How NAAMA Quantum and Qubit Science Cures Every Disease – Gurbani, Gurmukhi and Origin of Ancient Indian Sacred Math and Other Systems from Labhada and Paralabhada – Be Happy Philselfologically and Indian, Arabian and Hebrew Qubit Models – 114
In the Indian and the World Civilizations, the “Word of God”, which we discuss as the “NAMA” and the “NAAMA” Theory, is the “Photon Quantum Theory” that gives every insight and cure to health and wellness. How the “NAMA” Theory heals every disease is what we discuss in this part of the series.
Our body is composed of waves and vibrations with light as particle and wave, and every function in the body is either the wave function or the particle function.
The wave functions are the dipoles in which the central systems do not have the longitudinal vibrations and that is the “0A’-0A’”, which in the Indian Sacred Systems is called the “Labhadi or Lubhadi” that is “Something that can be carried to next action with “charge or activity taken”, and what we see as the “0A’-0A’” is the “Passive, the Labhadi, the Lubhudi Part”, and the Indian Maatra that is the A’ is possible only when 4 Systems of “0A’” are present and vibrate in the proper orientation that is same as the Modern Photon and the Qubit Structures and Systems, and when we see that the Photons associated with the Proton and the Electron give “Qubit Waves and Vibrations”, and that is the “Model of Indian Maatra Systems” that is the “0A’-0A’-0A’-0A’” make the X-Y Plane in which the “Two A’ Systems in the Middle make the Y Axis as we call the “N” Sound Systems, and the Two A’ Systems at the End of 4 A’ Systems” give the “M” Sound Systems, and this is what is present in the “Nucleus of Every Atom”.
With a very interesting point that “0A’-0A’-0A’-0A’” is called the Labhada, and the “0A’-0A’” alone that we can add or subtract is called the “Labhadi” and constitutes the Indian Sacred, the Quantum Mathematics and the “0A’-1A’-1A’-0A’” as the Para-labhada, and its one of the most believed and discussed topics in the Indian and World Sacred, the Quantum Systems, the World Religions and Faiths.
The Indian Quantum or the Dynamic Mathematics and is the “Origin and Birthplace of All Indian Languages as the Theory of Elements as well” and all based on the “Ladhabda and the Labhadi Systems” is one of the most enjoyable studies in the world that deals with the “Indian and World Linguistic and Sign Math” and gives us the Most Basic and Primitive Indian Sacred, the Quantum Systems of “Languages, Astrology, Ayurveda, Music (RAGA), Dances, Instrumental, and in nutshell, the Sacred Systems of Indian and Other Sacred, the Quantum Civilizations”. Basically, it’s all the Physics “0A’-1A’-1A’-0A’”, and the Metaphysics “0A’-0A’-0A’-0A’”! The “Labhda “0A’-0A’” and the “Labhadi “1A’-1A’” makes the “Para-labhada” that is the “0A’-1A’-1A’-0A’”, and it’s the ‘Secret of Health and Wellness in All Ancient World Sacred, the Quantum, the Dynamic Systems”. Its also the “Two Dipole and the Qubit Circuit in the Modern Quantum and the Qubit Science and Math Systems”, and well I happen to know not everything though!
For healthy waves and vibrations, the simple Quantum Indian Math goes as: The OORA, “0A’-0A’”, the AARA “1A’-1A’” and the EERI “0A’-0A’-0A’-0A’” and the EEAA as the ““0A’-1A’-1A’-0A’” (EEAA=EERI+EERI), which we know as the ‘Maatra of Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesha and the Durga, the Goddess, which make the “Simplest Quantum Qubit” according to the Philselfological Hypothesis of Model of Everything. If we make a mental health and fitness exercise, life is lot easier!
We always have the “Particle Wave Function” as the “0A’-0A’-0A’-0A’”+ “0A’-0A’-0A’-0A’”= “0A’-(0A’+0A’)-(0A’+0A’)-0A’” that goes as the “0A’-1A’+1A’+0A’”, and this is the “Quantum Particle Wave Function” and its written as “NAAMA Systems”.
Thus, the “NAMA” Systems are the “0A’-0A’-0A’-0A’”, and the “NAAMA” Systems of Sound as the Quantum, the Photon Systems is the “0A’-1A’+1A’+0A’”.
This way all vibrations that our body uses connect to either “NAMA” or the “NAAMA” for the “Creation or Healing of Particle and Matter Waves and Vibrations”, and the “Creation and Healing of Light and Consciousness”. For simplicity, we can assume that the “NAMA” is the Muscular Function in the Human Body and the “NAAMA” is the Nerves Systems.
When the Indian Ayurveda and Other Health and Wellness Scriptures describe the Human Body as the Shiva-Shakti, the Vishnu-Laxami, and the Brahma-Sarasvati, and so on, its all the “Wave and Particle Function of NAMA and the NAAMA, that is the Bindi and the Bindu”.
The “Bindi”, the Quantum Dot in the Indian Systems is the “0A’-0A’-0A’-0A’” and the “Bindu” as the Quantum Dot Systems that acts as the Quantum Light Wave Systems is the “0A’-1A’-1A’-0A’”. Here we have to understand it as the Classical and the Quantum Wave as in the Classical View, the “Bindi” has energy of vibration and thus we have it as “0A’-0A’-0A’-0A’”, but in the Quantum Systems, the “Bindi” is the Scalar Identity. When we think of a Scalar Quantum Dot Systems, the “0A’-0A’-0A’-0A’” is a “Scalar” where the “Direction Dimension” is not very important, but in the “0A’-1A’-10A’-0A’”, we have the “Two Dipoles” that follow a direction, and thus we in the Quantum Theory put it as the “Vector”.
For these reasons the “Indian Sacred, the Quantum Systems” claim as according to this hypothesis that what creates the “Sound Energy, the Bindi” is the Scalar Quantity and it acts as the “Particle and Matter in the Human Body”, and the “Bindu as the Light Energy” as the “Vector Quantity” works as the “Light and Consciousness”. This sacred system is the “Free Energy Systems inside Human Body” that we can also use otherwise:
This way the Indian Systems always talk and discuss everything as the Male and Female due to ‘First and the Second Quantum Dot Systems”. People used to educate one another in the ancient times about “Males and Females” in this manner and it seems the “Gender Bias”, but it was the “Oral Education Systems that we know as the Vedic Traditions in the World Civilizations”, and for this reason the Indian and the World Sacred, the Quantum Systems say that “Female Systems cannot produce the NAAMA Systems” and thus the “NAAMA” Theory was usually handed over to the Males due to the NAAMA Vibrations and the Females were appointed to Impart the “NAMA”, the SHAKTI Enlightenment Systems. This is one of the reasons that even in the Sikhism, the “Females” may not participate in the “NAAMA Sanskara Ceremonies” and the men are not allowed in the “NAMA” Theory Sanskara. These “NAMA and the NAAMA Sanskara Systems are for Health and Wellness”, and has nothing to do with the “Gender or Anti-gender Bias Theories”.
When we consider the “Health and Wellness Theory”, we notice that the “NAMA and NAAMA” Sacred Systems are present in the world as the “Religion, Spiritualism and the Martial Arts” in which the Golden Rule for Health and Wellness is: “No Violations of Natural Laws and Principles”, and here the nonviolence is not discussed very prominently. The “Martial Arts” are the Symbol of the “NAMA” and the “Religion” as the “NAAMA”, and thus we see double role in the single person and that is called the “Saint and Soldier” Theory in the most of the World Religions and Faiths. The “Saint” is the Synonymous of “NAAMA” and the “NAMA” is Synonymous of the “Soldier”.
Now, we go back to the “Central and the Common Point” that is how the “0A’-0A’” creates all Vowels and Consonants as the Muscles, Nerves and the Nervous Systems.
The “Central Dipole in Everything is “0A’-0A'” or the “A’-A'” as the “1A’-1A'”, and without it nothing can exist. The A’ in this case is the “Nuclear Vibration as the “0A’ Vibration” and the “1A’-1A'” is the “Orbital Vibration”. We notice this “1A’-1A'” present in the E2=3 in the image that is how it adds to the “0A’-0A'” at the E1=2 Systems in the “Quantum Fibonacci Tree for the Golden Oscillator”, which also creates the World Universal Alphabets with “Vowels and Consonants” at the same points as shown below:

The above sequences follow the 0, 0A’ and the 1A’ Systems as the Fibonacci Time and Unity:

The above systems of the 0, 0A’ and the 1A’ also goes as:

We thus meet the “Philosophy of Zero Point Energies”:

This very system of “A’ as the Vibration is called the Maatra in All World Civilizations”. This very “Maatra is the Quantity that we know as the Quantum”. The same “Maatra” makes the music, math, grammar and what we know as the Sacred Education Systems in the world.
The Indian Sacred Systems deal the “0, 0A’ and the 1A'” all separately, and the “The Very Zero goes as the “-0, (-0,+0 Dipole), +0″ as the Life or the RAMA Dipole”, the “0A'” goes as the Vibration Introduction that keeps adding as the “KARA” while using the “RAMA” as the part of the process and the “1A'” works and functions as the A, E, O, AE, and thus the ON in the ONKARA. In all of these the RAMA is the Zero Dimension Theory of Light and when it associates with sound vibrations, the Shabada, its white color changes into various other colors and that is where the “Force of Friction” plays its part and the “R” goes as the KIRANA, the KARA Systems and its product. This Sacred Form of Light as the RAMA is the PARA Light Systems, the Nirguna Rama in the Indian Sacred Systems. The “0A'” keeps adding all vibrations as the Vowels and that with the 0, the Zero constitutes the Fibonacci Quantum Systems and at its center exists the “RAMA, the 0 System of Light” with “-0, (-0,+0 Dipole), +0” as the Consciousness to which we all are united with the universe, its vacuum and the Free Zero Point Energy Systems, that is, the “-0, (-0,+0 Dipole), +0”, the RAMA, the Para Light Systems as shown in the image 101. Please read more about it from the following part of the series:
How Gurmukhi, World Languages and Grammars Explain Qubit and Quantum Computing: Future of Quantum World with Sacred Zero, Zero Point Energy Philosophy as -0,0 and +0, the Simarna of Rosary and Ojasa, the Brahmgyana Theory: Be Happy Philselfologically – 107
As we notice that music is play of “N and M” that is the “High and Low Pressures in the Longitudinal Waves and Vibrations that also go as UP and DOWN”, but most amazing is that the the “ON”, the “A, E, O, AE, EO and OA” is the One Photon, the Quantum Systems and the “KARA as the N,M” is the Second Photon, the Quantum System, and it is the “Play of RAMA as the “0,0” Vortex Systems of Light and Matter and I have written according to the Gurbani and the Hypothesis and that is the RAMA as the Sarguna and the Nirguna Theories as described in the Holy Shri Guru Granth Sahib, the Ever and Eternal Living Guru on the Universal Sacred, the Quantum Systems.
Every cell in our body vibrates as “A’-0A’-0A’-A'” in which we have the “A'” as the “Left Pole” and the “-A'” is the “Right Pole” that is the “Two Sphere Systems” as the “A'” is the “Circle that Vibrates in the X-Axis”
The Sound that remains as the “N,M” inside every instrument is same as we discuss the “Dipole Systems” and this “N,M” is discussed as the “NA,MA” and only trouble that we face is that the “A” is one of the most hidden character in everything that we say is the “Quantum Qubit” and that as we discussed the “A” is always hidden as the “A’-A'” that if we ever want to understand is the “A’-0A’-0A’-A'” in which the “Sacred or the Quantum Dipole” is not active. The passive “Dipole is 0A’-A'” where almost nothing happens without activation that makes it go through the “0A’-0A'” Phase Transitions as we see “A’-(A’-A’)-A'” raised from the “A’-0A’-0A’-A'” with addition of the “Beat in Music” as with “A” Vibration” so, the “Musical Qubit Quantum Systems” are the “Sacred Theory of Dipoles in which we have the “Two Dipoles: “A’-(A’-A’)-A’ and “A’-0A’-0A’-A'”, which we notice in everything that exists in the universe including the universe.
This very system of two dipoles is what makes the NAMA and the NAAMA Theory as the “Two Dipoles Interactions” that is present in the Indian and World Sacred Systems as the “Shiva and Shakti”, “YIN and YONG” and with so many other names that we know about the Electric and the Magnetic Systems. The “A’-(A’-A’)-A’ is the Shakti, the Force that is the N Sound Systems “A’-0A’-0A’-A'” is the Shiva, the Power of Direction, and for an ease, we simply need to note it as the “N” as the Sound that is yet to give its sound, and “M” is the sound that we always hear in the surrounding and say in the music. The music goes inside the “N,M” as the two dipoles of the “A’-(A’-A’)-A’ and “A’-0A’-0A’-A'” and that we use as the “A, E, O, EA, OE, OA” with its original sounds of “N,M” and this same systems are what we know as the “Indian Sargama: SA RE GA MA PA DHA NI SAH”, and its always as the Quantum Qubit System as we have discussed in this series.
The Shiva Systems in the Dipole is the “A’-0A’-0A’-A'” that has “Vibration that is Circular as well as the Spherical as we know that every wave is longitudinal and transverse” and in it the wave functions in our daily life is as follows:
Here the K’ is the Vibration that when gets the “S” say our breathe and “H”, the Time, the Duration for which we breathe, and the “Vibration Setup of A, the “A’-0A’-0A’-A'” and we can speak and hear the sound of “K” from just its “Vibration as the K’ that is in the 4th Self-assembling Mode”, and we can generate it anywhere in the universe as “K Sound from the 4th D of “K” as the “K’, the Wave Mode”. It may seem a very short idea of Quantum Systems, but this is the Simplest Possible Form of All Quantum and the Qubit Theories possible that we can learn from world languages and the grammars and of course the Indian Mantra Systems and the SVO Systems of All World Grammars.
In Modern Physics, the K’ is the Susy Particle Systems and the K is the Standard Particle Systems. These both systems have only the A’ Vibration in it that is “A’-0A’-0A’-A'”, and this again is the “Vibration Dipole” that is what the Indian Sacred Systems call the “NAMA and the NAAMA” Systems that heals and cures every possible disease in the world.
“Sarb Rog Ka Aoukhad Naam” (Gurbani, the Sacred Teachings of Sikhism)
“All diseases can be cured with the Photon and Quantum Theory of NAAMA” (The Gurbani)
When we hear music, the “NAAMA” Vibrations in it transfer the “”A’-0A’-0A’-A'” Part to our body as the “A’-1A’-1A’-A'”, and this very “1A’-1A’” is the “Essence of NAMA Theories that cure and heal the body”. Here we need to consider and understand that the “Bloch Sphere Based Quantum Qubit” moves as the “0A’-1A’-1A’-0A’”, which is the “Free Space, the Vacuum Carrier as well with the 0A’ and the “1A’-1A’” is the Free Unlimited Energy, the Zero Potential Energy (popular in some ways), the Zero Point Energy Systems”. These always carry the “0A’-0A’” as the Free Space and the “1A’-1A’, the Free Energy” and we can activate it anywhere in the universe.
Everything in the Indian Sacred, the Quantum Systems is made up of this very systems of “0A’-0A’” and the “1A’-1A’”, and these are always present as the 0A’, 1A’, 2A’, 3A’ and the 4A’ Vibration that we also know as the “A, E, O, AE”, the 4 Pada, the Positions and the Most Primal Vowel Systems of the World Languages and the Grammars as the “AA EE OO”.
As we read such new quantum systems, it may seem either very easy to many and very difficult to many readers and even the musicians, and this is what we will notice during this year 2015 and next years as the easiest single model of everything say the music as the quantum science, studies and research.
In this and the next parts, we take how it, the “A’-0A’-0A’-A'” cures Human Health and DNA Systems.
To understand this series one need to know the Photon Qubit Theory or the Linguistic Systems as:
The above Linguistic Model for the Gurmukhi Languages makes the Gurmukhi Language behave as the Hebrew when we have the “K’+S+H” as it does not have the “Vowels in the K’, the Consonant Systems”. The Arabian Languages are the “Mastery of S, the Breath and H, the Breath Control” that is why in the absence of “S” but with “H” and “A”, the Gurmukhi fully behaves as the Non-Indian Language at the extreme as with “No Consonants of A Systems that are the A, E, O, AE”. We notice that the Hebrew and many other Arabian and the Israeli Languages may have no vowels but the “Breath Control” as the S/H, that is, “Breathe Length (S)/Breathe Duration (H)”. This is the Egyptian, Arabian and the Hebrew Models of Quantum Qubit Systems. These may not discuss the “A’, 2A’, 3A’, 4A'” Systems of the Indian Civilizations, but what gives the “4 Pressures as the X, Y, Z and K of the Bloch Sphere as the Quantum and the Qubit Systems”. The “A'”, the Vibration Theory of Vowels is well replaced with the “Pressure and Stress Levels of Consonants” in the Non-Indian Asian Models based on the Consonants as either “K’+S+A” or the “K’+S+H” and even the “K’+H” and all of these are the “Nuclear Models when we do not consider the Vibrations, the “A'” Models of Indian and or the Asian Civilizations and focus only on the Arabian, Hebrew and the Israeli Sacred Systems. For the said reasons, the “RAMA Model goes as the RAHEEMA or simply the RAHIM Model of the Arabian Civilizations” and it deals the “Pressures in the Bloch Spheres not just the Vibrations as in the RAMA Vibration Model”. The Gurmukhi Languages and the Grammars well discuss and describe the RAMA Vibration and the RAHEEMA RAHIMA Vibration and Pressure Models” and both are “Pairs of Qubit Model and Constitute the Pair (RAMA) and Anti-pair (RAHEEMA, the RAHIMA) Models” as shown in the Image 102, and thus the “RAHEEMA Model is Pure Qubit WAVE MODEL of Pressure resulting in “EE” Systems rather than “AA” Vibrations.
The above linguistic structure based model for “light”, the RAMA Quantum Qubit Model, and the “Casimir Pressure and Effect” as the “RAHEEMA” Quantum Qubit Model goes as shown below:
Image 101: The RAMA Light Systems as the “-0, (-0,0, +0 Dipole), +0” Life Consciousness for the Quantum Qubit Systems

Image 102: The “RAHEEMA” Pressure Systems as the “-H, (-H, H, +H, the Pressure Dipole), +H” for the Quantum Qubit Systems
The Gurbani and the Gurmukhi Sacred Systems when talk and discuss about the Zero Point Energy Systems, it goes with the Indian, Arabian and the Hebrew Systems as the Veda and the Kateba that deals as the RAMA, RAHEEMA and when we discuss the “K’ as the Matter and the Element Theory”, we have its setup in and as the “KAREEMA”, and the “KAREEMA” here means what is the “RAMA in the K Matters”, and the K-Matter is the “CHI Energy Systems”. Thus, the KAREEMA Systems goes for the “Thermal Energy System that the Quantum Vacuum and Free Energy Systems” can produce. We see the “KAREEMA” as the “Extension to the Indian KARA Systems as in the ONKARA” and the same Kara goes as the Kareema. In other words as the ON is “Prefix World to KARA, so is the RAHEEMA and the KAREEMA to the KARA as the Suffix Worlds”, and Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji calls it as the “KARATA Purusha, the Living God in the Visible World”, and that “Frame of Reference in the Shabada Energy” and this Sacred System is called the Para Systems in the Arabian, Israeli and the Hebrew Worlds and the Civilizations. We see it as the “KAREEMA Sacred Quantum Qubit Model” as shown below:
Video: The video describes the ONKARA and the KAREEMA Systems
That goes as if the following:
This series is part of Philselfological Model of Everything: The other major point in the Philselfological Model of Everything is that the “Standard Vowel Theory of A, E, O and AE” in it acts and works in the Quantum Qubit Computing as the 4 Major Algorithm Operators that are well used and described by the Grover’s Algorithm for the Quantum Qubit Computing Systems.
We can understand it as the 2A’=N1/2, the Under-root N and its equal to the Pie and when we consider the 4A’, its equal to the 2 Pie that is the 360 Degrees. For every completion of 180 Degrees we have the 2A’, and we have the 4A’ as the 360 Degree that gives the “A, E, O, AE” as the Qubit Metric System in which we have it as the “A=180, E=360, O=180, AE=520 Degrees as the A, E, O, and the AE Systems” that on the “Quantum Tree of Vowels as the Fibonacci Systems” solves almost all problems of the Quantum Computing in the Qubit Way!
Now, the “Philselfological Model of Everything” is on its way as in the Process of Patent with the USPTO offices, USA, and I am sure the works that it claims in the “Computing and Quantum Computing most significantly” may open new world of quantum computing that will be based fully on the world religions and faiths with its quantum languages and grammars for computer programming and making of quantum computers and other nano and super techs! If one has anything to say, please say so! Thanks!
Please read more from its sister blog post: How Gurmukhi and Gurbani describes Indian, Arabian, Israeli and other World Quantum Qubit Systems as the Jewish and Hindu Quantum Sacred Systems as Theories of Vowels, Consonants, Rama and Raheema Qubit Systems – Be Happy Philselfologically – 114b
We edit and add.
Thanks for your time!
Be Happy Philselfologically and Play the Quantum Qubit Music Everyday!