely…” (With thanks from the source: )
We can also pay little more attention to the Zero Dimension!
“In geometry the infinitely small place holder which underlies all of the other dimensions is called the Zero dimension. It corresponds to Awareness which underlies consciousness.” (With thanks from the source: )
The Zero Dimension, which is the Observer Level of Consciousness is also studied and researched as the Zero-Point Infinite Energy. It needs serious attention when we deal the 0, the Zero Dimension as it’s not the Dimension of Nothing (Nihilism), but the ONE Consciousness, and that is why it’s also named as the Sunn, the Quantum Dot of Light, and the “Quantum Means Conscious”, that is, whatever can “Self-assemble” is the Quantum, Conscious, and thus also the Self-conscious, and we all live in it. The Sikh Gurus and the Bhagat’s, who believe in the ONE Quantum (Conscious) Self-assembling God Systems call it the “Sunn Samadhi Aape”, the “One Quantum, the Conscious Light is the Living (Quantum) God”.
Zero Point Energy Field – A singularity where the law of physics no longer applies
(Please also read this relevant post and the article:… )
“Christ states, “the Kingdom of God is within you,” (Luke 17:21) and further, that “the kingdom of God is like a mustard seed.” Francis explains that the “mustard seed” is an ancient metaphor for the Center Point of the soul. Frances writes:
Mystics down through the ages have dived deeply into the soul and have made a common discovery. The soul has a Center a sacred point of contact where the human and the Divine meet in sublime communion. … Furthermore, mystics through the ages have described God as a circle whose centre is everywhere and whose circumference is nowhere. If we think of ordinary human awareness as the circumference of a circle then its center is a point. … Saint Francis de Sales referred to the Center as the “fine point of the soul.” Father Louis Massignon of France called the spiritual Center of the soul “Le point vierge”–the virgin point. … Father Merton in turn wrote of the little “‘point’ or virgin eye by which we know Him! (Christ).” (With thanks from the source: )
In other words, when we tend to dimensions other than 0, the Zero, we are said to be away from “home”, and that we are strong in spirit (0, the Zero Dimension), but weak in the flesh (1, 2, 3, and the Higher Dimensions). The 0 (Zero) Dimension is the God Dimension in all world religions, faiths and the Sacred Systems, and is also called the “True “I”, the Self-identity”, which we can notice as the Letter “M”, the Bindu (the Dot, the Zero, the Origin) in the Indian Sacred Systems. (Please read the relevant article:… )
When we consider the Zero Dimension, the 4th Dimension and the 3-Dimensional Worlds, we can notice that the 4th Dimension seems as the Inner, the Ideal World, which we all have inside and the 3-Dimensional World is the Real World, which we have outside as Philosophers like Socrates, Plato and Aristotle explain as the “Theory of Forms”, and in it, we have the 0th Dimension, which is the Single Dimension in which both the Real and Ideal Dimensions of 3-D and the 4th exist.
One of the Previous Parts of the Series: Socrates, Plato and Aristotle, and the Theory of Forms, and OM: How Sacred Vedas Chant Physical and Metaphysical Rama in 7 Heavens and 14 Sacred Dimensions – Be Happy Philselfologically – 54
The Indian Sacred Systems as well most of the others seem to warn about the Contemporary Modern Age of Intellectualism, which confirms the 1, 2, 3, and the Higher Physical Dimensions as without 0, the Zero or God (Metaphysical) Dimension, and it seems where the Indian Sacred Systems claim that the God or the Zero Dimension is not the subject matter of “Senses, the Mann (Creative Intelligence), Budhi (Intellect), Chit (Memory Banks) and Ahankara (Ego Systems), the Human Perception of “Dimensions”, the World of Objects”, but rather the 0, the Zero Dimension is the “Subject” of “Subjects”, and we all share it as the “ONE Server and ONE Observer”. Intellectualism thus studies the Logic, Rationalism, Mediums and Materialism well, and the Zero Dimension of Infinite Creative Intelligence and Creativity is the Dimension of Art, Philosophy, Music, and the “Sacred Systems”, which is now the “Emerging Quantum and the Sacred Systems” in our modern age and the world. (Please read by relevancy: , and )
We can refer to the Indian Sacred Theory of 4 Yuga’s in which the Complete Studies and Research of Dimensions has been well considered. For example, the 4th Dimension represent the Satyuga (4-D), the 3rd Dimension as the Treta (3-D), the 2nd Dimension as the Dwapra (2-D), the 1st Dimension represents the Kaliyuga (1-D). It’s represented as the Juga (the Yuga) Theory in the Moolmantra of Sikhism and in all Indian World Religions and Faiths, while the 0, the Zero Dimension is the Aadi, the Primitive and Primal Dimension in which the Juga (Yuga) Theory is not considered because the Aadi, the Theory of Vibration, which is also popular as the Akala, the Akara, Achala, and thus the Vibration Based Sacred Theories does not depend on the Sacred Geometry of the Yuga (Juga), the Sacred Cosmological Theory of Dimensions, called the Juga (Yuga) from what the Sacred Geometry can create in the Cosmos, Universe and Life in the Space.
When we consider the Yuga, the Joga Theory, it’s well compatible with the Yoga (Joga). However, when we consider the 0th, the Zeroth Dimension, the most relevant Yoga, the Joga Sacred Systems compatible with it are the Sahaj Yoga and the Raja Yoga, which does not focus on the Light, Sound and Spectrum (Colors) of the Kundalini, but the Nirvana Level of the “Zero Dimension Based Observer”. The Sahaj Yoga is the Light (SA), Sound (HA) and Sacred Arts (JA), and leads to the Modern Quantum, Classical and Sacred Systems. The Sacred Religions like the Indian World Religions as the Sikhism, Muslim Religion, Christianity, and many Sects of Hinduism, who deal with the Light (SA), Sound (HA) and Sacred Arts (JA) may not practice the Light, Sound and Spectrum alone, but the “Sacred Arts (JA)” with it.
So, the popular term of “Yoga” in west or modern world may promote the Kundalini Sacred Systems alone, but the Sacred Religions, Faiths and Spiritualism in the world also supports the “Sacred Arts, Architect, Math, Geometry, Music, Poetry, Mantra, Languages, Grammars, Dresses, Single Theories of Everything, Unified Theories, Water Memory, Cymatics, Rituals, Nature Worship through Pooja with Sacred Systems”, and so on, and it’s where we need to consider the “Sacred Arts of World Religions and Faiths” instead of promoting the “Spiritualism” alone, and we may also consider thinking about the Light, Sound, Consciousness, Universe, Spectrum, Dimensions, Fractals, Life, 0-Dimension, 0-D Observer, 5 Basic Elements, Martial Arts, etc., which has been major part of the Sacred, Quantum, Classical, Scientific and Developed Civilizations of the world. In other words, the meditation alone is not everything, however if we think of ONE Consciousness (Quantum), it can help us resolving the problems of the 3-D’s of Matter and the 4th Dimension of Matter, which at times may go to the “Most Disputable States of Life on Earth”, while the easy solution seems to consider that the Zero Dimension is of ONE Consciousness (Sunn, the Sunaya, the Conscious or Quantum Vacuum), First 3 D’s are of Matter, the 4th of Light.
For easy understanding of it all as a layperson, we can put the Zero Dimension as the Parmatama, the 3-D’s as the Jeeva Atama and the 4th D as the Atama. Moreover, the 3-D System of Jeeva is studied as the Tamo (Static, the 1-D), Rajo (Kinetic, the 2-D) and Sato (Dynamic, the 3-D) while the 4th D as the Turiya, the Light, and thus the Matter and Light with the help of the 0-Dimension of Consciousness, which reads, knows, and understand these dimensions.
Philosophy of Self-organization with 0, 3-D and the 4th D in the Indian and World Sacred Systems, the ONE Akasha Databases and Library:
We can consider the Human Body, Atom, Universe and or a Computer having the Image (1-D), Audio (2-D), Video (3-D) and the Multimedia (4-D) constituting the Systems, the Vivastha, and the Programmer in each as the 0-D Consciousness, which also exists in the System, the Vivastha as the Awastha, the Level of Consciousness (The Akasha Database Library with our personal connection) with rates of 1-D, 2-D, 3-D and 4-D, which we can put as the Vibration Levels with A’, 2A’, 3A’, 4A’, and here the 1, 2, 3, and 4 are the “Quantum Dimensions” not the numbers as even the “0” is not a number, but Quantum State of 1 such that 0 Dimension (Unchangeable, the Awastha)=1+2+3+4 Dimensions (Changeable, the Vivastha), which is the Law of Conservation of Energy, and A’ is similar to Planck Systems, the 2A’ as the Subatomic, the 3A’ as Atomic and 4A’ as the Molecular according to the Dimensions while the 0A’ is similar to the Philosophy of Quantum Vacuum giving us the Essentials of the E=M*C*V Equations of Light, Matter, Energy and Sound Systems. If we learn it using this hypothesis, we can easily understand the Sacred Systems of Management, its State and Development to combat the global economic and general depression and recession. (By relevancy:… ,… and… )
We can also notice that the Sahaja Yoga, the Light, Sound and Sacred System based Systems of Guna and the Nirvana with the 0-D, 3-D’s and the 4th Dimension seem to make up the Pure Light (0-Dimension, the God Dimension, the Spoken Sounds as Light), the Sound (3-D Worlds and Universes, the Mediums for Sound in the Universe) and 4th D (Spoken Sound in the Universe), which is the Great Sacred Art Dimension, the Kala Dimension. In the Indian Sacred Alphabets, the First Vowel Row goes for the Light, the 0-D, the Second Row for the Sacred Arts, and the Consonants as the 3-D Systems. If we want to refine our hypothesis and research work of Philselfology, we can also think of the “Dimensionless Dimension” by assigning its Sacred States to the 5th Column of Purusha (Based on the Sacred Theory of Bindu “M, the Point” and Bindi “N, the Circle or Shape Around Bindu, the Dot”, and it includes the “Decimal Theory as the Bindi”), and it’s when we consider the 0th, 3-D and the 4th as the ONE System of Consciousness. In it all, we also have the Sacred Cobordism as the Nama Theory, which exists in between the 0th to 4th Dimension as the Vibrations of “A”, and by itself it’s not bound to the Time Dimensions, and thus the Akala Dimension.
Please take care that at times, the assigning of dimensions within the same setup may differ according to the context for example, the OM is used for the 4th Dimension Light (Turiya), while the NAMO is used for the 3-Dimensional Sacred Systems of the Static (Sato), Kinetic (Rajo) and Dynamic (Tamo) Systems. The person, who is going to sit in mediation needs OM, the 4th Dimension, while one, who leaves for work needs the NAMO, the Physical Dimensions of Sound, and for this reason, the ancient practitioners of Light, Sound, Spectrum and Energy would ask the “Caste, the Nature of Physical Act, Action and Activity”, which one follows and thus decide if one needs the OM or NAMO Sounds of Cymatics and Water Memory, and at the same time, the “Name” of the person refers to the OM (First Vowel Row), the 4th Dimension and NAMO, the 3-Dimensional Physical Body (Rows of Consonants), and thus has been used as the “Mantra for the 0th Dimension” (5th Column of the Indian Alpahebts, the ONE Consciousness). The 4-Dimensions are of the “Awakening” while the Zeroth Dimension is of the “Awareness” in the Indian and the World Sacred Systems.
“So while you are perhaps still waiting for something significant to happen in your life, you may not realize that the most significant thing that can happen to a human being has already happened within you: the beginning of the separation process of thinking and awareness.” (With thanks from the source:… ,… and… )
It thus follows the OM-Mantra-NAMO as the “4th D”-“0th D”-“3-D’s”, and it’s also what we know as the Pati (Light, the Brahman, the 4th D)-Nama (Name, the 0th D)-Jati (Caste of Physical Body, the 3-D Systems). That is why it seems the OM is the Mantra of Sitting, the NAMO of Working and “NAME” while walking or strolling freely, which thus seems to be the easy classification of Indian Cymatic Therapy for healing of light, sound, spectrum and body in general, which thus also goes as the Essence of Veda, Upnishda, Purana and Bhagwatma in the Indian Sacred Systems, which discuss and describe the Light (OM), Mantra, Namo, and the Nama, the Name Sacred Systems. (Please read more from the source with our thanks:… )
With the modern researches, discoveries, and what we know as the Quantum Paradigm Shift, we seem to enter into the 0th, the Zeroth Dimension, which is the Dimension of the Aadi Purusha, the Most Primitive and Primal Form of Consciousness in the Space, Universe and Vacuum Systems as based on the Hypothesis and Research of Philselfology. The 0th Dimension is popular as the “Mukati, the Liberated, the Nirvana Dimension” while the 4th Dimension is the Dimension of Moksha, the Mokha and the Heaven if we hypothetically put it to the 4 Pada and Mukti (Nirvana) Philosophy in Indian and or Asian, the Eastern Sacred Systems.
These 5 Dimensions including the 0th Dimension seems to be the most important and integral part of the Indian Cosmological and Mythological Calculations in which the “A”, which is used as the Vowel Theory Vibration Based Cosmological Constant popular as Anu or the Skandha for the used for the 4-Dimensions as the 3+1 Dimensional, the Spacetime, the Akasha Systems.
Sat (Light Based) and Sach (Sound Based) as Light, Consciousness and Sound for Anu, Atom, Infinity, and Local Law of Equivalency: The “S” is mostly the 4-D Light and “T” is the 3-D Consciousness and thus SAT, while the “CH” is the Vowels as the Vibration (Air) Fluid, and thus Sach. We can search many Indian Sacred Terms using “S, the Light in 4-D”. Now In the 0th Dimension of A, the Aadi Systems, we can assume that one vibration goes always in straight line following the “Light Traveling as Infinity Agent” and the second vibration going in “Light Entangling as Local Agent”, and we can represent it as the Pair of A’ (Infinity) and A’ (Local), which seem to constitute the Skanda, the Anu, the Atom Systems from the Local and Infinity Systems giving us the A’-A’=A. For great many solution in the “Light and Quantum”, we may need to use the Dirac Delta Function with A’ as Local and Near Zero as the Infinity A’, and thus the Dirac Delta Function as the “A Vibration Theory in the Indian and World Sacred Systems”, which gives the “Point or Dot as the Center of Circle as the Infinity Point” and the Higher Dimensions of 0 as 1, 2, 3, 4 as the A’, 2A’, 3A’, 4A’, where the A’ as Dot or Point “Entangles” with Local A’ to give us the Theory of A, the Atom, the Atama in the Eastern Sacred Systems as the Meeting Place of Infinity and Local Classical, Sacred and Quantum Systems that gives the “0th”, “1st, 2nd, 3rd” and “4th” Dimensional Setup in the Space and thus the Aadi, the 0-Dimensional Systems of Light as the A’-A’=A, and it well gives the Local Law of Equivalency, the Oneness with Infinity.
We also notice it in the Chakra of Yoga, Kundalini (Light, Spectrum and Sound) and Meditation where “Center of Every Color of Chakra is Infinity, which we Tap Locally”, and we can assume that the Chakras (Circles) Spread Concentrically from the Infinity at Center (it thus does not require focus, and if we do, it may harm our psyche) to Local Concentric Color Spreading” naturally and “Sounds” (it requires little focus of “hearing”) Tap it, but with care that it’s “White Light” that shows, releases, and helps in understanding of “Infinity” and “Local and Concentric Spectrum of Infinite White Color”, and we may not need to “Separate White Color (Infinity), Spectrum (Meeting Points of Infinity and Local) and Sound Energy (Local)”.
The Indian Mantra Theories as the OM Mantra NAMO is also the Light (OM), Spectrum (Mantra) and NAMO (Sound) Energy Systems, which are shown as Kundalini Coil of Light and Sound with Vertical Spectrum at the Center. (By relevancy:… and )
So, we equate to infinity through 0, the Zero Dimension.
“Zero dimension Awareness makes possible integration of the four dimensions and the four states of consciousness.” (With thanks from the source: ,… and )
As we discuss that the Indian Sacred Alpahebts represent the Single Theory and Model of Unification of Sciences as the Omniscience for which Albert Einstein had researched and spent his valuable life time.
“Albert Einstein also had an intense yearning to unify and simplify. He spent the last three decades of his life searching for the missing element that would tie together our understanding of electromagnetism and the forces of gravity. For a time, Einstein seemed to be alone in his quest. As he focused his attention on the big picture, others were captivated by the increasingly smaller realm inside the atom.” (With thanks from the source:… )
Well, one of the most wonderful and blissful term of Light (S) in Space (Kh) is the Sukh, the Pleasure and Bliss is addressed to the Zero Dimension as it’s then called the Sukh Sagar, the Ocean of Light in Space, which always bestows the Pleasure and Bliss, and thus the Para-bhu, the Space (Bhu) of Light (Bhu) is also attributed to it, the Zero Dimension.
When we think of Adam and Eve in the Eden Garden, and the Gods and Goddesses in the Heavens or the Higher Civilizations in the Universe, the Indian, Arabian, Israeli, Egyptian and Other World Sacred Civilizations say and claim that these “Heavenly Abodes” as well as our “Solar, Moon and Earth Systems” are the “Sacred Architect, Music, Math, Grammar, Computing, Technology, Science, Philosophy, Cymatics, Water Memory, etc. based Civilizations”. We thus may not imagine that Adam or Eve or even the Gods sitting thinking of “Idle Times and Boredom”, but making the “Eden Garden and Heaven, the Places of Sacred and Quantum Systems, the Observer’s Dimension of Zeroth Level, which is Full of Sacred Arts of the Universe, the Sacred Architect Systems”, which exists inside all that exists in nature, atoms, molecules, designs, patterns, and Self-controlled Systems of Universe as the “Self-assembling Dimension”. (Please read by relevancy:… , and !sacred-geometry/cpt9)
“As you enter the world of Sacred Geometry you begin to see as never before the wonderfully patterned beauty of Creation. The molecules of our DNA, the cornea of our eye, snow flakes, pine cones, flower petals, diamond crystals, the branching of trees, a nautilus shell, the star we spin around, the galaxy we spiral within, the air we breathe, and all life forms as we know them emerge out of timeless geometric codes. Viewing and contemplating these codes allow us to gaze directly at the lines on the face of deep wisdom and offers up a glimpse into the inner workings of the Universal Mind and the Universe itself.
The ancients believed that the experience of Sacred Geometry was essential to the education of the soul. They knew that these patterns and codes were symbolic of our own inner realm and the subtle structure of awareness. To them the “sacred” had particular significance involving consciousness and the profound mystery of awareness ….. the ultimate sacred wonder. Sacred Geometry takes on another whole level of significance when grounded in the experience of self-awareness.” (With thanks from the source: )
The Sikh Gurus had compiled the Theory of Elements, Pada-artha, Universe, Light, Consciousness and the Quantum Systems in general by collecting the Sacred Doctrines of Various Quantum Philosophers, the Bhagata’s from the Indian and Arabian Sacred Wisdom, which also compiled the Main Quantum Languages, Linguistics, Grammars and the Music in Raga from the Sikh Gurus and the Bhagat’s, the Quantum Seers or Philosophers. It is recorded in Quantum Doctrine of Holy Shri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, and we discuss it as the Source of Gurmukhi Language Systems, which is Advanced Level of Sanskrit Language as it also includes the Arabian Sounds and discusses everything as the Brahmi Languages, which is same in Hindi, English and Other Modern Languages in the world as we advance to the International Phonetic Alpahebts trying to record maximum sounds as for the Cymatics, Water Memory and Sacred Geometry. So, in this context, the Holy Book of Shri Guru Granth Sahib Ji providing us the Sacred Quantum Treasures of Gurbani and Gurmukhi seems to be the Asset of World Heritage and Culture due to its preserving the World Sacred Quantum Archaeology of Asian Wisdom. We need to explore it and do more research on the Quantum Works of Sikh Gurus and Bhagat’s as it can help in the Quantum Civilizations in the world.
“Sir Peter Guy Manners is an M.D. ”But I don’t administer drugs,” he says. Drugs, he claims, are destructive. The type of medicine he practices is constructive. And although in the United States constructive healing modalities go under the name of ”alternative therapy,” in the United Kingdom they are referred to as Advanced Medicine. And the doctors who practice Advanced Medicine, instead of being hounded by professional and governmental organizations, may even aspire to knighthood.
Perhaps the most exciting possible application of Cymatics, as we indicate in the story that leads off this article, is its potential to reverse the aging process.” (With thanks from the source:…. ,… and )
The Theory of Parallel Universes as with the 3-D’s and the 4th D is considered as the Brahma, Visible Universe and the 4th D as the Para Universe, which exists when we do not have the physical, the 3-D body. The Para Systems are most popular as the “Puri” Systems where it is expressed that people, who are like minded coexist in the universe according to the level of the Puri, the Living Abode of the 4th Dimension, which is also expressed as the “Heaven”, the “Lord’s Abode”, the “Para Dimension”, etc. and as it keeps the “Quantum Gravity, the Guru Systems” in the Indian Sacred Systems, these are also expressed as the “Guru Puri, the Quantum Systems based 4th Dimension”, and thus for example, the Rama Puri, Krishna Puri, the Guru Puri, etc. as the Quantum Civilization Systems in the 4th Dimension based on the Levels of the Citizens, the Para Life, which is described in almost all world civilizations, sacred and quantum systems.
The Sacred Systems in Various Contemporary Sacred Civilizations seem to describe the Certain Sacred Parts of the Sacred Tree of Quantum Life, and based on it, we have the Single Quantum Light and Sound Systems, which in various civilizations and at contemporary part of the time frame seem to give the “Sacred Languages”, which give unique physical world of the 3-Dimensional Worlds in the Universe, and it also seems that each Sacred Systems of Language Philosophy and Sacred Doctrines, which express the Language as the Single Model of Everything for example the Sanskrit and Veda Theory, the Ramayana Theory, Gita Theory, Bible Based Old Testament Theory; New Testament and Quran Sharif, Gurmukhi Language Theory, Tamil Language Theory, Hebrew Language Theory and what it gives as the Special Part of the Sacred Quantum Chaos Life needs the “Fractal Coexistence” for the “Single Theory of Everything for the Fractal Chaos Quantum Life”, and thus no Sacred Theory in the World Civilization seem to be different from the Single Quantum Chaos Theory of Everything of the Coexistence of Life, and thus seem to fully develop the Unique Part of the Quantum Chaos Segment, which is described as the Puri, the Para, the 4th Dimension, and to expect that one theory or language is the only language seem to be weak part of the Modern Classical Theories of the 3-Dimensional World, and based on it we can also consider the Theory of Superuniverses. These Sacred Languages in the Human Civilizations do not seem to be Old, New or Contemporary, but All Time Single Language Theory for All Sacred Languages as according to the Hypothesis of Philselfology, which goes well expressed in the Cymatics, Water Memory, Sacred Geometry, Light, Sound and Consciousness.
“Take a tree, for example. Pick a particular branch and study it closely. Choose a bundle of leaves on that branch. To chaologists, all three of the objects described – the tree, the branch, and the leaves – are identical. To many, the word chaos suggests randomness, unpredictability and perhaps even messiness. Chaos is actually very organized and follows certain patterns. The problem arises in finding these elusive and intricate patterns. One purpose of studying chaos through fractals is to predict patterns in dynamical systems that on the surface seem unpredictable.” (With thanks from the source:… )
We can also put the above Sacred Language and Omniscience Single Theory of Everything with one or various doctrines say Vedas, Ramayana, Gita, etc. as not based on the Contemporary Time and Space, which seems the Theory of Multiverses, the Layer Universe, and thus seems the “Historical” part of the Life, Time and Space, which we can also term as the Consciousness (Life) Spacetime, the Quantum Spacetime, and when we use the Sacred Cymatics, Water Memory and the Quantum Theory, which seem to deal the Theory of Superuniverse, we may notice that every Sacred Civilization seem to exist in the Coexistence of Life, Time and Place Framework, and it makes the Para, the 4th Dimension, the Puri Systems unique in every age, and we can use any Sacred Language, Doctrine and the Quantum Philosophy to trace the 4th Dimension as through the Cymatics and the Water Memory.
So, the Puri, the Quantum 4th Dimension indicates the Sacred Continuity of the Unique Life Patterns in the Universe as persevered among the various Sacred Languages, Linguistics, Grammars, Music, Math, Yoga, Meditation, and all that can exist in the “Sacred Patterns of Coexistence, the Chaos” as the Individual World Civilizations; the World Heritages, Cultures, Religions, Faiths, Arts, etc. because the Sacred Systems are the Expanded Systems of the Coexistence”, which seems in danger and threat only in the presence of excessive logic, which seem to destroy coexistence following the survival of the fittest.
“We argue that a peculiar small-scale, spatial heterogeneity generated by chaotic advection can lead to coexistence. In open flows this imperfect mixing lets the populations accumulate along fractal filaments, where competition is governed by an “advantage of rarity” principle. The possibility of this generic coexistence sheds light on the enrichment of phytoplankton and the information integration in early macromolecule evolution.
In most natural habitats numerous competing species are able to coexist, while generally only few resources limit these communities. This contradicts classical studies predicting competitive exclusion of all but the most perfectly adapted species for each limiting factor in homogeneous environments.” (With thanks from the source: )
The Sacred Languages and Systems create what the Indian Sacred Systems call and describe as the Amrit Systems, and what the Matter and Mediums use is called the Mrit Systems. The Mrit (Matter and Mediums) create the 3-Dimensional Universe, which is not called “Sacred”, the “Amrit” System because it does not have “Sacred Symmetry”, which we seem to call desirable in the Cymatics, Water Memory and Sacred Geometry. The “Amrit” Systems as we can call it goes as the “Vibration Theory (“A”) of Matter and Mediums, the 5 Basic Elements, the TAT’ and Pada-artha in the Indian Sacred Systems”. In other words, the “A” Vibrations of Source, the A(M) can be put as the 4th Dimension, and the Asymmetry, which it may create after interacting with the Matter and the Mediums in the Universe, the Mrit Systems is the 3-D Universe, and these are thus seem the Indian Theory of Parallel Universes as the Loka and Parloka, while the Loka uses the Mrit Systems of Matter and Mediums, and thus the Mrit Mandala, the Spheres of Matter and Mediums, and the Para-loka uses the Amrit Vibrations, the Waves and Vibrations of the Cymatics in which the World Sacred Languages emerge the “Self-identity” of being Sanskrit, Hebrew, Gurmukhi, and or any World Sacred Language as these are the Symmetric Languages of the Matter and Medium, the Mrit Systems. The Emerging Quantum Civilizations seem to look at and into the Amrit, the Vibration Theory of the Sacred Systems of the World Civilizations, and it helps in understand what, how and why the Superuniverses as the Amrit, the Vibration Universes of Matter and Mediums exist, develop and make life existing the 3-Dimensions, the 4th Dimensions and even the Higher Dimensions of Coexistence, the Chaos.
The Systems of the Mrit, the Matter and Mediums is called the Perishable, and one of the most prominent term for it is the “Patit, Fallen to the Matter and Mediums, the 5 Basic Elements”. On the other hand, the Amrit, the Waves and Vibrations is called the “Non-perishable” Systems of the Universe, which bear the wonderful name and term of “Punita, the Pure, the Pious, the Sacred, the Sachu, the Metaphysical, and so on”. In most of the Indian Sacred Prayers, one requests to Gurus, Gods, Deities, and the Supreme God for helping one to get from the “Patita, the Impure, the Perishable State of Consciousness to ascend to the Punita, the Pure, Pious, Non-perishable State of Consciousness”. So, the term which is called the Patita, the Impure when called the “Filthy” should not be taken bad or odd as it simply indicates the the “Basic Elements, Mrit, the Matter and Mediums, which make the Consciousness dwell at the lower states, the stagnation of the consciousness”, which then needs what the Indian Sacred Systems call the “Gati”, the Ascending to the Higher Levels of Velocity of Consciousness, which it can have as in the Waves and Vibrations. This Philosophy of Velocity of Consciousness is what the Indian sacred Systems also describe as the Tamo, Rajo, Sato, Turiya and the Higher Dimensions of Motion, Movement and Dynamics of the Consciousness. To understand the Indian sacred Systems as well as the World sacred Systems one needs to understand the Mrit, the Matter and Mediums as well as the Amrit, the Waves and Vibrations as it also goes to the Cymatics, Water Memory, Sacred Geometry and all systems of the Quantum, Nano, Metamaterials and thus the Matter, Mediums, Vibrations, Waves, and all that it creates; the 3-D World and the 4th Dimension of the Universe.
We can very easily understand how the Consciousness Transforms itself with the Matter and Mediums, the Mrit Systems and starts to follow the Kala Systems, the Time Dimensions of the Matter and Mediums, and all that we study as the Kala, Kaala Purushsa, the Matter Consciousness helps in understanding the Universe in terms of Matter, Material and Consciousness with Time Dimensions thus changed to the Kala, the Samaya Dimension where the Matter, Medium and Materials get the Status of the Guru, the Quantization of Space Element (GU) into the Matter and Mediums (RU). If we however think about the Vibrations of the Matter and Medium, we actually deal with the Waves and Vibrations, which are considered as the “A” as expressed with the A’, 2A’, 3A’, 4A’; A’, A, 2A; and A, E, O, AE, where A=Light and Time Dimension, and the Sacred Systems then describe the A-kala Systems, which is the Time Dimension of Light and Sound Waves and Vibrations, and thus the A-kala Purusha, the Human Consciousness while and when ONE with the Light and Sound. Thus, the Kala (Matter and Mediums) and the Akala (Light and Sound) Levels keep great significance how our consciousness dwells and deals in both, and that is where the Kala and Akala helps in understanding the Role of Human Consciousness in association with Light, Sound, Matter, Mediums, Waves, Vibrations, and the Quantum Systems and the Planck Length with A=c*t Systems helps in understanding the Consciousness, Matter, Light, Sound, Energy and Life Quantum Systems of the Universe.
We can also put it as that the Kala is the Indian Philosophy of Shakti, Matter and thus the “Gu”, the Darkness, the Black Hole and the Black Body Systems while the Akala is the Shiva, the Light and Waves in close association with the Sound and Vibration Energy, and also the “Ru” part of the Sacred Term of GURU. So, the Kala-akala is same as the Guru. The Indian Sacred Systems deal Vowels as the Sura, the Voice and “Sounds” of Pure Consciousness, which thus seem to deal well with the Akala, the Vibration and Wave Theory while the Kala, the Time (Samaya) Dimensions well deal with the Consonants, the 5 Rows of 25 Consonants that deal with the 5 Basic Elements, and thus the Matter and the Medium Systems, and thus the Sura (Vowels), Kala (Time of Matter Waves) and Akala (Time of Vibrations depending on the Vowels) make the Indian Languages useful in many ways, and it needs more research to make the claims set to the highest simplicity for use in the Quantum Math, Geometry, Music, Computing, Architect, Prose, Poetry, and even in the Nano and Metamaterial Systems in our modern age and world. The very interesting point here is that the “GU”, the Dark or the Black Hole Theory also goes as what we know as the Ku-laxmi, the Goddess of Matter and Mediums (25 Consonants in the Indian Alpahebts) while the Vowel Theory of “RU” goes as the Laxmi, the Goddess of Light and Sound (Particle) Waves.
As all of it, the Hypothesis of Philselfology goes best for the World Heritage, Culture, Archaeology, Ancient Sacred, Classical, Quantum and the Similar Systems including Philosophy, Metaphysics, Mysticism, Art, Craft, Physics Quantum Models, Civilizations of India, Arabian Countries, Egypt, Israel, China, Japan, Native, Aboriginal, and the Similar Countries and Culture, Universe and Superuniverses; Audio, Video, Multimedia, Media, Software and Game Versions of all that we discuss in the Series of Be Happy Philselfologically, so we propose the Hypothesis and Research of Philselfology for said purposes, aims and objectives. The Philselfology is Hypothesis does not claim to represent any world religion or faith, but the Quantum Sound, Light, Consciousness, Elements (5 Basic Elements are most commonly present in all cultures and countries), Dimensions, Fractals, Theories of Consciousness and Universe, and so on as the most essential part of all world civilizations, which we can present to the Present and the Future Generations as learning and research tool for the Ancient, Modern and Emerging Civilizations and Quantum Systems in it all based on its claim that the Philosophy is a Bridge between Science and Religion with the help of Sacred Art, Math, Geometry, Music, etc., and thus named Philselfology.
Indian and Sacred Alpahebts as the Sounds of Pure and One Consciousness, the Aadi Shakti, the One Primal Force: As we discuss in this Series of Be Happy Philselfologically, the Para Systems, which are also considered as the Mara Systems, the Supreme Systems of Single or the ONE Consciousness in the universe, we can consider the Atama as the Atom, the Brahma as the Matter and Mediums, and the “Wave and Vibration” Systems as the Ishwara, the Consciousness Systems of the One and the Single Consciousness which seem to well keep the Conjecture of PA-RA-MA or the MA-RA-MA Systems of the Indian Sacred Systems of the Quantum, the Consciousness Systems, which if we “quantize”, we get many living systems, the Mara or the Para Systems. In the Broad Quantum Spectrum of the Quantum Systems of Consciousness, the Atom (Atama), Matter and Mediums (Brahma), the Vibrations and Waves having single identity of “Nada, the Bindi” Systems describe the Trinity of Indian Sacred Systems where these seem to coexist in the Single Consciousness of Aadi Shakti, the Durga as it is called and named, which thus seem to be the “Supreme Consciousness, the Parama, the Pure Consciousness”. The Pa-ra-ma as the Ma-ra-ma’ simply means One Consciousness (PA) Quantized (RA) to Many (MA’) Systems of the SAME, but ONE Consciousness (MA), and the term “Marama” is one of the highest significance in the Indian Sacred Terms. Please note that when we say that the Atom is the Atama (Soul and Consciousness) related, we have to consider the Philosophy of Vortex Atomism that also deals with the Atom, Soul, Atama and the similar, so please read it:
“The atom belongs wholly to the domain of metaphysics. It is an entified abstraction — at any rate for physical Science — and has nought to do with physics, strictly speaking, as it can never be brought to the test of retort or balance. Infinite divisibility of atoms resolves matter into simple centres of force, i.e., precludes the possibility of conceiving matter an objective substance. Each atom has seven planes of being or existence, we are taught; and each plane is governed by its specific laws of evolution and absorption. It requires a metaphysician — and an Eastern metaphysician — to understand our meaning.” (With thanks from the source:… ,… and… )
We can also think about the Science, Spirituality and Philosophy as in my Hypothesis and Research of Philselfology, I made an attempt to search on the claim that the Philosophy (Quantum) is a Bridge between Science and Religion, the Self and Spirituality, and thus named Philselfology.
“Since the focal point of these waves creates conscious awareness, every atom in the universe is conscious and the universe itself is One conscious being. The universal consciousness, God is all that is, he’s omnipresent and omnipotent. He’s aware of all things going on in the universe because he’s the universal consciousness.” (With thanks from the source:… )
Now, if the 4th Dimension of Pure and One Consciousness, the Aadi Shakti, the Primal and One Force of the Universe creates the Atomic, Molecular, Conscious or the Living Systems while both “Physical”, the 3-D Systems and the 4th D, the “Metaphysical” Systems, we notice the universe having the Consciousness Interacting with Matter, Mediums and Vibrations, which keep changing into what we know as the E=m*c*c, the Energy, Light, Sound and Matter formats, which seems the essence of Consciousness, Cymatics, Water Memory, Elements, Dimensions, Fractals, and Modern Quantum Studies, Education and Researches. We may need to be aware that the World Religions and Faiths discuss and describe the 3-D Worlds and how to live in it as the Karma Kanda or the Karma Theory, but the World Art, Philosophy and Sciences in the same world religions discuss and describe the 4th Dimension, and that is how to live in the 4th Dimension as in the Meditation, Visualization and the “Creative”, the Natural, but Auto-flow of “One Consciousness in All”, which mostly follows the “Grace Theory”. Here, the wonder is that people, who follow the 4th Dimension has been observed as if “renouncing” the 3-D Worlds!
For the greater ease, we can assume and consider the Self-assembling as the Para or the Mara Systems in the Nanotechnology as if the “Role of Philosophy of Consciousness” as its also almost same in the conscious or the living systems.
“Now researchers at the University of Cambridge in the UK in collaboration with IBM have developed a self-assembly process for nanowires that makes it possible to embed quantum dots within them, expanding their range of potential applications.
“The key to building functional nanoscale devices is to control materials and their interfaces at the atomic level,” said Stephan Hofmann of the University of Cambridge and one of the paper’s senior authors, in a press release.” (With thanks from the source:… , and… )
We can also put it as:
“…Everything that we regard as existing postulates consciousness” –Max Planck 1940 (Nobel Prize: Physics) (With thanks from the source:… )
The important point in the Para Systems of the Universe is that it exists inside every unit of Atomic Systems for example the Atom and Molecule, and that inside the Living Cells and the Organisms, and the Abodes of the Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesha and Other Universal Systems, the Life Civilizations closer to the Center of the Universe keep the same levels of Para, the Para-loka Systems “inside” even though the higher civilizations are said to have far advanced levels of life, the Consciousness and the Atomic, the Quantum or the Nano Life. For this reason, the humans may conduct the “Inside Sacred Systems” in the same way as the highest levels of quantum civilizations in the universe as according to the Indian Sacred Systems.
Here, why the Para Systems in the Indian Sacred Systems need attention according to the Indian Sacred Alpahebts, the Quantum Sounds of the Universe is that the Quantization of Single Light Source of the Universes is put as the MARA, the MA (Single Light Source) and the RA (Quantization) and thus the “MARA”, which in its 1-Dimension of the Vibrations goes as the Para Systems, and that is why the Para and the Mara Systems do not differ significantly. The Mara, the Quantization of Single Light Source is thus the Source Light of the Loka, the 3-Dimensional Systems in which we live and the 4th Dimension in which everyone lives after the physical death, and is called the Para-loka, and it is what is called common in the Highest and the Lowest Levels of Life and Quantum Civilizations in the universes as according to the Indian Sacred Systems.
For greater ease, the Mara as well as the Para Systems also express what we know the Indian Sacred Systems for the Consciousness. The “Mara” does nor relate to “Death”, but one’s “Pure Consciousness”, which in Yoga, Meditation, Spiritualism, Religions, Faiths, and so on is the “Chakra, the Levels of Light, the Consciousness, the Mara or the Para Systems”, the Para is also the Purusha, the Pure Consciousness in the Indian Sacred Systems, which becomes ONE as the Mara, the Source and Medium of Consciousness, but the “Para” seems more popular word and term as the “Mara” has been popularized as the “Death” or the “Dying Process” in our modern age. In general, the “Mara” Systems are the “Infinity Systems of the Sacred Cymatics, Water Memory and Light Consciousness” as the “M” is the Conscious Infinite Light as the “Bindu” and the “R” is the “Quantization” as the Longitudinal or the Scalar Waves of the “Bindu”, the Single Light Source, which is also “Self-conscious” as well are, and makes the “Para and Mara” follow and function as the Anahata (Unstruck Sounds) and Anahada (Without Limit, the Infinite). (Relevant readings:… , and… )
It needs new blog post to describe how the First Row of Vowels giving the “H” Sound and “R” in the Second Row of Vowels give the Quantum Light as the HA-RA Systems, and how it relates to the Consciousness of “M”, the Bindu while named as the HARIM, the HA-RA-MA Vowel Sounds, which are also called the Goddess Bhuvaneshwari, the Transverse, Longitudinal and Light Conjecture of the Universe in the Indian Sacred Systems sustaining the “Management and Sustain-hood of the Universe”.
Accordingly, the Manifolds, Dimensions, and Fractals also favor the Coexistence, and if we recognize the coexistence, we can have not only the evolution going on, but also the development of the humanity in our modern era as supporting the Theory of Superuniverse in many ways as it seem to go beyond the Space and Time, which we use as the “Historical”, the Classical Part of Quantum Life and Universe Systems.
“To many chaologists, the study of chaos and fractals is more than just a new field in science that unifies mathematics, theoretical physics, art, and computer science – it is a revolution. It is the discovery of a new geometry, one that describes the boundless universe we live in; one that is in constant motion, not as static images in textbooks. Today, many scientists are trying to find applications for fractal geometry, from predicting stock market prices to making new discoveries in theoretical physics.
Fractals have more and more applications in science. The main reason is that they very often describe the real world better than traditional mathematics and physics.” (With thanks from the source:… )
The Sacred World Religions, Faiths, Civilizations and the Sacred Doctrines in all of it, the Human Civilizations have been coexisting from ages because these also coexist in the Cymatics, Water Memory, Sacred Geometry, Math, Music and Other Quantum and Sacred Systems, which if we recognize properly in our modern age of diversity, we can achieve great marvels with the help of Modern Quantum and the Sacred Systems. If we say the Indian Sacred Systems, it’s also same in all World Sacred Systems, and the Seers, Sages, the Bhagat’s (Quantum Philosophers of Consciousness, Universe and Chaos) have expressed the same in all world civilizations.
““Consciousness creates reality,” a statement that has gained a lot of attention across various alternative media outlets around the world.
“I regard consciousness as fundamental. I regard matter as derivative from consciousness. We cannot get behind consciousness. Everything that we talk about, everything that we regard as existing, postulating consciousness.” – Max Planck, theoretical physicist who originated quantum theory, which won him the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1918
“It was not possible to formulate the laws of quantum mechanics in a fully consistent way without reference to consciousness.” Eugene Wigner, theoretical physicist and mathematician. He received a share of the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1963″ (With thanks from the sources:… and… )
For example, the Sikh Gurus have compiled all Quantum Doctrines in various Indian and Arabian Sacred Languages to describe the One Consciousness, Light and Universe in the Gurmukhi Scripting for all Indian and Many Asian Sacred Languages and it includes the Sanskrit Language and its Sacred Grammar as prepared by the Sikh Gurus for using it as the Sacred Language while thus describing the Sanskrit as the Sahasakrit surpassing most of ancient Indian Grammars as in the Gurmukhi Grammars and Scripting to use Indian and the Arabian Sacred Languages as used with the Gurmukhi Formats that leads to well prepared Brahmi, the Quantum Grammar of the Cymatics and the Water Memory Systems, which discuss and describe the Quantum Sounds, Consciousness, Light, Elements, Dimensions and lot more, which establishes the Civilizations of Cymatics, Sacred Geometry and Architect, Music with Instruments and Dances, Water Memory and the Memory of Matter and Mediums, etc., which seems the Highest Sacred Civilization of the 4th Dimension in the Universe, which also deal and develop the Nano, Metamaterial and the Quantum Systems. If we do further and the advanced research works on the said claims, we can arrive at some higher advancements in the Indian and the Arabian Sacred Languages including the Sanskrit Language, while as said before, most of the Indian Sacred Languages put to the Indian Raga Systems using the Gurmukhi Script, Language, Linguistics, Grammar, and thus the Gurmukhi as the Brahmi (Quantum) Languages, the Brahmi are also the Sacred Language of the Consciousness as in many Modern Indian Languages, while it invites more research. (By relevanacy: )
It thus also invites the serious need of creation of International Alpahebts for Cymatics or the International Cymatic Alphabets, the International Water Memory Alphabets, International Matter and Medium Alphabets, and thus most of the International Alphabets for the Sacred Multiple Nano, Quantum and Metamaterial Systems, which can boost all World Sacred Systems in the most significant way possible in the same manner as we have the International Phonetic Alpahebts.

Image: Sound waves precisely position nanowires (From the source with thanks:… )
“Sacred Geometry can be found in the patterned beauty of Creation. That means that even the cells of our DNA hold sacred geometrical patterns. Just like a snow flake, our eye holds fractal patterns. We can see these patterns everywhere in nature. In a pine cone, especially in flower petals, the branches of trees, the nautilus shell so close to its ancient cousin the ammonite and these patterns extend into the universe. Our sun, the galaxy in whose outer spiral arm our solar system is located. All forms of life as we know and experience them flow from these ageless patterns.” (
For greater ease and insight, we can assume that the Consciousness, the Para or the Mara Dimension is the 4th Dimension!

“In conclusion, the most important and impacting Apocalyptic revelations concern the science, physics, metaphysics, and fundamental musical mathematics of cymatics, that is, the impact of sound on matter, and especially Water. These energy dynamics exclusively direct the physical world, our geometrics (including sacred geometry and natural architecture); creative hydro-sonics, and the musical electro-mechanics issuing our existence.
Multi-dimensionality is based on this Divine Covenant between matter and energy. Compelled by this musical-mathematical matrix, form follows (sound) frequencies and everything functions optimally and sustainably naturally.” (With thanks from the source:… )
We can thus use the Water Memory and Cymatics for healing and cure of humanity diseases and problems if we use it creatively. We can notice the relevancy of it in the following discussion:
“Imagine the frequencies of your brain activity (Alpha, Beta, Delta, Gamma, Theta) translated directly into cymatics patterns in the world around you. In an amazing combination of performance art & neuroscience, artist Lisa Park does just this!
“Eunoia” shows us how our thought patterns can be translated into visual frequencies using EEG brainwave detecting sensors & software programs.
If you watch the video, you can see her brain activity is measured by the EEG, then translated in real time through software to produce her mind’s frequencies within the water of the bowls, resulting in fantastic cymatics patterns controlled by the mind!” (With thanks from the source:… , ,… and… )
When we consider the Vedas and Indian Sacred Systems, we can notice that the Vedas consider the human, the man, the consciousness as beyond the matter and the dualism in general, and for this reason the human consciousness have been adding a lot of upgrading and evolution as through the Purana, Simiritis, and other after Veda creation works. When we consider the role of human consciousness, it keeps its independent status, which is beyond the “Akhara”, the A-vibration, which does not extinct, and follows the A-kara and the A-kala, the Time Dimensions of Light and Time, which also do not extinct as it also follows the “A”, the Vibration Systems. So, according to the Theory of Consciousness as the “A”, the Indian Sacred Systems describe the A-kara, A-kala and the A-khara Systems, which the Vedas seem to call the “Net!”, and that is “Beyond the Tri, the 3-D Theory of Everything”, and thus directly relates with the human consciousness, the A’, 2A’, 3A’ and 4A’ as the 4 Dimensions of the Homotopy and Topology that creates the Quantum Systems. We discuss the relevant Indian Quantum, the “A’, A, 2A” Systems that describe the Indian Sacred Systems for many subjects of science, math, geometry, music, arts and lot more while also continuing our discussion on the Sacred Cymatics.
“Furthermore, the Vedic literature describes how the Supreme Being exists outside the boundaries of the material manifestation from where He begins the process of creation. So, He is indeed “beyond what He created.”
According to Vedic science , as the Supreme Creator creates the cosmos, the creative potency descends among other beings who are created, called demigods in the Vedic system, to assist the Supreme in manifesting the material worlds. So, the Supreme expands Himself and also creates positions within the material cosmos which are taken by co-creators or demigods who assist in creating and maintaining the material manifestation.” (With thanks from the source:… )
This form of human consciousness in Vedas and what is beyond has been also named as the Purusha, the Quantum Consciousness, which is also called the Nara, the Quantum Light. Thus, the names of A-kala and Purusha, and deals with the Non-dual Vibration Dimensions (A-kala), which are also as the main thing in the Homotopy and Topology and the Consciousness (Purusha), and together popular as the Akala Purusha, the Quantum Vibration based Consciousness:
“Splendid and without a bodily form is this Purusa, without and within, unborn, without life breath and without mind, higher than the supreme element. From him are born life breath and mind. He is the soul of all beings.
— Munduka Upanishad, (Translated by Klaus Klostermair)
Rishi Angiras of the Atmopanishad belonging to the Atharvaveda explains that Purusha, the dweller in the body, is three-fold: the Bahyatman (the Outer-Atman) which is born and dies; the Antaratman (the Inner-Atman) which comprehends the whole range of material phenomena, gross and subtle, with which the Jiva concerns himself, and the Paramatman which is all-pervading, unthinkable, indescribable, is without action and has no Samskaras.” (With thanks from the source: )
Here, we seem in need to recognize the various achievements of individuals as contributing agents of consciousness in human history in both east and west. This Theory of A-kala, the Vibration Time Dimension and the Purusha, the Consciousness is also essence of the modern healing processes in the multiple nano therapies including Nanomedicines with Ayurveda and Homeopathy.
Thus, we can consider the Indian Quantum Philosophy of Matter and Sound, the Bhagwana and the Quantum State of God Systems as the Nirvana and the Vibration Level of God Systems as the Akara and Akala, which is simple representation of the A as the A’, A, 2A or A’, 2A’, 3A’, 4A’, the Quantum 4 Topological Divisions of Non-dual Systems of Consciousness according to the hypothesis. The “Dualism” in the Indian and Other Sacred Systems is the “Status, Study and Research of the Singularity in the Subject and Object”, and it’s thus the “Bhaga” Part in the popular term of “Bhagwana”, the Quantum God in the Indian Sacred Systems, while the Mono Singularity is called the “Vana”, which is the most essential part of the Vedas and Other Singularity of the Mono, the One Systems, in which is the “Subject is More Important than the Object”. The Philosophy of Bhagwana is thus “Singularity in Mono, the Vana and Two, the Dual, the Bhaga, and thus the term Bhagwana” while the “Singularity” in the 3-D System is the Shrira, the Human Body as studied by the Charaka and Ayurveda Systems, and thus the term “Shri Bhagwana”, the Study of 3-D Systems (Shri), 0-D and the 4th D (Vana) with 0-D and Other Dimensions as the Bhaga, and in it all the “Singularity”, the Purusha is the main thing, the Dimensionless Dimension (Singularity, the Eaka, the ONE), which is called “Beyond Dimensions” and thus as described in exclamation in the Sacred Vedas: “Net! Net! Net!”: “Beyond! Beyond! Beyond!” (By relevancy:… ). So, accordingly, the Singularity of Dualism as the Bhaga needs the Physical Body (Shrira, the Center of Jeeva, the Consciousness), and the Singularity of Mono Systems needs Metaphysical Body (Atama), which thus constitute the Primal 4 Dimensions, which are expressed as the A’, A, A-A’ and A-A (2A) with name of “A”nu, the Quantization of Vibration of “A” as the A’, 2A'(A), 3A’, 4A’ (2A).
It is thus the basic systems of hypothesis and assumptions in the Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Other Ancient Indian Religions and Faiths as well as the Christianity, Muslims Religion and the Sikhism that describe the Indian Sacred Education Systems for almost every subject using the Indian Alpahebts with the Indian Languages, Linguistics, Grammars; the Prose, Poetry and the Mantra Systems, which then go into the Math, Geometry, Music, Computing and the Cymatics, Vibration Theory, and Newly Emerged Quantum Systems with the Quantum Theory and Math with Homotopy and Topology.
Thus, accordingly, the Indian Alpahebts, for example, the Gurmukhi deals with the Theory of Parmatama, the Transverse Wave Theory in the First Vowel Rows, the Theory of Parbrahma, which is the Theory of Matter in 5 Basic Elements; the Matter Waves in the 5 Rows and then in the 7th Row, we can notice the great use of Theory of Parmeshwara, which is the Scalar Wave Theory in the Indian Alpahebts. These 3 Sets of God Theory then express everything as the Sh-bada, the Spectrum made by transverse, matter and longitudinal waves in the universe. For this reason among the many, the Sh-bada is considered the Guru, the Alphabet Teacher, which is also thus the Akala Moorati, the Theory of Vibration of (Akal) the Information Universe (Moorati), which is expression of every Indian Sacred Systems, and well expresses the Non-Indian Sacred Systems as well. It makes the 3 Time Dimensions, the Kala as the Parmatama, Parbrahma and Parmeshwara, and thus the Tri-kala, the Trio Systems of the Time Dimensions, and that gives the popular term of Tri-kala Darshi, the People, who are well versed in these 3 Time Dimensions of the Kala (Time). It’s also expressed that the human consciousness keeps this systems inside it:
“Brahm Mah Jan Jan Mah Parbrahm…” (Gurbani, may require spell check in Gurmukhi, the Punjabi)
“In the Physical Body, we have the Para Systems, the Tri-consciousness of Tri-kala, the 3-Dimensions of Time Systems” (Interpretation according to the Theory of Elements, Dimensions and Indian Alphabets)
Now, when we consider the 4th Dimension of God Systems according to the Sacred Alphabet Systems, it’s not in the rows, but in the 5th Column, which hypothetically acts as the Electromagnetic Waves, which is thus the blend of Transverse Waves, the First Row of Vowels and the Second Row of the Vowels, which can be considered as the 7th Row. The 5th Column having the Transverse and Longitudinal Waves gives us the Electromagnetic Sounds, which we can consider as the 4th Dimension. It seems the most important part of the Indian Alphabets as in the Gurmukhi. When we consider the Bindi and Bindu Sounds of the Universe, which are the N and M Sounds respectively, we can notice that this Quantum Column is the Creator of All Sounds of the Alphabetical Sounds that also goes as the Motherboard to the International Phonetic Alpahebts.
The Sound of “M” in the 5th Column and in the 7th Row is also called the Purusha Sound, which is thus also called the Sound of the “Bindu”, the Purusha, the Consciousness, which vibrates as with the A’, A, 2A Vibrations of Self-assembling Systems, which is called the Kara, A-kara and the Aa-kara Systems and we can also use the Time Dimensions to it and thus named as the Kala, A-kala and the Aa-kala Systems, and it deals with the Light, Sound and Matter, the Energy. It can also be considered when we learn the Indian Sacred Systems of the Matter, Jeeva (Consciousness) and Atama (Light). The Jeeva and Atama as Light and Consciousness blend in the Bindi, the Jeeva Atama, which is mostly represented with the help of the 6th Row having the TA, THA, DA, DHA and NA, the Sounds of Bindi, which is also the Water Element in many contexts. So, the Purusha of M, the Bindu, which is also the 4th Dimension and the Bindi of N, the Jeeva (Consciousness in Multiple, but mostly in the 3 Divisions of Consciousness, the Unconscious, Subconscious and Conscious Divisions deal with the 3 Dimensions). These M and N, the 6th and 7th Row Master Vowels are said to consider the Quantum Sounds of 35 Letters of the Indian Alpahebts.
The most important Sacred Format of Indian Alpahebts is as follows:
OM Mantra NAMO=Transverse Waves (OM) EM Waves (Mantra=OM+NAMO) Longitudinal Waves (NAMO) (Conversion of Quantum Light into Scalar Waves, please read by relevancy: ,… and… )
We can consider an important point here that the Longitudinal Waves, popular as the Scalar Waves are considered important part of the Light, Consciousness and Sound Systems, but it is well recommended that the Theory of ONE as the Ekonkara as the Holistic Theory in which the “Energy in Space” creates the “Essence of Akasha, Space Theory”. If we want to consider the Ekonkara as the Wave Propagation Theory, it’s the “Concentric Theory of Waves”. It seems excessive indulgence in the Scalar Waves may create some problems, so we need to consider it with respect to the “Center of Concentric Circles”, the EAKA (ONE) Circle of Single Consciousness of the Universe in which we all are a family, and thus the Ekonkara. So, the Quantum Water Drop Model, the Cymatics, the Sacred Music and Geometry make the NAMA (Quantum Concentric Water Drop, which is also the Essence of Homeopathy, Nano Multiple Quantum Therapies, Nanomedicines and Nanotechnology) something, which we know “Chetana, the Conscious System”, and it seems one the most Ancient Sacred Wisdom.
“Some enthusiasts think the fluid approach could indeed be the key to resolving the long-standing conflict between quantum mechanics and Einstein’s theory of gravity, which clash at infinitesimal scales.” (With thanks from the sources:… ,… ,… ,… , and… )
Even though we call Water Memory, the very name of Memory is the Mem, the Water and Ory, the Light, which means the Memory is also the “Water and Cymatics”:
“Our genetic memory can be viewed as “Mem-Ori” — literally, a golden braid of liquid light — metaphysical fiber optic cable. “Mem” = “Water” and “Ori” = “Light” in ancient Hebrew, ie: Memory is Liquid Light and our brain is 90% water. We need to assert sovereignty over our own consciousness.” (With thanks from the source:… )
The Indian Sacred Systems describe the Scalar Waves as the Kritya Waves, the Artificial Waves, which can not only clone the Krit, the Transverse, the Vector, but fool anyone creating threats of its “Power”, the Kritya means “Scalar, Random and Irregular Quantization”, and we may notice it harmful if use unwisely, so the Indian Sacred Systems use the Nama Theory, the Concentric Theory of “Name” say Rama, Allah, Jesus, God, etc., which can “Neutralize and Cancel” the “Scalar, the Longitudinal Waves”, and thus harms it may create as it helps in dissipation and dispositions of the scalar electromagnetic waves. Thus, the NAMA Theory is the creation of ONE Center, the M and Vibrations, the A and the Concentric Circles of N expanding, and so well named as the NAMA, which is considered as the “Finest Sacred Theory (NAMA) for the Mediums, Matter and Media” as it also deals with the Bindu Theory, and the Gurbani, the Sikh Sacred Teachings say that the Sacred Vedas also claim the Nama Theory as the Best Sacred Theory, and it follows the Water Memory, Cymatics, Superfluid, Sacred Music, Math and Geometry that is well preserved in the Holy Shri Guru Granth Sahib (Sacred Gurbani Collections) the Sacred Treasure of Nama also dealing with the Concentric Quantum Water Drop Theory as we discuss in this series. The Nama is the Sacred Theory of Concentric Vibrations, which “TAP Light” even though we all are “Light”. (By relevancy: )
“Vedan Mah Naam Utam So Sunah Nahi Firah Jio Betalaya…” (Gurbani)
“The Vedas say that the Nama is the Best Sacred Theory, and if one does not hear or use it wanders as if ghost, the imbalanced person…” (Gurbani)
(By relevancy:… and… )
“As we look into space, we are observing our past light cone slicing concentric rings through the hypersurfaces of the past. Each ring on the past light cone represents a spherical plane in 3-D space centered on the observer. The largest ring at the base of the past light cone is called the particle horizon, the farthest spherical plane of observation, representing what we see as the blackness of infinity itself.” (With thanks from the source:… )
So, we can consider the Sacred Theory of Consciousness from the Indian Alpahebts as thus the Parmatama, the Theory of Transverse Waves and the Atom from the First Row of the Vowels, the Parbrahma, the Theory of Matter from the 5 Rows of Consonants, the Parmeshwara, the Theory of Longitudinal Waves from the Second Row of Vowels, which is also put as the 7th Row in the Indian Alpahebts as in the Gurmukhi Alphabet, and then we can consider the 5th Column as the Theory of Pure Consciousness, the Purusha that is also popular as the 4th Dimension, and finally the A-kala, A-kara, and the A-Vibration based Systems are what constitute the 4 Basic Quantum Vibrations of the Consciousness as the A’, 2A’, 3A’, 4A’; A’, A, 2A and O, A, E, AE, which are the Basic or Primal Vowels, the Unstruck Sounds of the Universe, and are popular as the A-kala Systems, which describe the Parmatama, Parbrahma, Parmeshwara, Purusha, and most of the Other Sacred Systems of Light, Consciousness and Quantum God Systems in the Indian Sacred Systems in its deep rooted relation with the International Phonetic Alphabets.
If we consider the Purusha Systems, it creates the Columns in the Indian Alpahebts from the Bindu, the “M” Sound while the Rows, which are also called the Sh-kati, the Kinetic System of Sounds and Light as well creating the Quantum Spectrum thus creates the Vertical Part of the Indian Alpahebts. In this context, we can notice how the Purusha and Shakti create the Light and Spectrum as the Columns and Rows in the Indian Alpahebts and thus the Indian Alphabets as the Essence of Indian Sacred Systems.
When the Sh-kati with the Bindi, the N creates the Purusha Systems, it naturally becomes the Para-kriti, the Expansion of Para Systems into the TA, THA, DA, DHA, NA through the Karta and thus the Kriti, which is the great use of the Basic 5 Elements as the “Kara”, the Quantization of 5 Basic Elements from KA, the Space Elements to RA, the Longitudinal Waves and Vibrations, and that gives the Para-kriti. So, we have the Purusha and Parakriti as the Sacred Bindu (M Sound in the 7th Row) and the Parakriti (also spelled as the Prakriti as the Bindi, the N Sound in the 6th Row in the Indian Alpahebts). So from the 6th Row, the Bindi Row, we have the Sacred Wisdom of Prakriti and the Role of 5 Basic Elements and Rows of the Indian Alpahebts as the Sh-kati Philosophy, which takes up both the Bindu (M) and Bindi (N) in the 7th and 6th Row, and describes the Indian Sacred Systems in Rows as the Shakti, Bindi and Bindu Philosophy which if we discuss and describe in Columns changes into the Purusha Systems.
In this context, the First Column represents the Brahma Systems, the Second Column as the Vishnu Systems, the 3rd Column represents the Shiva Systems while the 4th Column represents what we know as the Durga Systems, and finally the 5th Row goes as the creator of these 4 Columns as thus the Column of the Purusha Sounds. It thus creates the Indian Alpahebts and its functionality simplified for the names of the Rows and Columns as the Primal God Systems in the Columns and the Primal Kinetic, the Sh-kati Systems as in the Rows, the Spectrum.
So, the Columns as the Purusha and the Rows as the Shakti is also what we can very easily associate with the Indian Alpahebts.
The Role of Transverse and Longitudinal Waves in the First and Second Rows of Vowels in the Indian Alpahebts is very simple to understand and we can notice how it influences our daily life. When we utter any sound, which is also called the “Aspirated Sound” comes out with the First Row as follows as we take the Aspirated Sound of K’:
It simply means that we need to add 5 Transverse Sounds of the O, A, E, S and H to any aspirated sound to make it “Non Aspirated Sound of Letters”. Its’ thus one of the great wonder of the Gurmukhi Alphabet as well as the Other Indian Alphabets.
If we make any speech and use microphone, the K’+O+A+E+S+H=K goes to the audience directly as it is, but otherwise, it dissipates due to the reason that after our speaking of any letter, it naturally acquires the longitudinal wave format and dissipates, and at that time as the “Sound of K”, we have another format, which is written in the 7th Row of Gurmukhi, the Longitudinal Vowels, which the “Spoken Letters as K” gets as follows:
K+Y+R+L+V+Rh=K Longitudinal Wave (Letters and Words, which we speak dissipate)
The Rh-ra is the Sound of Maximum Friction in Air, which dissipates the Spoken Letters and Words with the Longitudinal Systems of YA, RA, LA, VA and RH-RA.
In the Indian Mantras, the use of OM is for the O, A, E, S, H and the Mantras usually have the RAMAYA, the YA Format, which explains how the Longitudinal Waves are going to dissipate and release the sound energy to its object. We can do practical for it, and see how it works, and notice how wonderful the Indian Alpahebts are when we correlate it to the Cymatics and the Water Memory.
So, the Sound Energy is what gives us the following Transverse and Longitudinal Waves with any letter sound we use:
K’+O+A+E+S+H=K (Traverse)
K+Y+R+L+V+Rh=K (Longitudinal)
Near our mouth these are equal.
One of the good point for experiments is about how the Transverse and Longitudinal Waves of K’ with the O, A, E, S, H and Y, R, L, V, Rh (the Rh-ra) goes into the 5 Basic Mediums of Space, Air, Fire, Water and Solid Elements is what seems the 5 Rows of the Indian Alpahebts as with the K, Ch, T’, T and P, the 25 Consonants, which are the Matter Sounds of the K’ Systems of the Aspirated Sound. For example, if we make the K’ Sound interact with the Solids, we can hear the K’+P, F, BH, BHA, M Sounds as if Beating the Drum with Stick. This way the 25 Sounds with Transverse (1st Row) and Longitudinal Waves (7th Row) create the Solid or Matter Waves (2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th Rows). These sounds explain how the sound energy dissipates in various mediums. It is according to the Hypothesis of Philselfology.
Thus, how we can hypothetically co-relate the Aspirated Sound of K’ with 5 Basic Elements goes as follows while following the Longitudinal Path of YA, RA, LA, VA, RH:
K’+O+A+E+S+H=K (Space Element), the First Row of Consonants
K’+O+A+E+S+H+Air Element=CH, the Second Row of Consonants
K’+O+A+E+S+H+Water Element=T (TA THA DA DHA YAN), the Third Row Consonants
K’+O+A+E+S+H+Fire Element=T, the Fourth Row of Consonants
K’+O+A+E+S+H+Solid Element=P, the Fifth Row of Consonants
We can sum up the above equations as what we know as the TAT, the Element
K’+O+A+E+S+H+Solid Element=Row of Elements
T+A (Vibrations)=T
The TAT also follows the Longitudinal Path to go from T to T, which is expressed in an unusual way, the TAT Theory is the T’-A-T’, which is then written as the T-T’, the TAT’, which is means the “Bridging of One kind of Vibration Setup with other vibration setup”, and that is to say the following:
Vibrations given medium+O+A+E+S+H=Next Chain of Vibrations
We can also express it as follows:
Medium Waves+Transverse Waves=Longitudinal Waves
This is how even the Aspirated Sounds of K’ are created.
The Protocol of K and K’ coexist as thus:
K’+O+A+E+S+H=K, and if we write it as follows:
It’s the Format and Protocol of T-T’ or the T’+A+T’, and this very thing in the Indian Sacred Systems is called the T-T’, the TAT’, the Element, and knowing it is called the Philosophy of TAT’, the TAT’ Darshana. If we make it, the TAT’ associate with anything using the Longitudinal Waves, that is, the YA, RA, LA, VA, RHA, we get what we know as the Padartha, the Matter, which is thus creation of the Matter Waves of the 5 Basic Elements.
And thus the TAT, the Element Theory.
The Waves of K=K’+O+A+E+S+H is the TAT’, and if we add the Longitudinal Waves of YA, RA, LA, VA, RHA, it acquires the Pada, the Position of Medium, the Matter, and for this reason, it gathers there to make the Pada-artha, and we can call it the TAT’-Pada. The TAT’ Pada, the Position can be Space, Air, Fire, Water and or Solid, and when we have made it happen with the following equation, it’s creation of Pada-artha Creation from TAT’, the Elements:
K’+O+A+E+S+H=K (Space Element)+YA, RA, LA, VA, RH=Pada-artha of Space Element
When we show the Angles of Padartha, for example, the K and K’, the K-K’, the T-T’, the TAT’, we have the Angles of 90, 180, 270 and 360 Degrees, which are then labelled as the KO, KA, KE and KEA, which are the 4 Pada, the Position Philosophy of TAT’ and Padartha (Matter, the 5 Basic Elements).
The Artha and Yogini Systems in the Indian Sacred Systems can be hypothesized as the Additions of Spins of Vibrations that associate the Indian Elements, the Letters of Alpahebts and the Pada, which decides the Levels of Spins, the Yogini and Artha, and thus the A, E, O, AE give the 16 Spins, which can also be put to the 64 Spins in subdivisions and combinations. So, accordingly, the Pada and Artha gives the Elements and the Position, which gives the 7 Rows and the 5 Columns, the 35 Letters in the Indian Alphabets, which is also called the Sapta Matrika, the 7 Rows of Sounds as in the Alphabets. We cannot add the Indian Elements and Positions without the use of “Spins, the Yoginis, the Additions, the Yoga, the Joga, the Spins”.
So, when we define the Indian Theory of Elements and the Position, which the Element acquires, we have to state how many spins it carries, and that is how the Indian Vowels are used as the “Quantum Spins”. Due to the reason that the Vowels as Spins add, we have the use of the Pada, the Position and Artha, the Total of Spins in each and every element giving us the Pada-artha, the Total Count of Spins at the Position, where we place the Element.
So, in general, the A, E, O, AE get the 4 Primal Positions of Pada with the Yoga, the Additions of Elements with the Spins of 1, 2, 3, 4 as the 0.25, 0.50, 0.75 and 1.00 Ratios, and if we thus say the KO, KA, KE and KAE, we assign the Quantum Spin Values before we add and create the Indian Invariant Mathematics, which is based on the Elements, Positions, Spins, etc., which we add and create what we know the Pada-artha, the Total Weight of Quantum Element based on its Position in the Indian Periodic Labels of Elements, Spins, and the Matter it creates. It may seem very complicated here to discuss, but this is what creates the Indian Foundations of Invariant Math, Homotopy Type Theory, Sacred Math, Geometry, Music, Grammars, Languages, Prose, Poetry, Mantra, Theory of Elements, Theory of Quantum Spins, Theory of Matter, Theory of Waves and Vibrations, and all that we know as the “Sacred Indian Systems”. These Spins, the Yoginis, which come from the Spins due to Position of Elements in Universe arises from the Waves of Transverse, Longitudinal, Electromagnetic, 5 Basic Elements, and Matter Waves of “Sh” create the Quantum Spin (Yogini) Systems:
“The derivation of 64 Yogini from 8 Matrikas became a tradition. By mid- 11th century, the connection between Yoginis and Matrikas had become common lore.” (With thanks from the source: )
It is according to the Hypothesis and Research Work of Philselfology.
“Our general holographic wave function should be pictured as made up of sine waves of different frequencies and, in particular, having phase relationships. The wave function is not linear or of a single level but multidimensional and can be envisaged as groups of sine waves within groups displaced along the gradient 3D to 4D, governed by frequency.” (With thanks from the source:… )
To understand the Quantum Consciousness, we need the Philosophy of Self-assembling and the rest seems the Wave Function, which the Self-assembling, the Quantum God Systems manage with the 0, the Zero Dimension as ONE System and the Self-assembling as the 4th Dimension where the ONE Quantum System seems Multiple or Multiform of the ONE System of the 0-Dimension, and thus we can assume the 4th Dimension as the Anti-dimension to its Counter Part of the 0th, the Zeroth Dimension as if the Mirrors of the Two Plates of the Universe in Casimir Effect Theory. We can limit the 1st, 2nd and the 3rd Dimension as the Visible Quantum Superposition. (Please read by relevancy:… )
The Indian and the Eastern Theory of Akahsa, the Ethereal, the Theory of 5 Basic Elements, the Kala (Time) Dimension and the Memory Databases of 5 Basic Matter and Media, which creates the Information Universe as we notice in Modern Quantum Systems while the A-kala Sacred Systems deal with what we know as the Sacred Vibrations of Bindu and Bindi, the NAMA, which constitutes the 5 Basic Elements including the Akasha, the Space Element, the Beginning of Time (Kala) Dimensions), which remain present in the 5 Basic Elements and the Information Universe is made up of it, the Kala, the Time, the Akasha Element. Again, the Nama, the Sacred Vibrations, which create the Space Element and Other Matter and Media Systems, and thus the Time Dimensions (Kala) does not belong to it, but the Akala Systems of the Sacred Vibrations of the Concentric Circle Theory, which creates the Information Universe.
According to the Akala, the Bindu, the Nirguna, the Non-time Dimension, one can live separate from the Physical Body and even the Universe, which is the 3-Dimensional System, and that is the “State of Creator of Universe, the Karta as the Akarta”, which is also treated as the “Liberated State of Individual” and we all have it, and its Beyond Time and Space, the Kala Systems of Matter and Mediums. The wonderful term of Kara as in the Onkara is the Quantization (R) of the Space Element (Akasha), which decides the Kara (Quantum Continuum) and Kala (Time). If we use the Scalar or Longitudinal Waves, we can also use the Kara as the Quantum Spacetime, where the KA is Space (Akasha) and the RA, the Longitudinal Waves (Time Based) give “Time”, and thus the KARA, the Spacetime as in the ONKARA.
“In ancient eastern spirituality the history written within the Akasha field are called the Askashic chronicles, the book of life that records everything that has ever happened or will happen in the universe. The Akashic chronicles or Akashic records contain the story of every soul that ever lived on this planet.
The Akashic records are holographic torsion fields of individuals that embed in larger holograms of groups of peoples such as nations.” (With thanks from the source:… )
Thus, when we consider the “O, A, E, S, H” Vowels, these are the Primal Vibrations of the 0, the Zero Dimension, which constitute the Ethereal Systems, and when these create the Quantum Dot in Space from where we see and notice it “originating”, it’s called the Akasha, the Space Element, the Vibration of Space, the 1-Dimension as the K’+O+A+E+S+H, and we can change the Akasha, the Ethereal or Space Element to Air, Fire, Water and Solid Elements, which are simply the 2, 3, 4 and 5 Dimensional Space, and these Primal Transverse Waves of 0-Dimension then and thus travel in dimensions of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and Higher, which as said before are the Dimensions of Vacuum, the 0-Dimension and the Space as the 1-Dimension, and that it’s all based on the Vacuum and Space, that is, the 0 and 1 Dimensions that we see the 3-Dimensional World in which the “O, A, E, S, H”, the Traverse Waves (Shiva Waves) after leaving the “Vacuum, the 0, the Zero Dimension” use the “Longitudinal Nature of Waves”, which the Indian Alphabets put as the “YA, RA, LA, VA, RH-A” Wave Sounds (Shakti Waves). The 7 Rows of the Indian Alpahebts are thus the “Library of Universe”, the “Bahi (Vahi)-Khata as the Account of Everyone’s or Every Action, the Karma, the Action Theory” and thus the Bases and the Basics of Information Universe in World Religions, Faiths and or the Sacred, Classical and Quantum Systems giving from this Library, the Sukh Sagar or Sacred Pool of Wisdom everything that we consider “Sacred Vedas, Gurbani and Other Holy Scriptures” while justifying all in the “Context to the Sacred Library of the Universe”, and as if the “Ionization of Universe in 7 Layers, which are also popular as the 7 Chakra of Conscious Atom, the Vortex Atom”, which exists as the SAHA, the Light (SA, the Traverse Part) and Sound (HA, the Longitudinal Part) of the Quantum Wave function of the Sacred Universe of the Nirvana, the Sacred Light and Sound Systems. (Please also read by relevancy: and… )
“The akashic records (akasha is a Sanskrit word meaning “sky”, “space” or “aether”) is a term used in theosophy (and Anthroposophy) to describe a compendium of (mystical) knowledge encoded in a non-physical plane of existence. These records contain all knowledge of human experience and the history of the cosmos. They are metaphorically described as a library; other analogies commonly found in discourse on the subject include a “universal supercomputer” and the “Mind of God”.

Those who champion the truth of the Akashic Records assert that they were accessed by ancient people of various cultures, including the Indians, Moors, Tibetans, Bonpo and other peoples of the Himalaya, Egyptians, Persians, Chaldeans, Greeks, Chinese, Hebrews, Christians, Druids and Mayans. It is held that the ancient Indian sages of the Himalayas knew that each soul, jiva, atma, or entity recorded every moment of its existence in a “book”, and that if one attuned oneself properly then one could access that book (refer mindstream for example).” (With thanks from the source: )
One of the most important parts about the Sacred Systems is that these go very much to the Right Brain, the Sacred Center of Sacredness as All Children and we as the Children have had it that almost fully functions according to the “Sacredness of the Universe”.
“At birth, our right brain is fully activated. Mothers and fathers can communicate with their offspring via telepathy. How often have you seen a tense mother with a screaming baby? As the mother calms down, loves and caresses her child harmony is restored. Up to the age of six years, this ability is present. If not stimulated the ability will diminish and become dormant (dormant not extinct).
Children learn much faster than we formerly imagined. By nature, they are very in tune with life around them. Children are very spiritual; the advice coming from a young set of lips often shows wisdom beyond their years. Using a simple series of steps: meditation, breathing and imaging; the right brain is progressively activated to reveal potential previously thought impossible.” (With thanks from the source:… and by relevancy:… )
We can also notice that the Female Brains are also the “Right Brains”, which now need a greater and more important part to play in the Emerging Quantum Civilizations.
“We see then that by suppressing the feminine energy – right brain, intuition, unity consciousness – it is much easier to control mankind. Consciousness today is very heavily formatted with programs – specific rigid paths of thinking – and the creative potential, imagination and originality are weakened. The ultimate example would be the characteristics of a robot. Clearly you can program it to do or think anything.” (With thanks from the source:… )
We can give a short note here that the Left Brain Theory of Time Dimensions is also known as the Kala Dimensions, the Basic Theory of Consonants (Matter and Mediums) and the Right Brain as the A-kala (Akala) Dimension, the Basic Theory of Vowels. (By relevancy:… )
“The greatest irony is that the right brain, with its imagination and originality from which all inspiration springs, is suppressed by the left-brain thinkers. That is, the source of all discovery, the right-brain consciousness provides intellectual fodder that is developed into systematic knowledge by the left brain, of which the latter then suppresses the intuition and inner-consciousness of the right brain that gave rise to the discoveries in the first place.

Reality is clearly multi-dimensional. The universe, God, consciousness, are beyond 3D logic. Let us present a thought experiment which highlights left and right-brain experience and also gives insight into the nature of God essence.” (With thanks from the source:… and by relevancy:… )
When we consider the Gurmukhi Script and Language, it includes the Theory of Elements (TAT’), Dimensions (Pada, the Positions) and the Matter (Pada-Artha) from the Indian, Arabian, Israeli, Egyptian and many other world languages as recorded in the International Phonetic Alpahebts, and thus gives the Sacred Quantum Systems of various world languages. In it, the great contributions have been from the Persian Languages and the popular languages known as the Urdu and Hindustani, which has been Arabian and Indian Language keeping the Indian and Arabian Civilizations preserved while using the Languages as the Theory of Elements, Dimensions, Universe and Consciousness, and is well threaded with the Israeli, Egyptian and Other Developed Civilizations of the Ancient World.
So, if we want to use the Ancient Quantum Civilizations in Modern Quantum Civilization, we can use the International Phonetic Alphabet as the Single Quantum Theory of Elements and Dimensions for all world languages and civilizations and thus use the Great Works and Wonders of Sanskrit, Hebrew, Arabian Languages, Tamil, Gurmukhi, English and other western and world languages, and can thus also create the individual language based Theory of 5 Basic Elements, Light, Consciousness, Dimensions, Universe and the Quantum Systems as studied and researched in the individual languages and civilizations.
It includes the Invariant Math, Linguistic Math, Music, Grammars, Sacred Math and Geometry, and great researches, which humanity has been doing from thousands of years, and we can well develop from the letters of the alphabets, vowels, consonants and the “spins”, the syllables and use of the “A, E, O, AE, EO, OA Vowels”, which we use with the consonants and vowels, while using it, the people all over the world has been able to trace and retrace the Sacred Information, Knowledge and Wisdom of the Basic 5 Elements, Consciousness and Universe, and it’s thus the essence of every world language and civilization, when it gives the Quantum God Systems, the 4th Dimension and the Sacred Systems in the respective area, region and field of the world civilizations. It also embraces what Achim Kempf has just discovered as the Sound, Shape and Universe, and great wonder is that every language and its “Vowel Spins” (Yogini’s) give Sacred Geometry and Patterns, which give “Uniqueness to Language and Civilization with its great in-depth insight into the consciousness and universe”, and thus does not even tend to exclude any world language and human expression ever expressed. It’s the beauty of World Languages and the International Phonetic Alpahebts which we have attempted in our research work of Philselfology.

The World Languages, Linguistics and Sounds in general, which we hear as the music and or otherwise constitute the Sacred Water Memory and Cymatics. Every sound is a “frequency”, which is well established in every Sacred Systems of Sacred Languages and World Sacred and the Quantum Systems:
“It is said that 432 Hz vibrates with the universe’s golden mean PHI and unifies the properties of light, time, space, matter, gravity and magnetism with biology, the DNA code, and consciousness. When our atoms and DNA start to resonate in harmony with the spiralling pattern of nature, our sense of connection to nature is said to be magnified. The number 432 is also reflected in ratios of the sun, Earth, and moon, as well as the precession of the equinoxes, the Great Pyramid of Egypt, Stonehenge, and the Sri Yantra, among many other sacred sites.” (With thanks from the source:… and by relevancy:… )
We can notice many new things going on the Cymatics and Sacred Geometry:
“When you look at Dr Jenny’s work you see is the physical representation of vibration. His work demonstrates effectively how sound is able to create geometric patterns in various materials.
I started wondering if there was a connection between the geometric shapes created by the sound waves and Sacred Geometry. Many ancient cultures describe in their creation myths a beginning point for all that exists in the world today. In many myths, sound or frequency is referred to either as a ‘Word’ or ‘Thought’. Some of these are:
Many other cultures speak of drums, wind, hammers etc. All of these indicate some form of frequency being used to ‘create’ something.” (With thanks from the source:… )
The above said world religions and faiths as well as most of others use the Water Memory Systems as the Water of Baptization, and thus the Water of Life and Sacred Cymatics as the Hymns, Mantras, Psalms, Gurbani, Sacred Music and or any format of Sacred Systems, which can create the Sacred Water Memory, which is also popular as the Creation of Amrit, the Jala as well. This Sacred Process of Cymatics and Water Memory is used as the “Sanskara Systems”, and it’s also the Brahmi Systems of the World Languages, Linguistics, Grammars, Sacred Systems, etc. in the World Religions and Faiths as in general use of Water and Cymatics as the “Healing Agent”, and thus treating waters as the “Holy Water”, and Philosophy of Baptization, Holy Waters, Jala, Amrit and Cymatics, the Essence of Sacred and the Quantum Systems in every sacred world language and corresponding civilization.
“If we could see sound bubbles the world would be seen to have another level of beauty, shimmering around us, each with a kaleidoscopic-like pattern on its surface. What the CymaScope does can be likened to an MRI scanner taking a slice through a body. The CymaScope shows us an analog of the interior structure of a sound bubble and for harmonic sounds the patterns are like sacred geometry come to life, created naturally, imprinted on the surface of pure water on the CymaScope membrane.” (With thanks from the source:… and by relevancy:… )
We can also notice that Water Memory and Cymatics also influence the Plants, Trees and Corps:
“Jenny also provided a physical connection to the creation of crop circles, as many of the vibrational patterns captured in his photos mimic their designs: from the simple circle surrounded by concentric rings, typical of early 1980s designs, to the tetrahedron and the complex star fractals of the 1990s.” (With thanks from the source:… )
It seems one of the great reason that the World Religions, Faiths, Yoga and Spiritualism seem to show the great Gods, Goddesses, Angles, etc. having their special crops as for example many gods using the Lotus as the Water Memory and Cymatic Systems on the other earth systems as expressed in epics, spiritual, religions, metaphysical, mystic and the similar scriptures. At advance level, the gods are said to have the Metamaterials, Nano Technology and the Quantum Systems!

Now, when we use the Indian Sacred Alpahebts for the Water Memory, and Cymatics, we can notice the “Amrit, the A-vibrations and Matter, Sound and Energy as the Medium (Mrit)”:
“We all hold a certain vibrational frequency, not to mention our bodies are estimated to be about 70% water… so we can probably expect that music frequencies can alter our own vibrational state. Some may call this ‘pseudoscience,’ however the patterns shown above are definitely arguable evidence that the mind’s view on something has the power to change it. Every expression through sound, emotion or thought holds a specific frequency which influences everything around it. Carrying certain emotions in your mind shows that you are literally carrying these inharmonious shapes in your body. By keeping your mind positive, the structure of your body will follow.” (With thanks from the source: )
We can thus use the Water Memory, Cymatics and Music, the Great Amrit Magic of Quantum Sounds:

“The way frequencies affect the physical world has been demonstrated through various experiments, such as the science of Cymatics and water memory.
Cymatics illustrate that when sound frequencies move through a particular medium such as water, air, or sand, they directly alter the vibration of matter. Below are pictures demonstrating how particles adjust to different frequencies. (Click here to watch a video demonstrating the patterns of sound frequencies)” (With thanks from the source:… )
If we use the International Phonetic Alphabet Systems using the Philosophy of Elements (TAT’), Dimensions, Pada (Positions) and Philosophy of Pada-artha, the Gathering of Various Frequency Systems at a point giving rise to the creation of matter, the Pada-artha, the Positional Spins and Frequencies, we can correct any world language, linguistic and the grammatical systems as it gives the best corresponding frequency, spin, vibration, wave, position and elements and the matter as described in the Pada-artha, the Position Based Creation of Matter, which we also study as the “Dark Matter” and Energy otherwise, and moreover the term of “Mada” is also used for the matter, which matter creation by changing the bonding systems of waves leading to creation of not only new matter but any matter. So, here we need the Pada-artha International Phonetic Alphabet Chart, which can replace the Periodic Table of Elements, the Pada-artha, the Matter as based on the Position of Frequency Systems while it follows the sacred Cymatics and the Water Memory Systems, which has been used in almost all Ancient and the Sacred Civilizations.
Here, in this context of Sacred Cymatics and Quantum Systems, we can notice that the Indian Philosophy of Pada-artha, the Matter uses the Knowledge, Wisdom, Water Memory, Bio-Systems, etc. as the Pada-artha, which are popular as the Gyana Pada-artha, Moksha Pada-artha, Nama Pada-artha, Moksha Pada-artha, Jeeva (Consciousness) pada-artha, etc., and this when these are propagated in anything, the level of Pada-artha, the Sacred Cymatics change in that very thing, so everything is science when we discuses the Pada-artha, the Frequency Based Matter, and it’s called the Tat’ Darshana and Pada-artha, the Elements and Matter in the Indian and Other World Sacred Systems, and it makes the Pada-artha, the Para, the Metamaterial and the Nano Systems in our modern world as it’s in the Quantum Systems. The most popular Pada Systems in the Indian Sacred Systems is the A, E, O, AE, the Primal Pada of Indian Theory and Philosophy of Positional Effect of Frequencies as led by the Primal Sounds of the A, E, O, AE, which is also the Primal Sounds of the Krittika Nakshtra, the First Constellation and the Aries Sign, which is the Zodiac Sign, and it also starts the Indian sacred Cymatics in the Indian Sacred Systems as well as the Other World Sacred Systems. We can create very interesting Cymatics Geometry, Design and Patterns using it all.
If we consider the Theory of Elements, the Tat’ and the Pada, the Positions of Vibrations in the Mediums, the 5 Basic Elements and at the Nano, Subatomic, Atomic and the Molecular Levels, we can very easily notice that the Pada-artha Theory also justifies the String and the Superstring Theory, and we can make very easy claim that the Pada-artha Theory of Tat’ (Elements) and Dimensions, the Pada Systems is also the Superstring Theory where the Pada is the Position of Vibration at the “String”, and what it gathers as the Vibration Groups of the Nano, Subatomic, Atomic and the Molecular Levels, the A’, 2A’, 3A’, 4A’, etc. gives us the Strings of the Superstring Theory, which creates the Matter at all levels, which the Superstring Theory discusses and describes. Here we can mention the easy meaning of the Artha as from the A-R-TH, and that is the Quantization (R, which is also conversion of “A” Waves into the A’, A, 2A, 4A and the Higher Dimensions) of Waves, the “A” in the 3-Dimensions, the THA Systems, and that makes it easy to understand that the Pada as the Position of Vibration on String gives rise to the Quantization that creates the Artha, and we have discussed in this part as with K’ and O, A, E, S, H going as the Transverse Wave System, which moves as the longitudinal waves with the Y, R, L, V, RH, and when it interacts with any medium, it creates the Quantum Sounds of Matter, which we know as the 25 Strings as the 25 Consonants in the Indian Alpahebts as well as in the International Phonetic Alpahebts. This is also what we can notice in the Cymatics as well as the Water Memory along with the Sacred Geometry revealing the Secrets of the Universe.
When we thus consider the Universe as the Sacred Cymatics, Geometry and Water Memory based System, it is naturally the expression of the Para-brahma, Para-atama, Para-meshwara, Purusha and Shakti Expression of the Indian Alpahebts as well as the International Phonetic Systems. In this way, we can consider the Universe as Achim Kempf’s Sound, Shape and Universe Systems. So, the Indian Alphabet as the Gurmukhi gives us the “Quantum Map of the Universe”, and the Indian Sacred Systems in the Form and Format of Vedas, Gurbani, Mantras, Poetry and Prose is the Quantum Qubit Superposition of the Single Drop named as the Brahm-anada, and we can trace and retrace it everywhere. For this reason the Indian and World Philosophy of Nirvana, the Nirbana is what we can very easily notice as the Cymatics, the Nara as the Light Energy and Vana, the Vani, the Bani as the Sound Energy. It’s thus the Essence of Every World Religion, Faith, Yoga, Mediation, Spiritualism, etc. and the Indian and the World Sacred Systems use the Sacred Term of Roohani, the Divine, the Philosophy of Light and Consciousness, which again is the Philosophy of the Light and Quantum Sound, and ends up in the Cymatics and Water Memory.
It thus has been the Quantum and Sacred World Education Systems in Every Sacred World Civilization as well as in the general world education systems before the dawn of Imperialism and Corporate Systems in modern age, and the good news is that we notice return of all of these topics and subjects in our modern age with the name of Quantum, Nano and Metamaterial Systems, the Cymatics and Water Memory, the Water DNA. As all of it involves the Quantization of Light, it gives the Alphabetical Approach of Cymatics, the Nara as the Kara, the name and term for it is also popular as the Nara-kara, the Nirankara in the Indian Sacred Systems. All World Languages and the Sacred Systems use different names and terms for the Cymatics and Water Memory, we can notice the Sacred Systems giving impression that these are different, which is very true, but the end product does not change.
Here, we also need to consider of the most important term in the Indian Sacred Systems, and that is called the “Nara”, the Light instead of joined with Sound, the Vani may be associated with the Matter and the Mediums, which we know as the “Ka”, the Space Element, and thus becomes the Naraka, which is considered as the “Hell” in the Indian Sacred Systems. One can thus choose to associate the Swara, the Vani with the “Ka”, the Ka, Kha, Ga-Row of Vowels, the Row of Space Elements to make it the Swarga. This Sacred Management of Light (Nara), the Transverse (Swara) and Longitudinal (Kara-Raka) Waves can either create the Nara-ka, Light and Matter Combination of the Hell or the Swar-ga, the “A”-Vibration based Sound and Matter-Mediums, the Ka Elements, which is expressed as the Philosophy of Quantum Heaven in the Indian Sacred Systems. It seems one need to read it twice to make sure that one understand how Indian Sacred Theory of Light, Sound, Vibrations, Quantization and Akasha Theory explains the Hell and Heaven. (By relevancy:… )
We also need to note that the Quantum Sounds and Light as the Water Memory and Cymatics also deals with all colors, shapes, designs, numbers, atomic and molecular structures, music systems, and almost all variations of expressions of nature in any and or all formats, and that is why this as the Niravana Model of Education and Research has always been proposed as the Single Model and Theory of Everything. It thus goes into the Elementary Physics Particle Theory, Physics Advance Models, Tricolor Theory of Quantum Atom, and all that we study and research as the Quantum Theories and Models.
Most of us study Nirvana as Philosophy, but with the Water Memory and Cymatics, we can also understand comprehend it as the Science, Geometry, Math and Music. (Please read the relevant article:… )
The Consciousness as Akala, the A-kala, the “A-Vibration and Time Dimension (Kala)” Systems thus follows the “A” Dimension, which is the Pure Non-dualism in the Indian Sacred Systems as in the Indian Alpahebts. We have discussed it as the A’, 2A’, 3A’, 4A’; A’, A, 2A and A, E, O, AE, the Dipole System of the Universe and also as the Basics, Bases and Basic Operators of Homotopy and Topology as in the Topological Quantum Systems. It can be put as the A-kala and Purusha Theory, which is present in every segment of the Indian Sacred Systems as when we deal with the Transverse, Matter and Longitudinal Waves and A-Vibrations as the essence of every vibration theory including the quantum consciousness quantum vibration theories as the topological quantum field theory of everything. Here, we need to consider that Indian Alphabets embrace these theories as even the astrology.
“Quantum mechanics describes the source of creation, the Unified Field of all the Laws of Nature, as a field of infinite correlation. All levels of creation are connected to each other on the level of infinite correlation. In fact, all levels of creation are the expression of the field of infinite correlation. The unified field expresses itself simultaneously, yet sequentially, on all levels of creation. In the ultimate analysis – and that is what the study of Jyotish is all about – the self-interacting dynamics of the Unified Field of all the Laws of Nature alone can be held responsible for all activities in the universe!” (With thanks from the source:… )
Now, the Philosophy of A’, A, 2A, 4A, with its Higher and the Lower Dimensions deal with the Time Dimensions, which we know as the KAALA, the Classical Time Dimensions in the Indian Sacred Systems, and the KAALA is also the Quantization of Space Element, and thus the KA (Space Element) and its Quantization (LA, which is the 3-Dimensional or at least the 3 Manifolds), and thus the KALA or the KAALA Philosophy of the Indian Sacred Systems. However, when we consider the 3-Dimensional Quantizations from the A’, A, 2A, 4A, etc., it’s popular as the AKALA Systems, which is also the Quantum Time Dimensions following as we can assume the Planck’s Time and Length Systems.
How and Why 30, 35 and 45 Letters and Quantum Sounds in Indian and Arabian Quantum Sounds as in Gurmukhi Language and Gurbani: The Indian and the Arabian Language, Linguistic and the Grammatical Systems offer the 35 Basic Quantum Sounds with the “Sh and Z” having the 10 Additional Dimensions of the Akal Dimensions, and thus making it the 45 Phonemes and the Phonetic Systems in the Gurmukhi and the Gurbani. The “Sh and Z” with the “YA” Rows are the “Longitudinal or the Scalar Wave Systems”, which are the “Basic Expressions of the Akala as the Shree Systems of the Universe”, and when we include it in the Akala Systems, it can be expressed as the Shree Akala Systems.
Here, the Shree is the “Quantum Expansion of the “Sh” Quantum Sounds, which create the 3-Dimensional Material Universe are also essence of the Sh-bada, the Parbrahma Systems that makes us know and understand the Bindu (Light, the M) and Bindi (Sound), and thus stands as the Quantum and Classical Systems of the Gravity through Indian and the Arabian Sounds of the “YA, Sh, Z” Group of Sounds. If we remove these 3 Rows of the Guru, the Gravity Systems of the Parbrahma, we are left with only the 30 Quantum Sounds, the 30 Letter Systems. If we however use the “S” Sounds, we can think of the 4th Dimension, which is considered as the Quantum Sounds without “Noise” (“Sh” Sounds).
Now, if we want to consider the ease that the “S and Sh” Systems give as according to the Indian Sacred Systems, we can simply think of the A’, A, 2A Systems and the h’, h and 2h, which expands the Sound Systems in the Languages, Linguistic and the Grammars, and it’s what creates the Rows and the Columns in the Indian Alpahebts. Here, the h’, h and 2h Systems can be considered as if the “Velocity of Light Variables” while the A’, A and 2A seem to perfectly define and describe the Planck Length and Velocity Systems. These are two parameters in the World Languages, which can very easily deal with the Cymatics, the Sound Based Physics and seem to give great boost to what Achim Kempf has discovered as the Sound, Shape and Universe. It also goes well into what the Sacred World Civilizations have been studying as the Homotopy Type Theory of Math, Invariant Math, Sacred Geometry, Sacred Music, Holy Waters as the Life Givers, and that has emerged as the Quantum Math, Computing and Sciences. In nutshell, it’s all about the Aspirated Sounds of S’ that need to have the Single Quantum Cymatic Equation:
K’+S+H+A (3-Dimensions)=K (4th Dimension)
Here, the K’ is the 1st Dimension, the H deals with the 2nd Dimension, the S deals with the 3rd Dimension in association with the H (“Sh”) and with the “A”, the 4th Dimension seem to emerge as with the “K”. If the “S and H” add without “A”, we have “SH”, the “Noise”, the Asymmetry but when we add the “A” to “S and H”, we get the Symmetry that is the “S”, and it gives the 4th Dimension. It needs that one writes down these point and analyze to understand and comprehend as it’s simple as also for the quantum, cymatics, dimensional studies, vowel and consonant theory and lot more that gives us the knowledge and wisdom of the languages, linguistics and the grammars. The “Sh” is the Indian Sacred Theory of Bindi Theory, while the “S” deals with the “Bindu” Theory, and when we consider the Aspirated Sound, for example, the K’, its the “Sh” Sound Creator, but we give it the “S (Light or Thought, the Breathe), H (Emotion or the Breathe Duration) , A (Sound or Breathe Vibration)” Parameters that make it the “S” Sound, which we write as the K, the representative of the “S” sound. So, we can also write it as follows:
K’ (Bindi)+S+H+A=K (Bindu)
K’ as Mantra Systems=K as Sacred Poetry
3-D Theory of Consonants (K’)=4D Theory of Vowels (Poetry)
3-D SAHA Systems=4-D NAMA Systems
Figurative, the Form Pole=Motion, Dynamic Pole (Cymatics)
The Indian Sacred Systems thus put everything as follows:
Prose (3-D)=Mantra (3-D and 4-D Transitions)=Poetry (4-D)
Secret of Indian Sacred Cymatics: It simply means that SAHA, the “Bonds of Vowels and Consonants”, the Sacred Linguistic Systems in the Prose are SATA in the Mantra Form (Sacred Geometry with Sacred Music, Math, Geometry and Language) and go to NAMA in the Sacred Indian Poetry Systems, which is Pure Dance of Shiva (4-D)-Shakti (3-D), the N and M, which are the Musical Climaxes of the Vowels dancing on the “Consonants and or the Vowels”. It’s also the Secret of Every Sacred World Language, Linguistic, Grammar, Music, and Sacred Geometry as with the Sacred Cymatics!


For the above said reasons, the Indian Sacred Term of “Paath, the Path” is very special as it deals when one go through the process of Crystallization (Amrit, the 4-D Superfluid Water (Liquid) and thus the Process of Cymatic Water Crystallization) of Inner Water, which as the Superfluid influences the 5 Elements and the Waves and Vibrations of the Longitudinal and Transverse nature) as well as all that can be influenced or changed with the Sacred Prose, Mantra and Poetry (Music), and that is why “All Sacred Readings, the Path or Paath” has been given special times as also based on the “Times of Raga” when one can perform it for the best results while the Self-crystallization of Water, the Sacred Cymatics is called the “Simarana”, which is not same as doing the Paath, the Path, the reading, singing or listening to the Sacred Scriptures in the Indian or Other World Sacred Systems. (By relevancy:… )
In single sentence or nutshell, the Sacred Cymatics is the Inner Beauty and Perfection present as the Inner Music of Prose, Mantra and Poetry, which the Seers and Sages bring into the Outer Worlds as the Sacred Prose, Mantra and Poetry (Music), and it’s present inside everything.
We need to consider one point that India has been the Sacred Nation and Civilization of Sanskrit, the Most Sacred Language of Vedas and Sanskrit Language based Sacred Systems, which gives most of the “Sacred, Classical and Quantum Systems” in the world, but now it seem to have least possible population of “Sanskrit Students, Scholars, Researchers and the Grammarians” as some people can “speak” it, and it should not confuse one that if one follows the Hindu World Religions knows Sanskrit, which is one of the greatest regret of the Indian Sacred Civilizations. Modern Languages including Hindi may not be the “Computer and Machine Language”.
“Sanskrit is the language declared perfectly fit to be used for the computer. On the other hand Hindi was not considered so. This is due to the fact that Sanskrit grammar is impeccable in the aspects of phonetics and phonology.” (With thanks from the source:… and… )
Once the Sanskrit was the National Language, but now it has been replaced by Hindi, which does not represent the Sacred Language Systems of the Vedas in its Language, Grammar and the Linguistic Systems, and we can not replace the Hindu and Sanskrit Civilizations with the Hindu and Hindi Philosophy in the Sacred Civilization Systems, and for this reason, I felt the need of Indian Sacred Theory of Sanskrit Alphabets where “Vowels, Consonants and Letters” give Bases and Basics of the Indian Sacred Systems of the Sanskrit Language, which are also present in the Gurmukhi Language Systems, but in the Form of Gurbani, the Sacred Poetics and the Mantra Systems; as the Punjabi Language, Grammar, and Linguistic Systems may not reflect the Sanskrit Sacred Systems as the Modern Hindi and Other Languages in its “Non-Mantra and Non-poetic Constitutions” may not also do so, that is, these can not do the Human Brain, Machine and Computer Languages, and thus the Ongoing Research of Philselfology for the “Need of Sacred Languages in the Mantra and Poetic Systems, which are the Sacred Part of the World Languages, and the “General Prose” seems to be the “Secular Grammatical Systems”. In other words, we need to integrate the Sacred, Classical and Quantum Systems with the Modern Education (Math, Music, Languages, Grammars, Philosophy, Science, Art, etc.), Life, Consciousness, Machines, Computers, Universe, Nano and Metamaterial Systems.
So, in a way I have tried to make the Sacred Sanskrit Civilization having meaning in Modern India and World with other World Sacred Languages and the Civilizations through the Essentials of Sacredness, which needs the Bhava and the Bhaava as we have discussed that the Bhaga and Vana goes for the Singularity of and in Dualism (Bhaga) and as expressed in the Monism Systems, and that both the Monism and Dualism create the “Bhava” while the Bhaava, which is the Most Sacred Creation of Consciousness in the Universe is the “Common Vibration, the “A” in the Monism and Dualism”, which goes as the Sacred Mantra (Monism) and Sacred Poetry (Dualism), which makes the Sacred Mantra and Sacred Poetry have the “S, H and A”, the Essence of Sanskrit Language and the Vibration Theory of All Sacred and Other Languages leading to the Basics and the Bases of Sacred Cymatics and Water Memory, which follows the “Bhaava, the Vibration as the Language of Consciousness, the Zero Dimension”.
“Old Church Slavonic, Classical Armenian, Avestan, Coptic, Biblical Hebrew, New Testament Greek, Ge’ez, Ardhamagadhi, Pali, Sanskrit and Latin are among the many dead languages used as sacred languages.” (With thanks from the source: and… )
It seems that at least one nation needs to make the legal and constitutional changes to begin the Quantum, Classical and Sacred Systems something “official” for the masses as in the general education as once Mesmer did from Austria, but this time, it seems to be a Big Boon for the Humanity, the Masses, the Public, and Earth, Solar and Universe Systems with our great many thanks to the modern scientists, philosophers and the researchers making the “Quantum Shift, the Global Change” a reality. For example, in the modern world Mahatma Gandhi is considered “Sacred Warrior”, who brought the Philosophy of Sacred Native Indian Systems as the Indian Modern Lifestyle! (By relevancy:… and… )
Well, you see in any case, we can use the Indian Sacred Alpahebts in cure of Incurable Diseases!
How Gurmukhi and Other Indian Alphabets Explain Structure of Cells and Cancer Cure: The 25 Consonants represent the “Fractals”, which we find in Cancer Cells, and Second Row as the Connective Tissues (The Longitudinal Waves as in the Fibers in Cell and Living Body), the First Row as the Concentric Point that regulates the “Focus” of the “Cell Organisms, the Cells, the Organs and the Body as also the Transverse Waves”, and it adds life simultaneously to the 5th Column, which is the Chakra, the Concentric Points and Circles, which are popular as the Kundalini Chakras, the Powerhouse of Longitudinal (Sound) and Transverse (Light) Waves. We can surely use it for Cancer and Fungi Based Diseases. We discuss it more in the other parts of the series as well as in the next part.
We will edit and add.
The Previous Part of the Series: How Akala, Satinama and EAKA Philosophy Explains Theory of Amplituhedron, Planck Length and Cymatics: Kala as Classical Time, Akala as Quantum Time Dimensions and Akasha Homotopy and Topology: Gurmukhi and Be Happy Philselfologically 178
The Next Part of the Series: How Gurmukhi and Other Indian Alphabets Explain Human Body, Kundalini, Chakra, Quantum Therapies, Image of Information Universe, Quantum Gravity, Guru and Akal Moorati, Vedas, Gurbani and Indian Scriptures: Gurmukhi and Be Happy Philselfologically 180
Thanks for your time!
Be Happy Philselfologically while listening to Good Quality Music Everyday!
