How Languages, Linguistics and Grammars are Integrated and Fabricated as the 25 Strings and 2 Superstrings with SVO and Indian Sacred Mantra Construction Systems: Philology, Philselfology, NAMA and MANA Theory: Be Happy Philselfologically 131
We have discussed what the Philology, the Classical and the Quantum Philology is as the String and the Superstring Theory, and how the Sacred Alphabets of the Indian and the World Sacred Civilizations describe the Philology as the Quantum Philology and all as the Philselfology. It embraces the Linguistics, Languages, and Grammars in the most primitive way in the world. We can put it as follows, which is based on the Hypothesis of Philselfology as the Quantum Philology that is further based on the String and the Superstring Theory in all world language systems including the Math and Computing
1. The Language is the Quantum Superstring Theory
2. The Linguistics is the Classical Superstring Theory
3. The Grammar is the 25 String Theory
4. The Spacetime of the Trinity of Languages, Linguistics and the Grammars is the “S+H+A”, the Time, Space and Time Duration Systems without which no language, linguistic and the grammar can exist
With the above 4 Linguistic Parameters, we have the following Philselfological Model and Theory of Languages, Linguistics and the Grammars:
1. The First Parameter is the Spacetime as the S+H+A that we can call as the SAHA Systems
2. Philosophy as the Language Part and the Parameter, and thus the Languages as the Quantum Systems, which constitutes the Quantum Superstring in it all
3. Science as the Linguistic Part and the Parameter, and thus the Linguistics as the Classical Systems, which thus constitutes the Classical Superstring in it all
4. Self, the Human Interface, the Human Communications as the Setup of Grammar is the Grammatical Part and the Parameter, which thus constitutes the 25 Strings
So, we can put the Spacetime of Philselfological Field of Languages, Linguistics and the Grammars as the Quantum Superstring, Classical Superstring and the 25 Strings as the SAHA, the Spacetime Philselfology, and thus the Quantum Spacetime Philology.
The SAHA, the Spacetime follows the Shri Guru Nanak Dev Equation of Language, Linguistic and Grammar as the E’EK Systems in which the E’ is the Sihari in the Indian Sacred Languages say the Gurmukhi, which is now the Quantum Spintronics, and before going further, we discuss how the E’, the Sihari is the Quantum Spintronics of Languages, Linguistics and the Grammars.
The Indian and the World Languages use the Construction (Creation) Part of Language Systems, and it’s called the Sirjana and the Disposal of the same is called the Visarjana, and its thus the Creation of Classical Superstring (Creation, the Sirjana Part) and the Disposal Part is the Quantum Superstring, and in between all of it, the Upper (Starting Part, the Creation) and the Lower (Ending Part, the Disposal) exists the “Grammatical Constructions”, which are the 25 Strings of any World Languages. In it all, we notice the Role of Spacetime Systems as the “Creation, the Classical Superstring of Languages” has the S+H+A (Space, Time, Dipole as the Time Interval, the Vibration, the A’-A’ and the A-A). The Disposal Part as the Visarjana is the Indian Sacred Systems call the “NAMA, the N and M as say the NAMA, NAME, NAMO, NAMAH”, and so on, and it’s the “Primal Point in the Indian and the World Languages that its Disposal, the Visarjana should be properly executed”.
For the N’M, N’A’M and the N’AA’M and the N’AA’M’A Parts, the Indian Grammarians seem to have given the “Highest Possible Priority”, and that is how the Indian Mantras exist and that is also how all world languages and the grammars exist with the Subject, Verb and the Object, the SVO Structures. In it all say the SVO, the Starting, Middle and the End Part of the Sentence, Stanza or the Summary, and any “Complete Construction”, we always have the Subject, the Sirjana, Verb as the Middle or the Mantra Part, and the Object as the End Part, we have the 25 Strings, Classical and Quantum Superstrings “Holding the Languages, Linguistics and the Grammars” as follows:
1. Subject, the Classical Part and thus the Classical Superstring
2. Verb, the 25 String Part, which as if the “Commune, the Communication, the Living Part of the Language, and thus the “Self” of the Languages
3. Object, the Quantum Part, and thus the Quantum Superstring
So, the SVO is the “Simplest Possible Expression of Languages, Linguistics and the Grammars”, and that is to say the SVO is also the Superstring Theory.
The Indian Sacred System creators used the SVO for the Religious, Spiritual and Scientific Development and Evolution, and has put it all as the “OM Mantra NAMO” for example, the Indian Mantras are as the SVO’s as follows:
“OM Shri Ganeshaya Namah”
“OM Namo Shivaye”
In the last mantra, we notice that the “OM Mantra NAMO” goes as the OM NAMO Mantra, and its same as in the World Languages and the Grammars, we have the SVO (Subject, Verb, Object) as also the SOV (Subject, Object, Verb).
Thus, we have the Indian Sacred Grammars giving us the SVO as the OMN, the OM Mantra NAMO as follows:
1. OM, the Classical Part and thus the Classical Superstring
2. Mantra, the 25 String Part, which as if the “Commune, the Communication, the Living Part of the Language, and thus the “Self” of the Languages
3. NAMO, the Quantum Part, and thus the Quantum Superstring
Now, we may question about how Shri Guru Nanak Dev Equations go for the SVO and the Indian Mantras, which follows the “E’EK”, and it’s the “N’A’M” that is same as the “E’EK”. We will discuss it in the next part.
Meanwhile, we will edit and add.
The Previous Part of the Series: Shri Guru Nanak Dev Qunatum Time Equation of Chronon: How I Developed Single Theory of Unification of Everything with Physics, Philosophy, Math and Logic in University of Adelaide: Philology and Philselfology – Be Happy Philselfologically 130
The Next Part of the Series: How Shri Guru Nanak Dev Quantum Time Equation of E’EK Helps Understanding Quantum Matter (Tat), Quantum Light (Sat), Spintronics, Superstring Theory, Classical and Quantum Systems: Gurmukhi Quantum Languages: Be Happy Philselfologically 132
Well, thanks for your time!
Be Happy Philselfologically and Play the Quantum Qubit Music Everyday, and its good at 528 Hz!