How Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Language and Grammar Systems Explain the Transnational, Vibrational and the Rotational Energy Systems: Atomic Mass, Energy and Structures with OORA, AARA and EERI System: Be Happy Philselfologically – 102
The Dimensional Studies of the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Languages and Grammars reveal that OORA, the Neutrons, the Dynamic Systems as the 1-Dimensional Systems follows the Transnational Energy Systems, and the AARA, the Protons as the 2-Dimensional Static Systems follow the Vibration, and the EERI, the Electrons, the Kinetic Systems follow the 3-Dimensional Rotational Systems. It also gives the AA, EE, and OO, its Static, Kinetic and Dynamic Management Systems in the Vowel, the Sound Systems in the Grammars. It also follows the following universal systems
-> Kinetic Energy=Dynamic Energy+Static Energy that we have studied as follows:
C*C=EERI/AARA Systems, and that E=O+A is also having the following expression:
E=O+A -> E=E-A+E-O, which is the Total Energy Systems in the Dimensional Systems
That is what we have discussed as E+E or Simply the E-E Systems, and thus:
In our discussions about the Einstein Systems in the previous part of this series:
Indian Philosophy of Dharama, Arth, Kama, Moksha as the Wisdom of WAHEGURU Systems: Beyond Science, Math and Logic, the Intelligence: How to Enhance Creative Intelligence with Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Language Systems – Be Happy Philselfologically 101
We have discussed it as follows:
K, the CHI Systems=(A+E+O)+AE Systems (AE,EO and the OA Systems)
Now, we cannot have anything without TRICOLOR Systems, and that is where we have the “Rotational Systems” as the A-E-O Planes, and thus we have the following:
K, the CHI Systems=(A+E+O) Systems+AE Systems (AE,EO and the OA Systems)+A-E-O Systems
K, the CHI Systems=Static (A+E+O) Systems+Kinetic (AE, EO, OA) Systems+Dynamic (A-E-O) Systems
K, the CHI Systems=Transnational Systems of A, E, O+Vibrational Systems of AE,EO, OA+Rotational Systems of A-E-O
-> K, the CHI Systems=Transnational Systems of A, E, O+Vibrational Systems of AE,EO, OA+Rotational Systems of A-E-O as (A+E+O)+AE Systems+(A-E-O), in which we always have the “A-E-O having its Opposite Pair as the O-E-A or the A-E-O as we have the X-X’, XY-X’Y’ and the XYZ-X’Y’Z’ Pairs, and thus have the above equation as follows, and the reason we use the 1/2 Systems in the Energy Equations is that its the 2 Sets of Dimensions say the X and the X’, and thus E=X+X’/2, the Most Usual Energy System Management as we also find it in the Velocity Equations of Kinetic Energy, and the C*C, the Square Systems are also there as all X and the X’ Systems are Perfect Triangles of Pythagorean Systems’ in which we have say Y*Y=X*X+X’*X’ and when we want the Under-root Systems of Y or C, the Speed of Light Systems, we simply talk about the Pythagorean Systems and see it as follows for every x, y and z axis as the static, dynamic and kinetic way while following the E=O+A Systems:
Images: How we may always have the use of under-root, square, 2, 3 as 1/2 and the 1/3 or even 2/3 is not a mystery now a days!
The Indian Seers while making the Indian languages and Grammars for All made everything linguistically easy as we notice that we always have the following equations:
The E=E-E Systems, and we have it as follows:
E=E-E/E, which is the Most Natural Indian and World Language, Grammar and Linguistic System Based Expression as it covers the International Root, Square and the Under-root Systems while we also notice the following systems in it:
E=E-E/E -> E*E=E-E and thus E*=E-E/E Systems that embraces the Electric, Magnetic and the Electromagnetic Systems in it, and we can put it as follows with E=E-E’ and the E=E’-E Systems in which we have the E=E-E’ as the Electric and the E=E’-E as the Magnetic Systems:
E (Total)=E-E/E+E*E/E which is the E (Total)=Static Energy (E-E Systems)+Kinetic Energy (E*E Systems), and the Missing ANKA Systems, which constitutes “All Dynamic Systems in the Universe”, and in it, we have one of the most ignored systems that is the E’-E’, which as it seems we usually ignore, and to a great wonder its the “Dynamic Systems in the Universe, the Philosophy of Indian Householders for the ANKA, the Human Bonds and the Relationships as the DNA Morals and Ethics, the Bonds, the ANKA for All ANGA Systems”, and thus we have the E (Total) Energy Systems as follows:
E (Total)=E-E’/E+E*E’/E+E’-E’ Systems, and mostly the E’-E’ Systems remain present as the Dimension that Balances the Set of Dimensions as we notice that in the X-Y Planes we have the X-Y, X’-Y’ and the X’-Y and the X=Y’ Planes, Systems, Dimensions and the Degrees of Freedom to create and manage new planes and the dimensions and that is what we know as the “ANKA Systems”. The E-E’ is having the ANGA Systems as the E-E’, E’-E, E*E’, and the E’*E Systems, and thus creates the 4 Major Bonds and the ANKA Systems create the E’-E’ and the E’-E’, the Two Systems as the Black and the White Hole Systems as the Two Sides say the X-X or the Y-Y, and thus the E’-E’ Systems.
When we have the E’-E=E, we have it as what we know as the “Complex Number Systems” in Math, and that Ex+Ey=Ez gives us the following:
E-E’+E’-E=E-E=E-(E’-E’)-E=E-E-E Systems, but we have the following as the “Hidden Factor”:
E-(E’-E’)-E that is E-i(E), which we can also put as follows for dimensions:
E+(E’+E’)+E that is E+i(E), where i=E’-E’, the Mystery of the Universe as its also the ANKA-ANKA Dimension, which gives us the following:
1. E’ as the Susy Particle
2. E’-E’, the Imaginary Number of 1 as when we have E’=-E’, and thus E’+E’=0, and that E’-E’=-E’+E’=E’+E’=E’-E’ gives the Fundamental Systems as what we know as the Absolute Number Systems in which we have |-E’|=|E’|, and that |-E’|-|E’|=0, and |-E’|+|E’|=E’+E’=E’-E’, the Dimensions of the Absolute Number Systems. It is “HE” Dipole in the WAHEGURU Dipole Systems of the E’-E’+E-E
3. E’-E’+E Systems, and its the “GU” Systems in the WAHEGURU Dipole Systems
4. E’-E’+E-E Systems, and its the “RU” Systems in the WAHEGURU Dipole Systems
No wonder E’-E’+E-E is also E+E-(E’+E’)=ct-c’t’ Systems, and thus in our context, the Absolute Number System is Studying anything in the “Speed of Light in the Vacuum, the CT Systems and in the Given Medium, the C’T’ Systems”, and thus the Relativity Theory of Light as the CT-C’T’ Systems that we can also put as the CT/C’T’ or even C’T’/CT Systems giving us as when we have E=C, we get the E/T Systems as we have CT=Distance=A Systems as again A/E=O=T, the Time Dimensions!
Now, E’-E’=ct as it is what we also have as the -E’+E’=-ct, also as -E’-E’=-ct, and when we square it, we have the following:
(E’-E’)*(E’+E’)=E’*E’-E’*E’=E’2-E’2=E-E, the Wave-front Systems=c2t2 that gives us the universal equations have some vivid solutions as given below:
E’2-E’2=E-E, the Wave-front Systems=c2t2 with radius as the r”, the r2 systems, the radius of the wave-front E-E
For E’2-E’2=r’2, the radius of the wave-front origins, and we have speed of light as follows:
E-E=mc2=E=c2t2, and thus mc2=c2t2, and thus t2=m, which we need to check if right that t*t=m, and we find it as follows:
(m-m0)c2=c2t2, where we can put that mass is also a dimension when at rest we have everything say a, e, o, t (time), c, we also have the m-m0, where the mass m0 is the m’, the Susy Mass Systems, with the following universal equations:
Moreover, we have the “Length Covered by Light, the Wave Fronts” as equal to D/t=c, and the (m-m0)c2=c2t2 as by E=O/A, and that A/O=1/E, which simply means the Opposite to Mass Equations, and we have it as the Length Dimensions, and thus have C=D/t, and thus Ct=D, which means Et=A -> t=A/E -> E=A/t Systems, and that MC2=E, and that gives us the following:
MC2=A/t -> M*D2/t2=A/t -> when A=D, we have M*D2/t2=D/t -> M*D/t=M0 Systems
-> D0=(M0/D)*t -> D-D0=(M-M0)*t -> D/D0 and the M/M0 Systems that means the Mass and Distance, the Length is also the Dimension as we have the A=Mass Systems in the E=O/A Systems as the E=O/M, and that we also have it with when we have C=1 Unit, that gives is M=C as we have the E=MC2 E=M that gives us following M=OM, which gives it as M/M=O Systems, and O in the Dimensional Systems is the “M”, the Mass Systems in the 2-Dimensional Systems of Y-Axis, which we use as “Relative Function of Two Given Functions”, and thus we can have it as the Mass, the Constant X-Axis, the Given Point, and the Y, the Value of Y-Axis, when X=M, the Mass, and we have E=MC2 and O/A=E -> E=MC2=O/M and its when we have the MC2=O/M and that C=D/t Systems M2C2=O -> M*(M*C2)=O -> M*E=O, which means that we have in the 2-D Systems E=O/A as E=O/M -> O*M=O*A, and that in it, we have the O=M times E Systems, and thus when we have M=1, we have E=O. We can thus put all systems as with M-M’ or the M-M0, D-D’ or D-D0, here D=Length Covered, and we have all of as attempted explanation for the following:
Meantime, we can see it in the video below:
In the Philosophical View of the Time Dimensions, the Indian Sanskrit, Hindi and the Punjabi Names describe it as we know in the Indian Languages, the “Time is SAMAYA”, and that is the SAMA, the Balanced or the Neutralized Systems which is opposite to the MASS Systems”, and thus in the Given Time, the Mass Travels in the Gravity as otherwise, the SAMA, the SAMAYA means the Infinite Systems, the MAYA Systems with “SA”, the Sound Energy or Force, the Shakti that creates the MAYA, the 3 ANGA Systems of 3 Color-3 Anticolor Systems, and thus the way the “ANGA Systems Runs, we have the SAMAYA, the Sound Travelling in the MAYA, and thus the SAMAYA”, and the “Light and the Sound travel differently, and thus we have the Speed as the ANGA SAMAYA, the Virtual Time, the Local Time Systems, and the ANKA SAMAYA as the Speed of Light in the ANGA Systems that creates the Colors and the Anti-color Systems and thus we have the following systems:
SAMAYA (Total)=SAMAYA (ANGA, the Velocity of Sounds in the Given Matter, the ANGA Systems)+SAMAYA (ANKA, the Velocity of Light in the Given Matter, the Mediums as the matter is the Medium and we see the colors due to the velocity of light in the mediums)
We the above equation as the “Speed of Light Systems” in relation to the sound and light systems as shown below:
When the Light Travels as the Longitudinal, the Red Color Dot Systems (Proton Ways), it creates the Sounds, and we have the MASA of the SAMAYA, the Time Traveling Longitudinally, and when the Neutrons, the Blue Color Dot Systems travel Transversely, we notice the same sound as the light systems, the electromagnetic systems in the given “Direction”, and its the DISA, the DISHA Systems in the Indian Sacred Systems, the Variations in Various Mediums that we can say the DASA and the SADA, the SODHAYA Systems, the TA, THA, DA, DHA, NA Row Systems as the 6th Row, the Fire, the Heat System Variations in the Universe, and that makes the SAMAYA, the Time as the Sum of Longitudinal and the Transverse Wave Systems of the Light!
Image: We as the observers hear and see the Visible Systems of Light and the Sound Systems, and that is the SAMAYA Systems as the SA, the Sound as the SHABADA Systems and the MA as the Light Systems with the YA as the Medium Systems, and we have already discussed the YA as the YAMA and the MAYA Systems as the SAHAYA, the SAHA the Bonding Systems in the SAMAYA, the SAMA and the MASA Systems as the Duration’s of the SAHAYA, the TIME Systems
Now, the major consideration is again the “Susy and the Standard Particle Systems in the Advanced Physics Models”, and in context to the “E, the E-E’, the EERI Systems”, its as follows:
1. The E’-E’ as the W’, the Susy Particle Systems, which in the World Languages and Grammars is the “Base of the AKHARA Systems”, and thus its the Consonant Systems, which in the Sciences we know as the “Force of Friction”
2. The E’-E’+E=E-E’ is the First “W or the E System” in the Universe, and thus its the First Healing Sound, the 528 Hz Miracle in the Music Systems
3. The E-E’+E=E-E is what we have discussed as the WA Systems in the Universe, and in this case its the E’+E=E, and thus simply the “Creation of Sound of Vowel E as the E-E”
4. The E-E cannot absorb the another E System without the 4th Dimension, and thus we have the following E Systems:
E-E+E’=E*E=E-E+E=E-E+E+E-E=E-E+E-E’+E=E-E+Duplicate E-E’ Systems, and its what moves the “WAHEGURU Dipole Systems” as we always have a creation of new and induced Duplicators as the RNA Systems to the Original DNA System of the E-E’ Systems, and it also gives the E as the Energy Systems that we know as the “Total Energy Systems as the Smallest Units of Energy as the Transnational, Rotational and the Vibration Energy Systems that we have also discussed as the Static, Kinetic and the Dynamic Energy Systems. Thus, we always have the following:
The above is the “Total Energy Representation Systems” as follows:
E-E’+E=Static Energy (E+E’, the Electric)+Kinetic Energy (E*E, the Magnetic)+Dynamic Energy Systems (E+E-E’, the Electromagnetic Energy Systems having 3 Planes Perpendicular to One Another)
For the 4th Dimensions, we can have the Universal Equations like the following:
E-E’+E+E-E’+E in which we have the following as the “Universe Embraced” as it happens to be the “Scalar Wave Technology – the Future Technology in the Modern World” as we see the E as the Ex (E-E’), Ey (-E+E’ or E+E’) and the Ez (E+E Systems as the Ex+Ey to say) and thus the Scalar Wave Technology Systems:
Images and video: The E-E’, the EERI Systems as the Scalar Wave Technology in context to the “Indian Theory of Samaya, the Time Systems with Velocity of Light as Sound and Light Systems
E-E’+(E+E)-E’+E, which is also the PULSAR System as we have discussed.
The focus in the “E-E’+(E+E)-E’+E” as the Universal Scalar Wave Systems is there when we have the Sound, Light, Direction, Space, and Time Systems are present at the same place, which the Indian Sacred Systems call the DESH (Space), KAAL (Time Dimensions, the Time as the ANKA Systems with the ANKHA, the Observers Systems as we have the KALA, the KALAA, and the LAKA, the LOKA, the LOCUS Systems that set the “Radius of the Circle which Spins, Revolves and Rotates in according to the Equal and Opposite Locus, the Loci in the Universe”, and thus its also called the LOKA, the LUCK in Heavens as we vibrate with Universal Earth, Moon, Sun and the Star Systems as well as the Center of the Universe Systems), SAMAYA (Time Dimensions when Time is having the ANGA Systems as the Velocity Systems with Speed of Particle, the Speed of Light, and the Sound and Light Vector as the E=O (Speed of Light Systems)+A (Speed of Light as Particle, the Sound Systems), SATHANA, which is the Sound Systems, the SA, the SAN Systems for the NATHA, the THANA Systems, the way we manage the Light, Sound, Matter and Energy Systems at a Given Place, the THANA, and the NATHA is where we “Split the Systems and then Reunite creating the Pulsars from Pulsar Systems” means “Spinning the Systems”, and thus the SATHANA and the SANATHA Systems that the Yogis have been doing from ages.
The “E-E’+(E+E)-E’+E” Systems are the “Two Magnet Systems as we have the E=North Pole and E’=South Pole Systems” as we can say and the E+E=E+E’+E’+E Systems in which we can expand it as follows:
E+E=E-E’+E-E’, which we have discussed as the “Layer Systems in the Dimensions as the Female, the YIN Systems”, and that its also the X-X Systems that coexists with the X-Y Systems as the E-E’ and the E’-E Systems that we notice as the E-E’+(E+E)-E’+E Systems, which is simply the 4 Magnet Waheguru Dipole Systems as we have it as the NS+(NS+NS)+SN Systems as shown below as its what is we know as the
The E+E=E-E’+E-E’ as the NS+(NS+NS)+SN makes the WAHEGURU as the Dipole at the Base that is the Neutron (O) and the Proton (A), and we have what we see in the entire universe as the Spectrum, the Visible Light Systems as we have the E=O/A, the Visible Light that we see with all equations discussed as the E=O/A Systems as also shown below

The 4 Magnet WAHEGURU Dipole Systems in the KOSOL Spherical Devices

The Modern Consciousness Technology is simply the E-E’ Systems, and he explains it well because John Wsol knows a lot about it:
Images and video: No wonder we all have the 4 Magnets, the WAHEGURU Dipole Systems as the Consciousness Systems
Now, the Universal Equation of the E-E’ Charge Setups as the “Scale Wave” can have the E-E’+E+E-E’+E as the same response from its origin systems and that is the Proton and the Neutron Systems that run the Stationary (A, the AARA Systems), and the Dynamic Systems (O, the OORA Systems), and thus we also have the following systems for the protons and the neutrons:
1. The AARA, the Proton Systems: A-A’+(A+A)-A’+A, which is also as the A-A’+(A+A)-(A’-A)
2. The OORA, the Neutron Systems: O-O’+(O+O)-O’+O or O-O’+(O+O)-(O’-O)
Now, the only wonder is that the AARA, the Proton Systems are the Two Dimensional Systems, and thus the “E-E'” Systems in the 2-Dimensions
Similarly, the OORA Systems as the 1-Dimensional Systems is the E-E’ Systems in the 1-Dimension, and thus we have the following equation that unites all systems:
E=O+A, and the its having the major equations in one set to go:
1. E=O+A, and it means that E is 3-D when E=O+A
2. E=A, and it means that E is the 2-D when E=A
3. E=O, and it means that E is the 1-D when E=O
So, we also have the following considered:
O=E/A as we know that A=M (Mass), and E=C (Velocity)
Thus, OA=E is the Electric Systems that can be as follows:
1. E=O+A
2. E=OA, the Charge Clouds
3. E=O-A, the Electric Charge Cloud Systems
4. E=O*A, the Magnetic Charge Cloud Systems
It can also have the E=O/A, which we know as the Unit or the Ratio Systems as we can also have the E=A/O, and in the given Pythagorean Systems, we have the A or O set as equal to “h”, and thus E=O/h, and E=h/O, and we know it as the “Sin and the Cosine Systems” that gives us the Spectrum and the Spectral Systems. We notice the E=O/h Systems, and the O as the Linear, the Cos Systems with as the E=h/O as its the E/h=O Systems in that context as we notice in the image shown below:
Image: The E as the 1-D and the 2-D Systems with the E=O/A as the E=O/h, and that E/A=O as the E*A/A-A=O/A*/A/A-A -> E/h=O/h2
E*A/A-A=O/A*/A/A-A -> E*/A=O/A*A -> E*/A=O/A*A, which can be one of the reasons that the Cos in the X-Axis and the Sin in the Y-Axis give us the “Scalar and the Vector Product Systems, and that we need more research about how we can see the E/h or the E/A Systems as the E/A=O/A2 or E/A=O/A-A Systems, and that again we have the following:
E=O+A -> E=O+h (When A=h as the Static Energy say due to gravity)
E/h=O/h+h/h -> E/h=O/h+1
-> (E/h)*h=(O/h)*h+1*h
-> E=O+h+(1) -> E=O+A+1, and say for En=O+A+N-times P-bits
The “Gravity as the h, the g or the A, the AARA Systems give the 4-Dimensional Study of Protons as the Gravity Systems in the following way:

1. Gravity General, the Susy Systems, the W’ Systems
2. Gravity Applied, the Standard Systems as the W’+A=W, the HALLA Systems
3. Gravity Frictional, the Fermi Systems, the W+A Systems, the Bonding that need force to maintain the Newtons Laws of Inertia as either in a straight line or when force applied in the circulatory systems, and thus the W+A=W+W’+A+A variations as the W+A=WA but with the WA: the WAH Systems to say
4. Gravity Normal, and its the W+A=WA Systems that Balances the WA and the WA:, the WAHA and or the SAHA, the Bond Systems, and in the Indians have developed the the “Gravity as the HALLA, the Systems for the Ploughing, the Farming Systems. When world goes the Scalar Wave Function Technology, the “Shakti Pooja”, the Indian Systems think of the Proton Systems as the “WAHA Systems” that make the “Static, Stationary Centers of Energy Run the Earth and Moon Systems”, and its based on the Sun as the AARA, the Gravity Systems for Earth, whereas the Moon Systems for gravity that runs the EERI, the E-E’ Systems are also well described in the Indian and the Arabian Civilizations.
We can put the above 4 Steps of the Proton Systems, the A, the AARA Systems that the Indian Sacred Systems prefer in the following 4 ways:

Images: How the W’, W, WA: and the WA Systems work is shown as the 4 Steps, when we work in hurry some written errors are natural!!!
The “OORA Systems, the Neutron Systems” are balanced when we ever consider the “Dynamic Systems that can move from one place to other say the Stored Energy Systems, but we now it need it to be based on the Sun (AARA Systems) and the Moon (EERI Systems) so that the Neutron Energy Plants can work without interruption.
The point in this elaboration is simple that all religious places in Indian and Other Civilization Systems are based on the “Atom, Electrical and the Electronic Systems due to the Earth, Moon, Sun, Star, North Polaris and the Center of the Universe Systems” as “All Gods in India have the Sun or the Star System based Architect Structures, the Goddesses have the same based on the Moon and the Constellation Systems, the Yogis have it as simply the Light Systems say the Math Systems, and the Gurus in various religions have Specialization based structures in construction of everything that the humans construct.” It is here that we use the Advanced Physics Models for Constructions that has the A, E, O, AE, and the AEKA or the EAKO Systems. Its thus also called the PANCHAYATA Systems, the Five Primal Sound based Systems for the Governing and Administration Systems in the world systems.
Now, going back to E-E’ System in context to the A, E and the Gravity Systems: In it, we notice that h=0 to 1, and that “h” factor after giving 1 Unit disappears in the cycle, and that is what we have cancelled as in the step of (E/h)*h=(O/h)*h+1*h, but in the dimensional studies we have the h/h as the h*h or the h-h, which means h either parallel or perpendicular to the other “h or our A, the Proton Systems”, and its the “Bonus Dimension” as after 360 Degree Cycle, we always have the “h, the A System cancelled”, and its the “Gravity System of Rotation, Movement and Revolving in which h, the A, the mass systems of say Atoms goes from 1 to -1 through 0, the origin, and thus, we have the “Bonus Bit” each time it completes a cycle, and thus we have the “Electron conversion into the Neutron (0), and then a Proton (+1) with new Neutron and Proton that goes back into the Electron (-1) and Proton Chain Systems. It keeps rotating, and producing the Extra Proton Bits and Bytes, and thus our computers run as if the Super Vortex, the UFO Systems. (Please note I have to check it online what I have just said!)
The “Bonus Bit” is what seems to rotate and make all 3-D Systems move forward and its the “Living RNA Creation for any given the Master DNA, the 3 Dimensional Systems” as we see below:

Images: The same Energy, the K, the CHI Systems as the EAKO Systems coexist as the 1-D, 2-D, 3-D and the 4-D Systems, and have “Self-creation, sustaining and moving all ANGA Systems with the help of the ANKA Systems as we as the Observers are called the ANKHA Systems, the Eye Systems, who are the “KHAYA Systems as from the AKHAYA, the Non-perishable Systems of the AKHAYA (Eyes) in the KHAYA, the MAYA Systems, and thus we as the Observers Never Die, but the change the bodies and the frames of references
While considering the “Great Ease of Indian Language and the Grammar Notation Systems”, we seem to have the “Best Scientific and Technical Systems” as we notice that the “E-E’+(E+E)-E’+E” are put simply as follows:
E-E’+(E+E)-E’+E=E-EE+(EE-EE)-EE+E Systems
There does not seem any other easier systems of notation when we can sum up all universal and big equations of dimensions say the E-E’+(E+E)-E’+E as simply:
This is what it is:
-> E-EE+(EA-EEAA)+(-EE+E) Systems
In this equation, we have the Two Central Dipole Systems, the Two Magnets as in the A-Direction, the Electric Systems aligned with the Proton, the A, the AARA Systems. At the same time, the E-E’=E-EE System, which we can also write as the E-E’=E’-E=E-EE when we can also put the E=EE, and the E’=E, and its the Central Law and Principle of Indian Sound, the Vowel Systems.
The same E-EE+(EA-EEAA)-EE+E systems can have the EA-EEAA Systems as the OE-OOEE as the Magnetic Systems in the Direction of Neutrons, the O, the OORA Systems, and in that case we have the following:
It can also have the EO replaced with the OA Systems, the Direction of Magnets in the OA or simply A, which we can also write as the OEA so that we can differentiate the Two Sides of OAM Systems. Thus, we have these equations as follows:
The great point in it is that OA-OOAA Systems Embrace the E-EE or the E-EE’ Systems as the OEA-OOEEAA, which is the “Secret of the Holographic Universe”, and it follows the Fibonacci Spiral Systems Running the Universe

Images and Video: The Secrets of Universe with OEA-OOEEAA in the E-EE+(EA-EEAA+EO-EEOO+OA-OOAA)-EE+E as the E-EE+(EA-EEAA+OEA-OOEEAA+EO-EEOO)-EE+E
Its the K Systems with the 3 Energy Planes.
Now, we may wonder what is the E-EE+(EA-EEAA+OEA-OOEEAA+EO-EEOO)-EE+E, and its the “Indian Notation Systems of Sound Energy Systems as the Vowels”, and we have the most essential term of “OEA-OOEEAA” System as the Indian Vowel Notation say in the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Language and Grammar Systems. This very “OEA-OOEEAA” is what we know as the “K, the CHI Systems in the Universe”. As when we consider the Light Equation of E=O/A, we have the following:
E=O/A -> E=O+A -> E/E=O/E+A/E, and its here that we always pay attention to the “K, the CHI Systems” as we have the universal systems of the CHI, the K or the KA Systems as follows:
E/E=Kz=O/E (Ky)+A/E (Kx)
It is well expressed in the diagram below with Ez=Electron=E=I (Current), Ex=Proton=Mass=R (Resistance), and the Ey=Neutron=V (Voltage, the Potentials that Our Sun Systems offer) as we notice below:
In the Dimensions, the Dimensional Studies, we cannot simply say that E/E=1
As we always have the E, the K, the CHI Systems that we know as the EAKO Systems as the Ex, Ey and the Ez Systems, and that when we consider the Ex, we may be dealing with the E.cosine(x) Systems, and the E.Sine(y) systems and even the E.Tangent(z) Systems. Thus, accordingly, we have the “Total Energy Systems as the CHI, the EAKO Systems as the “OEA-OOEEAA” Systems.
“OEA-OOEEAA”=Ek=Ex+Ey+Ez, and the Symbol and Notation in the Indian Sacred Systems is the Eaku, which is also denoted as the “First Numeral in the Indian Language and Numeral Systems, and the Eaku is the EAKU in the Hindi and the Sanskrit Languages and the EAKU is also written as the EEAK in the Punjabi Language and the Grammar Systems as in it, we may not have the Half Sound Systems, and some Hindi and the Sanskrit Sounds written in a very little different way, and thus we have “EEK or simply EEAK, but its the EAKU or the EAKO Systems”, which we have expressed as the “OEA-OOEEAA”.
The other mystery is that the “OEA-OOEEAA” is also the “Creator of Shoonaya, the Zero, 0 Systems in the Indian Languages and Mathematical Systems”.
-> K=1/EA+1/OE-1/OA
-> K, the CHI Systems as the Unitary Systems for the X, Y and the Z Planes of the Energy Systems and the X (A), Y (O) has Z, the E Perpendicular to it, the XY-Z. Thus, we have the following:
XY-Z=AO-E=E=AO or E=OA Systems as we have already discussed.
The “OEA-OOEEAA”=Ek=Ex+Ey+Ez=Eako Systems is always having the velocity of light as with e=o/a in which we have the e=c/t or e=v/m as we have equations that depend on the “Protons as the Time or the Mass Systems as in it the Time is the Velocity of Light Systems as when the velocity of light, we have c and t systems, and when we have the velocity of sound, the mass systems, we have the c and the m or simply v/m systems as e=v/m. When we discuss the m,v,c and the time, the frequency systems, we have the “O, the OORA Systems” as the “B, the Magnetic Systems”, and the “E, the EERI Systems” as the “Q, the Charge Systems”, and that the “A, the AARA Systems are the M, the Mass Systems”. It gives almost all possible equations of speed, velocity, light, mass, magnetic and electric systems.
We have discussed the “EAKO, the Eako” Systems as the Force and the Power Systems, and the Force Systems have the Ohm’s law elements as the I, R and V Systems, and the Power Systems have the I*V=P -> E*O System Studies as the Power Managements and we have V=IR -> O=EA Systems, and Power Systems have it as the P=I*V with the I*IR=E*E*A=P, and thus all “Power Systems” as shown below:
A, E, O and EA Systems: The 4 Dimensional Chart has the A (Resistance), E (Current), O (Voltage) and the P=IV=EO or I2R=EA Systems(the Category of EA Systems as the EA, EO and the OA Systems) and in general the Resistance (A Systems) add as we can also add the Electrical (E Systems), and the Voltages (O Systems) have a magnetic, the B Systems in it that works with “Direction Systems”, and thus we always the equation say F (Energy Systems)=qV+qVB in which we deal the Magnetic Systems a little differently
Image: The EAKO Systems in the Power Systems and the OHM’s laws
Now, the “Electrical and the Magnetic Current” Flows constitute the “Velocity of Sound and the Light Systems”, and we have it as follows:
Current (I)=Q/t and we thus have the E, the EERI as follows:
E=Q/t, and we place it in our E-E’, the Dimensional Systems, we have the following:
E=O/A as Q/t=V/R, (Charge/Time=Voltage/Resistance) and thus
QR=V/t (Voltage/time)
-> E=QR=V/t, and that gives us the following sub-equations:
E=Q/R, when we have the R=0, the minimum possible, we have the maximum charge as E=Charge/Minimum Resistance, and that is what makes it equal to “C, the Speed of Light”, and thus we have the following “Light Equations”:
E=C=Q/R (1)
E=V/t (2), and when t=minimum, that means the high frequency systems, we have it as the E=V/t (t=reaching 0), and thus
E=V, and thus we can put all equations in which we can have the E=C (Velocity of Light Systems) and that the E=V, and thus we can have the following
E=V, and the E=C, and thus V=C, and that simply means the “Use of Light, the E, the Energy Systems without any loss due to Resistance, the R Systems=0 (Almost), and that is “Theory of Two Light Systems say Beams” as the “Supplying Sources of any given systems”, and we have in our body systems the Two Systems of the Red and the Blue Color Systems, the Anode and Cathode Systems and thus the Creation of the Mono-poles or the “Mono-polarized Systems”, and its equations have the R=Sound Energy, and the V=Light Energy as having the Minimum Sound Energy and thus R, the Resistance Systems (A, the Proton Systems), and the Maximum of the Light Energy as the Voltage=Speed of Light say V=C, and thus the “Birth of Nano Systems, the Scalar Wave Technology”, and may be an end to any abuse of living things and the nonliving things as the Two Mono Poles of Light or any given systems can save, manage and run any given system for free!

It gives us the “Sound and the Light Energy” having one single platform, and that is one of the major achievements in the sound and light systems for the matter and the energy systems that we have discussed as the “MANA (SOUND) as NAMA (LIGHT) Systems for the Light, the RAMA and the Matter, the Medium Systems as the MARA Systems and we see a wonderful use of it as the E-EE Dimensional Theory of the EAKO, the CHI, the KA Systems of the Polarized and the Anisonic, the Anistropy to say when we write the Punjabi in English:
Images: Thanks to Mono Light Systems as the EAKO Systems
Thus, for the given equations of the F=qE+qVB Systems, we have it as follows:
F=E-E’ Systems+EOA Systems based on the hypothesis that Eako Systems have additions of the O+A and the E Systems, the 1, 2 and the 3-Dimensional Systems that has the Static Energy Systems of the E-E’, and the Kinetic Energy having its association with the Dynamic Systems of B, the OORA Systems, and thus the “qVB”, and that always gives the 3 Dimensional Systems what we want, the “Force and Power Systems in the Vortex Nature as the Nano Systems”. The “Eako, the EAKO”, which has a great potential almost most of possible research works has the “Observer in the Space, Time and Velocity of Light Systems”. The term that is new here is the “Force”, which is the “BALA Systems”, and its based on the “Bond Systems, the LABA, the BALA Product as the Present Force of SAHA Systems, and its associated key terms has the LABHA (Bonding Potential, the Earned Force that we can use later and thus the LABHA, the BHALA (Welfare, the SHIVA Power Dimensions, and the Systems of Force, and that LABA, LABHA has one of the Major Indian Term in its Row, and its the LAPA, that is what is the Medium of the Time as the PALA, the Second and Fraction Scale, and we have it as the PALAY, the Duration of Any Action (Palay, the Play), and also have the LAMA Systems as the MALA, the Role of Magnetic Force, the B Systems, and thus this row is the PA, PH (PHALA, the Flow, the Fruit that Lord Krishna say and thus the Flow (Phlow, the Flow) Systems”. We will discuss it in different blog post!
Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji gave the following message for the “Age of Machines, the Modern Age of Kaliyuga, the Fermi-light Systems”:
“Sahjay Sahjay Bilovaho, Jaise Tat Na Jaayi…” (Gurbani)
“In context to Advance Physics Models and the Sciences: Please follow the SAHA+Yoga, the SAHAJA, the Union Systems of Anti-color, the Invisible Color Systems in the Sowing of the Primary Color Systems of the Red, Green and Blue Systems to create what we know as the Anti-color Systems of the Yellow, Cyan and the Magenta Systems so that one does not lose the “Essential Basic Color and the Anti-color System when it together creates the TATA, the Fire Systems of Elements that we see in our meditation or focus as the Colors, Temperatures, Pressure and all as the “Qualities of the Elements, the TATA” (Gurbani for Modern Scientific Technology, the Nano Systems)
While considering the following systems, we can use the theory of symmetry:
E/E=Kz=O/E (Ky)+A/E (Kx)
-> Atomic Structures of Atoms, the Kz (Ey/Ex) Systems (E=O/A as the Ez=Ey/x)
Now, when we consider the Hydrogen Atom, we have it as the Ey=1, Ex=1, and that Ez=Ey/Ex=1/1, and thus its the (1,1,1) Symmetry Pattern as the (Ex=1,Ey=1,Ez=1), and its also the (Ex, the Proton=1,Ey, the Neutron=1,Ez, the Electron=1), and in case, we have the no electron, we have the same equations as say the (1,1,0), and that the individual electronic, protonic and neutronic systems are thus Proton: (1,0,0), Neutron: (0,1,0) and Electron: (0,0,1), and its the symmetry that can give us the best possible atomic structures that we nowadays know as the “Slide 2-D Symmetry”, and in our discussions, we have it as the a, e, o and the ae systems in which we use the EA as the Qualities of the Ratio Systems of say the Proton/Electron=A/E (Mass/Charge Systems), Electron/Neutron=E/O (Charge/Light Systems), and the Neutron=O/A Systems (Light, the Color Systems) “AE, EO and the OA”, which also describe the qualities of the given systems. We can keep adding as many elements as we want and that it has the end product as the EAKO, which is the CHI, the EAKO Energy Management. The patterns that we receive are shown in the image below:
Image: The E-EE-(EE-EE)-EE+E=K, the CHI Systems have the Structure as shown above as its the MASTER K, the CHI Systems as the EAKO Systems in the Oblique Lattice Systems, the 4 Magnets in the Given System
The point that Indian Sacred Systems focus about the E-EE or the E-E’ Systems is the “Bond that it, the E-EE can have, and that is called the SAHA Systems”. All that we discuss as the E-EE has a bonds, the SAHA Systems “ON” that in the absence of the SAHA is the “SH” System, which has everything in its original form as the “Motion in Straight Line or Circular Motion when it has Unchangeable Circulation Force acting on it in a given system.” Thus, the “SH” is present as the Susy Particle Systems. We have to apply force in the form of “A, E, O, AE, EAKO”, the 5 Primal Forces in the Universe that makes it say “A, E, O (3 Primary Color Systems, the 6 Dimensions say the A-A’ or the A-AA Systems that we have discussed as the E-EE, the E-E’ Systems) AE, EO, OA (3 Anti-Color Systems, the 6 Dimensions say the EA-AE Systems that differs from E-EE as its now the EA-AE Systems), and other systems, which we know as the 3-Dimensional Systems of A-E-O has the 3!=3*2=6 Systems with the 6*2=12 Dimensions as every A-E-O has the A’-E’-O’ or the A-E-O as having the AA-EE-OO Systems that gives it the “Unique Identifier Systems Always ON”. Thus, we have the 6+6+12=24 Systems of the 3 Particle Systems of the A, E, and the O Systems. The Anti-particle Systems that it has the AE, EO, and the OA, which composes and works with the 24 Sets, the Dimensions in which we have the E=C, the Light Systems, the Nano Systems. Thus, the AE, EO, OA gives us the EAKO Systems, and that A, E and O gives the OEA, the OAM Systems, and that we also have the ONAM Systems that comes when we have the O-A-E as ONE Systems is ON, and thus we have the OAM, ONAM, EAKO Systems working together, and that thus the EAKO as the Set of 4!=4*3*2*1=24 Dimensional Forces that in the Given Dimensional Systems, the 24 Particle and the 24 Anti-particle Systems create the 24*2=48 Particle Systems as the Elementary Particle Systems.
Thus, the SAHA as the SH Systems get the “Force Applied”, and it becomes the SAHA, and the HASA Systems, which gives the “Ratio Systems” that deals with the O/A=E, A/E=S, O/E=H and the E/AE=SAHA, the Light Systems, and it has all of things done as when we have the I=C=E (Ideal Current as the Speed of Light), and that E=O/A as the E=V=O (Ideal Voltage for the Light as the Infinite Source of Energy). Thus, when we consider the SH Systems, we have the SH=A/E*O/E=OA/E2, and the SAHA Systems=E/AE of the SH Systems, and thus we have the following:
-> SAHA=(AO/E2)*AE=AO/(E2*AE)
Now, when we have the Triple Power of E-EE’ Systems, we end up at the OA Systems having the following:
E=OA, and the SAHA=AO/E3A
In it, we have the Two Opposite Triangles of E-EE Systems managed by the “A, the Resistance, the Mass, and thus the “Gravity and the Anti-gravity Systems” that follows the following systems well:
E=O/A=C, the Velocity of Light/Mass, the Distance Systems
E=Light/Distance Systems that work with the C=E and Time Equations as we have the following:
V=D/T=M/T=C, in which we use that V=D/T or VT=D, and D=A, V=C=E that gives us CT=A, which simply means that A, the AARA has the Universal Equations as follows:
Ct=A as in the Physics, we have the A=Mass of an Element, and its also where the “Gravity acts upon the given atom”, and thus we have the Mg Systems as the Mass equations and in it, the G=Velocity/Time Systems, which we know as the acceleration that rate at which we change the velocity. Thus, we have the following:
When we have “V=C” (Velocity of Sound=Velocity of Light), we have everything solved in the universe as it is what gives us the E=MC*C, and that C2=E/M, and we can put it in any set of equations to get the results we need. Thus, when we say the following, we have it get, set and go systems:
V=C, and the E=O/A, and that is E=O/M, and MC*C=O/M Systems, and when we study the Sciences in the Dimensional Systems, we do not need to solve equations but understand the Dimensions of the Given Equations, which is the power, square, under-root, and anything that fits in the E-E’-EE Systems, the Frame Works of E-EE Systems. It gives us all results based on the assumptions and the hypothesis and in it, we have discussed in this series as the dimensional studies of cubes, squares, circles, and other systems that uses the area and volumes as the dimensions, and its what makes Physics a Philosophy or Studying Science as Philosophy. For example, the following image shows the Philosophy of Universe, Sciences in the easiest possible way:
-> A=Ct that gives us the following systems as shown in figure that we discuss tomorrow:
It is an important point to note that we always have the following:
A-A’, E-E’, and the O-O’, and in our modern studies in the science and math, we have the following systems:
A-A’=Distance in the X-Direction, and thus Dx
E-E’=Distance in the Z-Direction, and thus Dz, and that
O-O’=Distance in the O-Direction, and thus the Dy
Thus, Dx+Dy+Dz=A-A’+E-E’+O-O’=D, the Distance that we use in the light equations as follows:
C (V, the Velocity)=D/t=(Dx+Dy+Dz)/t=(A-A’+E-E’+O-O’)/t=D, and thus
Cx=Dx/t, and thus Dx=Cx*t or D (Distance)=C (velocity of Light say Protons, Neutrons and the Electrons)*t (time)
-> Dx=A=Cx*t, Dy=O=Cy*t and Dz=Cz*t, and that this very velocity for the electrons around the nucleus is circulatory in which we have the following universal equations:
(D,t), which we can put as (Dx, Dy, Dz,t) or simply say (x,t),(y,t), (z,t) or back in its original forms as (Dx, Dy, Dz,t) or (Cx, Cy, Cz,t), and have it well described as shown below:

“Galilean and Einstein’s relativity
Galilean reference frames
In classical kinematics, the total displacement x in the R frame is the sum of the relative displacement x′ in frame R′ and of the distance between the two origins x − x′. If v is the relative velocity of R′ relative to R, the transformation is: x = x′ + vt, or x′ = x − vt. This relationship is linear for a constant v, that is when R and R′ are Galilean frames of reference.
In Einstein’s relativity, the main difference from Galilean relativity is that space and time coordinates are intertwined, and in different inertial frames t ≠ t′.
Since space is assumed to be homogeneous, the transformation must be linear. The most general linear relationship is obtained with four constant coefficients, A, B, γ, and b:
The Lorentz transformation becomes the Galilean transformation when γ = B = 1, b = −v and A = 0.
An object at rest in the R′ frame at position x′ = 0 moves with constant velocity v in the R frame. Hence the transformation must yield x′ = 0 if x = vt. Therefore, b = −γv and the first equation is written as
Principle of relativity
According to the principle of relativity, there is no privileged Galilean frame of reference: therefore the inverse transformation for the position from frame R′ to frame R should have the same form as the original but with the velocity in the opposite direction, i.o.w. replacing v with -v:
and thus
The speed of light is constant
Since the speed of light is the same in all frames of reference, for the case of a light signal, the transformation must guarantee that t = x/c and t′ = x′/c.
Substituting for t and t′ in the preceding equations gives:
Multiplying these two equations together gives,
At any time after t = t′ = 0, xx′ is not zero, so dividing both sides of the equation by xx′ results in
which is called the “Lorentz factor”.” (With thanks from the source:… )
Images and a discussion: The marvel of Lorentz transformations is that it discusses the (Cx, Cy, Cz,t) as say (Cx,t) and the (Cx’,t), and also (Cx-Cx’ or E-E’,t) Systems, and time frames of t and the t’ that gives t-t’ as the “Time Dimension, the t-t'”, and we can have equations say (Cx-Cx’ or E-E’,t-t’)

Dz=Cz*t -> 2πr=Cz*t, and in it, the Cz=2πr/t or when we consider 2 or 3 dimensional way, we have the area or volume covered, and when we discuss that an electron covers a distance around the nucleus, we can put it as the Dz, and that the electrons go with the speed of light say C as the Cz, and thus we can always have the following universal equation systems:
Cz (Velocity of Light)=Dz*t and in a given unit of time, which we use as the frequency, we have the Cz=Dz
Now, the E-E’-EE is the Unique Identifier Systems in All World Language and the Grammar Systems. It has the following system included and embraced:
1. E’, and its the Susy Particle Systems
2. E’+E, and its the Susy to Standard Particle Phase, and in it the Susy Particles interact with the Sound Systems, the Force Dimensions as the E’+E=E+E’, the “Rotation that Creates the Virtual Dimension to the Real Dimension of the E System, and that can also put the Real Systems into the Virtual Systems as it gives us the E’+E=E’+E, the “Reversal Systems”
3. (E’+E)+EE, and its the Standard Particle Systems
4. (E’+E)+(E+EE)+(E’+EE), and its the Fermi-Light, the Standard Particle with the Light Systems
It is the Equation of the E-EE-(EE-EE)-E+EE Systems, the Equation System of 4 Magnets.
K, the CHI Systems=Transnational Systems of A, E, O+Vibrational Systems of AE,EO, OA+Rotational Systems of A-E-O+(A+E+O)+AE Systems+(A-E-O, the O-E-A), and we see it as shown below with K, the CHI Energy as the U, the Internal, the Thermal Energy:

Image: The Internal, the Thermal Energy also have the Anti-color Systems for the Given Color Systems in the Thermodynamics
Thus, we have the K, the CHI Systems as the EAKO Systems giving us the following:
K, the CHI, the EAKO Systems=Atomic, the Electric Systems (A, E,O)+Magnetic Systems (AE,EO,OA)+Electromagnetic Systems (A-E-O), and these 3 Produce Heat, and thus follow the Thermal Energy following the Laws of Thermodynamics, but here we also notice an “Amazing Thing”:
Image: The “Amazing Thing” is that the Rotational Energy comes before the Vibration Energy, and good news is that it too follows the E=O+A rather than O=E+A, and thus we have it as the Nano Thermodynamics!
Thus, when we discuss the Static, Kinetic and the Dynamic Setup of the AARA (Static, the 2-D Systems), EERI (Kinetic, the 3-D Systems) and the OORA (Dynamic, the 1-D Systems), we have it as shown below as the A, E and O Systems:

When the kids talk about the gravity, they know that E=O+A (Gravity), and that O=E/A (Gravity) less gravity, the “A=G, the Gravity” we have the more O, the Dynamic Systems we can develop, and we know the A as the G as well, the Transnational, Rotational and Vibrational Earth, Moon and the Sun Systems, and we see it as below:
First Gravitational Vortex Energy Systems when we have the E=O+A and the O=E/A, and what the Indians call the Vedic Scientific Civilizations is known as the UFO Science and Technology nowadays as we see and view below:
The UFO, the Vedic Systems and Sciences Made Easy with E=O+A and O=E/A Systems
Now, with our so many videos in this blog post, the NASA has decided to go for the Ion Propulsion’s as shown in the video below as we have the UFO, the Vedic Systems going on all over the world:
The kids like me like like making this kind of stuff no matter if we are the grown up kids, and its as we see in the video below!
Images and videos: We have the solar wind stations and systems like all other energy yes the renewable energy power stations with the A, E, and the O Systems as we have the E/A=O that is the Ratios of Kinetic Energy, the E, the EERI Systems from the Dynamic Energy Systems of O, the OORA, the Solar Systems to say in the static systems of the A, the AARA Systems as we see when E (Recyclable or the Converted Energy in the Power Stations)=O (Renewable or Solar, the Dynamic Energy Systems)+A (Mechanical or the Static Energy Systems)
Thus, when we consider the universal equations of E=O+A, and the O=E/A, we have it very simple:
Energy Systems (E, the EERI Systems)=Mass, the A, the AARA Systems*Speed of Light (Velocity) as the O Systems
or E=Constant*Mass (A)*C (Velocity of Light Systems, and its the Dynamic System of the Given Universe, and we can consider to be the O, the OORA Systems, the Things that we can Ionize, the Neutralized Systems of the Universe as the Medium and thus O as the W, the WA-H-WA Systems that we have discussed as the WAHEGURU Neutralized Systems and the Ionization’s it can carry, and thus we have the following:
E=A*O, and what is special in it;
E-E’=O-E-A (DNA Systems)=O+A+O-O+A-A+O-A+A-O+O*A Systems+O-A-E Duplicators (the RNA Systems, which in 4th Dimension is the Shadow that goes before everything that E Systems create in the 3-Dimensions, and thus we have the E-E’ is the Pulsar that Travels in the Universes), and thus we always have at least the following:
1. E=O+A, the First Level Electric Dipoles
2. E=O/A, the First Level Magnetic Dipoles
3. E=E-O+E-A or the E=O-E+A-E, the Second Level Electric Dipole Systems, which we can say the Electric-Electromagnetic Dipole Systems, and its the Extension of the E into the E-E’ Dimensions
4. E=O-E/A-E or the E=E-O/E-A, the Second Level Magnetic Dipole Systems, which we can say the Magnetic-Electromagnetic Dipole Systems, and its the Extension of the E into the E-E’ and we focus that the E-E’ Systems are perpendicular to the O-A Systems, and thus its as the E-E’=O-E/A-E, and when we see the Divisions in the Dimensions say as the O-E/A-E, it simply means “Simultaneous Consideration of More than One Dimension as we also know it as the SIMULATION or the Simultaneous Functions of say more than one variables.
Whenever we have say the O-E/O-A Systems we can also put it as follows:
E-E’=O-E*A-O, and can recall that O-A is the Medium for the A-O Systems as is the A-O, the Medium for the O-A Systems, and this context its the Neutron Electric Dipole Movement which we have put as the O-E*A-O, in which we have the O, the Neutron as the Base for the “Given Theoretical and the Experimental Considerations” to save the budgets! Thus, we have the Neutron as the Ionized and Neutralized System, the O, the OORA Systems in which the the E-A Systems move as the E-A and the A-E as the E-A and the E*A that we have discussed as the EE-AA Systems as the Electric-Magnetic Systems and the Fermi-Light Systems, and thus the Electric, magnetic and the Electromagnetic Systems in the Fermi-Light, the Neutron Systems and thus our OORA, the O-Systems. Thus, we have the E-E’=E=E-O+E-A, and we can always use the electric and the magnetic systems inside these equations as follows:
Image: An image similar to our discussion as the Twisting Theories
E-E’=E-O+E-A -> E=(O+A)-O+(O+A)-A, which is the “Charge and Photon Systems as the O-A-O and the O-A-A (O-A-A’=O-A, the Charge Systems as the E=O-A or E=O+A) are the Electromagnetic Charges that run the Pulsars as the E-E’=E-O+E-A Systems, and that gives us as shown below, the 4-D Kinetic Energy of the E, the EERI Systems as we notice it as the E-E’ with the E as the 3-Dimensional Systems and the E’ as the 4th Dimension to the E Systems:
The E-E’ is the Surface of the Neutron Star Systems, which we know as the 4-D Systems in the Universe
We notice these 4 Steps well followed in the Neutron-EDM, the N-EDM Experiments, which is one of the newest discoveries for better future:
Images: The E-E’=E-O+E-A -> E=(O+A)-O+(O+A)-A is what we now use in our daily life as the “Neutron Scattering of A-O-E Systems as the AE, OE, OA and the A-O-E Systems with electric, magnetic, and the electromagnetic Systems in it in the same as if using the Neutron Star Systems on the Earth as the Neutron, the E-E’, the 4-Dimensional Systems
Thus, when we have the E-E’=E-O+E-A -> E=(O+A)-O+(O+A)-A Systems, we always have a “Virtual Creations that the Indians call the Kritya Systems, the Shadows that Follows the Real Systems. This is called the Maya Systems as we always have the bonds in every dimension that we have been discussing as the E-E’, the weak dimensional bonds but as these are not easily separable, these are very strong attachments that we know as the ANKA Systems that does not change or loses its identity as the E can be a mono-pole or as the E-E’ Dipoles in the Universe, E-A, the Ionic, the Electric Dimensional Bonds among the Two Different Dimensions, and the E*A, the Magnetic Dimensional Bonds, and these bonds are the “Transitional Bond Systems, the Plasma, the Pulsar” that moves like a “Charge Cloud” as the Movement of E-O-A, the Neutral or the Neutral Charge Systems that is the “Transition as the E-O-A, O-E-A, O-A-E with its Virtual, the ANKA Dimensions that create the Protons, Electrons and the Neutrons as the ANKA Systems, the Virtual Systems that never die or change”, and this creates the “Visible World, the 3-Dimensional, the ANGA Systems”. These ANKA, the Wiring Systems of the Universe is well shown for the 3 Color and the 3 Anti-color System as the 3*2=6 (1-1, 2-2, 3-3, the 3 Anga) Systems for the “Free Renewable Energy Generation Systems”:

Images: The ANKA Systems are also called the Frustrated Magnetism’s, but these are the 3 Bond Systems of the EERI Systems as the E-E’ where the 4th Bond is between the ANKA, the 3 Magnetic Bonds and the 1 Black and White Hole Bonds that Travels and keeps creating the “ANGA Systems, the Physical World” that we see everyday (and night!)
The above systems of 3 ANKA Systems of Bonds with the 3 ANGA Systems giving us all of the E-E’, the Pulsar Dimensional Systems is now considered as the “Scientific Programme to Creating the Lasting Peace as the Unified World Peace” as shown below:
Images and Video: A, E, and O Systems of AARA, EERI and OORA for the Scientific Programme to Creating the Lasting Peace
Thus, the ANKA Systems with the ANGA Systems have the Major Indian Term of NAYAKA Systems, which reveals the “Secrets of Consciousness”, which we have discussed as the NAYA, the YANA, the NAMA Systems, and its shortly known as the “KAYA Systems in the Indian Sacred Systems” which has the following Two Major Indian Theories:
1. KAYA and the MAYA, the MANA, the Shakti, the Force Dimension Based Systems and thus the MAYAKA Systems, and its the 3 Dimensional Theories of the ANGA Systems of the Color and the Anticolor Systems of the OORA, AARA and the EERI Systems as the Neutrons (O), Protons (A),and the Electrons (E) Systems.
2. NAYA, NAMA, the Fermi-light Systems, the Power Dimension Based Systems and the KAYA Systems and thus the NAYAKA Systems, which we also know as the MAYA+PATI (KA Systems) as the 4th Dimension Systems of the ANKA Systems that constitute the NAYA+KAYA or simply the NAYAKA Systems, the Consciousness and the Conscience Systems as we have the Consciousness (MAYA) having its PATA, the TAPA Systems running with the “Vital Energy and the Conscience Systems” as the “Knowing Systems”, which dwell on the Anti-color and the Anti-Particle Systems that lead the universes and thus the NAYAKA, the Hero Systems in Indian Sacred Systems
We can understand it as the Systems of the Maya (A, E, O, AE, the Nano Systems), and the MAYA-PATI, the EAK or the EAKO Systems in which we as the humans are the MAYA-PATI Systems in the Universe who balances the following universal equation:
and we can say this as follows:
EAO, the Planes of Universe=Nano Systems/Chi Systems (K)
We see one of its marvel in the probing of the DNA Structures as shown below:

Now, we have E=O+A, which is the E=Neutrons+Protons
-> E (Atomic Mass)=Neutrons+Protons -> E (Atomic Mass)= (A)Atomic Number+Neutrons (O)
-> E (Element)=Z (Atomic Number, the A, the Proton Systems)+N, the Neutron Systems (O)
-> N (As the Neutron, the O Systems)=E (Mass Number)-Z (Atomic Number)
-> N=A-Z, the Universal Atomic Systems
We see and use the above universal systems in the notions as shown below with M=O+A (E Systems), A (Proton Systems), and our K, the CHI, the K, the CHI Ratios as what we get the Elements, the X Systems in the Periodic Table, and thus the the “X Element Systems”:
Image: The A, E, O, EA, and the EAKO, the CHI Systems in the Periodic Tables, the Notations

Image: The Einstein used OORA (Neutrons), AARA (Protons), EERI (Electrons) for the E=MC2, and we always have C*C (Velocity of Light)=E/M (E=E and M=A), and thus C*C (Velocity of Light)=E/A -> C*C=EERI/AARA Systems

Image: When we have the K=A+E+O as say in the nuclues, we may have it as the Momentum say the P Energy, and the K=AE Systems say when electrons or protons leave the nucleus and attain the speed of light, we have it as the K=C, the Velocity of Light Systems, and thus we may have E, P and C Systems for the “K, the CHI Systems as shown above”
Its thus the “K, the CHI that determines the Fission and the Fusion Systems” as its when K> A+E+O, and thus “Individual Electron, Proton and Neutron Systems computed have less or more CHI, the KA Energy Systems that we have the Fission or the Fusion, and or both” as we notice in the image below:

As the above, so is the Atom (AE Systems and the Structures), the Nucleus (A, E, O Systems and the Structures), and the Atomic Number, which is the K or the CHI Systems in which we have the K, the CHI as the Static, Kinetic and the Dynamic Speed and the Velocity Systems as the OORA, AARA and the EERI Systems, and we have it as shown below:

Thus, the Indians use the above systems as viewing the Color and the Anti-color Systems for the Immunology and Better Health and Wellness burning a candle or a lamp while seeing it glowing and we see the anti-color systems as the health giver systems:
Meanwhile, we will edit and add!
The previous part of this series:
Indian Philosophy of Dharama, Arth, Kama, Moksha as the Wisdom of WAHEGURU Systems: Beyond Science, Math and Logic, the Intelligence: How to Enhance Creative Intelligence with Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Language Systems – Be Happy Philselfologically 101
Thanks for your time, and Be Happy Philselfologically, while doing the Swaadhaya, the Self-study and Learning as the Personal Researching!
A Special Note: None of this part of the series in the Be Happy Philselfologically is for the academic use until verified so by the academic boards and is for the language and grammar researches that can help in almost every possible thing, but please avoid it academically or discuss it with the academic authority say the teachers or the tutors. Thanks!