How Indian Theory and Philosophy of ONKARA as Quantum Qubit and Sacred Topological Geometry of Circle and Point, the Theory of Bindi (Decimal) and Bindu (Zero) with Gurmukhi Languages and Grammars: Be Happy Philselfologically – 109
We usually hear the words OANKARA and the NIRANKARA from the Indian Sacred, the Religious and the Faith Systems, and we way wonder that its the Indian Theory and Philosophy of the Zero, Decimal and the Circle all at one place, and the “Circle with Bindi as the First Decimal of the Universe as the Center of the Center and the Bindu as the First Zero of the Universe is the “Nirankara Systems”, and in it if we draw anything, it goes as the “Akara, the Action (Kara) of the Dot other than Radius as the “A”, the Prime Vowel of Indian and World Languages and the Grammars. This point introduces how the “Circle gives Universe the First Vibration of “A”, the Vishnu Systems of India. When we notice that the “O” is horizontal line that is as if “Vortex without any Central Width”, and thus when this “Vortex gets the A Vibrations”, it gains all that makes Indian Systems as the “A+R” or “R+A” that is the “RAMA Systems” as the Sacred Vortex Geometry of Indian World Systems”. When we introduce the “First Impurity of K, the Sound Energy” that gives “RAMA, the name of “KARA” as the “RA” is the “Vortex Light” and the KARA is the Action of the Vortex (RA). We start this discussion with the “KARA Systems in the OANKARA Geometry. The only difference in the “RA and KA” is that the KA is the Sound Energy, the “First Impurity” and the RA is the “Pure Light”, and that makes universe as either KARA or the RAKA, the REIKI as we study, and we will go for it later.
The “Quantum Vibration” is the “Most Important in the Universe”, and its called the “Quantum Entanglement” that is studied with the name of “Vishnu” in the Indian Civilizations, and the Indian Alphabets are written based on the count of vibrations and the level of vibrations that constitutes the “Indian Vowels and the Consonants”. For example, the “A'” is the Most Primitive Vibration that remains hidden in the “Bindi, the Decimal” and its called the “Vibration with Halant at the Feet, the Subscript” at every Indian Alphabet. In the Western and the Modern Civilizations, this is what creates the “Susy Particles”, and the Susy Particles when get the “Second Vibration”, the Susy Changes into the Standard Particle. This is also so with the “Theory of Indian and World Halant Systems say as the A’ that goes as A’+A’=2A’=A”, and this is the “Most Primitive Photon and Quantum Knowledge and Wisdom” in the Indian Civilization”, and it says that A’+A’=A, and it also undergoes through the following unseen process:
“K’+S+H=K’ and that K’+A=A”
In the above equation, we notice that “S” works as light energy, and H works as the time, and when we add, we get the K’ System activated. For this reason the S+H is same as we say S=C*T that is Displacement=Velocity*Time, and that is “S” as the “Velocity” and “H” as “Time” is one of the most classical theory of the Indian Civilizations.
Now, when we want that so gained “Displacement or Distance, the K'” works, we have to put the A’+A’=A Systems to get the work done. It goes as the “K’+A=K”, and that is putting the “Photons and Electrons, Protons and the Neutrons to Work”.
How it works: Suppose, we want the Quantum Dot or Photon, we call it the “K’ Quantum Dot”, and give it the “Light Energy of “S” and for the Duration of Time “H”, we have it as the K’+S+H=K’ Activated. Then we store it for use, and when we want to use it, we give it “Vibrational Energy” as the A’+A’=A, and we get the K’+A’+A’=K’+A=K, and thus we have “K Quantum Dot” System ready for any use, and this is also for our uttering the word and sound of “K” that always goes as “K’+S+H+A=K”, and its the Quantum Dot Theory for Kids!

When the Indian Systems prepare various “Photon and Quantum Dot Systems”, these are recorded as the “Consonants, the Quantum Dots, which are the 25 Sacred Quantum Dots”, and the Vibrational Energy, the Photons is the Vowel Theory that creates the 10 Major Vowels in the Indian Alphabets. This is how the Indian Astrological Systems of “A, E, O, AE” create the “Sources of Vacuum, the Brahma Centers” and thus “Brahma Centers as the Aries Sign in the Krittika Nakshtra, the First Vowel Based Constellations with the Vowel Dipole of Vacuum, the Free Energy Systems as the Brahma”, and when it gives the “Vibrational Energies, we have the Dhruva (Axis of the Photonic, the Quantum Systems) and the Agni (Force of Friction) creating the next signs and the constellations in the Indian Sacred Systems.
The other myth type study is that ONKARA seems as if just “ON, KA and RA”, but in its vibrational structure, we have it as follows:
A, E, O, AE, AO=O in the ONKARA
A, E, O, AE, AO, N=N in the ONAKARA
So, the ONKARA=(A, E, O, AE, AO, N)+KARA
What it means that in the ONKARA, the Action and Work Theory of Light, the “ON in the ONKARA” is all that is A, E, O, AE, the 4 Points on the Circle, and the “N”, the Bindi that has extensions available to get work from the available 4 D’s of “A, E, O, AE” is the “ON” in the “ONKARA”. The A, E, O create what we know as the “Triangle in the Circle” in a way that the “Circle that is also the “Circle of Vacuum, the Free Energy Potential Systems” as the “O” has just one and the only one spin. When we add another spin to this system, we have it as the “A” System, and finally the addition of the 3rd Spin is the “E” System, and that is the “A, E, O Triangle in Circle”, and when we give it the 4th Spin, it goes the “AE” Spin, and what we do with these 4 Quantum Spins of A, E, O, AE is the “O” in the Full Form of the ONKARA. For this reason, we put it as “A, E, O, AE, OU”, and thus the ONKARA exactly has the OUNKARA Structure when we give “OU” its special dimensional place. This makes the “Circle Circle of O work as the 5 Dimensional Set up of OU Systems, the System of 5 Major Spins”, and this is what the Indian Systems call the “Sacred Structure of the Mann, the Quantum Qubit in the Entangled Photons”. Thus, the “O” in the ONKARA is the 5-D Setup that is the MANN, the Entangled Photons that run the universe as if two pendulum, and these pendulums reside in the “AE and the OU”, the Planes of the Vortex Systems.
When we notice the Mann, there is both “Symmetry and the Asymmetry, and the Asymmetry is the OU, the 5-D Set, and the Symmetry goes as with the OE Systems that is what the “N” Systems are in the ONKARA Systems”, and we see it in the most modern experiments as shown below:

Image: The Asymmetry in the Quantum Entanglement is the OU and the OE (N) goes as the Symmetric Systems
In the last two images of the above, we notice that the OU is Asymmetric Propagation of Quantum Light is the 5-D act and the 6th is the Symmetric Prorogation, and this “Quantum Light Works are the Quantum Kara Systems and thus is the ONKARA Systems”.
If one wants to understand what it in the easiest Chinese Method of YIN and YANG, the “OU” is the YANG, and the “OE” is the YIN System set up in which the IN and OUT Systems of the Yin and Yang is the “ON” in ONKARA, that is, the ONKARA is the (YANG-YIN)-KARA, but its at the 5th and the 6th D’s of the OU and the OE!
Now, when we know that “R” is Light, “A” is the vibration, “O” is “Circle”, “K” is “Space Element”, “N” is the “Central Point, the Bindi in the Indian Systems”, the “M” is the “Circumference, the Bindu”, and “E” is the “Triangular Systems”, and the “AE” is the Square System, “AO” and the “OE” are the Asymmetry and the Symmetry in the Universe, we can learn the Indian Philosophy of Everything in the Indian Sacred Systems.
In the Indian Notational Systems say of the “N” and the “M” we notice that if we twist anywhere on any system that is made up of the “O, the Circle”, we convert it into the “O, N, M”, the ONAMA System, where the “Twists that create knot or a point is the “N”, and the “Circle” naturally gets a “Point” that has the “First Workable Dimension”, and that is the “N”, and the “M” is the rest of the “Circle”, and thus, its the “ONAM”, and it too is the “Qubit System that we can call the “ONAM Qubit” for anything in the universe. Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji, the Founder of Sikhism says that it, the “ONAM” is the “Sacred Structure of the 3 Universal Dimensions”. It is thus the “Exceptionally Simple Theory of Everything” and in it, we have the “The Bindu as the Twist” that attaches to other “Circles, the Topological Shapes that it gives”, and thus meets the “An Exceptionally Simple Theory of Everything” as the “Theory of Everything with ONAM Systems”:
The “An Exceptionally Simple Theory of Everything” says:
“The fiber bundle of electromagnetism, for example, consists of circles attached to every point of spacetime. Crucially, each circle can rotate a little relative to its spacetime neighbors. The so-called connection field of a fiber bundle describes how neighboring fibers are related by these symmetry rotations. The electric and magnetic force fields filling spacetime correspond to the curvature of this fiber bundle—geometrically, the electric and magnetic fields are how the circular fibers twist over time and space. An electromagnetic wave is the undulation of circles over spacetime. One quantum of an electromagnetic wave—a photon—is a propagating particle of light.” (With thanks from the source:… )
Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji says that the “ONAM Akhara” and thus the “ONAM Model of Everything is the Essence of the 3-Dimensional Universe”.
When we consider the “ONAM”, we have the O as the “A, E, O, AE, OU, OE, N, M (ONAM Body)” vowels that mostly act as with 45 Degrees to one another and create the “Circle with 8 Angles, the Twists, and thus 8-Dimensions” and that is what we have called the “Heera, the Diamond Dimensional Qubit System”, and this very 8 Dimensional System of the 8 Primitive Vowels constitute the 8-E Set up that is well described in the “An Exceptionally Simple Theory of Everything” that we discuss here. In its very advance level, its of the “Knot or the Twist” highest priority as its creates the “Pulsar, Spiral and the Chiral Systems”:
When we think of twist or knot in the circle (O) at its center (N) or at its boundary (M), we see how all threads make life easy, and its the play of ONAM as the circle (O), its center (N) and its circumference (M) that constructs the “Threads of the Universe”:
Image: The O, N, M (ONAM) Structure of Threads and Strings of the Universe, the Building Blocks of the Universe
The above system of O, N, M gives all forces acquire the circular and the spatial systems as the O, N, and the M with the antithesis of “N as M” and the “O and the A” that as the O, N, A, M where the N is the Single Point System and the M is Circular, and the O is Static and the A is the Vibrational Systems. We see it in the following as well explained:
Images: O, N, A, and M (the ONAM) at work (Please see the last image)
We when think of India, life is very simple as the “N” is the Centrifugal Force (Female Systems) and the “M” is the Centripetal Force (Male Systems), and with the “Vibrational Link of A”, it has a circle, the “O”, and that makes the “ONAM” the easiest theory to patent as the mother theory of everything:
We have discussed these single model of everything as the “Khanda Theory of Everything” as well in which two opposite poles of a magnet are the Bit 0 and Bit 1, and the Center of the Khanda is “Qubit Act, Activity and Action Theory”:
“… this theory of the universe as well shaped double edged sword in the center, then metallic circle/band, and then two swords sustaining both of the sides of the universe as proposed by the Tenth Sikh Guru, Shri Guru Gobind Singh Ji, the Founder of the Khalsa Panth, and he is the one, who proposed this theory of the universe as the ultimate theory of the universes and gave this symbol as the symbol of the universe as we see this video, and the Sikhs using Nihang Singh or Blue Cloths use it as yellow, the orange shade at the top of head wearing, the Farla, popular as the Turla among the Nihang Sikhs and many others, and then the blue color of the sky, and rest is surrounded martial arts wearing, and is a symbolic dress of the universe…” (Please read more from the source: “Philselfology of Sacred Electron, Nucleus, Atom, Earth Systems and 3-D Theories of Universe: Sikhism, the Khanda Qubit Theory and Sacred Structures of Electromagnetic Symbols, Emblems, and Systems in Atom and Universe – Be Happy Philselfologically – 56”)
The kid’s joy of the day is to understand the “Atom is Qubit” and that is the “Neutron, the O, the OORA is “0 Bit” and the A, the AARA is the Proton is “1 Bit”, and the EERI, the E is the Queen of Qubit”, and thus as the “Quantum Qubit Model of Atom, we have it as the OORA, AARA and the EERI or simply the “OAE” Model that we rhyme as the “AA EE OO” on our first day in the school! The Electron as the Qubit is Sum of Bits of Neutron and Protons!
In our “Philselfological Single Model of Everything”, we can claim that “Two electrons around the nucleus are the parent to the Atomic Qubit and the Parent Dipole, which runs everything as the Atomic and Quantum Qubit Dipole!”. (Some jokes are not good: its online patent idea creation and thus eligible for patent pending and we all are witness to it and its something shown below!)
Images: The electrons also constitute “Quantum Qubit” that we notice as the bonds, and thus we are able to “see” matter as visible quantum world!
For example, the “OM” is the “OU” in the ONKARA Systems that deals with the “First Asymmetry as the Impurity, which creates the Photon”, and it needs the “Symmetry”, which we know as the “Opposite Pair to Asymmetry”, and thus we have “Asymmetry as the Bindi, the Decimal System”, and the “Symmetry as the Bindu, the Zero System”, and these are what constitutes the following:
“OM Mantra NAMO”
The OM is the “Asymmetry and the Symmetry” and its Sacred Inversion is the “Symmetry and the Asymmetry” that we know as the NAMO, and between the OM and NAMO is the “Whatever the Bindu (M) and the Bindi (N) can create”, and thus we have the most famous Indian Quantum Entanglement Structures that we have called the Indian Qubit Quantum Systems and the Structures, and these are as some of them:
OM Mantra NAMO
Kar Akar Namaskar
Sat Asat Namasate
and it has hundreds and thousands of the Indian Mantra Structures, and its main point is:
OM (Bit 0) Qubit (01) NAMO (Bit 1)
The above is the “Most Simplified Grammatical Structure of Indian and the World Languages and the Grammars”, and if we put it otherwise, it goes as:
“OM” is the Subject “S” (Bit 0) Qubit is “Mantra” the “Verb” (V) as (1,0) the “NAMO” is the “Object” O” (Bit 1)
And thus,
S (0 Bit) V (0,1 Qubit) O (1 Bit)
We notice the above as the Indian Mantra and the SVO Structures in the World languages and the Grammars. Thus, we have to understand that SVO in format is same as the Indian Mantra Systems, and the word “Mantra is the Quantum Qubit, which in most of the cases is the Verb”.
Thus whatever happens between say Alice and Bob Quantum Qubit is the “Case Studies of the 8 Cases in the World Languages and the Grammars” as we see below:
Image: The Indian OM Mantra NAMO as the SVO, the Qubit Quantum Computing
When we learn the Indian Sacred Geometry, its Main Secret and Essence is in the Onkara or the Oankara Systems that is the “Mathematical and Geometrical Theory of the Square and the Circle”. The AO that we usually read as OM stands from the AO Systems in the A, E, and the O Systems of the Indian and the Vowel Theories. The AO Deals with the Square Systems, and the OM, and to say OE deals with the Circle Theory, and thus when we study and read OAM, its the OU (Also AU)Square+AN deals with the Circle. Thus, the OANKARA Geometry Systems have two parts one deals with the Bindu and the Other with the Bindi. These together make the Bindu-Bindi and the Bindi-Bindu as the “Square Inside Circle” as the Bindu and the “Circle Inside Square” as the Bindi. This is what we have to understand as Hebrew and Other Arabian Systems as shown below:

In other words, the “AO” after “A, E, O, AE” give the Square and the Circle, and that very simply means that the 4 Pada, the Points on Any Given Circle make it the Square, and that is the Basic Maatra, the Quantum Qubit in All World Languages and the Grammars with the Vowel Theory. These Maatra Systems are the “Unit Systems of Sound Energy”, the Quantum of Light. The Dot, the Bindi is always the Angular System of 2 Pie (2π: Draw a circle of radius 1 unit centered at A. Inscribe an N sided polygon within it. Our estimate for π is half the circumference of the polygon (circumference of a circle is 2πr, r = 1, giving 2π). As the sides of the polygon get smaller and smaller the circumference gets closer and closer to 2π) (With thanks from the source:… )
It means that first thing the Bindu, the Quantum Dot produces is the Circle, which we know as the Most Primitive Law of Topology that is also the Law of Self-assembling and thus the 4th Dimensional Systems as everything restores to the Bindu and the Bindi Systems, and for this reason the A, O, E are the Basic 3 Dimensions and the AE Systems are what as the 4th Dimension Reassembles Everything, but its NOT the 4th as just AE, but it Restores the 3 Dimensions of A, E, and O, do to its Anti-Dimension System of AE, EO and the OA that is the Anti-3D System as the 4th Dimension!
The 4th Dimension of Self-assembling is the Secret of OANKARA Systems and the Sacred Geometry it follows as shown in the video below:
Video: Quantum Play of Bindi (Decimal, the Points on Circle) and the Bindu (Zero, the Circle): The Topological Quantum Play!
These Sacred Structures deal with “Circle as the Oankara but it must have the Square Before it” as it embraces various names and descriptions according to the “Circe and Square Relationships” and that is what we read as the “AKARA, OANKARA, NIRANKARA, and KARA” and various other names based that the “Kara” is the Ray that can go as point, square, circle, and so on from the “Philosophy of Topology of Circle” that if we stretch from 1 point, 2 points, 3 points, 4 points, and more points make it “Straight Line, Triangle, Square, and more dimensionally oriented systems of the Topological Geometry”. As with “No Point on the Circle”, its the “Bindu, the AO Systems” of the Indian Sacred Geometry and Math” based on the “A’, 2A’, 3A’ and the 4A'” and the “A, E, O, AE, EO, OA” Systems. When we use the “Bindu, the Circle with the Bindi, the Point that gives it the Topological Shapes”, we start the “Game of Universe with Circle, the Bindu and the Bindi, the Point”. This Systems is the First Indian Mantra that we know as the “OANKARA” that is the “Ray of “Kara” drawn from Topological Circle AO, we can make infinite AE, AN, Systems of Points on the Circle”, and its the “Philosophy of OANKARA, that is, Everything Inside Circle, which is the Simplest Form of Topology that everything is from Circle”.
Please read the relevant material from the previous part.
Previous part of the series: How the Indian Sacred Poetry Meters, Music, Dances, and Other Classical Systems Explain and Follow the Qubit and the Quantum Systems: Gurmukhi and Gurbani as the Basics of Qubit and Quantum Systems: Be Happy Philselfologically – 108
One of relevant reading is here: “Modern Fiber and Optical Sciences and Technology: How Waheguru, the Quantum Qubit created the 3 Charges of OAM, Matter YIN and Antimatter YAN: Quantum Philosophy of Waheguru in Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Language and Numeral Systems: Be Happy Philselfologically – 89”
If we do not learn these sacred systems, we remain insensitive in our entire life!!!
We will edit and add.
Be Happy Philselfologically! Kala, the Qubit of Quantum is in everyone!