How Punjabi Gurmukhi Language Explain Chiral Systems in Sound, Light, and Other Mediums of Universe: Sanskrit for Omniscience and Basics of Chara Nano Quantum Multiple Therapies, Technologies and Sciences: Be Happy Philselfologically 95
We have various mediums that our 4th Dimension of the “I, the Conscience” lives and travels, and we need to understand the basics of it so that we can understand the life on earth systems for our personal use rather than for knowledge sake as our approach is the “Practical Philosophy”, the “Philselfology”, the “Swadhaya” (also spelled as the “Swaadhaya”). So whatever we discuss in this series is for daily life gains towards better life for greater good for all.
When we consider where the “Chara, the Bio-light” lives and travels, its medium is the “AGASA”, and it thus exists in the “3 Dimensions of the Chirality”. At the same time, when the “Achara, the light that talks” lives and travels it goes not through the “AGASA, the Chirality alone”, but through the “AKASA”, the medium where the “Bio-energy cannot access or exist” in it the “Light Systems exist as the SWARA, the Vowel Sounds, Light as in association with one of its dimension as the “Bio, the Chara Systems”, and other Dimension as the “Physical Worlds”, and thus the “Susy and the Matter Systems”. The Susy, the Consonant, the AKHARA can access the “Standard Systems of Vowel, the Physical Systems”, but through the “Vowel Systems”, and the 3rd Dimension of the Light Systems is the AGASA by itself that we say “GOD, the AKASA Systems, the Sacred and the Primal Sounds of the Universes” created the “Universes, the AGASA Systems where the Chirality exists”. The “AKASA Systems” in this context are thus the “Kinetic Systems of the Rajo Guni Matter”, and we can put it as the “Kinetic and Not Kinetic”, and as the Kinetic its having the AKHARA, the Consonant Systems, and as the NOT Kinetic and thus the A-KASA, the AKASA, its medium is the Sacred Vowels that forces that does not use the “Force of Friction”, and thus what we say is the “Fermi Systems of AE-AAEE and the EA-EEAA”, and many things in Indian are named as the “KRISNA or the KRISHNA”, which also means what is not AKRISHAN, which means when things, matter, and the forces do follow the “Law of Attraction”, we call it “With AAKARSHANA”, and when these do not follow the “Law of Attraction” and the “Law of Force of Friction, the Gravity”, we call it the “KARSANA or simply KRISHNA or the “KRIS”, which have also the “RIS”, the Light as its Opposite as we say the “KRIS and the RIS” and here “KRIS” is the “Light as the Medium when its beyond attraction, gravity and forces and thus its the “Power of the Universe”, and the “LIGHT, the Flow that the Indians call the RADHA, is its Force and when the RADHA moves it has its own opposite pair and that is the “DHARA” Systems, which is called the “DHARA, the Earth Systems”.
The “KRISHNA” is the “Moon Systems in the Universe that has the RADHA and the DHARA Systems as the Earth Systems”, and when we talk about the RAMA Systems, its the “Sun Systems in the Universe”, and the “MARA Systems are the Mediums of the Sun Systems”. In the “RAMA Systems”, we have the “SATO Guna, the Shakti Dimension of the RAMA Systems”, and its called the SEETA or the SITA Systems. The opposite pair of the “SEETA” is the “TASA, the TALA, TAKA”, the Flow of the sacred Sounds as we “Sow the Seeds and this Flow of Sprouting is the TASA, TAHA, TALA, TAKA (Take and the Talk root words that has the major word of the “TAKSALA” (TAKA+SALA=SEETA+TALK=TALKING SEETA, the Wisdom), the TAKASHASHILA University as opened by the RAMA Family descendants in India:
We have many other root works of the SEETA, the SATA, the SATO-Guna and the TASA, and when we put it as the HALA, the HALANT Systems, the SEETA and the TASA, the TOSA Systems remain as the “Force Not Used, the SEETA and the Force Used, the TOSA, the TASA as Sowing the Seeds” Now, these can also be the names of the people, but all of these are the “Scientific Terms based on the SANSKRIT Language and Grammar Systems”.
As we have discussed that we have the “TAMO Guna”, its Opposite Pair in the Universe is the “MATA Systems”, the Mother and the Earth Systems that we also know as the Susy Particle Systems. The “RAJO Guna”, the RADHA Systems has its Opposite Pair as the RADHA and the DHARA Systems, which we know as the MOON Systems in the Universe, and in it the RADHA-DHARA Systems are the Standard Particles and the Forces. The “SATO Guna” has its Opposite Pair as the TASA and the SATO, the Sun Systems, and the SEETA (or SITA” is the Force that we know as the Fermi-light Particles and the Forces.
Now, the 4th Dimension is what makes us feel the “I, the Conscience Systems” is the Power System of Light Systems as the “KRISNA, the CHRIST, the CHRIS or the KRIS Systems”.
We can simply put it as follows:
Visible World=Hidden and Visible Worlds=Invisible Worlds
Infra Red Systems=Infra and Visible Systems=Ultraviolet Systems
(Infra Red Systems — > Infra and Visible Systems < — Ultraviolet Systems) ->
Image: The WAHEGURU Systems based Universal Equations: W’+A=W+W’+A=W+A as the
Infra, Visible and Invisible Worlds of Susy, Standard and the Fermi-Light
The W’ is the Susy Particle Systems, and the “A” is the Primal Sound Systems that created it, the W’ and with the “A Systems”, the Susy is both Visible and the Invisible Worlds of Matter as the W+W’, and also keeps up the “A Systems” as perpendicular to the W-W’ Systems, the Dimensions of Matter and the Antimatter as the Black and the White Matter of our Modern Physics and Sciences, and together with the A Perpendicular to it, its also the Invisible World, which we have as the Anti-world systems of Achara Systems.
We notice that with “Red Color of the Protons, the A Systems and the Blue as the Neutrons as the O Systems,we have the Spectrum as the O-A, the W-W’ Systems and we can simply and yet hypothetically put the Nucleus, O-A Systems the with Electrons, the E, the EERI Systems around it as the “Smallest Visible Light System” that we see in a linear system as the spectrum of any nucleus, the atom systems and other particles, and that the protons (A) is the red light, the electron as the green light, the middle as the twist, spindle and the bipolar systems and that the blue systems, the end product of the atom spectrum is simply is the Blue or Violet Color, the O Systems:
Image: Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Language and Grammar Systems give the Atom, the Nucleus as the “O-A” Systems and the Electrons around it as the Linear Atom Structures – “Its atom’s spectrum” – Kids smile and laugh when a philosopher answers – Atom is a Bubble, the Spectrum, and white and other colored lights are the Visible Group of Atoms!
In other words, when we deal with “Photons”, we deal with the “W+W’+A=WA” Systems of the “WAHEGURU Systems” as we see blow:
Image: The 3 Worlds of Matter, the Susy, Standard and the Fermi-Light Worlds
We hear Susy Particles creating the “Sounds”; we listen to mother, and the Standard Particles create the “Light Spectrum”, we see the mother, and the Fermi-light Systems create the both the Susy and the Standard Systems in our computers, internet and the mobile systems as we have mother’s photos, and thus the “W’+W+A” Systems Working and Living Together with the Coexistence, the Law of Affinity!
Image: The 3 Worlds of Matter, the Susy, Standard and the Fermi-Light Worlds in Motion as seen by the fastest of all, the Fermi-Light as when she looks back and sees it all as its
Thus the Visible World and it projects as we see it as the Electron System of E, and thus the O-A-E as the Visible Systems and that its is perpendicularly the Straight Line System of Susy, Standard and the Invisible, the Ultra World Systems Light, and the Nano Technology uses it as the “Majorana Fermions”, the “O-A+(E) Systems” as we see it as shown below:
Image: Infra, Visible and Invisible Worlds of Susy, Standard and the Fermi-Light, the Invisible Worlds as the WAHEGURU Systems, the Dipole Systems
We can shock waves when we use the “W’, the Susy Charge Systems that needs A Proton, the A Systems”, it can put all results to UP and the DOWN Systems of the SUSY Shocks as it goes to the following systems of “WA Systems”:
“W=O-A+(E) Systems”=”-A+O”+E”, the Charges, the E Systems are same in it, but directions of O-A differs, and it can also be as follows:
W=O-A+E=O-A-E, and in it, the Electric and even the Fermi Charges give something as shown below as the Charge of E Systems in 2 Dimensions, Electric Systems and the 3 Dimensions, the Electric Charges as the Fermi Systems, when we know that the same Electric Charge, the E Systems are the “Magnetic Systems of A” when we see it in One Dimension, the Linear Charges that carry the 2-D Electric Charges creating the GURU Systems and we see the Fermi Light Systems of E-A, O-A and the E-O that makes the WAHA (ACHARA, the Light Systems) and the GURU (CHARA, the Matter Systems) Systems the WAHEGURU (CHARA-ACHARA, Light, Sound and Matter Systems as the MANA-NAMA Systems) Systems as we see below:
Image: CHARA (MANA) and the ACHARA (NAMA) Systems as the WAHEGURU Systems “W=O-A+E=O-A-E”
In it the Speed of Light matters as we start to measure the “Velocity of Light” as the First Dimension of Time, Space and the Distance, the way light travels is the way science, maths and technology works.
When we correlate the “Light as the 4th Dimension, its the “Time, Space, Distance and Speed, the Scalar as the Susy, which the “Business World uses as the Ads”, and when we have the “Time, Space, Displacement and the Velocity, the Chala and the Gati Systems”, we have it as the Standard Particle Systems, the Law and Order in the world that government and the officials run, but when the thinkers and the artists work, they follow the “World of Art, the Chaos that Light follows”, and thus the “Fermi-Light Systems” is the Higher Intelligence and thus the Wisdom of the Worlds that we say the “Rate of Evolution as the Acceleration of Chala, the Speed, the Continuity Systems and the Velocity and thus the way we look at the “Human History, Civilizations and Life in the Universe”. Thus we have it as follows:
The 3 Worlds of Matter, the Susy, Standard and the Fermi-Light Worlds in Motion as seen by the fastest of all, the Fermi-Light following the universal equations:
Sound, Distance and Time+Sound as the Electromagnetic Systems=Light-Sound, Displacement and Velocity=Acceleration and Evolution of Space, Time and Velocity, the Scalars (Sound Systems) and the Vectors (the Light Systems)
Scalar, the MANA Theory (1-D NAMA as the MANA)+Scalar as EM (NAMA Theory and Vector Theory, the NAMA as the 2-D)=NAMA as Scalar (1-D)+NAMA as Vector (2-D)+NAMA as Sound Energy (A Systems, the 3-D, the O-A-E Systems)=3-D NAMA Systems in the 3 Worlds of Susy, Standard and the Light, the Fermi Worlds
We can consider the 3 Systems of “W”, the Neutralized and the Stabilized Worlds with just the “Atom of Hydrogen”, which we have considered as the “S of the SAHA Systems”. The Hydrogen as in the OH is just the Susy Systems, the H is the Standard Systems, and as the Fermi-light Systems its the H2 and the Light Systems as the H3 Systems as say from the C2H3 and the CH4 that burns and gives light. In it the Hydrogen when lacks the “A, the Proton Systems”, its the “OH- Systems”, and we have it as follows:
(OH-)+A (H+)—>HOH (WA Systems)
(OH-)(W’ Systems)+ (H+) (A Systems)– Transitional State of HOH Systems (We see Water)->H-O-H (W Systems)+(OH-) (W’) +H+ (A Systems)-> HOH (W Systems)+(H+)
-> W’+A=W+W’+A=W+A
In the modern world of Fermi-light systems, we can put all of the above as shown below:
Image: The Hydrogen as the Source of Fermi-light Systems, the 3 Worlds of Matter and the 4th Dimension as the SA Systems of the SAHA, the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Language and the Grammar Systems, the Hydrogen as the Dipole, the WAHEGURU System, the 4-Dimensions of Hydrogen
We notice that the Light Equation of W+A+W’ is the Universe in a spectrum where we have the A as the Red as the 1-D of Proton, the W’ is the 2-D of the Neutron, the O, the W’ Systems, and the 3-D Systems of Electrons as the E, the W System as thus the W=W’+A -> E=O+A, and thus with the 4th Dimension of Light, the WA, we have all of this discussion summed up as shown below:
Image: The WAHEGURU Equation of Dipole as W=W’+A=E=O+A -> W+A=O+A+A=A-O-A=White Light according to the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Languages and the Grammars
We can sum up the Spectrum as the SAHA and the HASA Systems which when combined gives us the Convergence or Divergence of Light as the One White Cone of the White Light or Two Cones of White Light as the SAHA, the HSL and the HASA, the HSV, we can also put it as “Black-White as the YIN-YANG and the Black and the White on the Opposite Poles as the Magnetosphere, and thus two pairs of SAHA, the HSL and the HASA, the HSL Systems as the DIPOLE Systems of the WAHEGURU Systems as we see and notice as shown below:

Thus, the SAHA, the HSL and the HASA, the HSV can also be summed up as shown below:
Image: The S, H and SH as the Result of S as the 1-D and the H as the 2-D and the SH as the 3-D Systems of the nucleus and atoms as the RGB Systems, the Linear Atom Systems in the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Language and the Grammar Systems, and its combinations its the SAHA+HASA=Dipole Systems=WAHEGURU Systems
The SAHA-HASA as the Dipole Systems or simply the WAHEGURU Systems is creation of “Black Hole, the Black Dot and the Spectrum of Light that this very black hole can create or inhale, and thus the Black Hole as the Creator, Sustain-er as the Ring and the String (Provider of the Electron-Fermi, the E and the EA Systems and that destroys in the Slow inhalation at the same process and time that creates in the biological systems. Thus, the Simplest Dipole in the Colors is as shown below:
Image: The Simplest Dipole, the Linear Spectrum with Black Spot, the Dot, the Hole, the WAHEGURU Systems for KIDS like us!

The above “Linear Dipole as the Spectrum with the Black Hole” is the “8-Dimensional Theory of Matter, the Shakti Dimensions” in which the “I, the Conscience” is the 9th Dimension that the Indians call the “SUTA, the SOOTA, the STRING, the DNA as the Parent Thing in the 8-Dimensional String having Something that keeps it integrated with other 8-Dimensional Frames of Reference”, and when the Two Systems of 8 Dimensional Systems, we have can have the Linear DNA’s that we call the Indian Caste and Genetic Systems, and its the “Son, the Suta Systems”, and when the Two Systems cooperate as the X-X, the Parallel Systems, we can it as the “Daughter Systems in the DNA Lineage”. Thus, the Indian Genetic and DNA Systems offer the “Sacred Explanation of the String Theory” as the Son and Daughter Systems with All Possible Lineage, the Linear as the Sons and the Layer Systems as the Daughter Systems. We may assume that inn the following image, we have the “T2 as the Son String, the Suta Systems”, and that when we have the “Linear and Layer Systems”, we also the “Cross of Both-the Linear and Layer Systems Sharing the Ring as the Brother-Sister Systems, and thus the Morals and Ethics of Indian DNA Family Systems”:
Image: When the WAHEGURU Dipole is a DNA, let it be Son-Sister-Daughter-Brother Systems, the DNA Family Systems (We can different order in the son, daughter, brother and sister as we say brother and sister and their say elder or younger brothers-sisters as the brother-sister-daughter-son or son-brother-sister-daughter as the sister as mother or even grand-daughter and thus the 3-Generation of DNA Systems as the 3-Generation of Light, the DNA Products, the reason that Indians may avoid marriages in this Family TREE of the DNA Family Systems
Thus the God Systems of CHARA and the ACHARA create and run and dissolve the AKHARA (Visible Worlds), AGASA (Ethereal Space) and the AKASA (Sacred, the Primal Sounds in the Universes) and thus all the Godly Systems, which the WAHAGURU Systems sustain as the DIPOLE Systems, and thus Indians respect the word the “GURU” Systems as the “Best System that Supports Everything and thus the GURU-CHARANA, the Light that Sustains life in body. The earth as a neutron star and same as an atom, the nucleus systems is running with the “WAHEGURU, the Dipole Systems”:
Image: Earth runs with the “WAHEGURU, the Dipole Systems”, and Indians call her the Mother Earth, the Symbol of Human Body Systems as the Neutron Star Systems
We discuss about in the next few points about it.
2. AGASA as the Y-Axis, and to say the Neutrons Travel Here, and its also what we have discussed as the “Anga, the Physical 3 Dimensional Systems of Tamo (Static Energy), Rajo (Kinetic Energy) and the Sato (Dynamic Energy) Systems”, and this AGASA System has the “AKHARA, the Consonant Systems” that work in it due to “Force of Friction”. In it, we have the “Protons (A), Neutrons (O), and the Electrons (E) as the AEO Systems that is what the Indians call the “AKHARA Systems” and it never dies but follows the “Law of Conservation of Energy” and the “Law of Conversion of Energy from One State to the Another Ones” while following the “Law of Conservation of Energy” as follows:
“E=A+O” and its the Simplest Possible Law of the Universe!
We notice that the “Electrons Emit and Absorb Energy Systems” and give us the “Spectrum” and the “Sound Systems” following the Law of Conservation of Energy:
“E=A+O+AO+A’O’+OA=A+O (Sound, the Spectrum)+AO (Electronic Emissions)+A’O’ (FERMI Systems)+Some other products=O+A=E
We notice it as follows:
It has the following Spectra Systems as without Susy Systems, which we know as the SWARA Systems, the AKARA Systems and the Interrupted Systems using the “Force of Friction as the Emission and the Absorption and thus is An Example of Sound Energy and the Light Energy Together as the AKARA (Color, the Spectra) and the AKHARA, the Split in the Spectra that we also note as the Divisions in the Spectra as the “AKHARA, the Susy Systems”), and we know it as the “Prism, the PARA Systems in which we have the White Light as the Origin of SWARA as the ASHA Systems, the Spectrum as the AKHARA Systems, and the RAINBOW as the AKARA Systems.

The “ASHA”, the Origin of Light and the Sound and the AKARA, Light Systems and whatever we get from it is what we know as the “ASHA, AKARA, and the AKHARA Systems” fulfilling the following universal equation:
AKARA (E)=O (ASHA)+A (AKHARA)—> E=O+A, and we see it in the following image as when the “E” Approaches “A”, and follows the Universal Equation of Charge, the AKHARA Systems:
A+E=O (A+E)+AE=Nuclear Orbital (A+E)+Light Energy (AE)
Image: How the Electrons Create the Nucleus and Emit or Release Light
Now, when we consider the “AKARA (Geometry Systems) and the AKHARA (Shapes and the Symbol Systems) with the Sound and Light Systems of Primal and the Derivatives Sounds and Various Frequencies and Wavelengths so created from the White Light”, we need another Sacred Dimension to explain and describe it, and this is what seems to be the most ignored Dimension and System in the Modern World that has caused almost all health and wellness problems as its the “Origin of Psychology and the Psychiatry Systems among Humans”, and its what the Indian Systems call the “BHASA and the ABHASA Systems”. The “BHASA or the BHASHA is the World Language and the Grammar Systems, and thus all communication skills”, and the “ABHASA is what is beyond the BHASA, the Human Expressions”, and when we discuss the Modern Elementary Particle and the Sub-particle Systems of Susy, Standard, Electron-Fermi (EA) Systems, and the “Light as the 4th Dimension”, we cannot do any possible work and the practical without understanding the “Geometry, Shape, Design and Expression Systems with All Possible Communication Skills” and we know it as the “BHASA, the Language Systems”, the “BHASA is the “Perception of Any Possible Thing in the Universe” and the “ABHASA is the Inner Ideal World that Intuitively Feels, Thinks, Consider from the Psychology to Psychiatry and then to Spirituality, Higher Philosophies and at the end the Divine as the Light Only Systems in the Universe, and thus its the Conceived System that Already Exists in the Universe”. In the Plato’s words as in the “Theory of Forms”, the BHASA is the Outer World Systems, the “WE, the Conscience Systems”, and the ABHASA is the Inner World Systems, the “I, the Conscience Systems”, and the “Highest Possible Works in the World Civilizations are based and done through the “ABHASA, the Intuitive Systems”, and none can ever understand how it happens when it correlates, synthesis acts according to the “CHAOS of the UNIVERSE as understood through the ABHASA, the Felt but the Unsaid” and as if one knows, one knows it!”. It follows the “Two Theories of Vedas”:
1. AGAMA, the ABHASA: The Learning of What is the 4th Dimension that we know as the “I, the Conscience”, this is what the “Vedas Says”, and point of concern here is that the Language of the Vedas has been Sanskrit that has used the “I as the Focus of AGAMA and the ABHASA, the Kundalini Systems”
2. NIGAMA, the BHASA: The Learning of What is the 4th Dimension that we know as the “We, the Conscience”, this is what is written in the “Vedas”, and point of concern here is that the Language of the Vedas has been Sanskrit that has used the “We as the Focus of GAMA and the BHASA, the Brahmi Systems, the Origin of Everything in the Universe that we follow in the Modern World Systems”
We have discussed the above as follows:
“According to the Gurbani, and thus the Sikhism with the Punjabi, the Brahmi Gurmukhi Languages, the human brains run with Philosophy as follows:
1. Aagama Theory, which we have as the Holy Scriptures of World Religions and Faiths simply guiding what ought to be done:
The popular words in the Hindi, Punjabi and Sanskrit have it as the “Game, Gamaya, the Gama”, and also its upward energies and powers, and thus the “Agama” as the “A+gama” and its same as the Mara and the Rama with Mara having the Amara, which means the “Rama” as “Rama” and “Mara” has the “Arama” and the “Amara” as the Pivot is the “A”, and around it is the Spinning of Two Directional Energies of Two Electrons, the “Rama” and the “Mara”, and thus the “Arama” and the “Amara”, which can be easy to understand language in this context and thus the “Agama” is the “Amaga”, and the “Maga” and the “Gama” as Two Electrons Spinning in the Opposite Directions. Thus, the “A+gama” is what describes the “Gama, the Game”, and the “Maga, the Megh, the Water of Life”, and thus the “Agama” is what runs and rotates the “Play, the game or the gama of life”, and thus the Theory of Aagama. It is same as when the “Electron Pairs” simply do its job to maintain the balance of the nucleus, the “Ni’gama”:

We have discussed the “Atama” as the “Atom”, and the “A” is the Symbol of Atom in this context:
“How Sacred Indian Geometry Makes All World of Sciences Sacred Ease of Learning with Atomic Orbitals: The Sacred 8 and 10-Dimensions of the Universe, Holy Spirit and God, its Sacred Visualization, 14-D and 16-D’s: Be Happy Philselfologically – 61”
2. Nigama Theory, which describes the “Gama, the Game or the Action Theories in the Human Civilization, the World in which we live”, and as its the action based the “Ni+gama”, we have the movement of “Revolving of Two Electrons Moving in the Opposite Directions” but around the “A”, the “Agama’s Pivot, the Base”!
The “Ni’gama” as the “Nucleus” has its own qualities and the action theory as shown below for the entire setup of the the orbitals, the s, p, d, and the f as for example, the “Iron” as a metal works and functions as follows with the “Nigama”, the “Game of the Nucleus”… (Please read more from the source:
“The Punjabi, Hindi, English and the Other World Languages as the Sacred Set of 36 Vibrations, Waves, and without Drug Therapies of Electromagnetic Brain Care, Cure and Healing: Machine Free Brain Surgery – Be Happy Philselfologically – 79”)
Thus, in our discussions on the “W’+W+A=W+A” Systems”, we have the ABHASA as the “W” Systems”, and the “BHASA as the “W'” Systems”, and that the “A” is the “Bridge between BHASA and the ABHASA Systems”, and we can put it as follows:
BHASA (W’, the WE, the Conscience)+ABHASA (W, the I, the Conscience)+Primal Sounds of the Universe (A, the Kundalini as the Semiconducting Systems)=ABHASA+ A (Primal Sounds of the Universe)=Evolution of the Universes
When our brain go through the “Perception”, it follows the 4 Steps as follows:
1. The W’ as the Object of Perception: We first see the object, the thing that we focus and that is always the “W'” as it is what “Medium Reflects, the Original Susy Systems and Refracts, the Original Standard Systems or Gives the Fermi-Light Systems, the Original Fermi-light Systems
2. The A as the Medium of Perception: The Primal Sounds Travel as if the “Packets of Information” that we receive through the “Five Senses”
3. The W as the Movement of the Media: When the “Media Travels”, it aligns with the 6th Sense, the Bio-rhythm of the Individual Observer, the 4th Dimension as “I, the Conscience Systems of Individuals”, and we have the “Glimpse of Perception as the First Conception” as the Spindle, Twisting and thus “Making of Information the Info-Dipole”, and it goes to Twist and Align with what we already know as the “Medium of I, the Conscience”, which again is the “Primal Sound of the Universe” as we say the “A” Systems.
4. The WA as the Perception Conceived: When we receive the “Info-Dipole”, it goes to our “Dipole, the WAHEGURU Databases” as the “WA”=W’+A+W+A=W+A”, the 4 Dimensional Systems of the “I and We, the Conscience Systems of the Universe” that helps the Universe, and thus its our personal contribution to the universes if we learn right things and perceive and practice it well and thus we know it as the “GYANA Systems of the Universes”, and as in the “Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Language Systems”, it is the “GIANA” which means the “G”+”ION” Systems that leads to the “GIANA and the AGIANA Systems. Thus, we process these 4 Systems of W’, A, W and the A (When A is Twice it goes as the A’+A’=A or the A’+A’=2A’, and when A’+A’=A, its Linear Systems and when its the A’+A’=2A’ is the Layer Systems. In the Indian Civilizations it is also the String, the SUTA Theory of DNA, the Boy, the Left Brain and Girl, the Right Brain Systems. This very theory is the “MAATRA Theory”, which makes all languages and the grammars work and run properly. We can also understand it as follows:
1. First A’ Systems
2. Second A’ Systems
3. First and Second A’ Systems=A’+A’=A
4. Second and First A’ Systems=A’+A’=2A’
In it one of the point of concern is when we have the following system:
A’+A’=A’-A’, the Plane of Susy Sound Particle Systems, which are not the “A-A'”, the Dimension, but ONE SIDE of the Dimensions say in the DNA Systems or the String Theory. It based on the DNA and the String Theory Systems give the following 4 Dimensions of Elementary and DNA Systems as we notice the “A’ as the Closed Strings” in the following image:
Image: The Closed Strings of “A’-A'” Systems that makes life 8-Dimensional in the 4 Quadrants of “I, the Conscience” as the 9th Dimension that “SEES IT!”, the WAHEGURU Dipole of Life Systems
We discuss the above “Frame of Reference” of “String of Life” as the “Son and Daughter DNA Proton Systems” as follows:
1. The A’-A’, the First Quadrant of the String Theory, the Frame of Reference, but it does not have the String, the SUTA as the “A”, but the Daughter Systems of A’-A’ as the UP Daughter as the “A’ or the +A'” Systems and the DOWN Daughter Systems as the “-A'” Systems as together the “A’-A'” Systems
2. The A’-A, the Second Quadrant of the String Theory, the Frame of Reference, but it does have the String, the SUTA, the Son Systems of the Proton as the “A Systems” and also the “Daughter Systems” of “A’-A'” and or the “-A’+A'” Dimension associated with it as the 1st and the 4th Dimensions as the Quadrants as the UP Daughter Proton as the “A’ or the +A'” Systems and the “Son Proton Systems as the A Systems”, and that together as the “A’-A” Systems
3. The A-A’: It is the “Perpendicular Layer of the Proton Systems”, and in it the “Proton Layer is the Daughter Proton Systems as the A’ Systems” as the “Son Proton, the A” and the “DOWN Daughter A'” Systems as the “A-A'”
4. The -A’+A’: It is the “Linear Layer of Proton as the Daughter Systems as the Female Proton to say as the “A'”, and we have it as the 4th Quadrant of the String Theory as the “-A’+A'” with the “-A'” the Down Daughter Proton Systems and the “+A'”, the UP Daughter Proton, the A Systems.
We have the above “Daughter and Son Proton Systems of Life as the Origin of Life” as shown below:

Thus, we have the “ORIGIN of Life as the X=A’+A’ Systems” and the Y=A+A’ Systems that gives the X-X as the A’+A’+A’+A’=4 Dimensions of “A’, the Daughter Systems for Everything it can create with the A’, the Daughter Protons that we have called the Layer Systems of the Daughter Protons”, and that the “Y=A+A'”, and that X+Y=A’+A’+A+A’=4 Quadrants and we can also write it as “Y+X=A’+A+A’+A'” which we have called the Linear Systems of the Daughter Protons”, and when these have the X and Y Quadrants of the Daughter Protons it also gives “ONE Son DNA that we know as the DNA, the SUTA or the A’+A’=A, the Two Daughters (A’+A’) Together as a Son”, and thus that the “Mitochondrial DNA System is the “Frame of Reference”, “I, the Conscience Systems”,and that a Daughter is a Two Daughter Protons (A’+A’) that go Parallel and that the Son Systems as the Son, the Suta Systems are simply when Two Daughter Protons (A’+A’) are in the “Y-Dimensions, the A Systems”, and that the “Linear protons means that the Two Protons can create the Protons of X-Axis, which we have called the Actual Proton Direction and the Dimension as the A’-A'”. The “A” thus in the X-Axis is the Daughter Systems and the same “A” in the Y-Axis, the Direction and the Dimension of the “O, the OORA Systems” is the same “Proton, the A System”, but it has an added dimension of life that we call the DNA Systems as the “A’-A’-A” Systems” as we see and notice in the image shown below:
Image: The A’-A’-O (A’-A’ perpendicular to A’-A’ or the O=A’-A’-A’ Systems) as the Son Systems of Daughter Protons (A’) and the A’-A’-A’ as the Daughter DNA Systems of the A’ means Daughters and Sons are the same but the dimensions differ!
When we have the “A’-A’-A'” Systems its same as the “A’-O-A'”, and in it, we have the A’=O, the Origin of the Proton Systems,thus, we have the “A’-A'” as the “A’-O”, and also that “A’-A’-A'” is also what fulfills the following equation of charges:
Which gives us the A’+O-A’ have pairing with the “A’+A'” and the “-A’-A'” as perpendicular systems to the equation of universal charges of the “A’-O-A’. It again be the linear or the parallel, the layer-wise bonding say as follows:
Step 1. A’-O-A’+A’+A’
Step 2. -A’-A’-A’-O-A’
Step 3. A’-O-(A’+A’)-A’
Step 4. A’-O-(-A’-A’)-A’
The above gives us the Structures of Daughter and the Son DNA Systems as when we have the Paring as in the First Step 1, we have it as what constitute the Daughter UP Systems of the DNA Systems, which constitute the Dipole Magnetosphere as the “WA Systems”, and the Step 2 gives the Anti-pair in the Dipole Magnetosphere Systems as the “HE Systems”, and these constitute the “FETUS Systems”. The Step 3 creates the “GU” Systems and the Step 4 creates the “RU” Systems in the DNA Systems, when the “FETUS, the Nucleus and Any Given System in the Universe” get the Dipole Magnetosphere have the “Dipole Movement of the WAHEGURU Systems as the Steps (1+2+3+4) all added up. The greatest wonder in it is that the “-O-” is the PIVOT, the “Black Hole” that has the “A” as the “WHITE Hole, the Spectrum” that moves everything, and that in the Male and Female Systems both the Male and Female decides the Final Output as the X-X or the X-Y Systems as its the “O System that decides”, which the Indians call the SWARA Systems that decides the gender not the mother or the father, and thus the “SWARA, the Breathe is the Father to the Child may it be from mother or the father as we see below:

Image: The SWARA, the Primal Sounds of the Universe as the Breathe Systems, the Respiratory Chain, the SAHA-HASA Systems that as the “O” in the “A’-O-A'” as the Gender of the Child, Nucleus and anything that the “WAHEGURU, the Dipole gives”
As we notice in the 4 Steps we notice it as follows:
Step 1. A’-O-A’+A’+A’ -> (H+)-O-(H+)+(H+)+(H+), the A’-O-A’ is a linear system that can also be as the A’+O+A’ and its the Matter of Dimensions whether up or below, the down systems to put the “+” or the “-” as the +”H+” Systems or the -“H+” Systems
Step 2. -A’-A’-A’-O-A’ -> -(H+)-(H+)+(H+)-O-(H+), the “+ or – in the A+ or the H+ Systems simply indicate the UP or DOWN Directions and the Dimensions of the A’, O and thus the H+ and the O Systems, and it does not matter whether the same above equation be written as follows:
A’-O-A’-A’-A’ -> (H+)-O-(H+)-(H+)-(H+)
or as follows:
A’-O-A’+(-A’-A’) -> (H+)-O-(H+)-(H+)-(H+), but it determines in which the “Dipole Movement, the Electron Transport Chain”
Step 3. A’-O-(A’+A’)-A’ -> (H+)-O-(H++H+)+(H+)
Step 4. A’-O-(-A’-A’)-A’ -> (H+)-O-(-H-H)-(H+)
In the above equations, we have the A’ as the Hydrogen as the “H+”, and the “O” is the “Oxygen, the SWARA Systems”, and it as the “H+” Systems attracts and invites the “Electrons from the Medium the System in which it works say as the Thylakoid Membrane Systems, and we also notice that the “H+” and the “O” Systems together Make the WAHEGURU Dipole Move that we notice as the Dipole Movement in the Bio, the Living Systems as the Step 1 and 2 has the “H+” as the Linear Axis say the X-Axis and the Step 3 and 4 has the Perpendicular Systems of Y with the A’, the “H+” Systems that makes the dipole movement as we notice below in the image:

Image: The WAHEGURU Dipole Movement in the Living, the Bio Systems as the H+-O-H+, the “PAHLAN JEEO PANI HAI! The JEEVAHA as the WATER Systems”
It is also same as shown below:
Image: The WAHEGURU Dipole Systems in the “Dipole Movement, the Electron Transport Chain”
The Step 1 and the 2 Constitute the Linear Poles of the Dipole, the X-Axis and the Step 3 and the 4 Constitute the Layer, the Perpendicular Poles of the the Dipole in the Y-Axis, and both the X and the Y Poles are the Bi-poles say of a Magnet say the N-S Systems and thus constitute the Dipole and the Dipole Movement that we know as the “WAHE (X-Axis)+GURU (Y-Axis)=WAHEGURU=XY Plane and the X,Y Axis of the Dipole” as shown below:
Image: The Bipole and the Dipole Systems as the WAHE+GURU=WAHEGURU, the Cyclic Process is the Life of Musical Equipment and the Systems
Thus, when we consider the “Dipole Movement and the Magnetosphere it creates is that “WAHE” is the Horizontal X-Axis as with its Two Opposite Poles of “WA and the HA Systems”. The “GURU” is the Perpendicular Y Axis as with its Two Opposite Poles as the “GU and the RU Systems”, and the wondrous thing is that when we have the “A of WA and the E of the HE Systems, we get the A+E=AE Systems making the Dipole Rotate, and when we carry it to the “U”, the “GU” Systems, we have the AE+O, and when we take it to the “RU” Systems it gets the OO Systems added to it, and we get the AE+O+O-O=AE+(O+O-O), and thus makes another Dipole Movement that is due to the “AE+(O+O)-O”, and this “Movement of the Dipole is of the Fermi-Light Systems of AE Systems and not just the A, the Magnetic or the Electric Systems of the E, and thus its the “Most Essential Part of the Nano Technological Sciences”, and we can put it as follows:
1. A
2. E
3. A+E
4. O
5. A+E+O
6. O-O
7. A+E+O+O-O
In it, we have the Two Pivotal Points as at the “EA=A+E”, and the Next is at the “O-O” as its the “A+E+O+OO=AEO+OO” Systems that simply rotate as when we have the “AEO Systems and the O-O Systems”, and in it the point of focus is the “O” System” as in the “AE-O-OO”, and this the “Sacred System of the Universe that Runs it like a Clock, the Bio-rhythmic Clock” It creates the 8th and the 9th Dimensions as follows:
8. (A+E+O)+(O+O)=AEO+OO, its the 8th Dimension of the Frame of Reference, the String Theory, but as it proceeds to create the “O Systems in the Universe”, it creates the “O” as the “Major or the Main Frame of Reference of the I, the Conscience” as the following 9th Hidden Dimension
9. (A+E+O)+(O+O)=AEO+OO=AE-O-OO
The AE-O-OO is the Dipole of the Universe, and we may wonder what is the “WE Dimension that it the “I, the Conscience” as the AE-O-OO can create, and its the Dimensions of the “AE-O-OO” that we consider as the “WE, the Conscience Systems”
10. AE-O-OO Rearrangements: It goes back to the 1-9 Steps and “Retraces Everything it has created”, and it also has the following structural systems:
AE-O-OO=-OO-O-AE as the Opposite Pair of the WAHEGURU Systems, and what is it, the -OO-O-AE!
Its the “SHREE or the MAYA Systems” in the Universe that we know as the “WE, the Conscience”, and thus we have the following Two Dipole Systems:
AE-O-OO-OO-O-AE, and its “Root System” is the “OO-OO”, which we can also put as follows:
“O-O-O-O”, the 4-Dimension “O, the Neutron Systems”, and its the System of the “Neutron Stars or Simply the “Universe Inside and Outside” as the Inner and Outer Layer Systems in the DNA Systems.
We notice that in the above equation:
AE-O-OO-OO-O-AE, we can add what we have derived in the AE Systems as given below:
E=A’-O-A’+A, and thus replace the above systems as follows:
A-(A’-O-A’+A)-O-OO-OO-O-A-(A’-O-A’+A), and we get the following:
-> (A-A’O-A’+A)+(O-OO-OO-O)-(A-A’+O)+(A’-A)
Methane (CH4)+2 Oxygen Systems (2O2)+Water (H2O)+Hydrogen ((H+)+(-H))
And its the Burning of Methane in the Human Body:
Image: The SHREE WAHEGURU Systems in the Human Body as Burning of Methane, the Calories
The important point is that when we have the “A-A’O-A’+A” Systems the “O, the Frame of Reference” is having the 4 Hydrogen Systems, and thus it can the Carbon as the O=Carbon Systems. Also that the “H+ and the H-” describe the “Dimensions and the Directions, which we can check and modify according to our equations and the diagrams”. We also have the 4 Major Equations of the Life Systems as we have discussed based on the 4 Steps:
Step 1. A’-O-A’+A’+A’ -> (H+)-O-(H+)+(H+)+(H+), the A’-O-A’ is a linear system that can also be as the A’+O+A’ and its the Matter of Dimensions whether up or below, the down systems to put the “+” or the “-” as the +”H+” Systems or the -“H+” Systems
Step 2. -A’-A’-A’-O-A’ -> -(H+)-(H+)+(H+)-O-(H+), the “+ or – in the A+ or the H+ Systems simply indicate the UP or DOWN Directions and the Dimensions of the A’, O and thus the H+ and the O Systems, and it does not matter whether the same above equation be written as follows:
A’-O-A’-A’-A’ -> (H+)-O-(H+)-(H+)-(H+)
or as follows:
A’-O-A’+(-A’-A’) -> (H+)-O-(H+)-(H+)-(H+), but it determines in which the “Dipole Movement, the Electron Transport Chain”
Step 3. A’-O-(A’+A’)-A’ -> (H+)-O-(H++H+)+(H+)
Step 4. A’-O-(-A’-A’)-A’ -> (H+)-O-(-H-H)-(H+)
The other point in this “SHREE WAHEGURU Systems” is that it may take us to better results when we use the “W+W’+A” Systems in association to simply saying that the “A-A’-O-A’+A-O-OO-OO-O-A-A’+O+A’-A” is the “SHREE WAHEGURU Structure” as we have it as follows as well:
(W+W’+A)(A-A’-O-A’+A-O-OO-OO-O-A-A’+O+A’-A) just for the “W’+A=W” Systems, and gives us the detailed study of any given “Organic and the Inorganic Systems with the Physical Systems” as we have the “A-O-A” Systems say as follows:
(W+W’+A)+(A-O-A)=W+W’+A+A-O-A, and its very simple expression as we can put it as follows:
(W+W’+A)+(A-O-A)=W+W’+A+A-O-A=W+W’+(A+A)-O-A=W+W’+(H+H) -O-H=W+W’+(H+H-O-H), and when we study it, we have it as in the 3 Major Steps say:
1. Physical Systems: W’, the Susy Particle Systems
2. Biological and the Chemical Systems: -OH or the -O-H Systems, the Fermi-light, the Higher Systems of Light and Life Systems
3. Standard Systems: W, the General Studies for General Education and Research Systems as we have the “WA Systems as the Basics of the Nano Technological Sciences” for it as follow that after studying it, we can analyse the Biological and the Chemical Systems and the produce the Nano or the Meta-material, the Chara Products that immediately jump to the “W’, the Susy Product Systems in the Nano Systems”
4. The easiest may seem the “WA Systems”, but its the “Pure Innovation when we think of the Nano Carbon Tubes”, and the Chiral, Pulsar and the Spiral Systems do not require the previous knowledge’s and experience but innovation to say do the “Online Imagination and Offline Innovation” to get a design say in the “Carbon Nano Tubes”. Such lazy people usually get the “Noble Prizes!”
One of the most amazing thing about the “Indian and Other World Languages and Grammars as the Basics of Nano Technological Sciences” is the way it says it all:
1. When Hydrogen needs an electron as say the Susy Particle Systems: W’=H+ say the “OH-” Systems
2. When Hydrogen needs breathe as say the Bio-systems: The H: or the S: or SAH Systems, and its called the “GURU Systems” in the Gurbani as the “Pawan Guru” as the “H:” Systems as when Hydrogen needs an electron to be just say as: H:+E=H:E=H:O-A=H:O-H (A=Hydrogen and A’=Hydrogen at its lowest “Electron Seeking Levels”
3. When a balanced stage of any atom is there: W=H+A=H+A’+A’=H+O-O Systems, the “Pani Pita Systems” as the W=W+W’=W+A+W’=O-A-O=O-H-O, and in this case we have the “Air as the W’ Systems and the W as the Oxygen Systems, the Pure Gases in the Air Systems of the W’, the Impure or the Susy Systems of Air”. The other point is that we always have the W (Pure Air, the Oxygen Systems)=W’ (Impure Air Systems+Pure Air (W) Systems+A (A’+A’+A’=A’+A’-O=A’-O-A’=H2O=H-O-H Systems)=Air+Oxygen+Water System=A as the Water System on Earth System.
4 When the “Balanced Hydrogen Releases Light”, and its possible when we have equations say: H-H-C-H Systems or H-H-O-H Systems where the “H=H:, H-, H+ Systems, and thus the H=Neutron as the H:, Electron as H- and the Proton as the H+ and that when we add it all, we have: H:-H+H=H:H+H=H2 and it gives the “light” Systems in the life systems in universe and otherwise”
Thus, the SHREE WAHEGURU as the Two Dipoles give us the following systems as the Two Dipole Managements in the Systems that Depend on the say Breathing:
Image: SHREE WAHEGURU, the Two Dipole Systems as the Aerobic Breathing Systems
Well, when we look at the following “WAHEGURU Sound, the Vowel Systems”, we can understand the “WAHEGURU Systems” in the Sciences:
It is the WA(A)-HE (O-A)-GU (A’)-RU (A’)
In it, we have the following systems:
1. WA Systems: It is the “A'” Systems, which is any “Proton, the Electron Seeking Hydrogen Systems” as the “H+”
2. HE Systems: It is the “O-A” as the “E=O-A or -O-A or O+A”, in which the “Electrons play the part”, the “Transfer of Electrons on the O-A Planes” as the “A-O-A”
3. GU Systems: It is the “A-O-A-A+” Systems that follows the “Gravity Systems”, and its “(H-O-H)-(H+) that immediately jumps to the next the 4th Step of the Dipole, the WAHEGURU Systems
4. RU Systems: It is the “A-O-A-A’+A'” ->H-O-H-H+H->H2O+H-H Systems, the FREE Energy Systems that has emerged as the “Hope for the Green and the Free World Systems
We notice the “Free Energy Systems” as shown below:

Image: The Free and Green World is slowly approaching as we say the WAHEGURU, the Free Energy Systems
We notice the above systems present in the following systems in the natural world systems:
Now, when we have added the “O Systems at the “”A-O-A-A’+A'” Systems, we can have the other systems of the “E”, “A” and the “EA” Systems say as follows:
“A-O-A-A’+A'” with “E Systems is as “A-E-A-A’+A'”, and with “A Systems” its the “”A-A-A-A’+A'”, and with say “AE Systems” its as “”A-AE-A-A’+A'”, and all of these systems are the systems of the “Donors and the Receptors”, and we can have as say “E as Oxygen, Carbon, Nitrogen, and the other donors”, and the “O Systems are the Ideal Gases, the Covelant Bonds or things giving say double triple bonds”, and the “A Systems can be say Hydrogen, Hydrocarbons and lot more”, but all of it depends on the given configuration of the equations, the parameters in the universe. Its thus, what we see as shown below say for given system put as “O=A, E, OA, AE…, GRAPHENE”:
Image: The use of Graphene, the Nano Technology as the WAHEGURU Systems of “A-AE-A-A’+A'” and the “AE” is the Meta-material and the Nano, the Chara Products
To simplify it, we can put it as follows as the “WAHEGURU Bond Systems in the Universe”:
1. The H: is the Single Bond Systems say the “H:H”
2. -H is the Single or the Double Bond Systems say the H:H-H Systems=H-H Systems
3. H+ is the Single, Double and the Triple Bond Systems: Say the C2H3 Systems
4. H-H is the Single, Double, Triple and the 4 Bond Systems: Say the CH4 Systems
The “H System can be anything from say “A, the Proton say the H: Systems” to the Oxygen (O), Carbon (C) and the Nitrogen (N) and any other system in the universe.
We notice the above configurations of the “H:, -H, +H, H-H”, the WAHEGURU Dipole Systems as present in the “Periodic Table” as shown below:
Image: The WAHEGURU Dipole Systems: “H:, -H, +H, H-H” as in the Periodic Table
Please more about it here:
“Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Languages as the Expansion of Gaytri Mantra: EAK, OANKARA, SATINAMA, SHREE, WAHEGURU, SAHIB, JIO Systems as Essence of Life Cycle and World Sciences : Be Happy Philselfologically – 96”
This seems the major reason that the “Electron, the E Systems and Proton, the A Systems” create and constitute the “Nucleus Boundary that we see as the Sound, the Particle Energy of Light Energy (Light as the Particle), and the Wave Energy (Light as the Wave) is what we see as the “Neutron”, the O Systems, and thus again the following:
A+E=O (A+E)+AE=Nuclear Orbital (A+E)+Light Energy (AE)=O (AE=O and thus AE and O are perpendicular to each other), and we see it in the following image:
Image: The O, the Neutron Systems: A+E=O (A+E)+AE=Nuclear Orbital (A+E)+Light Energy (AE)=O as Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Language and the Grammar Systems say
The Scientific Reason according to the Indian Grammars and the Languages for the “BHAGWANA Systems and the SHAETANA Systems” is that in the SHAETANA Systems, we have the “Too Much Focus on the SH Systems when it gives the Matter as the “AE” Systems and we can see, feel and touch it rather than the “O” Systems that are perpendicular to it but are simply the “Light Systems” and thus again the “AE=O” is the Attitude whether one sees “Light, the O Systems” or the “Matter, the AE Systems”, and who does not know it when the “FERMI Particles say AE has the EO and AO” as well and we notice the “Mother, the SATANA Systems, the Origin of A, E and O” in the world as Indians respect the “Mothers” and not the “SHAETANA”, the Controlled Products that we see as the “Matter and thus the Visible Worlds and the Universes”. In the following image we see the BHAGWANA (God), SATANA (Mammal’s Breast Systems) and the SHEATANA (Appearance of Woman, the ROOPA Systems rather than the PARA Systems it has due to “AE” Systems, and the Creativity, the Joy Particle Systems as the AE, EO and the OA” Systems:
OA+OE+AE=(O)*(A+E), and its the Origin of Atoms
Image: The BHAGWANA (God), SATANA (Mammal’s Breast Systems) and the SHEATANA (Appearance of Woman, the ROOPA Systems rather than the PARA Systems it has due to “AE” Systems
One of the most popular term associated with the “AGASA Systems” is the “AAG”, the Fire Systems that the Indians worship as the General AAG, the AGNI (Plural of AAG is the AGNI Systems. The other is the Brahma AGANI, which we know as the “ESSENCE of AGASA”, the “AGANI, the Fire and the Joti, the PULSAR Systems in the Universe”. The word ATAMA is also one of the derivative of the “AGASA and the AGANI Systems” in which the ATAMA is the Antimatter to the Matter that is the TAMA Systems, which we know as the Solids as the TAMO, the Static Systems in the Universe, and the Indians Ancient Sciences describe that the “ATAMA” is hidden even in the “TAMA, the Matter, the TAMO Guni Systems in the Universe”. When we consider the Western Civilizations, we have the “AGASA, which means its not the GAS, the GASA, but the FIRE, the AGANI having its own independent existence, and that the AGANI is the Plural of AAG, the AGASA and thus the GASA, the GAS Systems”. Its also considered an Element of Space as the Fire, the AGANI, the AGASA Systems.
3. AKASA as the Z-Axis, and to say the Electrons Travel Here, and we have discussed it as the “Anka, the Dimensional Systems as the E-EE and the EA-EEAA Systems”, which create the “Dimensions, the Anka Systems in the Universe”, and it, the “AKARA, which is not the Words or Sounds due to Force of Friction”, and thus its the “AKARA, which we know as the “SWARA” Systems. In the “AKARA Systems”, the “K” as the Consonant or the Susy System attains the “K+A=KA+K’A” System that liberates it and the “KA goes into the AKASA Systems”, and the “K’A or simply the K’ Systems go into the AGASA Systems”.
In general, the ASHA, which is the “Main Ansha Systems” are as simple as we notice in the image below say Image 25 in which we can say (a) is the ACHARA, (b) is the ASHA, (c) is the AGASA and the (d) AKASA (I will verify it later may need a little change):

Image 25: ACHARA, ASHA, AGASA and the AKASA Systems of Pulsar, Spiral, Chiral and the SAHA Systems as in the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Language Systems
We have already discussed that “EERI Systems” have the “Sound as the E-EE, the Electric Systems as the Sound Systems and the EA-EEAA Systems as the Light Systems that we nowadays know as the “Fermi Worlds of Physics, the Modern Physics Models”. The “Thing that Matter” is that the “EERI as the E-EE Systems” are associated with the Nucleus, the Light Systems due to the “Sound Systems” and not due to the “Light, the Magnetic Systems of Electrons having the Magnetic Systems as the EA-EEAA Systems, the FERMI Systems”. Thus, what joins the Electrons with the Neutrons and the Protons is the “E-EE” Systems”, and that electrons having double spin keeps the “Electron and Proton Paring” as it does the “Electron and Neutron Paring”, and its the “Brahma Systems of Atoms”.
When two atoms meet or any two systems come together we have the following:
1. The E-EE, the EERI Systems as the Gravitation Based Systems, and thus the Sound Systems in the Universe
2. The EA-EEAA Systems as the Nucleus Based Light Systems, and the Parbrahma Systems that we know as the FERMI Systems
We have been studying the “Matter and the Gravitation” during last centuries, but now we have arrived at the stage where we are able to study the “Nucleus and the Light” as the “Para-matter and the Para-gravity” Systems, where the “Role of Gravity” differs from the “Ordinary Gravity Systems”, and the “Force of Friction can be overcome by the “Spindle Activity” or the “Para-Prism Theories” that help using the “Nucleus as the Earth and Universe Systems”, and the “Light acts as a particle” rather than “Light as Particle”, and in other words, the “The Light by itself travels” as offering the parallel running medium as if simultaneous creation of matter and the medium that is the “DNA and the RNA”, which can be a disease in the ordinary sense but if well understood, it is the “JEEVAHA, the Parent DNA as the Carrier of Health and Wellness”.
We have discussed the “Light, the RAMA Systems as the Medium”, and know it as the “MARA Systems”. The MARA travels in the Universe and Space as the Wave of the RAMA Systems as the LASER Systems has been, but we are far better in this context now.”
Now, when say two atoms and thus the nucleus come close enough, we have each atom having the “EA-EEAA” Systems operating in the “Z-X” Axis or say the “X-Z” Axis, and the “EA-EEAA” of two atom nucleus make “Sacred Paring of the Nucleus Dimensions” as follows with the help of say the 3rd and the 4th atoms:
1. First Atom: EEAA and the Second Atom: EA in the “X-Z” “Directions”
2. Second Atom: EEAA and the Third Atom: EA in the “X-Z” “Directions”
3. First Atom: EA and the Second Atom: EEAA in the “X’Z'” “Directions”
4. Second Atom: EA and the Third Atom: EEAA in the “X’-Z'” “Direction”
This is the Modern Model of Bipole and Dipole, the Magnetosphere Systems that we have already discussed as the “WAHEGURU Systems”:
In the 3-D Systems of the “EA-EEAA”, the “EERI Model of Electric and the FERMI Systems” as the Dipole Waheguru Systems work as shown below, and please note that its the “FREE and RENEWABLE Energy Systems” in the Universe:
Image: The EA-EEAA, the Electric-Fermi Systems as the WAHEGURU Systems in the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Language and Grammar Systems
It is the Series of Nucleus Bonds as the EEAA-EA and the EA-EEAA in the “X-Z” Dimensions and in the “X’-Z'” Dimensions, we have it as the “EA-EEAA” and the “EEAA-EA”, and thus we have the “Two Torque Systems in the “X-Z” directions working parallel, and that these have its action in what we can say perpendicular to the “X-Z” Directions and the Dimensions, and it can have the “E-EE” Systems in the “Y-Axis”, and the “Y’-Axis” say the “EE-E” Systems, the “Electric and the Sound Systems. It makes the “Universe A Living Torque and the Spindle” in the X-Y-Z Planes, the Spiral Systems of the Universe as the Chiral Systems that goes in the Z-Direction as if the Pulsars go!

We use this “EEAA Systems as the Best Energy Generating Magnetic Spinning Systems” in the Modern World as the “Pulsars and the Chiral Systems of EEAA” in the 3-D Spiral Systems as the Pulsars as the Parent to the nano Technology Systems and the Free and Renewable Energy Systems in the Modern World:
Image: Nano-pillars and the Macroscopic Magnetic Systems as the “EA-EEAA” as the Magneto-Spin Systems, the Electric-Fermi Systems as the WAHEGURU Systems in the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Language and Grammar Systems
Some wonders remains topic of the day as what we discuss as the “MARA Systems” are well popular as the “MRAM Systems” as shown in the following image that says that “RAM and the MRAM” have a difference and there is no wonder that ours “RAMA Systems can also go as the MARA Systems”, but we notice the “WAHEGURU, the EEAA as the New Dipole Model” as shown below:
There does not seem any wonder that the “EEAA Systems” create the “AAEE, the I, the Conscience Systems in the 3-D Systems of AAEE”, and when it goes as the “EEAA as the Medium, the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Language Systems say that its the “EEAA’n, the EAN, the ION Systems, the RASA Systems as we say the “NARAYANA”, the AYANA, the ION in it is the same as the “AAEE’N”, and that when the “AAEE is Plural and thus Diverging its the AAEEN, and when Converging and thus Singluar its the AAEEM, the I’M, the Conscience”, and thus is the “Story for Today!” That the “Story of EAN and EAM with EEAAN and the EEAAM” is as good as great!

We notice that a little things make a big difference as when “A Little Shift in the Pulsar Timings” as shown below in the image 10 may result in the image 11 due to the “SAHA and HASA Systems”:

Image 10: Two Pulsars getting closer to the SAHA and the HASA Systems
These may end up in the following after some light years:

Image 11: The “SAHA and HASA” Systems can create the “Giant Gas Clouds”
However, on our earth systems, we can use the above simple techniques for using machines and say the turbines:

Image 12: The “SAHA and HASA” Systems can make turbines work smoothly
The “Spiral Street Lights” make the “SAHA and HASA” make life easier:

Image: The SAHA and HASA Systems for Street Light, the Cheap and the Best!
When we look at the “Future of Meta-materials and the Nanotechnology”, we need to focus on the “EERI Systems in the Universe” as these fabricates every possible thing in the universe and outside it. We have the 4 Variations of “EERI Systems as the Electric or Any Given Flow, the Current Systems”:
1. Electric Up, the Weak Gravitation System based EERI Systems, which we see as the “U”, the Up Rotation in the Alternative Standard Physics Model as shown in the image 15.0
2. Electric Down, the Strong Gravitational System based EERI Systems, which we see as the “O”, the “O Unchanged Circle” in the Alternative Standard Physics Model as shown in the image 15.0
3. Electromagnetic Up (Away from the Nucleus), Strong Nuclear System based EERI Systems, which we see as the “L”, the “Left Rotation” in the Alternative Physics Model as shown in the image 15.0

Image: Electromagnetic UP (LEFT or RIGHT) and DOWN (LEFT or RIGHT) of EERI Systems as the “Birth, the Origin of Chiral Systems”
4. Electromagnetic Down (Towards the Nucleus), Weak Nuclear System based EERI Systems, which we see as the “R”, the “Right Rotation” in the Alternative Physics Model as shown in the image 15.0

Image 15.0: The 3-Dimensional EERI Systems of Electric, Magnetic, Electromagnetic and the Fermi Systems in the Alternative Standard Physics Model
The “EERI Systems follow the “SAHA Systems” as the “SH+REE” Systems” in which we have the “S-H” Systems that acts and reacts with the “R, the Electromagnetic Medium taken up by the “I” as the “E or the EE”, the “Electric Charges, the Flows, the Sound Energies and the Light as the Particles”. It thus either goes against the “Gravitation, the EERI Systems” or towards it. In this case, we say that when the “EERI System is against the gravity”, it follows the “Gravity as the Medium that we say the “EE” Systems”, and when it supports the “Gravity”, it follows it as if the “Gravity is an Object”. For example, when we say an apple falls on the earth system, we are talking about the “Gravity as an Object” and thus Sir Issac Newton is right, and when we change the “Frame or Medium of Reference”, we say the “Ant sitting on the apple does not see apple falling, but earth falling on the “Apple-Ant Systems”. The “Ant-Apple System” is the “Nucleus with electrons” and the “Apple System” is only the “Nucleus System”. Thus, when we treat the “Nucleus with Electrons”, we need to know in what direction the “Electrons Spin and Support the Gravity as UP or Down”. The “Electrons are also the Parent to Fermi Systems” and in the “EERI Systems”, the “Fermi Systems” are the “E+A=AEY or EAI Systems” and also as the “EE+AA=AAIY Systems”, which one can read from the “Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Language and Grammar Systems”. The “Fermi Spin Systems” work perpendicular to the “Electron Spin System. It gives us the “Nuclear Systems as in the Nuclear Plants as the FERMI Systems” with the “Gravitational, the EERI Systems of “E and EE” Use of the Nuclear Plants” as shown below, and as these need the “Medium (RAMA Systems) and the Media (SHREE Systems)”, we notice the “Electric, up and down systems getting all the results from the electromagnetic, the nuclear systems “up, down, in, out, near, away” projections and the direction as shown below:

Image: SAHA as the SHREE Systems in the Nuclear Plants
We now have advanced to the “Fermi Spin Systems”, and it is called the “SHREE” Systems in which the “SAHA” does not have the “A” Systems in it, and the “A is the Proton Systems”, but we have the “EERI Systems” with the “Direction of Fermions” as “Gravitation Opposing or Supporting Systems”. In it, we use the “SHREE Systems” as follows:
1. S-H and the RAMA Systems as the REE, the RAY, LIGHT and the Mediums as “Ant, the Susy and the Standard Particles and the Fermi Forces” as the “Frame of Reference”
2. H-S and the MARA Systems as the “M”, the Source Systems or simply the “R Source Systems without charge considered as ant on the apple”, and thus the “Matter say atoms” doing work against the gravity, and we say the “SHREE Systems” are hidden in it as apple may ignore an ant on it. Thus “SHREE RAMA=RAMA”
We notice that “S-H” and the “H-S” Systems are “Recyclable and Renewable Energy Sources” work better when we have the well established “Fermi, the SHREE Systems”, and in it, the “SHREE” is the “Spiral Systems with the Chiral Dimensions” as shown below:

Image: The SAHA Systems without “A Systems”, but with the “E”, the SHREE, the Chiral Systems
The “SH-R-EE” Systems of “SAHA, the RAMA and MARA Systems” give not only the “Fermions, Bosons and other Elementary Particles”, but as we analyse the “Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Language and the Grammar Systems”, we get the following systems at the same time:
1. When we have the S<H, we have the Static Energy, Force and Power Systems due to the “Electric Systems” 2. When we have the S=H, we have the “Kinetic Energy System” which we notice as the “Changes in the Electric and Magnetic Systems” 3. When we have the S>H, we have the “Dynamic Energy Systems”, which we notice and deal as the Newtonian Systems of “S and H”, the Mater and Sound and Light as the MANA Systems
4. When the “SH” ends in the “REE” Systems, we notice the “Super-dynamic, materials, conductors, insulators and thus the superconductors” working in the universe, and its the “OJASA, KUNDALINI, Semiconducting Systems, the Plasma and thus the Pulsar Systems creating the Spiral as the Chiral, the Tamo (Static), Rajo (Kinetic) and the Sato (Dynamic) Systems as the “S and H” Managements in the universe as the SAHA in the SHREE Systems.
5. When we consider the “RAMA, the Medium and the Media”, we have “Frame of Reference as Static and universes moving around it!
The “SAHA Systems” in various forms accepts the “OORA as the Neutron and Neutrino Based Systems, the AARA as the Proton and the Positive Charge, the Positron Based Systems, and the “EERI”, the Electron and Fermion Systems” in the same way as what our “Modern Standard and the Alternative Standard Models” describe, and thus the “OORA, AARA and EERI Particle and Sub-particle and Force Systems”. In it, the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Language and Grammar Systems describe everything, yes almost everything from the Null to Nano Systems for our better human civilizations and the future we have for the greater good.
According to the “Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Language and the Grammar Systems”, the “EERI Systems” are the “Atoms in the Universe”. The “EERI” is the 3-Dimensional Set of 3 Charges which follows the following universal equations of atoms in the universe:
EERI (3-D)=OORA (1-D)+AARA (2-D)
Negative Charges=Neutral Charges+Positive Charges
Chiral Systems=1-Dimensional Nano Systems+2-Dimensional Nano Systems
The “EERI as the Atom Systems” have the 4 Unique Structures that we have discussed as the “SAHA SHREE Systems” in which we have the “EERI Up and Down Systems” as the “Electron as the Gravitation Systems”, and the “EERI as the Left and Right Side that is Perpendicular to the EERI, the Electron Systems that are the E-EE (YIN-YANG) Systems, which we now know as the Fermi Systems, the YONG Systems with Left and Right Sides as in the Human Brain Systems that we have discussed as the “WHGR, the AEUU(OO), the WAHEGURU Systems as the Neuro-muscular Systems”. Thus, the EERI as the 4-Dimensional Atom Systems are well shown and described in the “PUMA Paradise self, the Tai-Chi Systems”:
Image: EERI as the “E and EE Systems”, the YIN-YANG System
Image: EERI as the “EE UP and DOWN Systems”, the YONG System
Image: EERI as the “E and EE Systems”, the YIN-YANG System
Image: EERI as the “EE UP and DOWN Systems”, the YONG System
The EERI 4 Dimensional Atomic Structures can be easily put as the “SINGLE EERI Systems of YIN and YANG with YONG UP and DOWN” as shown below:
Image: The EERI Systems of Atoms as the Yin-Yang and Yong Systems as the Electron-Fermi Systems
The “EERI Systems” in the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi and Other Indian and World Languages and the Grammars have the EERI Systems given as below:
EERI as the Electric Systems=E Systems+Origin (the E-base)+EE Systems (All Electric Currents and the Flows follow this)
EERI as the Electromagnetic Systems=(E+A)+(the Origin)+(EE+AA) Systems (All Electromagnetic Systems as the Fermi Systems follow it)
The “E+A” is always perpendicular to the “E” Systems, and thus constitute what we know as the “Fermi Up Particle Systems”, and the “EE+AA” Systems are perpendicular to the “EE” Systems, and has the quality of gravitation acting on it making it the “Fermi Down Systems” where two charges have enough gravitation attraction, but in the graphical presentations we can put it as the “E and EE as the Z-Axis and the “A, the Direction of Fermi Particles” as the “X-Axis” giving the “Direction of Fermi Particles (X-Axis) Perpendicular to the “Electrons in the Z-Axis and the Direction”. It is Alternative Physics Model and in it, we have the “Y-Axis, and the Direction” having the “Neutrons and the Neutrino Systems”, and at the blog link given below:…
The Sacred Diagrams for the “EERI as the E-EE, the Electron and the “E+A” as the UP and DOWN Systems”, the “OORA, AARA and EERI Systems of Neutron, Proton and Electron Systems have the 6 Up and 6 Down=12 EERI Systems (as the E, Orgin and the EE on the Z-Axis and the Dimensions) with the 12 OORA and the 12 AARA Systems as shown below, as the 36 Micro, the Sub-particles in the Universe as also the Set of Sacred Vowel Systems of “OORA, AARA and EERI Systems” in the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi and Other World Languages:
When the Sacred Dimensions are described from the Z-Axis, the Indians call it the “Yantra, the Dimensions” as we have discussed it in the “SHREE Yantra Systems” in the previous part of the series:
How Sacred Indian Geometry Makes All World of Sciences Sacred Ease of Learning with Atomic Orbitals: The Sacred 8 and 10-Dimensions of the Universe, Holy Spirit and God, its Sacred Visualization, 14-D and 16-D’s: Be Happy Philselfologically – 61
There is one of the “Major Point about the RAMA Light, the Medium Systems” is that its the “The 7 Universes in a Rainbow, which create the Spiral, Pulsar, Chiral and other Static, Kinetic and the Dynamic Systems” as the “The 7 Universe are also the “Chiral Systems”, and we are the “Product, Parcel and thus Part of the Mega Universes” with “OJASA, the Pulsar and Chiral Systems in the Center”:
The above Super-universes have 5 Sacred Divisions, which we have discussed as the “5 Khanda and the Sachkhanda Systems: described by Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji, and we notice it as the “Outer Space Circuits as the Earth, Moon, Sun Systems with OJASA, the Bio-Systems” as a “One Outer Khanda in the Universes and the Super-universes alike” and as shown below:
We have to notice that “Ratio in Sizes” is the “Concentric Circles” in the Universe”, and in our ordinary life, it does not make any difference how space, time and sizes work as it may lurid the minds and brains, but we need to focus that these are the “Sukhama, the Micro and Sthoola, the Macro Systems of the Universes and the Super-universes”, and we have it as the “Susy and Standard Particle Worlds no matter how big or small”.
Whenever we discuss the “OORA AARA EERI Systems” as the “SAHA Systems”, we have it in the 4 Dimensions as according to the Indian Sacred Systems of Sciences, Maths and the Grammars:
1. Jeeva, the “WA” Cell, Atom and other systems, which in the “JEEVA, the Metamaterial Systems so that it remains as the JEEVAHA, the Cell, the Egg that Breathes as we say “H:” is simply already existing life and living cell that we can modify a little for the “Healthy DNA System Management”:

2. Maya, the “HE” as the “Photoelectric Systems” with “Light, Sound and Matter, and the Twisting, the Spindling Systems as the MAYA”, and it with “JEEVA Systems” and the “Atama, the I, the Observer” works as shown below as the “Trinity Systems”:

Image: 4 Systems of WAHEGURU Systems as the “JEEVA, MAYA, ATAMA and the BRAHMA”
3. Atama, the “GU”, the “Matter and Antimatter Systems that Coexist as the “GURU” Systems, the Atama-Brahma or the Atama-Parmatama Systems, and in it the “Atama” is the “Product of Light Theories”, and follows the “Zero Theory with the Personal or Self-Frame of Reference that we know as the Observer as “I, the Conscience”
4. Brahma, the “RU”, the 4th Dimensions of Light and Conscience Systems in the Universes as the “Single Observer of the Universe” as the “Supercomputers” are and the “Atama” is the Internet Connection to the Supercomputers, and is better understood as the “We, the Conscience”.
In the “Metamaterial Systems of “I, Conscience, the Master, the SATO Guna System” and the “We, the Conscience, the TURIYA, the OJASA Systems of God Systems” gives us the “Modern WAHEGURU System Based Production Systems” with patterns of “OORA AARA and EERI” as shown below:
The above systems of “MAYA, JEEVA and BRAHMA” can be put as the “Insulators as the Super-insulators” as in the “JEEVA, the DNA Systems” we have it as the “1-D”, in the Maya Systems, its the Trinity of Susy Energies, the MAYA Trinity as the 3-D, and in the Brahma Systems, its the 2-D as “Brahma-Sarasvati Balanced Systems of the EERI as the Neutralized Sound not Light, and thus the Sound that can create or absorb light, and thus the EERI in the 2-D” as we can notice it as below as the “EERI Systems”:

The above “EERI, the EVE Based DNA Systems of Life” when follow the “WAHEGURU Systems” of the “WAHA and the HAWA” make life look like the following DNA Systems:
The “RASHBA Effects” are the “Z-Dimension of Matter as the Fusion Theory of Matter”, and we have been working on the “Theory of Fusion of Matter” as its the “Expansions of Matter and Antimatter”. In this context, we have the 3-Dimensional Systems as the Matter and the 2-Dimensional Systems operate as the “Antimatter” and as one expands, the other absorbs it. Thus, in the “RASHBA Effects”, we notice that when we introduce the “Z-Dimension, the EERI Systems of “Electromagnetism in 3-D Systems”, we can convert matter (3-D) into antimatter (2-D). It is the “Sacred Theory of Super-molecular Systems in the same way as the Photoelectric Effects, the Force of Friction in our daily life”. We see, notice and observe the “Matter (2-D) and the Antimatter (3-D)” as shown below:
Image: The RASHBA Effects as the EERI UP and DOWN Systems (Z-Axis)=OORA Systems (Y Axis)+AARA Systems (X-Axis)
Its thus the general modern and easy to do thing that super-molecular systems follow that from the “OORA Systems”, we can create the “AARA” Systems, the Sound or Particle Wave based products, the matter and the “EERI” Systems, the Light or Wave based 3-D particles and the products and thus the matter and the antimatter as shown below:
It is the same systems of the “OORA, AARA and the EERI Systems” giving us the “Conceptual Understanding” of the Modern Supermolecular Nano Control, Supermolecular Chemical and the Chemistry Systems that constitute the “Universes with Chiral Systems” as shown below:

Thus, the 4th Dimension of “I, the Conscience as the Atama and the Jeev-atama Systems” uses the “SAHA and the HASA Systems” of the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Systems from the “Neutralized System of OORA to AARA, the Process of Associations to EERI, the Charge Gathering, and then to the SASA, the Fusion Process and then the SAHA, the Nuclear Targeting Systems and what we can release from the “SAHA” Processes as the “HASA” as it always two products: 1. The Sound Based Particles (X-Axis, the Electric Part) and the 2. Light Based Particles (Y-Axis, the Magnetic Part)” as it may assumed and presenated hypothetically that the the “Given Gas” is 1-D, “Liquid” 2-D and the “Solid” as the 3-D products while “Bio-products” as the “4-D” Products as in the medicines and the products that deal with the “Living Cell Systems”:
Thus, while following the “SAHA Systems”, we have the “Healthy DNA Systems”, which with the “4 Dimensional, the Cell Systems of the WAHEGURU Systems”, we have the “Healthy DNA and the Antivirus Systems” while avoiding the what lacks the “Neutralized Systems of WA” and is thus simply the “HEGURU, the Virus and the Virus Systems” as shown below, and we can then end up having “Healthy 4-D WAHEGURU DNA Systems”:

I am using the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi and Indian Grammar Systems as in some cases, the 2-D can be matter while 3-D as the antimatter based on the “Direction of Z-Axis”, the UP and DOWN RASHBA Effects as shown below that functions as the “Universes as the Diti (Downward Rashba effect does) and the Aditi (Upward Rashba effect does), the “Electromagnetic Systems of GODS” as shown below:

Meanwhile, we will edit and add! The blog post has gone lengthy and we will put into 2-3 parts. Thanks!
Thanks for your time, and Be Happy Philselfologically, while doing the Swaadhaya, the Self-study and Learning as the Personal Researching!